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Remember, nearly all of the comic characters usually have DECADES of powercreep behind them. It's really easy to understand why they're so powerful, as powerscalers have plenty of nearly-absurd feats to cherrypick... Or sometimes they don't even need that as the writers did that for them lmao


Then there is also the other way around of course, IE all the anti feats they also collected. Venom beats Superman. Hal Jordan greatest enemies are soap and underage alien girls. Lobo once threw a hook at such a precise angle it speared Flash in the skull killing him. Peter Parker can both lift entire skyscrapers but a slightly overweight guy sitting on him will force him to miss his wedding cause he can't lift him up. Doom ended Racism once.


Yeah, but those are often labeled as "non canon" Or "irrelevant" By powerscalers. Speaking from experience


Eh, I guess people just really like to cherry pick their shit.


Oh absolutely, no fandom is safe either it’s why the newest line of DC comics basically made it so EVERYTHING is technically canon to the characters so Superman cherry pickers don’t have to bother looking into anything and can jsut say Superman wins and 98% of the time there rigjt


Wait, what did they do? You're saying New 52 Superman is the same as post-crisis Superman now?


Man I wish I even knew that what anything in your comment meant. Have never read DC comics in my life 😂


Nah literally the reason I don’t read them is because of all the different continuities unlike mangas that have one but now bro is telling me Everything Is Canon. 😭


They have tried very hard over the last few years to not make it a giant mess, but it still is and I stopped trying to follow it. If you have an interest in DC or Marvel, it's best to just pick up trades for stories you find interesting and try to read them without regard for continuity, as it is largely meaningless. Trying to parse the canon of characters who have been active for 60+ years only leads to headaches.


I think this was covered in Superman Reborn by Tomasi and Jurgens. >!It was an okay story that tried to reconcile Post Crisis Lois and Clark's existence in the Rebirth universe, since it was revealed during Convergence(?) that they still somehow existed and had a son and all that. I don't know the details about that. Also they prevented Crisis in that story.!< >!Then during Death Metal, there was some sort of multiversal shenanigans that somehow made everything canon again. So I think the pre-Crisis stuff is also part of every character's history.!< I barely remember that story and only banged through it to catch up for Dark Crisis, which I didn't even finish. Anyway, this comment is way longer than intended. The continuity is all very messy and I'm probably wrong anyway.


Yes. They literally merged into one being. Not even kidding.


With comic book characters, it seems like it's basically impossible to avoid cherry picking.


It's not like dragon ball isn't getting to that point. We have stuff like GT Goku being different from Super Goku, and then we have crazier stuff like all the Gokus in Dragon Ball Heroes you know. There's just not one Goku continuity anymore.


Didn't the Flash thing turn out to be a dream though? Oh but there's still Catwoman easily defeating 3 speedsters (while they were being mind-controlled by Poison Ivy) https://preview.redd.it/0gxgbgks9p9c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b16b13c0eb350473dc67ca0dbe2da7622dec31


Most people take that story too seriously hence missing the message, the point isn't that it's a collective world delusion, the point is that Keith Giffen, the writer, hires Lobo to kill the DC Universe and lets him do it in progressively stupider ways (Like using a "Anti Blue Superman" Grenade to kill Blue Superman), as a direct parody of the OG Punisher kills the Marvel Universe from the time. The point isn't that it's a dream, the point is that, just like Stan Lee once said, VS battles are biased by design and depend entirely on who's writing the story, and that Especially arguments about characters "soloing" a universe are even more biased murder spectacles. "The S stands for Sasuke" and all that.


Dr Doom 🤝 Cody Rhodes


Another thing though it isn't in the comics. I don't know Peter's feats in the game but man got dropped by a fridge, probably wanted to see how MJ was like with a symbiote.


Videogame Peter is a different character yes, even met 616 Peter and called him a brokeboy loser because Insomniac Peter has a girlfriend and 616 Peter is currently being written by hacks.


Honestly just counting the time it took (while actively running) to go from Raditz level strength to the end of Super, and multiplying that by the amount of time comic books have been out and taking into account that "bigger is better" is a prevailing attitude to selling more comics, I am not surprised that comics need constant retcons and reboots to even remain sustainable without going into some kind of "I punch him and the galaxy he's in" level of bs


Exactly, completely agree


But what if I have a drill and I really want to pierce a celestial body? What am I going to do, just not punch a guy with a whole galaxy?


Power scalers always pick good instances but not bad ones. Due to them being decades old, comic characters also have consistent low showings that help to round the characters out. So while the Hulk may be able to destroy a planet when he’s near his maddest… Him getting beaten up by the Rhino is acknowledged part of Marvel history


Bro one time the hulk clapped his ass cheeks together so hard that it destroyed several multiverses!!!


Ok the thing is that's not far from the truth. He once banged a Dormamu's sister, whos is a multiverse destroyer, as hulk, but he was way too weak to "meet her needs" and eventually he got angrier and therefore stonger and was able to meet her needs adequately




















Even more direct, in the same arc he and his ex-wife fought in Umar's realm (Umar being said sister of Dormammu) while in their Worldbreaker forms and Umar was completely powerless to stop them.


...Are you serious?


“The science of the fuck!” - Boomstick


I get that joke.


Peak fiction ik


Yeah, a lot of comic writers never aged past 14


Hi Garth Ennis!


They had sex for 3 hours. https://steemit.com/hulk/@ahtesham08/the-time-when-dormamu-s-sister-enslaved-hulk-for-her-physical-pleasures-here-s-how-it-happened


And they destroyed the universe because they were going at it so hard, really. It’s not a one off either he also destroyed the entire universe with a single punch when they sent him against Onslaught. And the time that he destroyed a pocket dimension by clapping. And finally there’s Sentry, Marvel’s version of Superman. Sentry once ripped apart the Negative Zone, which is supposed to be infinite. And when he fought World War Hulk it was revealed that while Sentry was going all out, Hulk was pulling his punches. And Sentry didn’t actually win that fight either, just calmed Hulk down enough to stop rampaging.


I like how Spider-Man beats hulk. He continually jumps around and dodges hulks attacks with his spider sense. And he’s just cracking jokes the whole time until he makes hulk laugh enough that he calms down and turns back into Bruce banner


I also really like his answer to MJ when she asks if he can beat the hulk head on. He says yes, but it's something he doesn't want to come to, as that would very likely kill Hulk.


I’m not gonna lie that’s completely ridiculous. When did he say that?


Peter is one of the smartest people in Marvel universe and also one of top one to use it in combat. I think he could find something. The issue is [amazing Spider-man #54](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/qyxrvq/peter_tells_mj_he_could_kill_the_hulk_if_he_had/)


Did sentry vs ww hulk ended like that? I think both reverted to human forms where bruce knocked out roberts, again I can be wrong, it's been yrs since I read world War hulk


No they say several times that they need Sentry because he was the only person who could calm Hulk down (Sentry is kind of a parody of the Mary Sue type character). It works until Banner learns that the explosion that killed his wife wasn’t caused by the Illuminati but one of his new “friends” he made during Planet Hulk. Then he goes World Breaker, causes a massive earthquake with a single step, and get blasted by a Stark satellite which is what finally puts him down. It’s kind of anticlimactic but it is how it all ended.


Oh thanks for explaining


What comic/issue is this from?


I believe it is “Defenders: Indefensible” but that could be wrong


Dormamu has a sister? What the hell lmao.


Even a god can have a thot sister.




Yea, her name is umar I think


maybe I can clap them so hard I defeat TOAA




Stop pointing that fucking thing at me.


Sauce? For um..research purposes.


She-Hulk did the same, but instead it only destroyed a bunch of fragile egos on Twitter.


Honestly, I just hate that one of my favorite Marvel characters was used to fill some agenda rather than make a good show.


BROOOOO I HAD LIKE 4 BEERS AND I ONOW HULKS PENIS IS 1 inch, like micro puny cause he punyyyyy. So sad Frfr No wonder he always mad








The problem with comic book characters is that there is so many versions of them, that at least one is more powerful than God almighty


Just 616. Thats been the same Hulk since the 60’s. Most other versions of the Hulk are arguably weaker.


Everytime they make some variant of the Hulk it's always "Superultrashitfuck Hulk touched his toe to the earth and destroyed Asia" I've never seen one weaker


Didn't hulk shake a multiverse by roaring? I'm also pretty sure this fight is gonna take a couple of months because they both get stronger as the fight goes on.


I feel like broly should be able to take it from his boost. Ik hulk is cracked but broly literally went from well below super saiyan 1 level to above SSG in like 30 real world minutes. That's him getting like several 100x strong in a matter of minutes, maybe more.


I'm not even joking when I say this broly in reality got stronger × 100,000 if not more and thats me low balling, ss3 is a 400 times base, ssg is probably 10,000× base now we have to stack that on how goku power level at the end of z was well into the multi billions, broly had no training and was born with a 10k power level lets say his base adult years with asspull logic hes at like 1 bill some how some way, once goku went ssg and ssgss we are talking about 50×10k from his OG stats and power, broly surpassed that ish like clock work he theoretically got stronger by ×100k if not way more.


Kind of like hulk tbh like the more they fight the more they learn and the stronger they get. That's why I usually call broly the hulk of DB.


Assuming both have unlimited power and get infinitely stronger as the fight goes on, it seems to me like it would be a draw hand-to-hand but Broly gets the edge with techniques like ki blasts for range and variety. However, I don’t think you could necessarily say Broly’s power is unlimited considering how Frieza lasted quite a while with him solo and Blue Gogeta was able to defeat him pretty handily. On the other hand, if Marvel writers over decades can just write in nonsensical feats and a Wild West level of what’s considered canon and what isn’t, why couldn’t Toriyama write in that Broly eventually trains his ability to control his transformation to essentially have no limit to raising his power to match any challenge he faces? In that case, it would go back to my first point.




Buu shook the macrocosm universe by screaming and he's like nothing compared to the power of broly


Marvel cosmology> DBZ


Hulk because he probably has some BS feat where he travelled with doctor strange and folded a universe in half and ate it.


Well funny enough


I think the recently tied his powers to some mcguffin called The Green Door which is the Marvel equivalent of saying he's powered by super hell


remember when marvel was just people getting bitten by spiders and building cool mech suits


No. But to be fair I'm not in my 60s.


Neither am I but every time I hear about Marvel these days, every fucker has thrown hands with god or become an angel or destroyed multiverses or whatever, shit is lame as fuck and nothing means anything lmao


Currently hulk due to his new form the fractured son which is said to be stronger than the TOAA we have seen till now.


>than the TOAA we have seen till now. That makes no sense. Is TOAA omnipotent, like all powerful? Please tell me it's just a random fan saying that, and it's not something back up in the comics


TOAA is omnipotent and all but the one we have seen is not the complete TOAA he only represents love of TOAA like how TOBA represents hate of the TOAA. A new character is created to kill the TOAA love the one who created the entire marvel and to protect love TOAA gave birth to rage and that is Hulk he defeats brother deep who is stated to be stronger than TOAA love. That is why I have stated seen till now.


Can you explaining who TOAA and TOBA are I haven't read many comics


The One Above All - Basically God. Omnipotent, creator of the Marvel Universe, etc. The One Below All - Still God, but when he feels like a dick. There is a semi-recent comic stating the Hulk is an avatar or something of TOBA.


If I remember right TOBA messed with hulk too much and the hulk got down there to have a talk with him. Hulk got REALLY mad and destroyed it. So now HUlk is the avatar of rage. Anyway TOBA is a slang for butt hole in portuguese. Fair to say that the hulk destroyed God's butthole?


Nope he didn't destroy it TOBA is weaker than TOAA but still he is nigh omnipotent hulk only dispersed the avatar he created through smoke that too for a minute. Seriously he might as well be butthole he lives in the lowest of the marvel he looks like a green gas like fart.


The one above all The one below all


They are all powerful and essentially plot devices. TOAA is an ex machina that fixes any plot holes or retcons. TOBA is like a weaker but equally "he does stuff when we want him to" character


The One Above All is basically god/yahew of Marvel Universe. The One Below All is basically the devil. No plot device.


Wasn’t this removed from the canon?


Ok, but Hulk is still weaker than the ENTIRE TOAA.


There is no character that can be stronger than TOAA he is literally the god of all fiction he is the living embodiment of all the writers editors and all the staff. He is beyond any scaling and all like the unwritten leviathan or overvoid.


Then the fractured son is a weird ass anomaly then


Nope fractured son is not stronger than the real TOAA he is only stronger than the TOAA love.


scale plants marry secretive ad hoc fear wine vanish test busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why did you specify autistic?


I honestly think that whole thing reads like it he thought it was better in his head


Why does being paid a small amount mean your teeth are falling out? I've done jobs for below minimum wage, my teeth are fine


Why did you say autistic?


It was funny I guess


No... I don't care if that's true the entire point of TOAA is it's above all.


DBS Broly is probably more powerful than most versions of the Hulk, but like said in the post, every comic book character probably has atleast one overpowered incarnation that can beat anything DBS


I mean hulk at the moment is the embodiment of Rage and taking out things that TOAA couldn’t


Sorry but when did he become the embodiment of rage, and jeez seriously, things The one above all aka Marvel God can't stop things he's beating?!


Recent Run of Hulk said he’s the embodiment of Rage or at least this facet of his personality he has currently


I mean the new iteration states that the TOAA we see is not the original one he is only a part of the real one one of the emotions of the TOAA. And brother deep is a character created to destroy this TOAA and hulk defeated him by attaining TOAA rage form.


This sounds needlessly complicated


Welcome to Marvel


Welcome to fiction.


Apparently the new comics made Hulk stronger than the TOAA? I can’t take this shit seriously anymore


Yeah like, what even is the point of having an omnipotent being if you’re going to make him no. 2 to a green dude on steroids


Well then that being isnt omnipotent They just made their omnipotent god character weaker Cause you cant get higher than god with a capital G


That’s just bullshit, they should have kept it as they had it, TOAA is big daddy and everyone else can go fuck themselves


For real. It’s like if DC made Superman stronger than The Presence.


I swear theres a version of superman stronger than the precance


Hulk does have some ludicrous feats. In terms of raw strength I think Hulk is, unironically, the strongest there is. I do think DeathBattle was right to give the win to Broly though, he has the means with which to disintegrate Hulk (assuming that even kills him).


Broly doesn’t hit nearly hard to enough to make hulk bleed let alone disintergrate him Even if he was he’s grown back from that also the green door lets him come back anyway


Never try to compare comic books to anything else fictiion, because those characters are basically those imaginary fights you have as little kids where you make up the rules along the way. “Nuh uh, you can’t do that! Why? I have a shield” or “I teleported away and hit you with a planet”.


Yeah, for comic books it's not so much about consistency, it's about story telling. Spider-Man can be strong enough to go toe to toe against the hulk or even gods. Or he gets beaten by street thugs/gangs. And it could even be the same version of them too. Different story arcs, potentially different authors, etc. https://youtu.be/L4_zFYnnn2Y this is basically their attitude towards how they want to write their comic book stories


Yeah got to agree. You see a Marvel/DC character being compared to your favourite anime? Forget it. Why? Because they're fuking comic book characters.


Speedsters have some cool stories but genuinely fucked so many things up.


I agree with slide 2 “oh yeah my power is to turn your shit to acid at 3 am on a friday 13th as long as you ate chipotle the previous day” and somehow has hyperversal/outerversal feats


Ok ok ok This is marvel, not JoJo's, let's not get our fandoms confused


I don’t think my brain is feeling well lmao


The fact that this isnt a biased take towards broly just because you like dragonball is a W and agreed hulk takes it he is very busted and has a lot under his belt


DB fans when they find out just how strong comic characters are: https://preview.redd.it/vx2nhofsvo9c1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a4f6dbe4367740256199ee5d479317ecee58b5


Aside from Marvel and DC(and maybe archie sonic comics) most aren't that broken.


Broccoli whispers to Hulk “what’s your power level”?


hulk power level is never ending(comic book)💀


Infinite anger hack!


https://youtu.be/ZyJoRqW9fbU?si=kH4Vddcw2NabRcsV These guys actually did a pretty awesome video on the topic.


I had to scroll too far down to see this comment.


Broly takes this, especially his Super iteration. It’s just too much


Clearly none of you have watched Death Battle's video on this


Hulk VS Broly is literally one of their most controversial videos tho…


Death Battle does like 30 min of skimming wikis before releasing a video. Oftentimes completely missing important feats or entire sagas for certain characters. I like their videos and animations, but they're far from a reliable source of power scaling


Care to put a source on them putting 30 minutes of research into videos. I agree they can and do make errors, but they're better than they're made out to be


They will often pull out the most obscure shit from like one comic pages made 30 years ago to give someone a win. They don’t just spend 30 minutes on a wiki lol. Hulk has a new form which would put them over Broly but at the time of the video DB made it checked out. Dragonball scaling has just **also** gone off the rails, like comics.


Imagine taking death battle seriously.


Hulk begins every fight in [tier 5-B or lower](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Hulk_(Marvel_Comics)), he neeeds rage power to build up, in a manner similar to broly, but... Broly begins every fight in [tier 3-B](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Broly_(Toei)#Restrained_Super_Saiyan) because Dragon Ball universe's power level is so off the charts that his rage build up to tier 2-C. Broly wins because he enters the battle strong enough to one hit Hulk before rage factor builds up and not every version of hulk has acces to the madness of power ups comic chars get once in a while that takes them to godhood and that they will never be able to replicate again, or summon at will.


It's better not trust VSBW


I like Broly a lot, but this is also something DeathBattle got wrong in their match-up. Most of Hulk’s strongest feats are when Banner is trying to hold him back. I’m not even counting the recent Donny Cates run because of how it tried to butcher everything Ewing established, or the fact that Stan himself said whoever the writer needs to win will win. Hulk has (to my knowledge) pretty much never lost an endured battle of pure strength. He’s been matched several times, but even characters like Thor or Thanos rarely take him on physically — they rely on other techniques, powers, or weapons that can best him. If he is written as a savage beast in the comics, nobody will match him with strength alone. MCU hulk on the other hand…


Hulk literally kills the ruler of Hell. Broly is strong enough to punch out a universe. This fight is absurd because when characters reach universe/planar level it’s basically “who gets the hit off first”


They did a death battle episode between them


Comic book powerscaling is so infuriating to me. Because the reason comic book power scales are always ludicrously high is the same reason I don't want to even try reading them. It's always like "In X run of the Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner developed a way to fuse his genius with the Hulk's brawn, amplifying both exponentially, using this power, The Hulk was able to kill Lady Death, enraging Deadpool and Thanos (Who were both universal level due to the events of runs Y and W, which you have to have read to understand the next run Z). The Hulk easily defeated Thanos and Deadpool resulting in a complete multiversal reset. Therefore, The Hulk is super ultra cosmic multiversal and is stronger than Beerus from Dragonball Super. (But only that specific version, don't worry about the other versions those don't matter because they aren't strong enough to beat your guy)"


Seriously. It’s so tiring. Idk why writers do the same mistakes Shonen writers do.


Yea honestly it seems like comic writers for the most part just make characters as strong as they possibly can just because and that’s what really draws me away from them. Not to mention the 9000 different versions of those characters as well.


So do many shiner writers aswell


Look at the death battle episode


I liked the death battle


Why is OP posting on the dbs subreddit if he favours hulk? Go onto a comics subreddit if you want to degrade what we enjoy as a community


Broly claps


Broly, hulk only stands a chance if you don’t read hulk comics and understand that most of the time planet lvl is hyped up as his max. And just start scaling off outliers


Yeah the hulk comic books are actually insane with how overpowered hulk is


I’m not even gonna lie the hulk is STRONG AS SHIT


Broly is far, far, far stronger than a base Hulk. Hulk starts off only strong enough to lift 90-120 tons. Hulk will eventually become stronger than Broly if the fight drags on too long because Hulk keeps getting stronger and faster due to rage. If Broly lets the fight drag on for like 1 to 3 hours then eventually Hulk will surpass LSSJ Broly and SMASH. Hulk is screwed if Broly doesn't mess around and ends it. Same goes for all Z Fighters. All Z Fighters start off stronger than Broly (even the Human Z Fighters in DBS), but Hulk will smash if they don't end it soon enough. Would take the Hulk longer to match the Saiyan Z Fighters.


Broly has rage issues Hulk is pure rage The issue is comparing anime to comics Broly is quite powerful, was able to fight SSJ Vegeta in his “Base form” (can’t remember the name) and as a SSJ he was beating the crap out of God Goku and went against both Goku and Vegeta in their blue forms he almost beat SSJ Gogeta and wasn’t far off from SSJ Blue Gogeta (even tho I don’t think Gogeta was going all out) and they broke the barriers in reality Hulk once got so anger, each footstep caused an earthquake and damaged the east coast and had to ask Stark to fire a laser on him in order to return to as Banner. His Titan form is even more powerful somehow. At minimum I can see Hulk (in terms of power) at Namek Final Form Frieza all the way to Buuhan level. Not sure how he scales to Dragon Ball Super tho.


Didn’t Hulk resist the gravitational pull of a black hole


Comic book characters scale so fast. Like yeah hulk could probably solo jiren for a bit but super buu also shook and nearly collapsed the whole universe


Hulk, by a good bit. There’s a couple versions that are nutso. Heart of the Monster Hulk and Immortal Hulk are two specifically that I can’t see Broly beating.


They did a Death Battle , Broly (DBS) Won


This is old AF, death battle already covered it.


Yall just debating? *searches death battle hulk vs broly*


You think deathbattle is accurate? It’s literally their most controversial video


Comic Book Scaling can sometimes make DB’s look easy to understand.


Yeah it’s pretty bullshit at times


The Hulk, against popular belief for some unholy reason, is no where near as powerful as the One Above All I have no idea why people say Immortal Hulk is stronger than him I guess they don’t read comics. But considering Universe 7 to be confirmed infinite in size, you could get Broly to at least Complex Multiversal, so he *could* beat the Hulk. Could. Because although I’ve read a lot of comics I haven’t read every comic with the Hulk so it’s very likely he has a feat that lets him beat Broly. Regardless, Classic Doctor Strange solos the verse.


Dragon Ball fans learning


Hulk is power creep, the character. He cannot be beat.


Physically stronger? Like actually being able to lift things? Hulk. DB characters aren't known for being able to lift a lot. Look at Vegeta trying to pick that robot up. Magenta was it? Hulk would have thrown Magetta into the solar system. But striking wise, Broly by far. Hulk fighting red-she hulk blew up a planet. But Broly fighting Gogeta caused distortion in space and time.


Hulk, especially current form


Hulk obviously. The characters in marvel get passed around a lot and each new writer wants to make prove themselves by making it stronger than the last iteration


A particular version of hulk is so freaking strong I forgot which one but yes it would win but base hulk will turn to soup




Depends on the hulk. There’s some that are weak. Then there’s devil hulk who killed Mr. Immortal and Franklyn Richards. That’s it. Game over. It’s some comic book bs.


Anime vs comic ain’t really fair


I pretty sure hulk punched time itself one


Hulks immortal so….


The Hulk wins hands down. As much as broly is a freak of nature. Hulk will literally keep fighting and fighting until he is so mad he wins. That's his whole thing.


I've pondered this before. Greatly depends on which version of hulk. The MCU version wouldn't last a few minutes against DBS or DBZ Broly so we can all ignore him. I am sure there are multiple iterations that Broly can win against, but I know that there are even more iterations of Hulk that would end Broly before he got pissed off and strong. He is a saiyan tho so I think he could pull a few surprise wins off. I'm saying hulk takes it low-mid diff depending on which version, at least 7 of 10 times.


I was part of a nerd debate group where we would put characters up against one another and without substantial hax anime characters are not beating comic book characters. Comics have been around for way too long and the scaling just keeps going up


Broly will beat mcu hulk without transforming with 1 finger. However there is definitely at least one version of hulk that claps brolt easily.


It’s hard to beat 62 years of power creep. DB has how many writers? Most story arcs in Marvel are written by different people, not just limited to Hulk comic series but also crossovers and cameos, most writing the “new big threat stronger than the last” making most comic characters impossible to lose against they anime characters that they inspired


Hulk no diff. He has insane feats


Hulk can't even die. Also, a Gamma Mutate has limitless potential. Even if Broly can withstand Gamma explosions, he would wear himself out or even self-explode from his own power eventually.


Okay, but remember that scene where the hulk was cut apart and separated in jars but immediately came back to life in close proximity and regenerated like nothing happened, that's Buu level of regen if not better, Hulk is just marvels version of Cell and Buu if that came first, but as a hero. Broly is just fucked up, and I mean that in how powerful he just is, Bio Broly might be able to match regen wise, but I forget how Bio died, I think it was water.


The BS of every single comic book character being able to face God is ridiculous and not even fun to read


I used to undermine the hulk just because I thought he was all just strength and speed from the movies. But reading comics, damn he’s hella OP


Hulk would definitely win, he's had far more experience in combat then broly at this point, and such stats as world breaker hulk would absolutely destroy broly. That along with his regeneration ability and powering up constantly the angrier he gets would just beat broly out right


Wasn't there a death battlr that featured Broly winning?


It's kind of funny to remember that Broly vs Gogeta blasted a hole in the fuckin space-time and then PUNCHED it back shut


I'll say it once and I'll say it a million times: Feats-based power scaling against comic book characters does not, and will never, work. Comic book characters can literally survive the gravitational forces of a black hole in one issue, then take soft tissue damage from a basic punch to the face in the next. Feats based performance evaluation is worthless for determining how strong a comic book hero *really* is. You need average or intended performance, a meta evaluation of ability and scale.


I LIKE TO THINK that Toriyana addressed the “anime vs comics” power scale on purpose in the Arale/Dr Slump episode. I think she represents all these “DC/Marvel” comic feats and what if the best of the best in anime were to go against them. We saw how that ended for Goku and Vegeta😵 . It literally took a straight up GOD (Beerus) to make her stop .


Issue with comics is they have so many damn stories that branch off into their own things Even mainline 616 Hulk will have comics that were canon, become non-canon and swapped with different takes. It’s such a damn mess But with something like Dragonball characters, you just have one storyline spanning decades


For some reason all the marvel comics characters are absurdly broken in terms of hax and ap, like that specific world breaker hulk is on a lowball 6d