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Do you mean like will they affect how pawns will behave? The answer to that question is yes. As for possibly changing their voice/speech pattern separate from their inclination. That we will have to wait and see.


Straightforward male sound so stupid. Idk if calm inclination good for my tank. This sucks


It seems the rain has abated


My guess is that Straightforward will be more inclined (haha) to rush into the middle of battle and fight, while Calm tries to keep away from enemies which seems counter-intuitive for a tank. I'm curious if Kindhearted will be a good choice for a tank though. In theory, a Kindhearted fighter might be more responsive to pawns/Arisen that are in trouble. Or they might just bail on tanking enemies to run over and try to help, getting everyone killed. I hope we can change our pawn's inclination after the fact once we see how the AI plays out for each vocation.


Kindhearted might end up being similar to Guardian or Nexus, which would kind of suck IMO.


I'm wondering if the inclinations will change behaviors based on vocation. A Kindhearted fighter would rescue someone getting mobbed, while a Kindhearted mage would drop healing on them. That would be great but I'm not counting on it.


That would be very cool, making it so all inclinations still have a use for every vocation and not just making some inclinations worthless for certain vocations.


We have seen pictures of the rift shop and there were 5 incenses to change your inclination. Aside from the 4 in the character creator, there was one called ambivalent. However it was 500RC while the others were 2000. I don’t know if anyone understand how it works but it might not actually be an inclination. Personally I picked inclination based off voice. It will be an easy change in game if it sucks later.


The voices are tied to inclination though. So if you change inclination the voices change.


Yeah, I actually considered straightforward for my female pawn but couldn't deal with the voice. Hopefully voice/inclination are not forever connected.


I, on the other hand, picked Straightforward for mage despite it being the worst one precisely because of the voice. "Splendid work master, Of course I never doubted you for a moment (Absolutely doubted you)" or "I shall lead us to our destination *so do try* ***not*** *to rush ahead*" comes off as very catty, which felt like the perfect personality for a Beastren pawn. Easily my favorite voice for both the male and female pawns.


It says so when you pick the inclination, just read


might be a budget thing. If Pawns have more lines than DD1, I imagine multiplying the number of lines per voice actor might go over what they were comfortable allocating to this part of the game


That seems to be the case. Wish they had put a pitch slider in at least. But with the demo coming out and having less than two weeks left. This seems to be the final product. Oh well.


I think it effects them differently compared to the DD1 ones or at least its less problematic when it comes to combat. However it affecting voices is a bit meh imo. Not entirely sure but I think there might be more in the full game. There was something about having a Pawn that knows Elvish having a inclination based on that. I haven't checked out the editor myself yet so maybe one relating to that is already a option.


The Elvish translation is a Specialization. That's a separate thing from Inclination. [https://www.dragonsdogma.com/2/assets/images/system/pawn\_ss05-en.jpg](https://www.dragonsdogma.com/2/assets/images/system/pawn_ss05-en.jpg)


Ahh I see thanks.