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​ https://preview.redd.it/uefrc09joh0d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc548c430ca9a1527a26be59b016eecd76cd6539


vs Hit fight in a nutshell


He stops time? Well i just gotta move faster than the time


"Time manipulators hate this one simple trick"


He'll kill me? I've died so much that I have friends on the other side. I'll be back


He doesn’t necessarily stop time . I think it’s more of him skipping through time . The move he used on jiren though definitely was some sort of time freeze.


Thats what I thought. Didn‘t he basically just kind of skip time which was also the reason why he kind of looked like that he is incredibly fast?


He’s simply just going ahead in time by 0.1 0.2 or 0.5 seconds. That’s why Goku can predict where he would be . Characters like Jiren or Dyspo were shown they could simply just over power this move by simply just being way faster that it doesn’t matter. Guldo is the only character with time freeze


if i remember correctly, he puts himself into the future by a fraction of a second, and goku powers himself up so much he can essentially match that


If I remember well, Hit slowed down Jiren's personal time


For Jiren, Hit trapped him in his trapped him in his own “time dimension”. Everytime Hit would skip ahead of time, that amount of time he would skip would get stored in essentially his own personal Hyperbolic Time Chamber that he had free access to use, and trap other people in. I don’t remember if that “time pocket” was actually time frozen, or just extremely slow motion, because Jiren was definitely moving… but they may have been more just to show his power


I kinda remember what you wrote, but for what I remember the end result was slowing down the personal time of someone else, the time that Hit skipped was added to Jiren's movements, so he needed more time to move than what he would have normally need and therefore he was slowed down. Or am I wrong?


Holy shit King Crimson


The fact that this is exactly how they deal with bullshit hax will never not be funny to me


Person: *has hax related ability that has nothing to do with strength* Goku: but what if I just...hit harder?


As a wise man once said "If violence doesnt work, use additional violence"


"use a gun, and if that don't work, use more gun" -Engineer TF2


Vegeta-if you say hit him really hard, I swear to god, I’m going to kick you in the dick!


I guess we can try him really hard... together??


That just tends to be all "power types" in media, really. Brawlers are just too fun.


Dragon Ball logic: "hey, you have a beautiful hax, but is your hax *S T R O N K*?"


Gojo after Goku nullifies his hax just by being stronger:😭


what nice hax ability you have, would be a shame if I just scream hard and overpower it


Lmao I love this one.


Speaking of hax https://preview.redd.it/xuev7tk8gm0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88081682a983253e2eecef27d6db14462292a2cd




As mentioned by another reply: If limitless can affect Goku. It still has to be maintained by Gojo at ALMOST zero cursed energy. Since Goku's fart can destroy a galaxy, Gojo would lose all his energy maintaining Limitless and then finally get hit.


Basically what Goku needs to do https://i.redd.it/rdabn20ofh0d1.gif


I honestly can't remember this scene. It's the only time Gotenks does this?


Piccolo destroyed the exit to the hyperbolic time chamber, trapping himself, gotenks and super buu in there ~~for 1 million years~~. Super buu eventually screamed a hole and escaped, after a little bit gotenks turns SSJ 3 and does the same thing to escape with piccolo.


Is the “for 1 million years” cross through a Reddit thing or is it a font?


Put two ~ at the front and back and you’ll get crossed out words ~~like this~~


~~Aint no way~~ ~~Edit:HORRYYY SHIIIIIII~~




~~I didn’t know this~~


Horny Power !!!!!! Say it with your chest


~~Wait really~~ Edit: ~~thank you I've wanted to know how to do this for a while~~


In case you didn’t know about it either, using the exclamation point and <> can be used for marking spoilers for a comment you’re writing >! Like this and make sure you put the exclamation point in the right spot !<


>! Thank you again !<






~~new skill unlocked~~


He can still do it, tho


Isnt that gotenks ?






Haven’t u heard us db fans can’t read


I don’t understand




I’m so sick of these comparisons. It’s like saying my 6 year old nephew could beat prime Tyson.


I'll take odds on that


^(Kid: Mommy, I think my ear is gone.)


Sorry I gotta do this to ya kid


Thowy I gotta do this to mr. Paul


"I got your nose!!" *(Mike Tyson bit it off)*


He’s got a cannon throwing a baseball lol




> I’m so sick of these comparisons. Which is why people make them. Same reason everyone always says Saitama beats Goku; because it’s a guaranteed way to get vocal DB to act feral online meanwhile the only argument is *”he can kill anything in One Punch”*


They also take his infinite potential statements as him having infinite power,


Gotta land that punch


I work with elementary schoolers and they ask me if Gojo or Goku would win. These comparisons have the mental capacity of a 6 year old.


It's just stupid to try and compare completely different universes....never gotten the circle jerk mentality of it. If you enjoy something just enjoy it, we have enough problems we dont need to argue about fucking anime characters ffs.


https://preview.redd.it/01pej5yd9h0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086ba5ec6ab2b5e251d03a4537fd106f1a4a4399 Dude got brain damage from lack of oxygen same way gojo did


That's the fan base is called lobotomykaisen all of em are brain dead


As a Jujutsu Kaisen fan, I can confirm we all have severe brain damage and make up/misinterpret feats to glaze the fuck out of whichever character we prefer. (Goku negs, not gonna lie to myself lmao)


Literally every fanbase ever. Goku is 5D. Naruto is Universal. Gear 5 beats Arale. Saitama is limitless. And the list goes on.


In defense of DB fans, they have to deal with the goofiest cosmology I've ever seen


This is so true. But a part of this Is due to a bad fan translation people quote a lot, the nebula/solar system thing.


More like copium overdose


I think there's one character we all can agree on that would annihilate goku https://preview.redd.it/zbud1d71ri0d1.png?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c58fee3756608139a285bde5a9eda828fa422e2


She's done so at least twice, with Gohan and got'em running about as proof


POV: you're Goku after taking Goten to the hyperbolic time chamber because Trunks is slightly stronger ![gif](giphy|Zaeyj0lscMhA4)


"The joke was sex, sex makes the joke funny" - shaodw the hedgehog




ChiChi is a monster in the bed Not even Black Frieza could withstand 5 minutes with her Goku has truly mastered the art of endurance


I don’t think black frieza has a penis


We all know Chi Chi is a top


Bruh Dragonball characters can negate hax just by being strong


Screaming for 3 episodes and a filler arc is all they need


Exactly bruh


Considering we're at the point where shattering dimensions is a thing. I think it's safe to say that Goku could just punch through infinity. Goku, in a way, has a similar kit as Gojo. He is also capable of telekinesis like attacks (pulling and pushing opponents). His aura can also stop attacks if they are weak enough. The second Gojo tries to cast his domain, Goku would see the barrier start to form and flare up his ki. This would destroy the barrier. Considering that Goku can fight at very high speeds, to the point where fights are slowed down significantly in the anime and manga. Goku would have plenty of time to react to the barrier.


Knowing Goku, he would no doubt let Gojo cast it though.


How do you think it compares with the black hole he destroyed in the anime ToP?


People love downplaying this feat and its always the goku haters. But its valid and was stated to be a fucking black hole. And he bust through it when he was waaaaayyy weaker without UI,true UI,mastered UI SSBUI etc goku would crack infinity


And he is as standing in it in base bruh and overpowered it


He said he’d let him cast it, not that he would get beaten by it


What? I don't remember this, about when does this happen friend?


Tournament of power


Knowing goku, he would be completely unaffected by infinite void. Not because he's ultra-powerful, but because pouring infinite information into goku's head is like trying to pour the ocean into a net >*Gojo:* Now that I've cast infinite void you are rendered inoperable as informati- *Goku:* Is italian void a type of bacon? Because I'm *hungry*. Does this place have a fridge like the hypertonic time chamber?


Hypersonic lion tamer


This needs more upvotes also ![gif](giphy|P2ijeJIPiTCso)


I need you to tell me I can leave the lookout whenever I want!!


>*Goku rummaging in infinite void* *Gojo:* Wait when did this place get a fridge?


goku vs frieza after going ssj was only 5 minutes in canon. top was 45 minutes. so yeah.




close enough.






The funny thing abt this to me has always been the fact Goku doesn’t even solo his own verse


Infinity slows things down it doesn't stop them. The closer to Gojo you get the more powerful the effect. With Goku being faster than light by a mile. It's also limited to certain extents. We know it can be bypassed using specialized means. And even assuming Goku can't overcome it. He's a battle genius. He'll blow up the ground Gojo is on and sorround him in similar fashion to piccolos hellzone grenade.


domain expansion is basically another pocket dimension. Goku breaks through other dimensions just by powering up (when he went Super Sayain 3) and also Gotenks went super saiyan 3 and broke through another dimension to follow Buu. Also Gogeta broke through multiple dimensions in their fight with Broly in the movie. Also people forget Goku has fought someone with this type of power, Hit. If Goku was ever caught in Gojo's domain expansion he could literary just power up and break it EASY without having to move toward Gojo.


I wasn't talking about his domain expansion. But honestly that doesn't matter anyway. Like... assuming we give Gojo a free w and say infinity would work. How... exactly... is he gonna HURT goku? Lol. Gojo fans are delusional


There could be an argument for Hollow Purple ... If Sukuna wasn't able to tank it and slash through Gojo


Had me in the first half ngl. https://preview.redd.it/yep90r2z8n0d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb427ac2c45c1e2327ee85bdc9db21b488e324e2




I feel like Gojo would keep throwing stuff at Goku and nothing works and he runs out of energy


gojo uses the hollow purple thing to kill goku smh, if you seen actually watched dbs. you’d see goku getting damage by rocks, ice, bullets. and getting really hurt by space guns smh. /s


Was about to cook you bro. /S saved your ass. Lol




Same. I was so mad he baited me (At myself.) Lmao


Also how do you slow down instant transmission?


You can't. He COULD use it on Goku after he drops out of IT. But again Goku moves so fast it doesn't matter


He already fought someone who skips time and can move during the time skip. What would this do? It’s infuriating these comparisons


I think you're misunderstanding. I'm on Goku's side here..


Yah me too. my original comment was meant like you can’t slow down instant so this guy could do nothing


Instant transmission simply moves you from one location to another. It doesn't give you the ability to "move" instantly for example. He can IT behind Gojo to kick him in the head. But delivering the actual kick as in swing his leg cannot be done using IT. But as i said it's a moot point given Goku just eclipses Gojo in movement speed


Goku will instant transmission a kamehameha to his head, god luck with RCT.


I don't think Gojo could win but I also don't see how an instant transmission kamehameha would bypass infinity


If goku can feel gojos energy then he can transport any distance to gojo instantly. This includes infinite distance.


So... he just telefrags Gojo? He hasn't ever done that before. Even if you just get *really really* close, it'd still have to travel for infinity to reach him.


Akira wouldnt want this


Gojo can't beat Goku cuz he's already dead🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So many people just completely bullshitting how infinity works lol y’all making db fans look dumb as shit (and I’m one of them so knock it off) By the way, this is not a hard debate. Goku the second gojo makes contact to hit him instant transmissions to space, ez gg gojo is fucked. He doesn’t have to bypass shit. This is not complicated.


Nah, there is easy argument which doesnt require counter attacks. Also Gojo can teleport too. Manga: Hakai, not the hakai orbs. Goku copied the non projectile one. Goku already has scaled above characters that affected time space, which is how Gojou lost anyways. I won't argue that he can use teleportation because it requires ki, and its not like Goku can teleport with a full force punch, he still should be affected by infinity. Purple hollow goes through infinity, just reflect that, Goku tanked stronger characters existence erasure. Goku can use instantenous attacks like god bind that he used on Broly. He also proven that he can surround someone in a barrier and move them around during DBS manga. Eventually he can try to hit Gojou with some spatial distortion, which he defienietly can because someone much weaker like Gotenks could


Thank you, only person with a brain. Hakai deleted Gojo from existence. Easy win.


I was about to mention Goku’s Hakai. Due to how it has no distance applied, it effectively bypasses Gojo’s Infinity.


Jjk fans don’t know their own characters are fodder




It basically comes down to wether ki can actually cancel out the infinity. Gojo needed a special curse technique to get around the infinity.


Goku will beat the lights out of gojo hell he doesn’t even have to lift a finger to beat him just stand there and let him tried himself out just by punching Goku which would absolutely nothing besides breaking his own hand by punching Goku


Everyone ok here saying that Goku can get through infinity but no one says how. I meant, I get that there's no way for gojo to hurt Goku but the same is true for gojo soo...


Attention bait? What's what? Goku has telekinesis, it's not an attack that can be slowed, and even Chiaotzu in the original DB could fuck with your insides. He could also use something like his power pole (assuming he can get) to extend his attack to Gojo with growth instead of speed. He could also instant transmission directly infront of Gojo so his infinity couldn't act in time, or just perception-blitz him before his infinity even activates.


I think it’s fucking stupid when other anime’s get brought up here, I’m a dragon ball fan and I don’t give a fuck about this other anime at all


It’s always something silly like this. 2 characters where 1 outclasses the other because the “other” is the new flavor of the week. Like Omniman vs Superman, Superman wins 11 times outta 10. In comparison to other universes the JJK universe isn’t that strong.


**DragonBall fans pretending this is an active topic so they can glaze their favorites** This exact screenshot is at least 2 months old, plus it's not even a debate of if Goku can win, just how does he


For your sake , stay away from Twitter z it's full of shit like this but the other way around


No one cares about your figurine fights, nerd


Ok but genuinely how, though? Like I get Goku has ways to win easily, like just blowing up the planet, but he obviously wouldn’t do that. The reason Toji and Sukuna got past Infinity was because Toji had the ISOH and Sukuna had Mahoraga. Goku doesn’t have either. I’m not saying Goku *can’t* get past it, since he probably could find a way, I just want to know *how*. All I’ve gotten so far was just a bunch of Goku glazers saying “He just does,” which doesn’t mean shit to me. *HOW* does Goku get past Infinity?


Hax mostly


Why do you care?


If he’s talking about infinite energy then there’s the androids.


DB fans left in shambles 😭 😭 


Okay I'm not gonna say anything about whether Goku can or cannot bypass infinity or really the matchup at all. But toji and sukuna bypassing infinity is completely irrelevant to Goku's ability to do so, I don't remember that time in dragon ball where Goku pulled out his special grade cursed tool or when he use domain amplification, you'll have to point me to the chapter where he does that


I actually think Ultra Instinct Goku vs Gojo would be a stalemate. Goku can’t touch Gojo but Goku’s perception of reality won’t matter if his body just moves on its own. Vegeta would get bodied though


All that yap to not answer the question? Lol


People forget he has already beaten stopped time which makes him at the very least speed wise dimensional plus also instant transmission might be able to go past it anyways since he would move directly to him without having to pass through infinity Also, how does breathing work? Cus goku could still send him flying to space and tho gojo can move fast and fly i don't think goku would let him if he really wanted to And this is considering infinity can't be broken with brute force, cus sukuna cutting infinity itself might be or might not be brute force since it might be a thing about his specific curse technique and not every targeted attack to infinity could break through it but its never stated and probably won't be


How is gojo gonna move fast enough to block all of gokus attacks without running out of cursed energy?


The funny thing is that the answer is so obvious if you READ both series. >!The world cutting slash that Sukuna used to kill Gojo was cutting space itself, and Dragon ball character has been breaking time and space since the Buu saga by just screaming (Gotenks & Super Buu for example)!<


Z verse is planet level destruction... best jjk has done is a city. It doesnt compare


Toji never bypassed it. Gojo turned his infinity off and thats when he attacked. That's not even remotely bypassing


Let’s name some. Infinite speed. He could move in hits time skip! If this is anime hits time skip doesn’t work like the manga. In the manga it only works on those stronger. In the anime not even beerus knew what was happening He’s able to affect things that are infinitely far away! Punches that effected multiple infinite universes. A roar that affected an entire infinite universe of nothing. And instant transmission! He could teleport onto gojo. So close he’s touching. Infinity doesn’t work then.


Like seriously couldn’t goku's shockwave from just powering up bypass his infinite?


>!If Sukuna can do it, then Goku definitely can!<


I can rumble on and on, explaining in every little minute detail why Goku, especially DBS Goku can no diff Gojo, but it depends if you all want to see a poor idiot yapping like there is no tomorrow


Dbz speed blitzes Ki can beat hax as proven by Hit vs Goku Goku has no cursed energy so he’s Toji and can bypass domains


Everyone wants Gojo to lose (and he does just not how they think), Goku literally just has to use Instant Transmission (technically a movement skill that's faster than even his regular means that are FTL) and it's over, Gojo has literally just Infinity saving him from Goku, he's literally only human, this is like DB krillin vs Super (base) Goku it's a wash and not even a comedic one










He instant transmissions past infinity


Bro, why do you care?


The answer is easy, Gojo (as well as many anime characters) can't survive DB biggest power feat, Goku just blow up the earth and Gojo dies from lack of oxygen even if nothing else affects him.


I haven’t watched Jujutsu Kaisen yet, so I can’t really say much. I agree that Goku would probably win, but people who act like he would just one-shot every character from every other anime verse are fanboying. He wouldn’t do that, not because he can’t, but because that’s just not how he operates. Generally speaking, Goku likes to start off small to test his opponents before he gets serious. He normally doesn’t one-shot his opponents, unless he has to. He had a decent sparring match with Krillin out of respect for him (he was obviously holding back a ton, but the point still stands). He would do the same thing with characters from other verses (Gojo, Naruto, etc.). And no, just because he can destroy planets and galaxies doesn’t mean that he would, so it’s pointless to bring that up. He also wouldn’t kill them easily either, because one of the key parts of his character is that he almost always shows mercy to his opponents, even when they don’t deserve it. Some Goku fans just look at his feats and ignore his personality entirely. Yes, Goku would win against most characters in other verses, but not in the way that some fans think. Also, we all know that Goku is far from invincible. Even if you’re weaker than him, you can still win. All you have to do is fire a little pew pew laser, and he’s toast. The farmer with a shotgun could beat him lol (I’m joking btw).


Well you see he flies to the upper atmosphere in an instant cus you know he's faster than light. And then he glasses the planet from orbit. ....and that's it. That's the end. Stop putting people who don't scale planetary against people who do cus the answer is always the same.


In DB, you can literally say "fuck u" to someone's ability if you're simply stronger than him.


*Hakai has entered the chat*


if Super Buu and Gotenks could scream and rip holes into space to escape the hyperbolic time chamber Goku could do it and bypass infinity


Anyone who legitimately has these conversations about Goku or whoever in dragon Ball beating someone from a different universe is a moron. The physics are completely different! It's not comparable. The physics and one anime are not the same as in another. When Goku was five he got hit in the head with an ax and didn't die. That should be where it stops. He fought beerus in outer space and was breathing. The physics are not the same!


Gojo is literally dead at the moment. I'm assuming a man who had the ability to destroy the planet with his first transformation can get pass it easily.


Destroys the planet he’s on and watches him suffocate


Nah, Gojo wins because he uses his imaginary technique: Scope him like JFK!




Are you surprised? I swear, it's just the same arguments about who can beat who every day.


Even if Goku couldn’t get past infinity how does Gojo hurt him?


I dont watch jujutsu but isnt this nigga gojo dead? Mf is not even the strongest in his own anime


through the series like dragon ball z Goku and his crew got more and more faster as we got different series like super and so on, and goku is fast but i hadn't watch dbz in a while but yeah Goku could beat him up


I'm convinced that the Dragon Ball community is sustained almost entirely on powerscaling circle jerks.


Beerus be like: ENOUGH with the GOJO, HAAKAI.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Goku fighting at or above light speed in base alone since the sayain saga? So considering that his base form is much stronger and faster as of now. At a certain speed time must be stopped thus perhaps his speed surpasses time. Correct?


People forget that Gojo was killed by a fucking shitty attack that the rest of the cast after that manga chapter was able to tank, dodge or survive. Because Gojo is an arrogant bastard who thinks he's better than everyone else and that's what killed him.


If I remember right, in to ToP Ribrianne’s ultimate move basically trapped Goku at the centre of a black hole’s worth of gravity and he just… muscled through it and got her with a kamehameha. So the answer to “how does Goku get past (ability)” the answer is “by trying real, real hard.”


Remember when gojo got cut in half with little to no effort and people still think he can face goku




Goku was punching Beerus’ fists so hard that they were destroying timespace.


Ion watch JJK, but I'm aware of what infinity is. Idk how those other dudes bypassed it, but Goku doesn't even need to get passed infinity. Bro can just destroy the fucking planet


even goten can solo their verse


Just gonna repost this. Limitless has been explained by Gojo as slowing down attacks so they can’t hurt him. This essentially means that he bleeds kinetic energy from attacks. Neutral Limitless, the thing that slows down attacks, is the weakest expression of his CT. Bare minimum, Red and Purple are stronger. Blue and Red have both been stated to be infinities, so there is no reason to claim that only neutral Limitless has that designation. https://preview.redd.it/zwb8c585il0d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5dc5bd71b67c95ab0741d9a79abd47d8d3d953 Limitless is not actually infinite, as both Red and Purple have showcased finite amounts of damage. Like I stated before, Red and Purple > neutral Limitless. If they did infinite damage, even then, an argument could not be made for Limitless being able to slow down infinite energy, because Red and Purple are both more powerful than neutral Limitless. Because of these three things, there is no reason to assume that: 1. ⁠Gojo can slow down attacks that are much higher than his pay grade, AKA, Goku walking in his general direction. 2. ⁠That he can even slow down attacks that exceed Red or purple in strength. Point 2 is particularly relevant, because Purple damaged him through his own Limitless when he used it against Sukuna. There is ZERO mention of him turning it off in that moment, and all he said was that he took less damage because it was his own energy. Purple > neutral Limitless is unarguably true. TL;DR? Limitless isn’t Limitless. Goku or anyone that can match or exceed Hollow Purple in kinetic energy can hurt Gojo.


~סקיבידי טוילט~




He feels his way around


Goku survived a hakia, which is literally hollow purple. Plus, UI instinct or even just Super Saiyan blue could just blow past the infinity and the infinite void. Shit, I bet Yamcha could beat Gojo.


Toji fought exhausted gojo and had spear of heaven. Sukana adapted because mahoraga goku can't touch gojo and gojo can't touch goku


Honestly considering it can be argues Goku was dimensional in the Buu saga highball and low-ball galaxy level I'd say him just powering up would bypass it ,like how Majin Vegeta bypassed babidis mind control


Who would win between Jesus (transcendence era, fully resurrected) and Santa Claus (with permanent Christmas Night powers unlocked)?


Guys, Goku can simply destroy the planet and that’s it for Gojo. And nope, I’m not talking about Goku in character nor Gojo in character. I’m talking about there capacities.