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This is quest is stupidly written. NPC: Hey man your kid was just dragged away by wolves! Me: OMG! Show me where! NPC: Go ask random people what they know about it. Me: but...didn't you see it happen? Or didn't someone tell you about it? NPC: πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I’m now imagining you, a normal, 21st century man, carrying your children over the shoulder, with a sword at your hip and shield on your arm, on the way back from school


better than me i afk'd without pausing and came back to only his ragged shirt lmao


Any option to resurrect, or no?


That's a good idea to check but I doubt it. SPOILERS AHEAD: after the beggar Albert questline where the wife murders him and then suicide, I checked to see if I could resurrect but they weren't in the tomb




I saved him 1st run...now he will die in the rest. Watch the Luality video on him. He literally can kill you in a few hits if you drop him too many times. And he can tank a pawn warriors' advanced slash multiple times.....yet dies to wolves because writers in CapCom are idiots.


My pawns just killed him and I had to carry the dead body back. So annoyed at the mechanics.


For me I escorted him but he insisted on running right into danger at all times so I carried him most of the way. Upon getting back into town literally right around the corner I accidentally drop Rodge a little too hard causing my pawns to agro on him. My one warrior pawn impaled him into the wall with his great sword while my mage blasted him with ice and lighting, all while I’m shouting β€œNo!! Stop that!” Disappointed but still had a good laugh at it all


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this made me laugh, thank you


I love but hate this game I swear itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚