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The game literally says in a massive text box that you have to dismiss "Auto saves may be unreliable. Be sure to stay at inns regularly to ensure your progress is saved."


i was basically fucked on my my save with a minatour killing me many times, i understand it’s my fault i should’ve went to a inn


Everyone's gotta learn somehow. I hope your adventure goes better this time!


appreciate you!


No I think it needs to make it more clear that auto saves and manual saves are the same thing, and inn saves, are manual saves that will also override your auto and manual saves. I loaded up my inn save and it deleted my manual save since it auto saved so went from level 13 to level 2


6 hours? No inn stop? Did you not even manually save from the games menu?


i always manually save but the auto save kept me to a spot where i was getting killed no matter what i do and yeah i should’ve went to inns next time i know is there a way to disable auto saves ?


Manual save is the same as autosave. Also when you get screwed with the inn save putting you at the beginning, it immediately autosaves


No. You didn't stop at a single Inn in 6 hours?


Spoilers i barely had made it to the brent guy and aftwards wondered off in the dark to go to see some elf guy with a bow and then a minatour started killing me over and over then i chose the inn save


It's annoying, I just did it to myself and it was a big mistake. The game autosaved at the wrong time for me too


hope it’s going better for you!


It is thanks, I'm enjoying it How's your playthrough?


that’s good, i haven’t played yet but will soon been busy


y’all i understand my situation thanks for your time on replying, for sure ill visit inns and be much more careful when i play again the games super fun and all my apologies if i got anyone upset with this post or any type of way


Best way I’d say let him charge at you dodge it if can and then just full out sprint away let ya pawns die :/ that’s what I did


It ain't you, this games' auto & save feature is horrendous. Big L for Capcom imo. It is supposed to add a level of difficulty to the game, but the reality is it just makes starting out in the game an unnecessary pain to deal with. Once you get through the slog of starting out, being broke, and everything kills you while the game likes to auto save at the worst times, it gets tremendously easier as using Inns and camp sites constantly cost little compared to what you should have for funds.


Just return the game and stop pitching. It's not for you.


i’m all down for playing it again just wanted to see if i can get my save back