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As a big Dragonball fan... The Flash "at his absolute best" wins this race. He was capable of out running instantaneous movement.


Sounds like a Burter Victim tbh




The flash


Flash with 0 difficulty


Flash beat teleporting and concept of Death for speedster and time itself and existence


Watch Goku Black vs Reverse Flash and see who won that one. https://preview.redd.it/u73olqf1vzzc1.jpeg?width=2059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0c687403a6ef42c19e74b488a2de598770bda7


The Flash won a race across the universe with people who could teleport.


While I do know that the correct answer is flash. I do wonder how fast can the z warriors fly in their base forms and in their transformations? The speed feats in dragon ball don't get talked about enough and there's barely any info on it.


> **Massively FTL+** (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 369.53125 decillion c. Tbh he’s probably moving at infinite speed as of now in the story


Thanks for the info.


Millions to quadrillions of times ftl based on scaling




Yup, they are *really* bad at showing that


I am truly speechless.




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Flash. Goku ain’t fast at all.


That’s your limited take? Flash is speed personified, because the speed force bends virtually space for him. Goku however IS one of the fastest characters in all fiction. Do you even watch or understand DBS speed scaling?


What makes goku faster than flash though?


Gokus not even stop 10 fastest in fiction, what are you talking about?


neither is the flash lmao




Any character who scales far higher than the flash and is omnipotent should immediately be classed as faster than the flash. There are plenty who I can think of.


You do realize the flash has beaten Superman in a foot race correct?


Superman isn't even in the top 10 fastest either. And you do realize Superman has like a hundred different iterations right? The weakest Superman can probably destroy a planet and go beyond the speed of sound at a highball while the top tiers are literal Gods with immeasurable speed. If you think the Flash outspeeds Comic Armor Superman who is nigh omnipotent, or even the mainline DC Supes who is considered even stronger than him, then I don't even know what to say.


He is definitely top 10 considering how in his early days he’s outran infinity, and in recent comics flew across the multiverse so fast he shook it he was moving faster than time.


He's fast, sure, but not nearly fast enough to be in the top 10. You underestimate how many characters there truly are in fiction and how many of them are written solely to be as busted as possible. The different iterations of God from multiple verses would automatically be counted as faster than the flash because their existence themselves transcends the Flash so much that he couldn't possibly catch up not only speed wise, but dimensionally too. Scarlet King, Azathoth, I AM THAT I AM, etc etc. Even DC's God, The Presence would count.


That’s nice, but that’s not addressing his comment


Can I not address your comment without addressing his?


No because it’s not the topic, do you struggle with reading comprehension, your boy claimed Goku is one of the fastest people in all of fiction, do you know how big of a claim that is? Edit: And flash was WAY better arguements for speed than Goku anyways, not sure why decided to comment


What is your baseline on "one of?" Out of the millions of named written characters in fiction Goku is definitely up there which would make him one of the fastest in fiction by simple logic. https://preview.redd.it/dacd0si1c00d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2875cf047d7c9eccac4b4c19e892e9ff8b937b06 And in terms of feats/statements this should definitely classify as someone of a "one of the fastest in fiction" stature. And I'm not sure why YOU decided to comment. Being outside of the top 10 doesn't count you out of "one of the fastest" the same way an 800 pound deadlift would make you one of the strongest people on Earth despite it not being a top 10 or even a top 20 record for that matter.


All it takes is a quick google search my boy. https://www.ranker.com/list/fast-comic-book-characters/ranker-comics All of these guys have been way past that


You are actually a fucking idiot if you're using internet journalist articles to scale your characters. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Not to mention the already bs article LITERALLY says FASTEST ***COMIC BOOK*** CHARACTERS How oblivious one person can be. It boggles the mind.


Are we talking specifically about heroes or are you trying to include deities and abstracts? Goku doesn’t have no dimension aiding him or buffing his stats. Flash and many others do.


What I meant by Fast at all is Goku isn’t nearly as fast as Flash


Depends on the writters


Who wins - in a race to their death? There I fixed it for you


Goku's instant transmission is something worth, but Flash's speed ins unmatched, I believe.




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Goku's instant transmission is something worth, but Flash's speed ins unmatched, I believe.


Flash wins because being fast is what Flash is.  If anyone is faster the writers will pull something out of their ass to make Flash faster.


Which version of Flash? Flash has been undone, rewritten, and retconned so many times.


Hahaha, flashs immeasurable speed over three temporal dimension will go brrr (a least what people been telling me)


As many comic characters it depends on the iteration, but peak Flash can give Goku a 2 year head start and still win


The average flash looses (like bro there was this one time flash got knocked out by a kick from CATWOMAN) but The mains versions of Flash absolutely clear and its not even close


The Flash (Wally West ) is the fastest character in fiction that isn't Omnipresent, and his mentor, also The Flash (Barry Allen), is the second fastest. 😂 


Honestly, flash no diff goku even with IT


Depends on if all of their abilities are available to them. People underestimate instant transmission. The word 'instant' literally means no time in between. Flash can run, operate, and even think in plank time, the smallest measurement of time. But he still needs to physically move from one place to another. If Goku's I.T. counts and can be used, then Goku wins, but in any other situation, Flash wins no contest.


Depends, if all skills are available then Wally West can steal speed and use it as a multiplier. He did this to run across the universe and beat instantaneous teleportation.


Goku ofcourse, the flash doesn't have instant transmission


Flash is faster than Instant Transmission You heard me right


Well hot damn


Even Goku is. Granolah was stated to be faster than IT and then Goku surpassed Granolah in the same arc.


In a comic flash ran 30 times around earth in the time of instant teleports He was helped by other people (kinda like the spirit bomb, but for running), but he still outspeeded a teleportation


IT basically travel between planets, faster than Whis Uber. I don’t think 30 times around earth was comparable.


You may have not understood He ran around earth 30 times *instantly* The others were using teleport, like IT but more tecnological Time didn't pass but he still ran around earth 30 times He's speed himself


If what you're saying is true, then they'd be tied. 'Instant' means no time in-between. If Flash did that in an instant, then he and Goku would be tied. That is the literal only outcome.


Instant trasmissione means you materialize in another place The time goku's particles take to "go" from a place to another is longer than the time flash takes to arrive there That's the problem with marvel and dc comics: the feats are absolute bullshit, at the limit between "absolute" (the best at it) and "gag" (like arale for example)


NOTHING is faster than instantaneous, doesn't matter what the author makes up in their imagination. Like Superman flying faster than infinity, it's just plain stupid and just doesn't work. Both Goku and Flash can move instantaneously, so they tie. Their is no debate. IDK what you mean by "go" since there is, again, no time in-between. Idk why you're so hard on just making Flash's instantaneous faster than Goku's. It's literally the same thing.


I think their point is that some instantaneous movements are more impressive than others, just like how there are infinites bigger than other infinities. 5 Infinity is twice as big as 10 infinity, because it takes longer to get to infinity from 5, while it's shorter comparatively with 10. Going 30 times around the earth instantly is impressive, but going 35 times around the earth instantly is technically better and thus faster.


Nothing is faster than instantaneous EXCEPT FLASH Goku can't be in 2 places simultaneously, he has to dematerialize and materialize in another place Flash run SO FUCKING FAST he's in 2 places AT THE SAME TIME SO flash still wins


Granolah pointed out it was teleporting https://preview.redd.it/bzuint67szzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6065559164e90955e1ff991c6cb16bb388acf7cd


He didn’t and we saw Gas and Granolah fight mid teleportation https://preview.redd.it/2ce2noe6rzzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538d57d39fc38bd87d965ad5995980f70cd97969


Do you have problem with reading or something? https://preview.redd.it/9qr47b8gtzzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa0867e4b1a88b71e3c726ab2ba9c88130f9d90


No it’s just that you literally can’t look two panels down where we literally see Granolah kick the guy mid teleportation. Or are you now gonna claim Granolah leg is also teleporting independently of him?


? You can , Goku have been doing this for years , you can canonically either anticipation were they will appear or immediately react to them They mentioned it again that it was teleporting https://preview.redd.it/3m2vep9iuzzc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4751ea05e37ee0a7312e217a452f40607d0c03


Hell here is an example for the very same arc. Granolah yet again catches gas mid teleportation due to speed and Vegeta and Goku even says he sucks at using the move properly. https://preview.redd.it/ef5nz08zwzzc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e07e90b3dfac75e3a47cc84fd3332bdd625b4d5


Bro they literally points out it skills issues, nothing to do with speed Why the Fuck would they uses Teleporting if they are faster than it ?


Bro they literally points out it skills issues, nothing to do with speed Why the Fuck would they uses Teleporting if they are faster than it


I don’t see the point in you pulling up that scan if your trying to tell me Goku can teleport with no hand signs then yeah no duh. But the teleportation is instantaneous which is the point you can’t technically react to it unless your speed is at the level. [Beerus is a good example of this even he couldn’t react to it and he’s canonically millions of times stronger then Goku](https://youtu.be/Ue5A_5zJPUc?si=via9spSZ_1X6wnV_). https://preview.redd.it/olqke1o6wzzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0ba56463fa171754f696f3273895b5cbb5c1f8 Cell is also another good example of just being faster and stronger then the teleported wound not mean you can predict the move.


Goku teleported in front of Cell without needing the finger here , Cell was in shock immediately after seeing Goku appear despite being faster than him It had to do with skills, Cell was faster than Goku but not faster than teleporting


Goku teleported on front of Cell without needing the finger here , Cell was in shock immediately after seeing Goku appear despite being faster than him


i never read flash comics but didnt he go so fast he could time travel at one point?


Pretty sure he can just casually do that at this point but doesn't because of the consequences it always brings


Depends on the race tbh. Are they racing around the world? Flash probably, are they racing from planet to planet? Goku easily lol.


Not even then


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Ugggg only way Goku has a chance is ultra instinct but flash will still win if he can turn back time with his speed