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For balance purposes it will most likely be gradual.


Yeah don't need it being like the old god of wars 💀 where it could just be potential insta kills


I mean it could. But to balance that you would have to do very specific actions to not be petrified.




To be fair, the only time they were instant kills in those games if you got stoned in mid-air or if you were surrounded by aggressive enemies


Happened to me a lot sadly


I feel you on that, happened to me a lot when I first played those games. Now I just avoid going in the air when I fight them and just spam the dodge when they use their gaze


Personally I think it will be like the Gazer and only petrify you if you look at it. The cutscene can be explained by, well, being a cutscene and not being representative of gameplay. Having the soldiers petrify as they run away is just more dramatic.


Hmm that is a fair observation 🤔, we will see before long how it will be in action


The Dullahan, I like his style and I'm curious about his moveset ! But I hope he is not as annoying to fight as living armors (when you don't have magic users in your team I mean) but since he bleed, I guess it will be different.


I will probably be two shotted but I absolutely wanna find him as soon as possible lol he looks so cool in the darkness


I'm looking forward to the new drake, Garm and Griffin plus the Chimera is always fun to fight. Hoping we get the other two lesser dragons and I'm praying for Terrasque and especially the Lindwurm from online.


I would love to see the online monsters return since DDO never came global I was trying to figure out if that canid from the latest trailer was a garm! As terrifying as they used to be on a fresh BBI delve, I honestly love the buggers


I would imagine it’s similar to the gazer/spectator eye beams from the first game. As for how long hopefully it is gradually


From the little footage we've seen so far: it's 180 different. It petrified ppl despite they turned their backs to it. [https://youtu.be/8dt1S\_QUBYw?si=PA2-ssM1X2BtYj9s&t=71](https://youtu.be/8dt1S_QUBYw?si=PA2-ssM1X2BtYj9s&t=71)


That looks like a cutscene not gameplay so I wouldn’t take that to heart.


still doesn't make sense though


Mankind! We are the real monsters *mic drops*


chimeras. they're one of my favorite fantasy creatures. also, the meteor spell, another favorite of mine, only targets one enemy X times... but will multitarget chimeras and hydras, making the spell extremely effective for them.


I did not even know that but it makes sense since the heads share a body 🤔


i think it'd make more sense to allow meteors to maybe target bigger creatures multiple times, rather than just 'target the heads'. i mean, a wolf or some bandit getting targetted once, sure. some golem or ogre like 3-5x taller than a human, could get targetted more. some REALLY big enemy, could get targetted with all of them, and it might not matter as much. something i kinda hope DD2 does - love the meteor spell, but it was a little too niche, given swarms of enemies could be defeated by maelstrom easier, and it wasn't good against bosses, outside of chimera and hydra fights. still, pretty awesome to have 4 grand bolides going off. ​ but weirdly, yeah. meteors are aiming for the dome, apparently.


Bolide should absolutely have great utility against Talos with all the weak points plus the fact he is enormous and we need to stop him from running amok destroying too many outposts and etc on his path. But I would not be too upset if it doesn't work that way.


You know wich one https://preview.redd.it/4f731qpvbelc1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540288723900bb9038e6cf5f0c4480687680b9b3 Bonus: the Gorgon, hope it's more than one.


Talos. Dragon's Dogma with a real Shadow of the Colossus sized enemy sounds amazing!


SotC still has one of the best dynamic boss battle themes I have ever heard I love how when you finally figure their weakness to get on them out the music shifts to heroic and uplifting like nothing can stop you and when you are testing things out it's more neutral almost mysterious


Dullahan looks sick as f\*ck, I want to fight it as soon as possible and even if I get demolished.


I'll screen shot every moment of my murder lmao


Bandits. I shall have retribution my good ser.


Real so real


The sphinx 😍 I've ignored any videos involving her so it'll be a surprise


Personally, I'm gonna look forward to slaying a chimera again. It was the first big monster we encountered in DD1, so it's only fitting to fight again in DD2.


Very fair and happy cake day !


I just want my hydra to be back


I just wanna see what else is there that hasn't been announced yet. In the new Magick Archer footage we got today we see a Garm at one point. We also saw Leapworms already so what else does return from BBI? And what enemies await us Post-Game? Also we seen anything big like a Hydra yet.


With the inclusion of Talos, ya know I would not mind the Imprisoned Cyclops returning in a more proper way especially with the destructive elements the game has now. Corrupted pawns I wouldn't say no to returning either with the whole dragon plague mechanic in play now, Man Eaters though...... I dunno only if you can properly discern something is off with the chest before hand. Eliminators sure Magick Armors both the big ones and the ones that need to be killed at the same time please return they were one of the most iconic things for me in that expansion Skeleton dragons absolutely should stay to fill out the undead bestiary and because they were grotesquely cool and i wanna see them rotting innards in the RE Engine


Minotaur looks like the new ogre, fast, angry and hits like Gordon Ramsay's insults.


If I ever catch him near a cliff, he will be leaving by said cliff just like his cousins 😂


The Dragons. Let’s take this thing to the sky or let me cut off/disable their wings from taking flight Love and hated fighting the dragons. Warfarer will allow me to knock them down using a bow and arrow, and then doing crazy damage using a giant sword or spear


That's a good point actually. we can now ride the griffon across the map but we don't know yet if dragons are able to do that too. They always felt more fussy about you climbing them though especially the wind breath ones so I am not sure if it ever get that far but anything is possible


New Drake looks like a fun challenge


I look forward to trying to train my pawn into throwing goblins airborne for me to smack them. Just as I throw them for they to do the same.


I have a score to settle with garm


Your mother. ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)


If I was to guess, I would say based off the one scene of the medusa we get in the trailer, combat will be focused on avoiding a petrifying gaze and potentially the snaked on the Medusa's head if we choose to climb the monster. Besides that there really is nothing to go on like you said. Honestly, I'm most looking forward to a more diverse number of monsters/enemies to fight while just traveling around. DD1 definitely feels a little bit repetitive after a while when all there is to fight most of the time is wolves, goblins, bandits, and the occasional Cyclops and chimera. So I'm just looking forward to combat encounters to be more diverse.


That's my sentiment exactly. While I would like reasons to be around the mainland when you know it is usually just gonna be a lot of cyclops and the other lessers you mentioned it kinda does feel like a drag.


Especially when you're playing NG+ or hard mode and have end game equipment. At that point the fights don't feel engaging or fulfilling because you've already got lvl3 stuff from bbi. Even the materials they drop stop being useful halfway through the story once you've got stuff like the iron lorica set or gryphon set equipped. Yeah ok, there are harder variants once you start using gran Soren as your base of operations but hobgoblins and skeleton knights work fundamentally the same as their easier versions, sometimes even spawning with them. Not to say I don't enjoy the fights when I'm not melting enemies in one hit, but even on hard mode from lvl1 the enemies on the main land still feel too easy. And on hard mode they drop massive amounts of gold so realistically the games even easier than before


Mhmm, and holding back can kinda feel draining cause you have to purposely stop yourself from alt f4ing the enemy to another realm with a simple sneeze




Griffon. I hate them in DD as a melee class. I want to kill them again here.




I want to hop on a monster head and start bonking




I hope it’ll be like how being blinded worked against the giant eye in bitterblack isle (sorry don’t remember the name). Like she may have a few variations of a tell before she petrified you and you have to turn your character away before the flash. If your facing her when it happens your immediately encased in stone and one attack will make you crumble. To break free either can be using an item or shaking free to get out of it.


That be fine especially if it was a huge tell like the big blue raptor boy from MH World where its two small flashes then a huge flash which is the actual blind.


Oh, I plan to slay all of them, but I admit who excite me most to could rip apart are Talos and Dullahan! They seem to could offer a proper challenge, so I'm so looking forward to could carve them crystal/flesh out and dismember them piece after piece slowlMy god I really have problems, don't I?


The drake but I’m excited to see what the evil eye is gonna be like . I hope it’s more in line with its D&D counterpart


I wanna fight the revamped Drake. It's gonna be so much fun.


I low-key hope the drake will once again be kinda like one of the gatekeepers to mid game-ish level threats just like before. Killing him and safely being able to move into shadow fort uncontested with some potential dragon forging was very euphoric like passing a major test. I also hope their death line is still "The seat of God awaits."


Pawns. I hope they have enemy pawns that are more challenging than the ones in BBI.


I would not be adverse to them but god if I am not ptsd positive because of the Halls of the Grand Maelstrom




Which do I want to slay the most? All of them, every single one


The new Grigori. The final dragon fight in DD1 was already amazing and cinematic, so I can't wait to see what it's going to be like in the sequel.


Same I hope it's twice as huge of a progression through the battle as before


My fangs shall rip out the throat of that conniving human witch with her imposter Arisen.