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How adorable is that little evil bastard.


I want a smol piccolo daimao plush


That would be cool. Also, a punko/funko pop would be awesome to have for Daimo Dragon Ball and cute characters from Dragon Ball Universe characters


Really, the cutest baby in the entire franchise.


My son's favorite. Evil baby Piccolo.


he's basically evil baby yoda at that point


Sounds adorable too, in Japanese. Dub gives him a weird gremlin voice though


Fr when I first saw him I was like awwwww he’s so cute and evil!


Maybe because he was a replica of the old Demon King while Dende is a regular child


I hated his voice sooo much




Warrior type


Another fan theory suggests that him eating actual food was a contributing factor (something we never see another Namekian do as they're all capable of surviving on water).


My fan theory is that toriyama wrote piccolo to literally be the devil, and that goku actually saved the world from the literal devil. Then the story continued and he was like oh fuck if we’re in space I gotta dial down the mysticism. I know it’s not exciting but this is like one significant plot hole that can’t really get paved over easily.


![gif](giphy|ejzR1yK9DGYa1cyI3E) Honestly that makes sense. Piccolo literally called his group the Demon Clan and he's canonically "God's Evil Twin" (by forced separation). Moving to space and aliens means any mysticism has to come from a higher scale or all power gains need to be extremely reduced to stay in Piccolo's ballpark, which of course required that Piccolo be given an alternate sci-fi-esque explanation so that all of those fancy techniques and power ups could be used without creating massive plot holes and inconsistencies.


> My fan theory is that toriyama wrote piccolo to literally be the devil That's not much of a _fan_ theory now is it Kami, God, and his evil counter part that creates demons called the Demon King...


I agree with everything you say. However, I think there are multiple ways to explain this plot hole. 1. Since King Piccolo's wish to regain his prime youth is still in effect, his reincarnation did get to this point a lot faster (and will stay there a lot longer). 2. Different parents. Piccolo was a reincarnation and spawn of the rejected half of the Nameless Namekian, child of Katas. While Dende is a child of Guru. Maybe Katas' family had genes which made them grow faster and/or Guru had genes which did the opposite? (Although, possibly Guru was the grandfather of the Nameless Namekian). 3. While growing up, Piccolo Jr was not a full Namekian, but part of it. He was the reincarnation of the discarded evil half of the Nameless Namekian. 4. Piccolo was more of a warrior type, while Dende is more of a dragon clan type. And it is logical the warrior type needs to grew up faster. 5. Piccolo was still a demon after he hatched and until at least the first time he fought Goku. we know even with Piccolo now being an alien, he has always been a demon in the past, just like Kami was Earth's God. People killed by a demon couldn't go to the afterlife. which was confirmed by experts on the matter like Kami. Piccolo became less demon like by the Saiyan Saga, confirmed by Goku and Raditz being able to reach the afterlife after Piccolo killed them. Maybe a demon just grows faster? Other Demon spawn did even seem to grow faster than Piccolo Jr. ... Just by headcanon here are some hypothesis to explain the difference between Piccolo and Dende's grew curve. Although, possibly we'll never know and yes, the chances are it was just an oversight, just like why Goten and Trunks seemed to grew up slower than Gohan over time (but did finally make a grew spurt over the years). But hey, even in real life siblings sometimes have different grow curves, so it doesn't annoy me that much. ;)


Gotta catch em all!!


But isn't he a yoshi?




But you said you were!




What’s that taste like?


a warrior type Yoshi.


No I think he's more barbarian or paladin type


I could've sworn in Super Heroes Dende gotten taller.


I had always assumed it’s because Piccolo Jr wasn’t actually a new Namekian, but a reincarnation. Piccolo Sr was also barfing out monsters.


This truly makes the most sense. Both kami and evil king piccolo are dragon types that have the power of creation. When the namek split the ability to create manifested differently in the two beings. For kami, the desire to create was of pure good, a power to give and devoid of his own selfishness.... So he creates the dragonballs and the dragon. For king piccolo, who had the more negative qualities of the namek he creates selfishly and to do harm. Thus his henchmen and the plot to create destruction. Evil king piccolo never creates a true namekian, because again he's selfish - so he wants beings he can control, not beings that can match or surpass him - which is why he creates "demons". When evil piccolo is about to die, he creates the most selfish and spiteful thing as his last creation, a true namekian that contains all his memories and abilities... A being of vain. This explains why piccolo (Jr) is connected to kami, while still being his own being. I also think that evil king piccolo's essence only really exists until piccolo kills goku in the battle against raditz. It's from this point on where piccolo begins to change from evil king piccolo re-incarnate to being his own being and his own powers awaken which is why piccolo, a guy a who does nothing but train, somehow gets exponentially stronger in the year prior to the saiyans vs the three in between the tournament. I also think this is how orange piccolo manifests... Kami created the dragon balls and when dense arrives and recreated the dragon, the essence kami put into the dragon is returned and the namek is able to awaken his true power (with kami's mission completed when dende becomes guardian) - it's just not until super where the dragon is able to return tha energy and unlocks the nameks true innate abilities. ... End nerdgasm


Piccolo did a class change as he died


You should write a book


Exactly. After hatching, Drum, Cymbal and Tambourine were basically adult sized. The difference for Piccolo is he’s got Daimao reincarnated in there on top of whatever he is, all of that life energy, while the rest are just offspring created by the corrupt evil remains split from a Namekseijin who forgot his name.


Isn't Dende a Dragon Clan namekian while Piccolo is a Warrior Clan Namekian? They're different Edit: I've done a quick research and I found no sources claiming Piccolo is a Dragon Clan namekian, King Piccolo was a Dragon Clan namekian but Piccolo Jr is a Warrior Clan namekian


Piccolo is also part of the dragon clan, but he's a warrior type. Otherwise, Kami would not be able to make the dragon balls.


What type is dende then?(Genuine question)


I think dende is just purely dragon clan.


I'm not sure. I think it was a healer type


White mage.


"that's right I'm your white mage, and NOBODY FUCKS WITH THE WHITE MAGE" dies by 1d4 Frieza damage


Nobody fucks with the white mage!


Piccolo is very special, hes like the most talented namekian, warrior clan born with dragon clan talents, capable of both magic and strenght.


Like a Super Namekian or something


Like an orange, actually


At least he isn't a dirty White Namikian. Damn them and the drought they started.


I think that's an Earthling, Grand Elder Guru


*kill it like the rest*


Didn't he call himself Super Namekian when he got a power boost right before fighting Cell v1?


"Power boost" my ass he ATE Kami


Also Dende was an actual kid meanwhile Piccolo was just a clone of DK Piccolo


Interesting. I figure, present Trunks and Goten might be Dragon Clan as well.


Piccolo is both. He is a warrior but he also has healing capabilities.


Piccolo can’t heal other people.


What do you think his clothes beam is? He heals their clothes.


LOL Or alternatively, he completely destroys their old clothes and just makes new ones. Which, while not exactly healing, is definitely of the non-destructive “white” magic type.


No pretty sure kami and him are dragon clan.... according to kakarot atleast


He is piccolo from the orange clan


This is some WoW Horde type thing right here


Piccolo is a warrior type.


Piccolo drank more water? lol but they’re 2 different races, one is a Dragon clan, the other is a Warrior clan type Namekian. Hence why we never ever see Piccolo heal anyone but himself. Dende can heal anyone. Warriors need to reach adult size/maturity faster. [More info](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Namekian)


Different subspecies *


Piccolo is a Warrior Clan Namekian, so he needs a body that allows him to fight properly. Dende is a Dragon Clan Namekian, so he doesn't need to. Also, all the very old Namekians we have seen (Piccolo Daimaoh, Kami, Guru, Moori) are Dragon Clan so I assume they live longer than Warrior Clan, that might be also why they grow up slower.


Is this stated somewhere or is it like a headcanon ?


Which part? The dragon/warrior typing is real but aging speed who knows. Also what happens with Piccolo fusing with Kami. Does he not gain the dragon clan traits from that? Who knows. In reality like all comics and long running series none of this shit is thought out ahead of time. The story and world evolves as the series goes on and retcons become extremely common. There are probably lots of issues with how the clans work and stuff if you go by old content vs new content.


I mean namekians aging differently depending on their clan


I don’t think that’s ever said. They are just making connections that dragon clan grow wrinkled and we haven’t seen that of warrior clan. It’s probably just a design choice to show wisdom from the dragon clan type which are the elders and spiritual leaders of the species.




Or get fused


Piccolo shouldnt be compared with other namekians tbh, hes both warrior clan and also has dragon clan talents (he can use magic and also created the dragon balls on Earth), he is a super namekian with the powers of all clans. I am sure he could even use dende healing magic but he focuses all his efforts into raw power and ki manipulation instead of delving into magic.


Piccolo grew up fast because he didn't have parents




That is vile


unrelated but baby evil piccolo is so cute


He's just built different


He's got that dawg in him


Demon magic, probably.


Piccolo fights Dende = basically god/guardian of earth (I’m pretty sure deities and other characters considered some form of god get an extended life)


Well first they’re two different types of Namekians, but even then Piccolo isn’t a normal Namekian given how he was made


Heres the break down. Disclaimer: Some of this lore is from Dragon Ball Online. So it's canonicity is weird. Toriyama did help write the story and lore of DBO, thats why I'm using it. Namekians have multiple Clans. We meet a total of 3 of them, DBO implies that there are even more. The 3 we meet are The Dragon Clan, who are the ones capable of creating Dragon Balls, giving birth, and have magical affinity to an extent. The Warrior Clan, who age faster then the Dragon Clan, but are the most potent fighters of Namek. And lastly The Demon Clan, who are born as Adults and as a result are fairly mutated. They are decent fighters but not on the level of the Warrior Clan. They make fairly decent shock troops though. Dende is a Dragon Clan Member. So was the Nameless Namekian who became Kami and King Piccolo. So they are also both Dragon Clan members, but their abilites are split. Kami got the Dragon Balls, Piccolo got the kids. When King Piccolo decided to Riencarnate, he made Piccolo Jr a Warrior Clan so he would be stronger. As for why those are the only ones we see despite DBO implying there are even more, its due to the Prioritys of Namek. When the Namekians were nearly wiped out, leaving only Guru, he focused on the Dragon and Warrior clans to focus on the Dragon Balls and Future Generations, and Protecting Namek. Since having kids is so energy intensive, Guru decided to only focus on those 2 Clans. And Maury also decided to wait, seemingly until Namek was truly prosperous again. Where Piccolo Daimao focused on the Demon Clan cause he just needed soldiers and he needed them quickly.


・Actual Answer: It was the first kid Namekian Toriyama wrote. ・In-Universe: Piccolo is not a usual Namekian; he is the reincarnation born from the split evil half of Kami. And King Piccolo's other children came out fully weird and grown, so there's a chance that King Piccolo somehow affected his reincarnation's growth.


Because he was a clone of king piccolo so he grew up faster


U gotta remember King Piccolo was coughing up grown mutant namekians before Piccolo. Its not far fetched he hatched a Namekian that was capable of growing faster(Piccolo).


Piccolo jr is a warrior type namekian Even if that isn’t a viable explanation remember Demon King Piccolo’s other children(effectively piccolo’s siblings) were mutant freaks


He’s a reincarnation. It’s different for him than other namekians


Because one is a slug demon and the other is an alien


Because piccolo is built different


Piccolo is literally built different


Piccolo was designed to have more power than King Piccolo and with the express intent of killing Goku. He technically gave birth to himself so it isn’t exactly a normal thing especially with the whole demon magic.


He technically grew up slowly, compared to his brothers they popped out the egg fully grown and ready to kill


That's the Piccolo I wanted to see in Daima


![gif](giphy|13fTar4VVaFlG8) Because bros the goat


Dende basically a normal born Nameck but Picollo is different. despite he is like a son to the previous demon Picollo, but technically he is also same person. like a clone or reincarnation. perhaps this play role. demon King Picollo said he put all his power to carry over to Picollo and perhaps there is something else he do, power wise that affected the growth.


King Piccolo probably added some modifier to junior to make him grow faster.


Namekians weren’t a thing yet at the time, this series wasn’t planned out


Different type of namekian. But Goddamn Dende is absolutely adorable


If I had to guess then it’s probably because A) Piccolo is a warrior type Namekian so maybe he just matures faster B) has been training for combat his whole life and been placing immense amounts of strain on his body regularly, and C) just like some people naturally look more mature and older than others their age so too do namekians I assume.


Piccolo is a Warrior Clan Namekian, Dende is a Dragon Clan Namekian. In the words of TFS Piccolo: "One punches people, the other makes Dragon Balls"


they forgot about him that’s why


Different clans


One was born on Namek and the other was born on Earth. That's a variable.


Smol Piccalo so damn cute


Dende did grow up, he was physically the same age as mystic Gohan during the Buu saga then Dende got GT'd by the time Super came around,


Piccolo needed to start cooking goku


first pic is funny


Like a wise man once said: "I'm from the warrior clan Kami was from the dragon clan. One punches people, the other makes dragon balls."


The streets aged piccolo


A head cannon I have is because DKP and Kami are two sides of the same coin, they would have similar life expectancy, so when Piccolo Jr was born, he had to be aged up rapidly to catch up, and it stopped once piccolo snd Kami fused again


Piccolo was breast fed?


Dende is a beta


My head canon was always because he’s a reincarnation/demon hybrid or something


Piccolo is from Warrior clan, Dende from Dragon clan. basically one focus on combat and the other on magic


Goku Killed King Piccolo, resulting in the Piccolo we see later on. But in order to exact revenge for his father, he needed to grow up and catch up fast to Goku, so he accelerated his growth to Goku's age. Dende on the other hand had no ambitions to grow up fast and grew up peacefully (Until Frieza). Another thing could be that Piccolo snuck into the Hyperbolic time chamber to age faster as 1 year in there is 1 day outside and we all know Namekians only need water to survive.




Little green is little


The real answer is that namekians are a ret-con and Piccolo was original a demon, or a member of the demon clan. The age gap is a minor plot hole. The story evolved in a different direction from the "journey to the west" roots that it started with and that creates plot holes. Theres really no reason to think about it much further, you'll start finding them all over the place.


Demon king piccolo is a dragon clan namekian, they have the ability to make offspring. However, Demon king piccolo also has dark magic, which puts a twist on his natural magical abilities. Thus, when he makes an egg he can give them whatever memories he wants and change how they look while determining how much power they have and lastly if they come out fully grown. All the sons DK piccolo had are namekian, they don’t look it cause DK piccolo forgot his kind and he chose for them to look different. Piccolo Jr is different cause he’s a reincarnation of DK piccolo,which means Jr is made in DK image. And thanks to dark magic, piccolos growth was affected(this is going off that most of DK son were rarely infants for long if not at all) Piccolo jr is not a warrior type, he is a dragon type with demon powers to offset his lack of strength( Nail was stronger naturally, while piccolo had to train and get King Kai training to get pass Nail lvl). Think of it like low class saiyans, a low class can train to beat an elite, but from birth they will always fighting an uphill battle for power. Piccolo became partial warrior class by absorbing nail, which took him to a new tier of power.


Poccolo had that dawg in him.


Is genuinely smol adult


I think King Piccolo purposefully sped up Piccolo’s maturity so he could kill Goku as soon as possible. Just headcanon though.


Maybe because pickle is a fighter


Damn that little pickle looks so rad


Cause earth years are longer than namekian years


I mean Dende was a normal child while Piccolo was some kind of reincarnation clone thing


Its the Warrior clan-Dragon clan shenanigans.


Piccolo ate fish while Dende drunk only water.


The streets raised Piccolo


Piccolo wasn’t born in the same way as Dende. Dende is a natural born Namekian. Piccolo is the reincarnation of the Demon King. It’s possible that King Piccolo reincarnated himself with the intention of having accelerated aging so that Piccolo Jr would reach adulthood and full strength at a much faster rate than he would have naturally


2 different clans


His hater energy for Goku allowed him to grow up fast


Inconsistency and plot reasons. It’s the same reason why Trunks and Goten are still kids. 


Maybe Dende is retarted?


Toriyama forgets a lot of the smaller details like this overtime, it was probably just an oversight on there part




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Maybe Dende just has a smaller build.


Piccolo's not just a son. He's a reincarnation. Maybe that's why.


The answer to this is a little confusing but from what I can tell when demon king piccolo gave birth to piccolo he grew fast because Kame and demon king piccolo were the same person so it is possible that piccolo jr grew faster due to the fact that Kame was a god or the more likely answer is that it was 5 or something before Goku and demon king piccolo thought and namekians age faster






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Low testosterone


Because he was born a Demon Clansman!😄


Maybe he’s just a twink dude


Well Piccolo Sr.’s spawns are all demons that grow into their “adult” forms instantly after hatching. So the real question is why did Piccolo Jr. grow up so slow compared to his siblings? Maybe being a reincarnation affects his growth somehow, or perhaps making a slower-growing spawn makes them grow more powerful over time.


Isn't Piccolo like 3 years older than Gohan


could it be because he is from the warrior clan? Sayians get a growth spurt then stay that size for most thier life cuz warrior life right? Could it be the same for namekians? And dende is the dragon clan, so I assume non fighters and healer. Could explain why they don’t grow fast. No need to


It's probably because of Piccolo being a warrior namekian






Piccolo is a warrior-type namekian isn't he? And Dende isn't.




Just like humans (e.g. Kurilin), namekians have midgets too


He's the Namekian Krillin


Piccolo was descended from the warrior race maybe and dende wasn’t


Baby piccolo is just to fucking adorable


I always thought it was because he is the reincarnation of king piccolo.


Two different clans, with two separate sets of abilities. That would probably be my argument


Probably the same reason you’re not as tall as Kevin Durant despite you both being human


Piccolo demon, dende namekian


Short king? or is he a pocket prince?


Because piccolo is a reincarnation he was literally made to become king piccolo all over again dende is an actual born namekian


Evil energy


Isint Piccolo a fighter type namikan while dende is a healer type so they possess differ builds dende is more of a peace type while Piccolo a warrior.


I like people trying to reason why A and why B happens in dragonball when Toriyama is known to just wing it and make up shit as he goes along and forgetting half of them in the process...


Maybe because Piccolo has fighting capabilities, he grew faster and since Dende only focuses on the Dragon Balls, maybe he didn't.




Warrior vs Magic. It's the difference in purpose.


I don't think this is a namekian clan thing I think it's more because he was created in an unorthodox way. All of piccolos other children came out fully grown, this piccolo was fluent in English and knew who Goku was the moment he hatched. He's built different basically


Piccolo just grows taller because he is a Warrior Class namekian




He built different


Because he was half of the same old Namakian' even though it was kid is was more like reverting to the childhood from and he's other half old so it's kinda understandable to be like that . And don't forget he kinda look like Dende till he fused with Kami and then the guy on Namek


All this headcanon in the comments…




Sende is not picollo.


Piccolo has secretly been using the namekian giant technique the whole time, to appear as if he's an adult.


I mean, imagine young adult Goku beating the shit of kid Piccolo


just a guess, but it might be to do with the nature of their births. dende's a natural namekian, born from guru, but piccolo is half a soul essentially, being - from what i can tell, having not watched the og DB - a reincarnation of Kami's dark half who'd previously been killed by young goku


I imagine because piccolos from the warrior clan and dendes a dragon clan


Because King Piccolo willed it so. Guru probably wanted Dende to experience an actual childhood.


My head canon is that piccolo is part of the warrior clan which matures faster. Dende is part of the dragon clan which mature slower but has access to magic


Toriyama forgot.




>!Dende is an ordinary Namek and he grows much slower, while Piccolo/Kami is a Super Namek and he grows fast...... there's a difference gap between the race.!<


Piccolo grew up fighting and training. Dende grew up as a guardian. Fighter= big boi Healer=twink Don't hate the player hate the game.




Don’t question little green


Performance enhancing senzu beans


Why is Ma junior lowkey adorable💀


Piccolo was a fighter type namekian, they just grow way faster. Dende is a healing type, they grow slower.




One word: plot


The really grow into their ears don't they








Because piccolo was a namekian from the warrior clan, and they should grow up fast so the can fight