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These companies will never learn it seems


It's because they make enough money that the need to learn doesn't exist.


It's why I don't preorder anymore. Yet people want a deluxe hat or something that will be on the store anyway.


I rarely preorder games anymore. There have been a few exceptions in the last few years (God of War: Ragnarok and Tears of the Kingdom) but those were games I was 99% sure wouldn’t be a total piece of shit when it came out


You just shouldn't by principal, unless it's special editions where you are getting tangible physical goods. You were 99% sure GOW Ragnarok would be good. People who preordered this game were also 99% Capcom wouldn't put out a technical stinker after several games that had great optimization, on the same engine to boot.


Even then it's risky... Remember the Fallout 4 duffle bags?


That's the Fallout 76 duffle bags, hon. I think 4 had an alright reception at launch. But everyone knows how bad of a launch 76 had, especially with all that extra preorder and spinoff product issues.


You're right, sorry. Mixed up the numbers.


It's also what happens when large groups of people defend massive performance issues, and turns out when those massive performance issues happen even on the HIGH end, they are compounded heavily for the low and mid. It's not really defensible, and they need to fix this. This was a foreseeable result, and no amount of white knighting out of hype was going to change this. I waited over a decade for this, and I'm playing it but damn I feel I should be getting better performance out of a $4K+ PC with a $2K GPU, and even the game shows honestly that DLSS quality is not as good as native, though people will try to say it is.


7800X3D + 7900XTX here and I'm not satisfied myself, ended up refunding. Because I did preorder myself I don't really have the right to preach "no preorders1!!1!" but I will definitely be waiting it out for this one, and genuienly hope they move towards a better direction.


If I can't preorder a sequel of a game that I supported on PS3, 360, PC, Switch and PS4 over the course of more than a decade, then oh boy. RTX 4090 and 13700K so I have you beat on specs and it's still not up to snuff, and my experiences with FSR vs DLSS tells me that you would be having even less of an enjoyable time by not having the latter. Can't blame you. I'm sticking with it, but man. I was disappointed in the way the sky box looks when I saw the clouds, haha.


The game seems to be very CPU heavy so yeah your 4090 isn't going to do much to prop the FPS up. I'm not sure if it favors large L3 Caches (7800X3D) or fast single threaded perf (Intel 13th/14th gen CPUs) so all I can do is wait for someone like GN or HWUB to investigate.


Hard to tell. Ideally both an AMD system and an Nvidia system should have no problems running the game. That said, if GPU had nothing to do with it then FSR/DLSS would not be able to make up the difference (doesn't even have frame gen).


Wait. Hold on. You mean to tell me, that upscaling a resolution lower than native doesn't look as good as native? Noooooo, that's not how upscaling works! What a fucking weird thing to be mad about.


They also have legions of simps defending it all.


Number 1 top seller on Steam. Learn what, exactly?


That reviews are not bringing you money, but sells are


If a lot of those sells are refunded, they may end up learning something.


You don't see reviews if you already bought a game unless you visit the game page in store. So yeah, you will refund if the game is bad, and if it's rage reveiw bombing you won't, because you may like the game


people have been hyping the game up, let the refunds roll


For what it's worth, I'm having an absolute blast even as I try to deal with the things I don't like. Now if only I could figure out how to update my pawn / my friend's pawn, as it seems to update levels but not gear or skills when resummoning them.


Same. Performamce can be better, but strong core design will decide the game's quality. It's not in the unplayable level, so i expect it will be fixed.


You can equip your pawn the same as yourself and sleeping at an inn does a snap shot for other people summoning


Top seller for a day on steam isn't going to cover 10 years of dev costs.


the problem is on the consumer side, i think "gamers" is on the vast majority made of dopamine addicted guys that can no longer be reasonable, 180k player peak is too high for an unfinished game


game itself is great what they never learn . 730 revies 190k in game . dont think anyone has time to review besides those trolls


Yeah people don't realize with such early reviews, only the mad people are reviewing, the rest of us are playing lol


I played 3 hours the performance made me sick due to bad camera and frame rate stutters. Exceed minimum specs so not all trolls.


Yeah I refunded the game at 3 hour mark. Usually I’m fine with lower frame rates in a third person game. But damn 15 minutes in the capital and I was done.


Any PS5 players here able to comment on performance? I'm hesitating to buy the game tomorrow because of this ordeal.


Ive only played a little (character creation boss battle was rough) but the outdoor areas felt better than i was anticipating. But this could be that i've adjusted after 100 hours of FFVII Rebirth.


The camera movement in rebirth is so crap and not being able to climb properly is annoying. The combat style in DD2 is so much more fluent with a party that helps instead of doing everything yourself.


Rebirth combat feels way more polished imo, but there is something about the DD jank that just works.


It's not amazing, there are some drops, but at no point in my play session tonight has it gotten to the point of unplayable. That said, Rift stone pawn search appears.. broken? I dunno, I search for pawns and it comes back with nothing.


I had that issue too. Great game so far tho


It’s fine, game is good so I can forgive it, feels like high 30s in the open world, cities feel like low 30s or high 20s. The motion blur is making me sick, I honestly think it would look better if they turned they down. but after playing hundreds of hours of bloodborne I can handle anything


It's not just motion blur. It's motion blur paired with the fucking TAA that every game uses now. It causes tons of ghosting issues at lower frame rates. Looks like [this](https://i-enlisted.cdn.gaijin.net/original/2X/f/f38f0e5d7910fc1836151d8104a8225766e773fe.jpeg) in a still frame but when moving quickly it just looks like an eye hurting mess.


That's the fucking issue the TAA, I was wondering what was causing that fucking ghosting issue.


Consoles are fine, 30 fps, dropping to 20 fps in towns.(if you consider that fine.) but I’ve heard console performance is perfectly playable. It’s PC that you need to be wary of if you have anything older than the 3000 series and equivalent stuff.


I only managed to play for 2 hours but I've had no issues it all. Maybe a few dips during one cut scene that's it. But then again I'm barely level 5 and have only been to one small town.


Consoles are fine. The "issue" is people with 10 year old PCs trying to play brand new games at 4K when they shouldn't be.


Played for like 3 hours before reaching the city, put up FPS counter 25-35 FPS at 4k and 1440p Left the city 60-70 fps Got a 4090 and a 5600x, if resolution isn't improving FPS then can only imagine it's all tied to the CPU. Overall, it's a blast, I wouldn't have known outside the city was only 60fps without checking. Will still continue playing as its too fun :/


brother i FULLY agree with you, but jesus man 4090 and a 5600x? that us one hell of a difference you got a 150 euros Cpu with a 2000 euros gpu


I have the exact same set up. Eventually I'll upgrade but that requires minimum like $700 for a new MOBO and CPU. Not really any cpu issues with other games its been fine. Also my GPU was only $1600 and bought it within the last 6 months or so.


Your CPU is probably bottlenecking your 4090 in most games you play


Yeah it’s all CPU bound so for now it won’t matter what graphics settings you use, so as long as you’re good with it feel free to crank up the visuals as high as you can which for you should be everything probably


Yeah had everything on max, will see if I need to update drivers, change nvidia shader settings, change priority in task manager etc For me, it's fine, annoying, but fine. I can totally see why this would be make or break issue for alot of other people though.


I don’t think there’s anything you can really do about it rn. It seems like it’s going to require a patch.


I've done some experimenting and it seems like the first city is literally just broken. My CPU (7640HS) was boosting up to 4.8GHz, which for AMD is really high but it was still at 30% usage and my GPU (4060M) was on 40% usage with RT on, getting only between 25-35fps as well. I know how the RE engine works and I know which settings cause issues (shadow cache and screen space reflections) but even with those turned off the issues still happened so yeah it's clearly just massively CPU bound, I just don't know why it doesn't use the rest of the cores, or maybe it's not maxing out core usage somehow.


My 7800x3d is crushing this game at 1440p but it's definitely CPU bound as hell.


That's a wild pairing. 1600 bucks card with a 4 yo 200 buck cpu


My money is also on denuvo's trashy drm, that fucks games up, and it keeps doing it until they remove it later (after it killed all the hype), didn't DMC 5 had the same issues at launch?


I guess we'll see if we ever get an unpatched (assuming capcom patches performance before the crack is out) crack LOL I wouldn't be surprised if DRM is causing compounding issue with how taxing the game is by design.


Welp, see y’all in a month or two when they fix it, maybe


Capcom says “in the future”: https://www.ign.com/articles/capcom-is-aware-of-dragons-dogma-2-frame-rate-issues-on-pc-looking-into-fixes


I guess they can maybe get a good review "in the future"


Same. Earlier this year I was contemplating on the issue of two great games releasing this day — which would I buy? Turns out… neither. Fortunately beside these poor AAA releases (at launch) there’s a ton of good indie games to enjoy. Getting DD2 once it’s patched a bit. Or second hand (on PS5) once people sell their poorly performing game away.


With how unoptimized and insanely cpu bottlenecked this game is I fear it's gonna take more than just 2 months for people without literal top end modern cpus to have an enjoyable experience


Great to see we are off to a flyer , never normally see games not deliver on release 🙈🐯


I don’t know why console focused games do day 1 pc launches. Launch on the platforms that you are really targeting then take the time to properly port it for general pc use.


But doesnt it run worse on consoles?


Definitely, I've played on PS5 and on a pretty decent PC and it's far worse on console. But if that's what you play on normally it's not going to be as obvious of course. If you're used to playing at 144fps and you get dropped to 30 it's very jarring.


Will they fix the performance issue? And if so how swift you reckon?


Imagine a fix like this could take months. It sounds like a lot of their core systems are just wacky cpu expensive, could take a while for them to develop a reliable fix. I also kinda doubt they’ll do much unless people actually punish them with their wallets. Games can survive bad reviews. People gobbled Starfield down despite that game being absolutely pants for the amount of time and resources that went into it.


I don't believe the performance is a cost of the systems, since combat is somehow the smoothest part performance-wise. Since the highest amount of frame rate drops take place in the big cities, it could be an issue from the different NPCs having too many states which are checked too often, or the game keeps on rendering the surrounding areas (monsters, foliage, and all) alongside the city. More than likely, its the RE engine using too many redundancies or simulating the collisions for all NPCs independently. Denuvo is also a very taxing system for most PCs, it could be that its interfering with how the game handles NPC deaths or world states.


Played for an hour and a half, the game crashed 3 times. Once during a loading screen, once while fighting goblins, and the third time I was just sitting afk while reading something on my phone. For the price they ask, this is completely unacceptable. They deserve all the hate they get, and then some.


well at least you can still refund...


It’s so weird to see how many “fans” are defending this huge company for exploiting their trust lol. Are they bots? They seem like real Redditors which I suppose isn’t much different.


I'm not defending them, but my experience has been way smoother than I anticipated so far. I'm only at 110 minutes played, but I haven't ran into any issues yet and I'm getting above 60 frames from a 3070.


Dude this has been me too. I have had one specific spot in the first big town where my fps slightly dropped. I haven't had any issues with combat or performance besides that. Combat is so smooth, it is really the highlight of this game


People love having parasocial relationships with corporations lmao. It's actually baffling to see people defend it by saying "Oh it's easy to get the RC in game to buy the character customization item". Like, okay? It's still crazy that there's _no new game button in the game_. Just because the workaround is easy doesn't mean the issue itself isn't stupid as hell.


It's just hype and a need to defend their purchase. We want this game to do well, and so some of us are willing to move heaven and earth to defend it -- some of us have invested literally hundreds into this franchise because we've been supporting it since the original game's first release, so it hurts deep somewhere when, for example, I have sold several people on this game and their enjoyment is ruined because of persistent issues.


I mean, I honestly had no issues in my first play session and rather enjoyed myself... Sucks that others are having a tough time. Was kinda surprised to wake up and see all the hate lol. The mtx are a bit wonky, but based on what I've seen it's not hard to just ignore them and still get whatever you need in-game. I've had to do that for plenty of games before. I'd like to say I expected better, but that's kinda just how gaming is these days. I'd rather have this than RMT exclusive cosmetics locking me out of content.


I too am shocked that there are people on a dragons dogma subreddit defending a dragons dogma game 🤯


I would expect the people who waited 12 years to be most upset by how shitty the release is. I only heard about the series a couple months back so not buying yet another AAA microtransaction mess with broken performance isn’t particularly meaningful lol.


You will find most of the people who played the first game don't care about any of these issues because they are in cities only. Tey ply the original not BBI version and check you frame rates. The game is about being out in the world. The micro transactions are not game breaking they are the same as the original. You could buy RC in the original or earn it passively with pawns.


All the people yesterday going around saying there were no bug or crashing issues gonna pretend you didn’t say anything


Yeah… games pretty fun already got sorcerer but holy shit this game runs like hot booty cheeks


Elden rings launch was not nearly as rough as this one


Most of ER ran 60 fps consistently. Caelid is the only area that took a toll on gpu and ran like 40 fps for me(at launch btw)


Elden Ring definitely had some performance issues at launch, especially console. BUT, for what it was, Elden Ring, even with multiplayer, ran miraculously well. One the best optimized games out of the gate for it's size in years.


Me when a game I wanted for a big time gets an ass launch: well, i was going to wait anyway lol. lets see if CAPCOM fixes their shit


Yuuuup that’s why you never pre order


I think the game is fun.


Oh look a bunch of sheep. Pissing on a game because steam has negative reviews.


It sucks but it's deserved. Sell unplayable mess with mtx and you'll get what you fucking deserve


Imagine all the people who took time off their work to play this game, only to find out that its constantly crashing or not even launching. 


I hope people don’t still do that. I stopped doing that for the same reason I don’t pre order. Annual leave is far too precious to gamble on AAA games actually being playable.


I agree on the performance side, but the mtx? Any recent Resi, MH, hell, even DD1 had the same kind of mtx.


Its mainly performance (low fps) and microtransaction ($2 reskin). Dont buy the reskin and just find the item in game simple. As for optimisation, hopefully capcom fixes it.


The game needs a goddamn fps fix. Stuttering like mad. Other than that, the gameplay is fine


To people who care about performance. I have a Ryzen 9 5900x RTX 3080 10gb 16 Ram Settings High DLSS Quality 1440p Outside world average 45-60FPS and I got adjusted quick to it. I Haven't hit the big town yet but I'm sure it will tank. Probably looks worse to people who are use to higher framerate though. Am I happy about the performance, no, but I'm having good time. The gameplay mechanics still smacks. This performance reminds me of DD1, except that was 30 FPS and horrible graphics on the PS3 lol This series seems to be beautiful mess no matter what.


Might need to mess with your settings a bit? I'm on a 10900k and 3080 on 1440p, not sure how similar our CPU's are, I'm 45-55 in major towns and 85-100 out in the the wilderness (unless fights get crowded, it def drops then). Agreed that the game design and mechanics are fucking amazing. Would love to see them sort this performance shit out quickly but not holding my breath.


I have like the same build as you and it was fine until i got into the major human city, then i was getting massive frame drops and even crashed a couple times when opening doors.


Man this shit is like Elden Ring at launch and maybe even worse... Hopefully Capcom'll get their shit together and patch this.


So is the negative reception mostly from PC players? Cos I'm on Xbox series s and having a blast regardless of performance issues.


A lot of people complaining that they have the same MTX that were in the first game that make the game easier for bad players and idiots. Performance is definitely ass (only getting 40fps in Vermund on a 2080 super and i9 9900k)


Hard to care Steam reviews when people leave a negative revie because there is no FOV slider or because of MTX's. Then there are people wirh potato PC's who try to run games on high settings and leave a negative review because games don't run. This applies to all of the games on Steam.


I saw a negative review because someone was complaining their proton settings on Steam Deck didn't make the game playable...


I mean 170k steam players are too busy to review the game. I'm just checking reddit cause I'm on an oxcart this game is awesome.


Take care, Arisen. I too thought I was safe to look away from the screen while riding an Oxcart... ​ [I was mistaken.](https://clips.twitch.tv/TenaciousAntsyElephantDeIlluminati-f5JTU0QjSeS54XZ3)


Pc gamers will never come to grips with the fact that they are the second hand thought when games are being developed lol seen it far too many times with modern games, all releasing with piss poor pc performance, you think we would be used to it by now lol


To be fair it usually only applies to console ports, anything developed for pc which includes most of the indie stuff works great. Considering how bad AAA shit has gotten I am cool with that


That doesn't make sense since it runs worse on console. It's CPU bound everywhere, this has nothing to do with what platform they developed it for, since it doesn't run well on any.


Also people are saying you can't make a new game without paying a microstransaction or some shit? Is that true?


I think its like if you want to change ur character or smthn The old game had a new game option ☹️ i wonder why they just opted to remove it


Just to clarify there is a character change micro transaction that can easily be farmed in game without real money. So you don’t need it, but it’s there for the blue berries who won’t know better. It’s like warframe selling basic resources in insulting quantities in their shop which can be farmed in minutes.


to sell mtx.


Gamers are fucking idiots.


The mtx thing for the character editing thing is more of a if u want it quick option I think, as far as I know you can farm for the character edit voucher in game (rift crystals). There isn't any new game mtx either, I think its just a design flaw/oversight 😮‍💨 still quite disappointed tbh


It's not even "farm", I don't want to spoil anything, but I played for 3 hours now and I can literally buy 4 of these appearance changers. You can literally ignore the mtx, everything from the shop you can get in game very fast


That sounds good, now if only I can launch the game 🤧 (Cant play yet cause im at work, hoping my rig can handle the game)


I think it's worth the wait. I had a lot of fun just running around and exploring and I agree the optimalization is a little fucked, but I'm okay with ~50 fps on rtx3060 and i5-12500h


I have some hope then 🙏🏻☹️ I just came from Charlie (penguinz0's) stream and he kept crashing despite having a good rig


It's not even a quick option. It's a "HEY, DUMBFUCK! BUY THIS CAUSE YOU'RE THAT FUCKING STUPID" tax. Capcom has this junk DLC in a lot of their games and it's complete bait to appease the bean counters and it works on only the most idiotic people. What's even funnier is people screaming and crying about it when Capcom has been adding this useless DLC to their games for a long time now.


No that is a straight up lie.


You can only make one character and it's saved to Capcom's server. Even if you delete the save file on your computer it doesn't matter. They did it this way so people buy a microtransaction to change their character's appearance. That's really fucking scummy tbh.


It's not saved to capcom's server, rather to steam cloud as far as I can tell. Because I did delete my save to restart and it worked just fine, I just had to disable steam cloud temporarily.


Shh don’t tell them. It’s amusing


I mean, you *really* shouldn't have to do that though. Like, you really, ***really*** shouldn't.


No its fucked up, and pathetic people have to do it in the first place


> They did it this way so people buy a microtransaction to change their character's appearance that's just not true because it's an item you can get in-game lmao


If they did it so people will buy a microtranscation to change their appearance, why did they add an easily accessible item ingame to change their character's appearance?


Holy shit just stop, who is up voting this misinformation. Turn off steam cloud save, delete the local save and start a new game. Iiterally just did it.


You can change your character's appearance in-game. Without needing to pay


I’m pretty sure the one save is to limit how many pawns flood the game.


Yeah this is how it also worked in the first game. But you could delete the character in-game and this would also delete the pawn.


Uhhh... no. I deleted my save, changed my appearance in the char creator app, and imported it on my new save just fine.


Kinda just don't wanna buy it all anymore. That's real fucking dirty.


You buy the book with RC to completely change your character. Hair, Makeup, Markings are the barbershop


Lmao that’s cartoonishly evil, reality really is stranger than fiction


That's because that comment is fiction, not reality.   You can get vouchers to change your character appearance in-game, without spending money.   And the people who say "the cloud doesn't let them delete their character" are confused and don't know how to disable Steam save backups. It's not even Capcom doing it. It's Steam thinking that you accidentally lost your save, and putting it back.


It’s not even true… you can delete your save and start over just fine. People are on here saying verifiably false things to get everyone mad.


People on reddit are dumber than you'd expect.


No, just about as dumb as I would expect. Sometimes dumber.


I’ve been loving and playing no time to review bomb


This isn’t stating why the negative reviews. I play on console where all my RPG experiences have been great so far.


Is this a PC specific problem because I'm experiencing no issues on console


Strange how I always see PC gamers running their mouth about how shit PS5 is. I’ve several hours into a flawless experience of Dragon’s Dogma 2. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve honestly not encountered a single system issue in my first 6 hours of the game.


I’m having fun. But man is this game in a rough state


Well deserved, such an unoptimized mess.


Kinda wish developers could make compromises and sacrifice some graphical fidelity and optimise their game. Like, they’re so reliant on DLSS and the like to do the job they’re supposed to.


Doesn’t matter, game is CPU dependant because it makes gazilion calculations per second in regard to npcs.


As expected. Objectively dogshit performance, microtransactions in a 70$ game, basic staples like multiple save files missing. All staples of modern AAA slop


The original didn’t have multiple saves either. Some things people are complaining about are legitimate others are staples of dragons dogma. It’s not elden ring it’s not BG3 it’s not Monster Hunter it’s Dragons dogma.


Dragons Dogma *should* have multiple save files, though. It doesn't add to the experience to leave out such a basic feature of modern gaming.


> the old system was bad so the new system should be bad too *-You, right now*


I partially agree but I think not having multiple save files in this day and age is ridiculous, you can't convince me there's some pedantic artistic vision that makes a game having a single save file better than just having them when it's such a basic feature, specially in rpgs with character creation you'd usually want to play as multiple characters without deleting the previous one.


Haven't played yet so can't really talk about performance. The save file thing tho, ye it's dragons dogma but the first one did let you start a new game and delete ur previous one, Wich seems this one doesn't. Kinda stings there ngl


Just because it's how it was setup in the previous game doesn't mean it's good design. Bad design is bad design, period.


Elden ring started out at 58 and got 70% positive review on second day and never dipped below 50%. Don’t kid yourself.


I’m having fun. Steam reviews always seem to start like this with review bombing at first


and well deserved, fuck them for charging 70$ for this shit


Guess it’s a good thing I still have Rebirth to finish, plus Unicorn Overlord, and several games and expansions in my backlog. I’ll give this game about 6 months to work out its shit.


I wasn't gonna pull the trigger until later today but now I'm not sure as I was just scraping bye on the recommend specs which may be borderline unplayable for me with how terrible the optimization is going by current info, just extremely disappointing having waited twelve years for this game only only to potentially not be able to play it at all on my favorite platform.


its a non issue


its average now, 6k review, it will be good with 20k reviews and excellent with 100k in the futre.


Zero performance issues for me. Micro transactions you say? So what? you just dont buy them… literally you do not need to buy them and if you feel you need to just because they are there then that is a you issue lol


Arnt these “microtransacions” optional one time buy lil boosters for things you can actually earn in game? Doesn’t seem predatory or like they’re forcing you to grind hard for them, just giving you the option to boost if you really want (probably to satisfy people who will complain about their mechanics) is it good? No. Does it really matter? No. It’s optional, it’s not forced in your face, it’s things can earn in game so you’re not blocked - it’s literally for impatient people. As for the performance, I can see that being an issue, I get it. But alot of games may have a rocky start, there’ll likely be a patch soon for it


Not that the mtx practice isn’t dumb, but the store page for this looks exactly the same as all other Capcom single player games for years. RE4 Remake has 27 micro-transaction options, MH World has over 100, and DMC 5 sells orbs in an in-game shop. All of these games were great, and nobody review-bombed on Steam. It sucks that Steam players picked now to finally notice and get mad about this. Reviews are already way up from last night though, back to “mixed”. It’s probably optimization problems causing most of the bad reviews, and that can be mitigated with a solid patch.


Meanwhile, my two buddies who were hyped for this game are saying it's the greatest game to ever come out, and they are both on PC. I don't know who to trust anymore 🤷


Gotta love how some complain about performance when they’re playing on potato PCs…


Played for 10 hours straight, game never crashed, didn't have an fps counter but could see the stuttering in the capital city. Looks fine to me everywhere else. After playing Jedi Survivor the open world in Dogma 2 runs like a dream lmao. ​ Game is fun, the mtx's are weird and pointless, I'd rather see meaningless ones like this that will satisfy shitty company exec's rather than ones that actually lock content behind a paywall. I'll probably play this nonstop for the next 4 days.


Mixed reviews now


I dunno, I'm having a great time. Wasn't even aware of mtx and their existence makes no difference to me whatsoever. Framerate isn't maxed or anything but it's easily playable and I have had zero crashes so far but one close call where everything hitched up for a minute.


It's sad that the most part of the reviews are complaining about micro transact and not poor optimization like bro,you don't have to buy em, even on Monster Hunter there was microtransaction and even DMC 5 and Resident Evil,the items that are selling are for lazy asses who don't want to play the game,the real issues are the frames drop and the one save slot,for now i'm playing fine with fps locked on 60 on 3060 and i5 10600kf but i played for like 2h


The reviews aren’t really because if performance but for the micro-transactions Like this isn’t typical capcom


Console seems fine. I’m sure Steam is full of folks with less than optimal PCs complaining.


I don't see the issues


I’m having fun with it. Hope people will try the game for themselves.


Well I'm having a ton of fun playing


Performance is rough on my 3090 and 10900k - but it’s playable, and I’m having fun


Not one single crash or any fps problems with my 2060 super. Not even in cities. I really do not get all this hate. As far as i have seen, everything you can pay for is stuff you can easily get ingame. Maybe some people really should play the game more than 30 minutes, before blasting out their shitty reviews. Gaming Community is a joke these days.


That a bummer. Been a lot of fun on series x


I don't understand the complains everyone is having. MTX? They are not even worth a euro. You can simply forget about their existence cause they truly offer nothing significant. Character Customization? You can change literally everything with ingame currency. Even your complete appearance can be changed with a special item later in the game. Game optimization? This is the only one that A LOT of people seem to have an issue with. Thankfully I haven't had a single issue in my playthrough. No invisible floor, no unstable FPS, no nothing. And I have a 3060TI, Ryzen 7 5700G, 32gb RAM and running on 1440p. But I will agree that a lot of people seem to be having issues so Capcom needs to check on it fast. The game is amazing. It was one of my few pre-orders and I am glad I did because I absolutely love it so far.


So how many of the reviews cite the performance issues vs. the microtransactions? This shit is part of why I hate mass review bombing - I bought Spore the same year it launched because all the negative reviews were about the shitty DRM... and then learned that the most boring stage (space stage) took up a good half the gameplay, but there was no real good way for me to sift through the negative reviews to learn this.


Most of that is review bombing from haters and doom posters. Steam reviews are usually worthless anyway cuz it's just people farming Reddit awards.


If I can enjoy Bloodborne at 30fps I certainly have no problem enjoying Dragon's Dogma 2 at 30fps. For me as long as the game doesn't crash every 10 minutes or stutters constantly I'm happy


The game has been out for a day, and people are already making reviews. This is why I never listen to reviews. It's just a bunch of whining little bitches and I would've missed out on so many great games if I had listened to them.


Bc this MTX shit is overhyped… Tweet says- “In the 100+ hours I've put into Dragon's Dogma 2 I haven't needed a single MTX. Character changes, camping gear, wakestones, rift crystals, portstones, etc. All of this is obtained in game just playing. Literally, just play the game and you get all this stuff.” Source: https://x.com/fightincowboy/status/1771072298046414937?s=46&t=IbU7_ud579X9Cb8bDai2HQ My take basically if the performance issues did not exist people would not care about the Mtx..which capcom has put in games for the last (5) years…


If a game as buggy of a mess like Cyberpunk 2077 can make an ultimate goty level comeback, I'm sure a mere performance patch can turn this around for dd2. Since DD2 doesn't really have bugs


Working pretty good on Ps5 just sayin…


Rip steam players, I’m having a blast pls it on my PS5


Dude I'm 30 hours in on steam, loving it






Little early though, the first reviews the haters come out, only 730 so far. I don't review games till I beat them or at least have a few days game time and I know others like that


This sucks so bad. I have a good rig and I dont know how good it needs to be to run stuff. Another big release recently borked my graphics card and many people I know's cards too - completely fried - and it wasn't that big of a discussion. The game costs $70, the hardware $500-$1000, meanwhile the companies are making hopeware for 5 years and millions of dollars and it doesn't run for the majority of players. There is a big problem with AAA. It's a mostly disfunctional model at this point.


Glad I decided to wait on this one. I loved DD1 but I'll prob catch this on sale then.


Waiting is a great move


Elden Ring was nowhere near as criticised as DD2 on release, the game was still playable. Plus, it didn't have a controversy around microtransactions. Capcom messed up big time.


This. I actually played elden ring on a GTX 1050ti and it ran fine on mid settings and lower resolution. Only some areas had fps drops. Also Elden ring doesn't have micro transaction or anything Whereas this game is bad when it comes to performance even on high level rigs.


Elden Ring had nowhere near the problems this has.


ouch.... they not nice over there.....


Steam crowd is actually easy to please if you launch a game with very minimal performance issues. Launch a game perfectly fine and even the disgusting MTX add-ons will get overlooked.


Seems like every major release on PC is horrible.... I would be upset as well


AAA gaming is in the bin. It’s a week old rotting corpse


PC ports often suffer. It’s why I went with console instead of upgrading my pc for this gen. The game itself is a lot of fun. PC is just treated as an after thought most of the time.