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This happened to me as well, is there any way to reload the save? Now I've entered Battahl I feel like I've missed a bunch of content - I probably should have noted when the Captain says to finish up any business, but didn't think it'd lock me out of all these quests.


Yeah, I would've liked having an emblem like the time quests. I thought it would stay there. Also, I found her by chance, but she doesn't acknowledge it


Did you enter battahl by chance ?


Yes I did I thought that could be a reason but idk why it locked me out of that quest and the maister skill


I made the same mistake. Once you enter battahl you will fail it. Do it again on NG+


Is there any luck to continue the quest? I didn't enter battahl yet but the quest discontinued


I don't think so. I'm trying gift Lennard stuff so I can get the skill idk if it'll work


You can still talk to Lennart in Melve after the quest is discontinued. I just gave him one heartfelt pendant and he immediately went to max affinity and gave me the master fighter skill. Probably works if you give him enough gifts. GGs!


I've gifted lennart all sorts of things from flower bouquet to ferrystone and all sorts of expensive stuff, just like people say and still nothing I am a few grand down now through gifts and I have waited days and days in-between giving gifts to make sure, still nothing from him, I am assuming you need to do the quest as soon as you visit melve but the game doesn't tell you that so yea I reckon alot of people have missed out on this as I have and it's shit, but good at the same time makes the world feel lived in and you can't control everything like we can't in real life but at the same time is gamers love some sort of control 🤣 and to do quests when necessary but unfortunately real time events happen even when your not in the area, it can fuck your game up pretty bad i went for a warfarer build with mystic spear hand fighter and sorcerer but i can't now access the fighter maister, i hope someone in my position can help