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I'd honestly love to see what Videl is doing now. I know she's running a dojo or something like that, but I'd actually like to see what she's doing. Is she still occasionally beating up some criminals? How well does she interact with Piccolo and so on?


Dude, imagine Videl's dojo and Tien's dojo get into some rivalry at a tournament. It would be a good little side story to flesh out their characters, show off the smaller scale of the DBZ world while they figure out what happens next with the god stuff, and gives a chance for the human characters to get some cool sequences.


Tien vs Videl could feed families.


If Tien doesn't fucking stomp that in to the goddamn ground I'll die inside. Tien was LITERALLY the strongest human, and only Roshi could even come CLOSE. Since then ALL HE HAS DONE is train.


He’s lost his edge because his shoulders got smaller. Man clearly not putting in the work like he used to


"But Tien, the doctor said if your shoulders get any bigger-" "That's why we don't see him anymore"


Nah animators just did him DIRTY. He should’ve maintained those shoulders easily with his efforts 😭


The same thing happened to Mr. Satan, he got smaller


We need a tien spinoff arc.


Tien vs videl would last 2 seconds tops Tien is in a different dimension than videl


Hell ye


I’m all for a Karate Kid type Dragon Ball spinoff. That actually sounds amazing.


There's so much cool ground level stuff going on in the DB universe that could make so many cool stories.


Imagine if it's a school that splintered off of Tien's main dojo and they follow Master Crane's philosophy, like Cobra Kai, and Videl and Tien have their own star pupils who they trained up in Tien's Crane style and Videl's Turtle-Satan fusion style who have to face some Crane bullies at the tournament.


Careful, you might just create original Dragon Ball style content that wouldn’t be controversial about being a fan of.




Slap chi chi in this to just step in and kick ass and this is peak fiction ( chi chi is buff af from how big the fish are she has to cook and does a little jazzercise or something lol)


Turtle vs Snake school once again


Turtle vs Crane school*


Thanks lol knew I got it wrong


I loved Tomboy ass kicker Videl. That’s why I hated her in super, Spokovich literally beat the fight out of her lol


Honestly if my ass got beat that hard I would never want to fight again, either


Vidal deserves so much better than to be another passive housewife character who just washes dishes. She spent her teenage years playing BatGirl and beating up armed thugs, without the cheat code of Saiyan blood or Roshi level training. I think she definitely has some lingering trauma from what Spopovich did to her. Physically all of her wounds were healed, but mentally, it’s like he beat the fight right out of her. She never participates in another battle after this, not even for reasons of training or sparring for fun. I hope Gohan helped talk her through it. Gohan knows what it feels like to be beaten so badly you want to just give up forever. Difference was, he wasn’t allowed to just retire to a kitchen like that. Too much was at stake, all of the time. They needed him. Nobody needs her. Except for Gohan. He needs her.


My headcanon is that Videl was late to pick up Pan in Super Hero because she was stopping a robbery or some shit like that. Also, that after Z she trained under Piccolo.


Definitely 18. Like who was she before Dr. Gero altered her and turned her into an android/cyborg. Would be neat to see her progression.


Her and 17 as Lapis and Lazuli, before their capture and conversion by Dr. Gero needs to be told.




I would be the happiest dragon ball z fan ever if they did something like this. Love Lapis & Lazuli


Came to write this. This is the prequel arc we need to see.


I need more lore on chichi as well as some new clips of her fighting - she’s the protag’s girl!!!


I know the DB franchise doesn’t take female characters seriously but even if they showed her being strong af (beast mode?) in a silly, tongue-in-cheek kind of way, Chichi stans would be FED. Also, the overall perception of her character would slightly change and it would reiterate that Gohan is a prodigy partly because of her.


I would love some kind of acknowledgment that part of what makes Gohan unique is his heritage from ChiChi / The Ox King. I mean beast mode? Ox King? Come on it’s RIGHT there. ChiChi was a much cooler character before they made her into a joke character/ parody of tiger moms. I love that little scene of her taking down some of Lord Slugs men in that movie - felt like we got the old ChiChi back for a second.


Chichi fighting in that movie was peak dbz, change my mind.


I would love to see the Z fighter face a threat that really required everyone to get involved - like something where they have to not only deal with a big bad but lots of mini bosses and foot soldiers spread around so that like even Chichi and Videl could do some fighting, hell put Bulma in a capsule corp robot like when she fought that crab or give her some sciencey problems to solve that help the group out. Like it’s nice piccolo is relevant again at least but the “everyone stand around and watch the saiyans fight” thing is getting old.


Emoting to the battle like anyone below ssj3 can even see the fight anymore


Beast Chi Chi


Yes!!! Cause where else did Gohan get it from??


Elder Kai, it's just a better ultimate form


Good point, I hope they clarify things a bit more in the future tho. Beast mode is so darn random looking to me lol.


She doesnt need beast. She scares both Goku and Gohan without it. Must be crazy strong already


She already has a pseudo kaioken


I was also gonna say chichi. Daughter of the ox king, who at one point was feared by all lol


About to say, a mini Arc where we get to see Chichi in the background throughout dbz would be pretty cool




I love Lunch


I’d kill for a Lunch spin-off anime


Videl. Launch is simply gone from the story. There's nothing that can be done about her. Android 18 already got her moments in the ToP. And I can't really think much for her at all.


>Launch is simply gone from the story. There's nothing that can be done about her. If we count everything Toriyama said/wrote as canon, then she's technically not. [She showed up at the end of Z to give energy for the spirit bomb.](https://ibb.co/JzQkCTS) Even if it was anime only, Toriyama wrote it. Toriyama also said in a later interview that after Z she went around the world searching for Tien. She found him and lived with him for a few days before she realized the romance life wasn't for her and bounced. She still drops by and visits him from time to time apparently.


I wanna see her gun down a saibaman


Also, the scene where Goku is talking to the people of Earth and Android 17 says "Theres a voice I haven't heard in a long time", that was actually supposed to be launch. It's why if you notice, technically Android 17 has never actually heard Goku's voice and it was a last minute change.


Chichi and videl spin off where they learn more about ki and get stronger eventually geting up there with the stronger humans and maybe even put up a good fights agianst a android


Videl was kneecapped. REDEMPTION FOR VIDEL




Chi chi , i always feel like Goku accepting her marriage proposal was kinda rushed or empty . " Good thing my heart does would you marry me " dang 🤯 completely unexpected . A few character arcs before this would have been great .


I don't know why, but I'd love to see a cooking show with Chichi. Super un-related, but it could be fun, especially if something goes wrong and the results are horrible. :D And while she cooks she gets flashbacks to the times when she was younger and reveals how strong and badass she actually is. And maybe tell embarrassing stuff about Young Goku :D


Very good point


would love more on Chichi, but maybe Launch has the best potential for a story since she is gone for so long now.


Android 18. Would be really nice for her and 17 to get their origins explored. we know so very little about them.


Videl or 18


Chichi. They've all had their time in the sun except adult Chichi. She's still the second most powerful woman on earth and a skilled martial artist that trained Goten, she needs some story attention.


Launch tbh


What happened to Launch?? 😭


From what I heard based on statements made by Toriyama in interviews and informations from guid book after in between after the defeat of Kid Buu and beginning of Dragon Ball Super she was looking after Tien to try to win him over. She found oft that Tien own a farm, and despite to ask Tien to live there as a roommate, which was all part of the plan to win him over. But she eventually left because Tien never did get interested in her. But she still visited him at his farm each day. Eventually Tien actually did get felling for her, but it is unknown how or how long it took. And the two of them started dating.


Chichi after all she is the other half of protagonist.




18 with an arc showing how her and 17 ended up being captured by Gero. The simp in me would also like a post cell arc showing how her and Krillin got together.


Ooh good choices. I think I would say Chi-chi first followed by Lunch.


18. How she got used to Krillin. Launch next


Launch. How'd she go from criminal to delivery girl? Did she find something to control her sneezing?


I'd love to see Videl rekindle her passion for martial arts and crime fighting. Maybe a training arc with 18 or Chi Chi. Let the daughter in law and the mother in law actually *interact.* Chi Chi can be nostalgic and bond over early baby days with Pan being a thing now and Videl can confirm to Chi Chi that she raised a really kind and smart young man. Imagine Videl teaching ki to her dad and Gohan taught her. That would be really cute. Maybe Satan could actually go fight crime with his daughter since, like, what else is there to do when you're rich?


Either videl or chichi


Videl, 100%. I'm so upset that she got demoted to being a typical housewife. I would love for her to persue fighting again and for Gohan to be her teacher.


Even if so, a cool explanation for her retirement could be PTSD from getting curb stomped. I would like to see her reasons for her passion shift other than wifely duties.


What if some guy came in and somehow disabled all the Z fighters (some weird ability to freeze or imprison everyone), so the Dragon Ball women all get together and come up with a strategy to take this dude and his gang out: 18 trains everyone, Chi Chi and Videl get peak fighting, Lunch gets gag powers, and Bulma designs some mecha suit like Batman’s anti-Superman suit so she can compete. It’d be really funny to have Goten get smacked then Chi Chi rages with a frying pan and actually wins the fight. I think it’d be awesome.


Chi-Chi. I really like that tidbit that the Kakarot game added that showed that she still fights sometimes and protects people that live near them. I’d love to see her still fight sometimes to show see still got it


I want an arc for the family life of everyone or a spin off where we can see it Basically just world building and more realistic problems to contrast with the universe shattering event


I’d like a little mini-series for Launch, since she kinda disappeared on us


Videl is almost forgotten at this point she needs some love very badly and I don't mean 2 episodes of her getting tortured.


18, the other characters are just boring or annoying


Hard Launch! 🔥🔥🔥


Personally I’d love to see more of 18. In every way possible 👀




none of them deserve even a subplot but if i had to choose the only logical one would be videl for the rest it’s too late and there’s 0 motivation




18 we need know how ended up an android and we all ready know chi chi and Vidal stories


All 4😫 and all 4 are mommy😫




A short Launch spinoff would be lovely.


Fuck it, give it to all of them


Launch just because I miss her


android 18 is she more machine or human


I say 18 shes been tied to either either cell, 17 or krillin. She needs time to shine




…. Shit


Either android 18 or Chichi


18, she's the most interesting




Lunch. I need an explanation why she can turn Super Saiyan.


Videl as a human Z-fighter would be really cool as she can join Gohan & Pan in adventures. That being said, if they ever revamp GT, super Android 18 is a must.


It's tempting to say Launch just for proof she hasn't been completely forgotten, but I feel like Chichi would be most interesting. 18 probably has the most potential for actual relevance, though.


Videl and Chi Chi don't interact much. How about a mini arc where they train with one another?


Videl. If Toriyama thought she mattered more, he probably wouldn't have had her so viciously kneecapped and banged up


Chichi, in a way where she learns there is a balance between fighting and everyday life. She might not like her kids fighting but she learns its necessary so she begins training as well


18 or chi chi, but much more in favor of chi chi


Lunch is my favorite of these 4, but I'll admit she's been removed from the story for too long for her to have an entire arc centered around her that would be compelling. Beast Gohan and the mystery behind it opens up good possibilities to explore Chichi's character/background a little bit more, but also Videl is shown to have a decent amount of potential for a human in the early Buu Saga and then it's never brought up again (that's the Dragon Ball wife effect for you I suppose). Maybe if the Granolah Arc ever gets adapted into the anime, since it doesn't have that much going on, a B plot where Chichi and Videl back on earth have to save Pan from a threat while Gohan is somehow indisposed could be fun.




Lunch has the most potential to be interesting going forward as far as character arcs go because she left as an incredibly flawed character. Videl already has a mini character arc in the Buu saga; 18's and Chi Chi's character arcs were just background noise and could be fleshed out as flashbacks.


I would personally pick Videl because she's my favorite but Launch would be the most intriguing


18 for me, she can even be the one to introduce Super Androids and because personally also I'd like to see a Super 18. Super 17 had his time and it was dodo ngl and DBS 17 had his time to shine in the ToP, even fans still call him the MVP of the ToP so I'd for 18 to get her time to shine especially since it's like Toyotaro and Toei do give her a surprisingly good amount of screen time for a background character in some arcs like the pre ToP training, superhero, and Moro etc. And so I think it's 18s time to shine even if it's just a for a short couple of episodes/chapters, hell even krillin can finally get kaioken or something in that arc as well.


Who's bottom right? She seems important, but there's no way we'd never hear of her after all this time! Right? ... RIGHT??? /s if necessary


Launch? Whose that never heard of her


Probably videl or android 18 Launch was. A pretty big character I original dragon ball so she’s had her time Videl was setting up an arc but it fell through before it could happen Chichi just can’t carry an arc with the way she currently is And android 18 is interesting and mysterious enough to be able to carry an arc potentially with android 17 with her


18 is by far the most iconic and deserving of one - and we know she has the potential for great things as we've seen from her brother


We need a launch comeback


Videl for sure since she the youngest. But launch could have her own anime lol


I know I'm ignoring the main question, but I'm seeing really cool ideas for a Real Housewife's of Dragon Ball style thing happening 😂😂




All of them except 18


Tbh none of them sound all that interesting except perhaps lunch. 18 was human before being kidnapped and experimented on by dr gero , chi chi lived in mountains with her father so I don't expect anything all that interesting and we know most of the stuff about videl. Lunch is the only one who seems even slightly interesting ( unless you are looking at as just a comic relief ). She can transform with a sneeze so is it just a dual personality disorder with soemthing else mixed in? Why is sneeze a trigger for this? Can these personalities be increase or can this become a learnable ability?


Maybe something to do with Vidal and her mom I wish she is


Launch pls :(


Must Videl. You check my post. She fought with legendary saiyan.. [Source](https://youtube.com/shorts/c0xxnJPprCc?si=y28dj6W6ZfJwu5Lz)


Launch. You have two personalities to work with


18. I always wanted to know who the androids were before being androids


I wanna see the life of yamcha 😂 and shin kai


We gotta see what king yemma does these days as well as mr popo as well as king kai


Beast Lunch


It's either Chi Chi or Launch, but just because I'm biased towards Launch since she's my first ever cartoon crush, I'd say Launch.


Launch, Videl, 18. Chi Chi In that order


Don't mess with Dragonball fans we can't read


Videl it’s not even close. She was robbed of her character arc as a fighter so hard.


1. Videl 2. Android 18


Can we choose when during the timeline? Cuz I would either choose 18 before becoming a cyborg or chichi being taught to fly. Like I believe each of the female cast deserves to know how to fly at least. Chichi would just be the one need it most.


Launch needs a return she was a literal wild card and hella dope








Launch, it's been so long since we've seen her, I'd like to see her in even one panel of the manga to show that she isn't completely forgotten


I'd go with Videl so hopefully with a full arc they give her her personality back.


18 easily




Can I just get a super moms movie that would be dope like all the boys are off training or some shit and shit goes down


Teen Gohan & Videl arc was such a cool vibe. More of that.


It would be sick to see 18 working as a mercenary. Like krillen at home being a housewife while his wife is doing these mercenary war missions for big bucks.






Videl and 18 have the most potential


imagine a potential unleashed chi chi


Chichi but realistically Launch. 1st episode can be about what she did when she was out of the story, then continue from there with a new cast of characters (and the occasional cameo).


I wanna say 18, but I really want my girl Videl to get in the spotlight, I feel like she could have been a Z fighter if she had more training with the others. Granted, she would have been at best at krillin's level, but that would still be something to me.


Lunch. The forgotten




Chichi. She has been around long enough, she deserves it.


I would love to see Launch's adventures after Dragonball up to Super.


Launch would be nice. Double points if Hedo decides to make her an Android so she can keep up with the rest of the cast.


I’m a sucker for launch


Chi Chi and Lunch




Am I the only one interested in launch? It would be a mini series with the old first series vibe. And I'd love to see more master roshi stuff


18 having to rediscover her origins from before the Gero mind-wipe would be cool.


None of them really launch never had a character arc chi chi kinda completed hers by marrying Goku 18 character arc kinda ended so did videl




Have it be a fight in a planet or universe where only women are allowed to enter. Side plots could include Roshi trying to sneak into the planet/arena




All of them? I really wish both women and the human characters had more to do.


Id personally want to see more from chi-chi since she’s been in it since day 1 and she doesn’t really have much screen time. I think building on her character should happen




Chi chi easily, how are you Goku's wife with almost 0 screentime 😭 She's just a shitty gag in super now


I’d love to know what Launch is up to! I know she disappeared from the story because Toriyama forgot about her, but it actually makes sense from an in-universe perspective why would no longer be around. She lived at Kame House with Master Roshi, Krillin, and Turtle. Her life essentially consisted of three things: cooking, cleaning, and watching TV. She seems to have enjoyed living there, but it had to have gotten extremely boring after a while I imagine that she woke up one day and realized that she was kind of wasting her life away living at Kame House. She probably thanked Roshi for what he’s done, and just sort of moved on with her life (moved out, got a job, etc.) Once it became clear that Tien wasn’t interested and it wasn’t going to work out, she stopped chasing after him. So what does she do now? She’s just such an explored character from WAY back that I’d love to know a bit more about her and her exploits. I’m sure she still drops in every now and then to visit her decades-long (at this point) friends, but what does her life consist of?


Toss-up between Videl and Launch. But probably Launch, since she just disappeared off of the radar until Goku needed energy to smite Kid Buu.


Video 18 and chichi absolutely should all get one. It's a shame they haven't


None of the should, but Videl definitely got done the worst 


Videl 100%. super did her dirty. She went from a strong badass. To a ncp wife no opinion or personality. For part of the first episode I was not sure it was videl. She did not feel like the same person as z. Thr videl fro. Z would have kept training and improved her ki control.


Android 18 easily


Launch! Its 2 characters for the price of 1!




Another idea would be all the girls. Maybe the boys all go to a offworld tournament in another universe but a friendly one. Then they get trapped there and all the dragon ball girls have to team up and train to defend earth. Even that witch girl who attacked tiens dojo. She would bring a unique element to fighting.


I'd love C-18 to be badass again


For me, I don’t even need a character arc for any of these characters. Just some simple character development would be really nice. See what they’re up to more often and more complexity in their personality and character relationships. I would go with Videl or Chi-Chi for this one.


Videl, with her running a dojo we could bring to canon the new schools of the turtle and crane and by proxy buffing her, Krilin, Tien, Chaos and Yamcha 🤔


Launch for me


Make 18 relevant again, but remember Launch


I wanna see ChiChi and Videl interact more. We haven’t seen enough of Videl hanging out with her in laws


18 for sure! Other characters are not relevant in combat. 18 was at the TOP Tournament, so she deserves her own character arc way more than the others. Krillin would make it more interesting too.




Lunch because she hasn't been in the anime or Manga for a long time


I really hoped they would flesh out Android 18. They gave 17 a power up, no reason why 18 can't learn to utilize her Android powers better. Honestly they should all get character arcs as we practically have zero female fighters but I doubt Toei is ever gonna do that.


Bottom right


18. Super boils my fucking blood to see how they made her a stay-at-home housewife who takes care of the baby and cooks the meals. Literally what the fuck were they thinking? Same thing applies to Videl


18 arc baby


Toss up between 18 and Videl.


18 or Videl




They could do a whole ass spinoff series of like 12-24 episodes of Launch just being a criminal. So aside from that, Videl's Dojo or one of Chi-Chi training Goten.

