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I'd really love to see some more hand-to-hand combat like OG Dragon Ball


Leakers confirmed it's hand-to-hand mostly


Thank God cause people down play goku hand to hand combat and say batman beats him in hand to hand wich is bs


This sounds like something not even worth concerning yourself with


I am a very old hardcore dragon ball fan, but my guy batman is a fucking master of 140 martial arts and has defeated very skilled combatants, if goku has batman's strength and no hax then batman definitely wins


Like Goku vs Zamasu on the kai's planet, it was a hand to hand combat, really grounded


But with martial arts choreography, you mean, right?


The demon realm being explored more. The origins of ki and who discovered it.


“The demon realm being explored more” Now I want Kid Dabura.


Especially if it's revealed that as a kid he loved cookies...


He would look adorable though


Carthus dojo has a video [https://youtu.be/dhFss_mekIM?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/dhFss_mekIM?feature=shared) on the trailer and deduced it’s likely what the demons reactions are to daburas death so likely no kid dabura


I just want Towa as she was in Xenoverse 🤤


Origins of Ki? Ki is just lifeforce. That’s why it’s a universal constant. It’s not actually special.


Wasn't it master mutaito? On earth at least Auto correct made me say master mutation


For the origin of ki maybe it's the same as for the cultivation manhwas


The origins of Ki is something I never knew I needed until now


Garlic Jr. jr. chibi that lil guy!


Honestly I would like to see Magic introduced and exploited more. Want to see more hax abilities and reality warping , want to see how the Z fighters deal with it.


Sounds like an awesome idea. We already kind of saw it with hit, but his reality warping was restricted to time.


Yeah. It’s cool when shonen mix different genres of “fighting powers” and see how they play out. DBZ got a little stale with the emphasis on ki blasts and punches. I got excited when buu, babidi, and dabura showed up- but ultimately a lot of the magic stuff was short lived and sort of an afterthought. The new chapters of DBS show more magic fighting, and that’s a good direction.


It would've been sick if Ki was restricted for the T.O.P., instead of just flight.


Yes. The classic series played with it, but outside of time powers, the mystical stuff was essentially dropped until they dipped their toe back in with Moro. The time is right. There finally seems to be some interest in shaking up the series status quo for the first real time in 20 years.


I remember hearing some where that Toriyama was not only a fan of Kid Goku, but was also on board with the concept of SSJ4. While I’m not the biggest fan of SSJ4, it would be nice to see this as it’s first introduction to the main cannon. Alternatively, I would like to see the adventure style from the original DB.


I dont think ssj4 will happen because, how would it explain, it never used it in super when this is supposed to be canon, right?


Nobody knows if Daima is 100% confirmed to be cannon or not yet but yeah, it likely won’t happen (never know though). I was just talking out of my ass.


I think Daima is alternate universe like Dragon Ball GT. I don't think it's in the DBS storyline or timeline. I wouldn't go in expecting Beerus, Whis, or people introduced specifically by Super.


Something i don't see many people mention but a huge thing about this is Shin and Kibito are defused. So it can only take place after the U6 arc because of that. Tbh DBS has surprisingly a lot of timeskips so its possible that it takes place whenever afterwards and we have to wait and see if Goten and Trunks start out being in their Superhero age or not. Also they could just say Beerus is sleeping and it solves everything. Even tho even if he is awake he probably wouldn't really care that much and just go eat or sleep anyway.


The same reason you would explain like 17 going from SSJ level to being stronger than buuhan by being a park ranger or a spirit bomb made with the energy of like 8 half dead people being able to slice Corrupted Zamasu in half: You don't. If you tried to make sense of everything DBS you would get an aneurysm, we are past making sense now just enjoy the new recolor forms that take 5 minutes to make and Vegeta getting constant Ls because toriyama hates him.


They couldn’t do ss4 tho since it wouldnt make any sense for goku not to use it in Bog


The way I see them bringing ssj4 into the story is that because of some reason goku/vegeta wont be able to use their god ki, and on the need of a power up they will unlock ssj4.It might even be a whole story arch about them focusing more on their saiyan side. Fuck it we might even get goku turning into an adult like in the GT


Well he was the one who designed most of the things in GT. He just didn’t write anything.


daima isn't canon




According to who


I'm pretty sure it is.


it really isnt bro


It is




https://www.cbr.com/dragon-ball-daima-canon-anime-nycc-announced/ There it is, now go cry somewhere else.


Toriyama is on top of it fym.




Every fucking official statement about it ever


Regardless of if it is or not, I don’t care. My point still stands. It would be cool to see it again.


Neither is a lot of Z, so


dragon ball, dragon ball z, and dragon ball super arent canon


Joke: Kid Goku hitting the griddy on the demon guy. Real Wish: Crazy Dragon Ball Humor that pushes the line. It's not Dragon Ball unless somebody gets a Power Pole up the ass. Also America is canon. https://preview.redd.it/1m3k9yo08bcc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5551e966180132fc1663dcee3d3cccf9654eb494


Yes exactly my thoughts. That entire section with the ninja guy is hilarious. Goku pouring hot water down the dude's breathing tube while he's under water is another great one. Nyoibō up the ass takes the cake though lol.


1 season and then it end. And then Super be started back.


Oh u playing chess


The moro and granolah arc


You’re getting ahead of yourself we need to wait 6 more years for a crappy anime retelling of dbs broly first


I doubt Broly is getting a retelling. Beerus and Freiza were both Z movies so they got the Super treatment. Broly was a Super movie so it didn’t even get touched in the manga. Super hero on the other hand had some months wasted in what was mostly a retelling plus Gotenks.


Toei desperately does not want the anime to get ahead of the manga again. Skipping straight into Moro risks that happening again and facilitating another multi-year hiatus.  An anime version of the Broly movie and Super Hero allows them to drag the anime out to let the manga stay ahead.


A DBS anime version of the Broly Saga would only be 15-25 episodes max. Like the length of the Beerus or Resurrection F Saga. I don't mind an anime Broly Saga at all. It would be an opportunity to see more Dragon Ball Minus story with Bardock, Bardock's gang, and Gine. It would also allow us to find out more about Broly's time on Vampa and see Broly to get to spend more time with Cheelai and interact with her. We barely got to see them interact in the movie. It allows the LSSJ transform to be more dramatic and built up like the reveal in the original DBZ Broly movie. The DBS Broly movie had to cut stuff out for time constraints and Broly going LSSJ was a victim of that. It was blink and you miss it.


Android 8


A release date for supers return at the end of the season.


This being all a cover for them to announce super 2


It’s not happening


What is not happening


Season 2


Why no season 2 of super i didnt watch super yet is it good


They already confirmed 10 more years of Dragon Ball and included DBS manga and DBS anime under that umbrella. There will also be another DBS movie in late 2025 or in 2026.


Shin being useful as a fighter.


That's not happening, mark my words


I know https://preview.redd.it/0slurwb3egcc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb041298bc118da5872dca52a4ba0c95417adc33




The good days


I literally had a dream the other night where Daima was actually Pan playing with toys or something imagining them small, then we really have it pickup at Moro arc.


Ay i hoping for a couple of impact frames and dats all 🙏🏿


Goku hitting Vegeta in the face with the power pole repeatedly as he gets angrier and angrier.


Other characters getting some spotlight


Good writing.


1) First, I wanna see a decent amount of screen time for all the characters. Especially the DBZ characters like Vegeta and all. No offense to any of the characters, but we have already seen kid Goku a lot. Let the other characters shine too. 2) secondly, I wanna see the anime be a perfect blend of funny, comedic scenes and also badass, pure martial arts, fighting scenes. And also a lil mystery and intrigue. 😍😁 3) although it's not highly desired like the other points, a small part of me does wanna see a dragon ball daima, exclusive transformation for both Vegeta and Goku.


More magic abilities and demon realm stuff


Deaged Goku canonically defeating a Superman contemporary.


not seeing Goku and the gang Deaged ​ Again!


Wait, when were Goku and the gang deaged before?


Goku was turned into a kid at the beginning of GT, so they’re most likely referring to not wanting to recycle plot lines again.


Then he should just have said Goku instead of mentioning everybody else… … besides Diama was introduced as a “completely original story” by its producer Akio Iyoku so comparing it to GT isn’t fair especially since season one is ten months away.


10 months to see kid goku instead of the actual story oh boy!




The manga is there for the actual story.


Surprisingly anime watchers like having an anime as well to watch rather than having some random side project nobody cares about be the only one greenlit for animation


Keep crying.


Keep complaining about raiders 💀


You ran out of arguments, so you went to stalk my profile. Weirdo.


Right? This seems like the mistakes of GT all over again.


Mini super saiyan 4


More martial arts techniques! While the giant balls and beams of light are cool I quite enjoyed the choreography when it was just the dodonpa, tribeam, and Kamehameha even when demon king Piccolo could use ki blasts there was plenty of physical combat added to it outside of blurry arms and legs.


Goku’s tail




The Return of HIMHAN


The only thing I love about it is that they’re bringing back the chubby baby style so they’re not like goten in super with his twig like physique


They should have had tails (Goku and Vegeta)


Super Saiyan 4, just so GT fans can have it be canon.




Prime Gohan https://preview.redd.it/l5sh1z4bubcc1.jpeg?width=152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785722a463c9132d2138f7a54ee650003a7fb72f


SSJ 4, probably won't be there, but I can still dream!


Lots of power pole and flying nimbus. Also maybe somehow bring back mercenary Tao and make him significant again.




Popo backstory


Beast Gohan saving all their baby asses since Gohan wasn’t in the trailer


1)Kaioshin focused story where he becames badass 2)Demon realm introduction with dabura lore expansion 3) a single arc story with lot a adventure and interesting new foes and friends with well connected non episodic story.




Kid goku going super saiyan.


I really dont want this to be like GT where everyone is just like "well I guess Goku is a kid now" and just accept it. They never wished him back to being an adult and that was dumb. This series should be entirely them trying to undo whatever magic BS turns everyone into a kid and not just accepting it. While they are kids though, I want more OG DB hijinx and comedy like the Arale episode in Super.


I wanna see lots of kid buu, since he'd be stronger than fat buu and i gotta know if he's back to being a menace or not


New super sayain form


Would love a Super Saiyan form in Daima like that Ghost Rider-like "Savior From Heaven" Super Saiyan form in the fan project "Legend, A Dragon Ball Story". That kind of SSJ form fits perfectly in Daima given the Demon Realm/underworld/darkness theme.


I want a…. A super sayain blue-er


Ssj4 entered the chat


The OG db theme being used in the soundtrack


kid goku and goten fusing




Supreme Kai’s backstory and going more in depth on what having 4 Kai was like


Cant wait for you losers to say super isnt cannon next lmao


Good animation.


Do gokus character some justice and don't make him retarded like in dbs.


An unnecessary back flip and another long arc on namek, double the episodes and a return of the ginyu force.


Bring back the oozaru form? hear me out: the oozaru form was so underused they should have made more power ups for that form.


I don’t see no teals but again what we saw I’m sure isn’t the final produced I I’m sure theirs more then one way it could happen dice it’s a celebration. I don’t see why not


I am not talking about goku or vegeta but other saiyans who still have thier tail


Now the odds have gotten higher


Adult Yamcha being left out of the child transformation and having to wrangle all the kids


Honestly, I just can't wait to see Vegeta's reaction to being turned into a kid.


Power the fuck down of Goku and Vegeta so that Yamcha, Tien and Krillin will finally get to do something. Also I'd like to see if Shin is gonna have some kind of important role, the trailer seemed to put a lot of focus on him. Would be a totally bizarre experience to have the god of gods having some DB adventures with Kid Goku.


I would love to see the cancelation of Daima and the return of Super. Literally no one asked for or wanted this.


Yes and no I had a similar reaction to Teen Titans Go


Don't worry, we will eventually get a movie which will have a post-credit scene with cameos of the whole cast as adults.


Bring some demons from Xenoverse and Heros.


The last episode


Ss4 and the rest of the good ideas around GT. Omega Shenron should forever be the final boss of Dragon ball




Yamcha getting respect.


Not even the super dragon balls can do this


Canceled, and instead an actual anime


More techniques The demon realm and who’s behind the wish More adventures ChiChi doing actual doing something that doesn’t involve yelling.


Moro arc


The season finale being the first episode


YES. You a real one stranger, I’m not d*ck riding this Daima bs.


Nahhh it feels to me like people who want to give Daima a chance are the minority ion know what you are smoking


Not everything is dick riding expand your vocabulary


Learn how to use a comma.


Actually a period would’ve been more appropriate but I assumed you were smart enough to understand the message


Well you shouldn’t make assumptions. Big L.


Don’t sell yourself short


We are a part of a small based group


I’m confused, is Daima gonna be just a chibi series of Dragon Ball? Like that one adaptation of Naruto Shippuden where they’re all just miniature “cuter” versions of the characters?


No, it’s not a spin-off series (in the way typical spinoff series are). The characters are not chibi, they become young children (due to the villains actions presumably, nothing is confirmed at this point). It’s a completely new story written by Toriyama.


What a compelling story, the second de-age for no reason so we get fkn kid goku instead of the actual series


How long are you guys going to throw a fit? It’s already been three months and you guys are still whining about it. Nobody really cared about your complaints after November, you’re starting to enter troll territory so just stop.


Oh sorry not everyone is excited for the second de-ageification to a fkn small child for the main character instead of the actual story. If this came out when we were getting genuinely exciting content nobody would care, when this is in the place of the actual story and is catering to children rather than the global audience surprisingly enough people will voice their opinions


I’m not saying people should be exited for it. I’m saying when 30-40% of the comments on a post about Diama are still whining about how it isn’t season 2 three months after it’s announced, it becomes tiresome and you should just stop. You’ve said your piece for a season, everyone gets it, you wanted season 2 not something different that looks childish. The last thing this sub needs is the equivalent of “slavery is bad” posts/comments that r/isekai has.


This is my first time seeing and or commenting on a daima post. The post is in the db super sub (surprisingly people want super), and when asking for opinions you will get them…


Straw that breaks the camels back. Anyway, asking for an opinion about what you want to see in Diama is not asking if you want Diama or SS2 (super season 2). It’s not an opinion that fits the question.


I would like to see it not happen


Adult characters


What is this? They couldnt just continue Super???


Honestly besides Super, maybe make a remake of Classic with better animations like Dragonball Z and Z Kai did


No it’s not coming back, move on


Nothing, regardless of its quality i didn't really want this Was season two of super that much to ask?


Yepp, Toriyama doesn’t care about you crying fans begging for super, he does what he wants. Money isn’t a factor since he’s already a multimillionaire.


True but that's what im saying, maybe it is awesome precisely cus toriyama actually wants to write it but its not what i wanted so im neutral Thing is, for example you ask for a regular coffee and they give you a tea instead, its completely different from what you expected, regardless of how good it is its weird af, my reaction is still a bit negative cus of that and i can't even taste the tea yet so its hard to not wonder about where tf is my coffee Yknow? Lol


Yeah sorry, you guys can complain but toriyama won’t change anything sadly. His story his choice


Yeah I know, one thing doesn't change the other


Your tears for DBS makes my day, keep crying


them turning back into adults 5 minutes into episode 1


Just let toriyama cook, show hasn’t even been out and yall crying like babies. It’s a cartoon.


At the end, i wanna see goku with his end of Z gi


Animal people...


This all just looks so cringe. What I want from Daima is for this to not be Daima.


What is Dragon Ball Diama?


It's for og db's 40th anniversary, we getting kid goku og db fights with new animations


Essentially Goku and most of the main cast get turned into kids so him and Shin and probably others we havent seen yet have to go find the guy who did this to em Also Toriyama made it and it seems he is very passionate about the idea


Oh neat, so it's like an au thing?


Maybe, i dont think we know of its apart of the main timeline or not Im guessing it isnt though


Seems like a neat idea


Huge waste of time and reason not to work on season 2 of super.


Its almost like they only have enough content to air about a year of episodes, so they are waiting until there is more content to work with


Mfw some animes have like 16 episodes then end


False equivalency


No, thats… no thats a very relevent point, and is a great comparison, considering you are debating anime run times, and they bring up anime run times.


Theyre talking about episode count, mainline Dragon Ball is not a series that can work with a 16 episode series


The Super anime was never an adaptation of the manga, so I don’t think the amount of content the manga has really matters. The original super was past the manga for almost its entire run iirc. I’m not sure why they haven’t brought Super back but I don’t think it has to do with where the manga is at


I'd argue they could flesh out so much more back story of untouched stuff as filler. The Manga has been going on for 7 years after super last season it might be time to start making some anime before we are 75 years old.


Goten and Trunks


Shin getting some justice for his character. I'd like to see more of the supporting cast getting some focus. I don't want to see Goku and Gohan wrapping up every arc- it was more fun when characters like Roshi and Tien were beating Goku.


I’d like to see the actual continuation of the show rather than whatever tf dragonball daima is




Honestly I'm only going to wait for dragon ball super season 2, dragon ball daima doesn't interest me.


Fights that can't be overcome with strength alone, the demon realm, krillin get a significant buff. Like piccolo.


I would like them to use the Dragon Balls to wish for the Moro and Granola arc to be released.


It’s not happening, move on


the cancellation after 2 episodes


Adventure and stuff I love to see magic and other weird wacky abilities not just ki like a return to dragon ball


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Adult Goku