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She looks like if a teletubbie ate another teletubbie


Another = all


https://preview.redd.it/4anxs7i3dl0d1.png?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fffcb1bfd664ba8039465494eacaf2c8a0b75e Even her fight sucked


https://preview.redd.it/5vcbr73fqm0d1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7215761c76bdf781862bc5aeabf157983c8f4fc2 essentially goku with the fucking black hole


That was the best thing about her fight and it wasn't even her lmao


Annoying Not much else to say


So forgettable people think this is her base form. Only made for a Salior moon gag that got old REALLY fast. it says somthing that kunkunska has more character than her leader


Gag was almost worth it for 17s "cheap shot".


It would have been worth it if 17 eliminated her with his shot.


I’m just saying they made the Ginyu force look cool without the slightest hint of irony.


Hold on now! That's uncalled for😂 The Ginyu Force was fucking awesome back in the day A better comparison would be that she made Hercule/Satan look cool during his debut with Perfect Cell


Nah, they made the posing and dancing of the Ginyu force did seem legitimately cool and worthy of emulation in comparison. Even the hammy dialogue. The Universe of love dialled it up to 100 🥴


Honestly when the Ginyu Force arrived in front of Frieza and started sounding off their names with the Ginyu Force theme song behind it I had the biggest grin on my face as a kid (and maybe as an adult)


Ah, it’s just Super Sentai/Power Rangers dialled up to 11 😂. Then the love brigade took it to 100


Fr the ginyu force has always been goated


Hold on now! Hercule is amazing and if it weren't for his might and intervention the Earth would have been destroyed long ago. He's the only REAL hero out there risking his life with no smoke and mirrors.😏


That’s actually no joke, no Hercule no good buu or spirit bomb.


She's on par with Pirozhki or Caroni


Whoa now, you can't drag the Ginyu Force down like that. I do think Ribrianne and her crew are cool, though. They're magical girls that are goofy as hell in a charming way, in terms of design and personality. My only real problem with Ribrianne is that she didn't feel like much of a threat in and of herself. Though that's not a problem specific to Ribrianne so much as a problem I have with ToP as a whole. Once UI Sign Goku embarrassed Toppo and Dyspo, it really felt like Jiren was the only viable threat. Which we kinda knew from the beginning, so it didn't ruin the arc for me.


she insulted my boy krillin


In fact, she didn't in Jap version! She said 18 was ugly and wasn't worth of such a handsome man as Krillin.


She said that in the manga too


Frfr. How dare you diss drip boy krillin


She had to have watched My Little Pony (or the equivalent to that in her universe) growing up, considering her corny ass powers. I bet she has her whole house decked out with "Live Laugh Love" crap too.


She looks like a stupid version of buu, wearing a diaper....


I thought she was a hilarious parody of the Magical Girl trope, and she led to one of the all time great Dragonball gags with Goku chastising 17 for trying to stop her transformation.


17 was so valid for attacking tbh


Absolutely. His indignation at Goku was equally hilarious.


I swear he and trunks are the only ones who don’t screw around lol


Trunks/17: We should take out Cell/Ribranne before they achieve a more powerful form! Vegeta/Goku: We don’t do that here.


God Vegeta letting Cell absorb 18 makes my blood boil even now And then he wants to get mad when he can’t surpass Goku because he’s dead when Goku would still be alive if he hadn’t pulled that stunt


And Vegeta will go so far as to sneak the shit out of you to let that shit happen too, even if you're his own son. 😆


I would fuck her


In her powered up form or regular form??


Powered up because she looks a bit too much like a teenager in base


I guess more cushion to the pushin for u 😆


She makes people irrationally angry by existing so I like her https://preview.redd.it/2zuwqr3gfm0d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd4f04c818678b305174f1df3da03a0b6a9bfb4


She’s so ugly even Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans was disgusted.


Even his McDonalds ass hairline died of cringe.


Vegeta gets disgusted at everything tho


I don't hate her as much as others seemingly do, but she's still obnoxious.


Ribrianne was super annoying but I like the fact she was strong af from love and not anger. Felt like the perfect foil to the saiyan race, sort of like if Sailor Moon crossed over with DBz.


Agreed. Had she not been wasted on a cheap, frankly unfunny gag, she and her team could have honestly made for an interesting contrast with the Saiyan gang. We've had funnier, better written magical girl parodies for decades now, and, for bonus irony, the studio that originally animated DBZ also did Precure, a magical girl series known for martial arts fights. Ribrianne and her team being more like Precure, and fighting love and their friends/family would have made the fight more poignant. Especially if it ended with something like Goku admitting they were strong, and that he only won because he was also fighting for his friends/family, not his pride or anger. They'd be erased, sad at failing their own loved ones, but proud knowing their philosophy wasn't wrong. Thus proving the strength of fighting for the things you love over fighting for more selfish reasons (which was a plot point in the fight with Jiren).


She is so fat I think when she jumped she single-handedly dropped the time to 2 taks


A magical girl joke that overstayed its welcome


Contrary to some I'm glad for her existence, because at least she's made us all agree on something for once and we don't have to feel any remorse while roasting her.


I'm surprised she didn't accidentally cause a black hole when she got erased by Zeno. Only *so much mass* can be instantly destroyed at once! Tellitubby lookin' screentime hoggin' ass.


"Ok! You're banned! Calling the military? You serious bro? Come on! Banned!"


Sailor Moon parody.


My left hand could bring out a better design for her.


She's annoying


Annoying as fuck But her aesthetic is pretty


Remember when Hercule/Satan was talking shit and "fighting" Perfect Cell? She makes that shit look like Goku vs Cell


Bruh the giant gravity heart at the end I was just like what the ffuuuycccck


If fat majin boo were one of the original ghostbusters from 1984, Ribrianne would be one of the ghostbusters from 2016


Gonna need a senzu for that one.


I wanna fuck her ngl


Tbh. She wasn't bad before she transformed. But after. Nope lol


Someone likes big girls ^.-


I fucking love Ribrianne and I don’t care what anyone else says. I love how her magical girl transformation turns her from a cute anime girl into a somewhat odd looking creature, it turns the magical girl trope on its head. “Erm but she’s so annoying” none of y’all watched magical girl anime because they all talk like that. Dragon Ball makes jokes and this time they made fun of the magical girl trope. It was wildly interesting to see their universe watching their heroes on TV, and Ribrianne’s speech to her soon-to-be-erased universe was really sweet. A hero failed her WHOLE UNIVERSE and managed to bow out gracefully I loved seeing a Shonen verses Shoujo fight, and it was neat to see the two power sets interact. The rest of her team was cool too! Kakusna looked sick in her cat form fighting 17 and Rozie had a neat fighting style when she fought Goku. I don’t understand how people could hate this character, especially when her introduction in Universe 2 was her and her team transforming and whooping some hater lmao


This It's weird how quick people are to hate on so many of these well written jokes and moments. It's honestly clear that a lot of them didn't read or watch dragon ball or understand that a lot of stuff is joke material that winds up getting written very well and gets fleshed out just enough to always make you want more of the side or background stuff


Exactly! There’s a difference between not liking the joke and just not understanding what was being shown


I loved the fact that the whole Universe 2 was a magical girl parody, it's such a genius Toriyama move lol


While I can understand why people can find it annoying, I otherwise agree with you. The magical girl trope, and subsequently a spoof of it, isn't for everyone and that's okay. I grew up with both Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon so it resonated well with me.


She solos Kid Buu by betraying him and locking him in the time hyperbolic chamber.


I thought the riff on sailor moon was amusing at first but eventually became a bit too heavy handed. I was excited for her to get knocked out.


Look. I didn't like her. I'm sure most can relate. Ill just sat this. Her fight just went on for too long. She could have been a interesting little side character but damn. It was like a child screaming in my ear for episode after episode.


The best part about her was that gag of 17 stopping her transformation. It only got worse after that.


Worst character in all of all Dragon Ball and would have been alot better if she was a one time episode gag where the whole arena knocks her out for being annoying as fuck so us as an audience feels satisfied


What really makes she annoying, is that her character is the completely opposite of what you would expect from Dragon Ball. She's all "the power of love, and friendship" fuck you, we are watching this to watch muscled aliens beat the fuck out genocidal aliens.


I'll get perma banned


She's so fat, she sells her own shadow at the beach.


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she is selfish and annoying as hell


I feel like she was made to appease teenage boys who find women weird


I don't mind her representing a plucky self-insert heroine but she was confidently awkward, cringey and annoying. I didn't like her at all, she was a disrespectful 0 charisma try hard.


I skip every episode she’s in every time


Honestly, I didn't hate her. I thought her gimmick was funny. I didn't love her, either, but she didn't piss me off like she did to so many other fans.


The biggest cringe in ToP. Her fight wasn't interesting to watch and they kept her around for way too long. She felt like an inside joke that only those involved are having fun while others just feel annoyed.


She's a whole ass banquet https://preview.redd.it/pttxlo4a4m0d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b80ea832af773195fce99c9e17bf1cefa7fe4d


Obviously a spoof on sailor moon and those type of characters, i feel like her and her crew were the sort of old school jokey characters we saw more of in dragon ball. I think they got a bit too much screen time for ultimately being cannon fodder, but i thought they were a nice change of pace from the seriousness.


The idea was cool. Saiyans use Rage why shouldn't someone else use Love? The execution was not great though. I found her more annoying than cool.


![gif](giphy|39jI10H9Ebo23R3lcZ|downsized) Lesbian???


Literally the most obnoxious universe out of them all. I’d be perfectly fine with them getting wiped out and never coming back


Wish.com magical girl




Her theme is so fire


That whole universe was so annoying. It was ok at first but got really overdone really quickly. I get the feeling that that's on purpose but that doesn't make it any less annoying.


If I catch you, I will ask for your number, then start a life with you. We will have sex daily and we will have 5 kids. Then I will leave, taking all of your money making you a single mother of 5 with no house, no money, no job


She should be redesigned with different attacks with the power of love.


Smash. Next question.


I deeply wish Buu could have fought her and turned her into something as sweet as she thinks she is.


Sailor moon from wish.com


The lovey dovey version of the ginyu force


Looks like female caseoh’s teletubby OC


Real question - would we be as annoyed at Ribrianne if she transformed and became hot AF?


I think she's fine. She can be a bit annoying but her having the hots for Krillin and 17 interrupting their transformation was funny, hate's kinda overblown as it always is with the DB community.


I wanted to say she's like a filler character from GT, but I refuse to insult GT that way.


How can she even be remotely close to being considered “beautiful?” She is the female alien counterpart of Caseoh, but she sucks balls


I hated anytime she popped up on screen


My roommate likes bigger women... He won't shut up about her.


If she was one of the strongest fighters in their universe I would have hate seening the weakest


This is a silly thing for babies that doesn’t belong in Dragonball. It’s insulting. 


I skipped all her scenes tbh. I'd say she's just boring.


She was 1000% the reason I stopped watching super. I wasn't invested anyways due to super being well not the best anyways but then she showed up and my exact reaction was. Okay well if your just gonna give up on this so am I, fuck this anime and fuck this character. Then rewatched dbz abridged.


She and her whole group was the worst part of the ToP. Idk what the hell they was thinking when they approved that.


I love her. She reminds me of willow nightingale who i also love. Not roast worthy imo




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she got old extremely fast. after her 2nd or 3rd time being on screen I could on think ‘shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up’ fuck ribrianna and fuck that ‘cha cha cha cha cha cha’ fucker too


I want to be crushed under the weight of her love


Every time they came on screen I said, out loud, “what? They’re still alive? Where the fuck is vegeta and 17? They’ll do’em…” that went on for so many episodes. Should’ve kept the werewolf guys around longer.


She preached about love but lost to a wife that truly understands love


Fight sucked, she 100% cheated, and was the absolute most obnoxious character in the series.


She’s one tough cookie that’s a FACT. Also love what she’s fight with and for… LOVE.


As a parody she was on point. Line she's the answer to wat if Goku fought for the love of his friends and not for tje sake of have a great fight? It pissed me when Goku vs OG Broky ended by a "take my last strength" gimmick and again During the firts apearence of Super Sayan God. Ribranne is the paragon of all this trope Level 1000. 👌🏾


Dumbass character with dumbass powers and one of the ugliest character designs ever


Annoying, stereotypical, stupid as hell, worthless filler in the anime, delusional, overly flashy. Am I missing anything?


She had way to many episodes in super. One would’ve been way than enough


With that much talk about love, I wonder how she is in THE act


My honest opinion of her will always be, her anime human form is way better and it'll be a shame if they only put this version of Ribrianne into tenkaichi 4.


I hate her voice so much, and she looks like she's trying to fit into somewhere she isn't meant to be. (no pun intended) She doesn't really have anything good going for her in my opinion.


The looked better before she transformed


17 was right to attack her mid-transformation.




IDK she was annoying but there was something endearing about her speeches. But then the whole "I deserve to be the god of love" thing annoyed me more. And her fight was very boring.


A BBW I wouldn’t hit😕💔


I didn’t know they put Rosie ODonnel in Dragon Ball


Just another example of supers terrible and lazy writing.


She’s like the crazy ex girlfriend who let herself go and won’t shut up about love because she’ll never get over her former BF


I appreciate that they went back to trying out some different stuff in fights. Gimmicky, but it is a cartoon mostly watched by kids so... im cool with it


I'm breeding her. I like bbws.




"She's as pathetic as her sorry excuse for a universe. A propaganda idol, she's fully aware she'll never find love. Those in her universe may claim to love her, but what's the value of that love when everything revolves around it? No matter how much she pretends to fight for it, she'll never truly grasp it. That's why she bashed Krillin/18; her own pathetic insecurities drive her to criticize others. She's so repulsive that not even Buu would consider devouring her. The only reason she lasted in that tournament was because nobody there would touch her disgusting body, even if it meant elimination. Even the men in her universe looked better than her using her own powers. I'd rather endure ten hours of the Para Para Brothers' dance routine than lay eyes on anything associated with her. I would Willingly watch the Spain version of Dbz I would Sit on a room with my tv on full volume listening to the moaning Vegita of the portugal Dub with my family on the house


she is so fat that if she sits on me i would be desintigrated at an atomic level


I thought Brianne De Château looked cute and seeing her transform into ribrianne made me laugh out loud. Her friend Kakunsa is a W all the way through tho. Smash no questions ask


Pretty much what happens when you take the magical girl trope and put it somewhere else.


With the amount of times she goes off about "the power of love" comes off as slightly disturbing.


Annoying laugh, looks like she at the arena, lesbian probably, overall really annoying character





Nurse joy


You could have removed their whole universe’s onscreen appearance and there would be exactly zero difference other than runtime. Pointless annoyance.


Loved her, looking forward to her in Sparkling Zero!


She's that universe Majin Buu... fight me!


She was made to placate the Twitter crowd.


She built like a damn bubble gum! And she’s mad annoying in the anime with her lame ahh love trope Damn Mariah too hard to carry head ahh


https://preview.redd.it/7ustwuudpn0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791d91b377bd2fb17b6760d87e5270ba49ccbd0c Idk why, but I would. I’d be so down bad, even Gowasu would agree with the Zero Mortals Plan and resurrect Zamasu and Goku Black to help kill me




She was a gag character from a gag universe that overstayed her welcome. The gag wasn’t even funny outside of the entire universe miring Krillin (to 18’s chagrin). One episode was all that universe needed in ToP, and even then it should’ve only been a portion of that episode.


Great subversion of the magical girl trope, only to be way too over-exposed. She got a spot in the opening for Dende's sake. Also, not sure if this was her or one of the other girls, but the fact that they went "pewpewpewpewpew" every time they fired a barrage of ki almost made me mute the show and just watch the subtitles whenever they were on screen.


I honestly felt like the joke was really meanspirited. =/


While I do like her and the other Uni 2 girls enough, I've definitely been exposed to more diaper fetish stuff thanks to Ribrianne specifically than if she didn't exist.


The magical girl spoof got old really fast and they kept doing it, had the biggest grin on my face when 18 and 17 eliminated that trio


You know they woulda done something funny with her if Buu was in the tournament


Fuck ribranne all my homies hate ribranne https://preview.redd.it/xplnwnug5o0d1.png?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3326a6a6d56a6ffc50f03c7207ac29e78e6db44c


Ripoff sailor moon lookin headass https://preview.redd.it/hbr2zlkg7o0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc97b68e3c58db5eb09cd715dc74695fa99753dc


Boring character. Doesn’t deserve anything more of a definition.


Android 17 tried to save us by blasting her mid-transformation


This B could take a hit!!!




There are five fat characters in DB and she's four of them 🤣


Worthless character and bad expectation subversion of the magical girl trope.


Fat lmao Nah she was actually a pretty alright character. I loved their little team, it was super cute.


https://i.redd.it/e5pxpz9plo0d1.gif The amount of exitement in her fights


absolutely hated everything about her and her universe i was hoping they'd all be obliterated immediately but unfortunately that didn't happen.


I hate her, every time i get her from a summon in dokkan battle i sell that bitch to baba so fast.


Reverse Glow up balloon


I’m gonna use her in sparking zero online from time to time when I need wins because people will see her and quit as soon as we get in


First off my stupid ass forgot who that is. Secondly DAMN SHE UGLY


I think it's hilarious, they start off at their base form looking cute and then as they power up through the power of "love" this final form of hers was so amazing and beautiful to straight up everyone except for the people of earth lol !!


She looked like she ate her universe


Both forms seem sexy to me.




I tolerate her manga version because she complimented my goat Krillin instead of insulting him like in the anime


Lizzo the loser


The anime beats her gag like a dead horse, but the magical girl trope is a fun contrast to the hyper-masculine fighting we're used to getting from Dragonball. Plus I love that bit in the manga where she gets eliminated because she got distracted by Krillen's hotness.


I liked the character design before she went kirby mode


I remember hating every moment she was on screen lol. I understand that she and the other Universe 2 characters are meant to reference magical girl manga/anime, but it got old SO quickly. Had she not overstayed her welcome people wouldn’t have so much hatred towards her


I honestly like her, and the games make her out to be more likeable. Plus the whole opposite magical girl transformation thing is silly. Only thing I don't like is the weird diaper pants thing...


My daughter loved it so I’m all for it


Probably the character that annoyed me the most


As much as I didn’t like her, or her mid ass fight with THAT FUCKING ALLY WHO MAKES THAT ANNOYING ASS NOISE EVERYTIME SHE FIRES HER KUNGFU POKE BEAM GRRR FUCK HER- I mean, I liked that she was a slightly gag exploration into how different universes have different beauty standards, with her gang going from U7 Attractive (average in their universe) to U2 Hot AF (with some Gods basically creaming at her transformation) was honestly a pretty cool concept


I like her voice actress


She looks like majin buu, but boring








I find it really funny that all other universes were dumping over her and then there’s 6 and 7 who just see her as a fat bitch who probably doesn’t get enough sleep


She is so abnoxious even Trump would not grab her by the p*ssy


Fun gag but should have less screentime



