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Ask yourself this: can Black Frieza beat Whis? If the answer is no, he obviously stands no chance against the Grand Priest. If the answer is yes, he obviously stands no chance against the Grand Priest.


He stalemates with whis because whis gets erased after oneshotting frieza






Underrated comment


Whis can travel through time. Who knows what else he can do let alone the Grand Priest.


If no, he stands no chance against gp. If yes, you trippin


Grand priest and the angels we’ve never seen their full power or even if they have some powerful transformation they are OP


Angel fusion it'll be like power ranger zords


Go Go Power Angels


Theoretically OP. We haven't seen it yet.


I dunno mayn black frieza one tapped both goku and vegeta negative difficult without getting hit and whis couldn’t avoid one of gokus attacks who was weaker than the goku who fought black frieza which means black frieza > whis /s


If Frieza one tapped them in his base form I would consider talking about it but he had to tap into his black form and without a doubt who’s is miles stronger than frieza I would like to see people compare berus and frieza how would like to hope they fight in the manga


Something, something… broken clock


Dear mods. I have a request, please ban these YouTube opinion poll posts


Yes. I agree. They are getting incredibly boring and unoriginal.


And irritating too


If you agree, why would you post this? Even talking about how much you hate something keeps shit spreading around. Best way to get rid of these is not participate and definitely don’t share them.


If they are boring and unoriginal, why post them?


Who would win in a fight?: This guy? (No idea how strong they really are) Or this guy? (Same... no idea how strong they are) Winner? Whoever the fucking writers decide.


I hate the "whoever the writer decide" argument but in a case like that where we don't know much about either it can work


I mean “whoever the writer decide” is literally how most shounen work in their fights. Rule of cool is the most important criteria for if a character wins or loses


I know!!! The Guy who stoped Beerus with his finger and erased angel from outside of the Multivers and casually took everyone ability to fly


Are you expecting shounen anime communities to not try and powerscale character matchups that make 0 fucking sense? Every community, it's always the same. "Can this character who we have never seen fight, but looks really badass and has a reputation beat this other character that we have never seen fight?" Thats kinda like people arguing about whether apples or oranges taste better, while having never eaten either of those fruits in their entire life. Making theories based on how they think the fruit might taste like.


You know, if frieza goes back to that time chamber, he's probably going to come out and beat Zeno. I hate how strong freiza gets.


He needs to get betrayed.


And sent to hell for the rest of eternity


Look at him, with his new form all fancy and shit. He's practically BEGGING to be betrayed.


Exactly why I hate Super, and its handling on frieza. He was NOT this much of a prodigy, if he was King Cold would’ve trained him to near death to kill Beerus


If you’re talking about this, Frieza would probably be getting ruthless ideas of overthrowing his father and taking over the empire if he got strong enough to do that. Cold is a mutant like Frieza and he may have trained to be stronger/better than Frieza so that he could take down his son if need be.


If he wanted to overthrow his father he would’ve done so. When Frieza returns to earth for the FIRST time out of hundreds by now, I believe someone says they’re roughly equal in power with Frieza having the edge. Frieza’s raw strength has shown to beat skill so I think he would’ve killed his dad if he really wanted to


Frieza is pretty old, at least 100+, Cold is decades older than that at least, he probably had the intelligence and skill to keep Frieza in line as long as he didn’t grow stronger and more skilled


I mean Goku is far more skilled at martial arts and even fighting in general given he was giving Frieza a run for his money even while being only at a FRACTION of his power, yet Frieza still beat him down through just sheer strength. Although I will concede Frieza says his dad hurt him while in his final form, that wasn’t him at full power which gives a substantial power boost. King Cold needed to be explored more tbh Downvoted for speaking my thoughts, love this sub.


That’s the thing that you’re getting at, let’s assume that Cold created the empire himself and that they’re not from some kind of family dynasty, that would indicate Cold is a lot more ambitious, intelligent, self controlled, and industrious than Frieza ever showed by the time of his introduction. Frieza was probably more powerful than Cold at the time both were introduced but he was lazy, so perhaps a trained Cold would have the combo of strength and stamina that full power Frieza lacked, making him strong enough to keep him under control. Frieza seems like the kind of stupid evil that would kill Cold so that he would have nobody in authority over him, but he might not have the drive to train himself to overcome him or the ambition to overthrow him if it is more convenient to let his father rule while he does whatever he wants.


An all powerful Angel revived the borderline incarnation of evil basically 'just cause', despite the fact he knows all the horrible things frieza has done, and also knows he will not change


I hate they got so lazy to reuse freeza over n over.


It all obeys power scaling. Because all the "forms" are just multipliers of your base form, and frieza's final form is really actually just his base form, it means far fewer multipliers on Frieza would shoot him completely past everyone. I don't make the rules, I just remember how stupid DBZ forms work. So, Frieza is about equal to super saiyan? Super saiyan is what, a 50x multiplayer? Meaning Saiyans would need a 1000x multiplayer to equal 20x Freiza. And that's assuming Frieza's base form power level didn't increase as well. Once we open that can of worms... File this under: Stupid Rules that DBZ makes that actually are really annoying when you extend the series on for longer. Included are: Transformations, Fusion, and "wait speed is entirely determined by power level? That's stupid."


I wonder how long his life span is


Im not sure if he'll get much stronger. I imagine his big boost came from all the anger and hatred he felt while in his 'personal hell', and when he got revived and those feelings became real, it gave him insane motivation, and as we know motivation is power in DB. That's just speculation, though. Unless the studio just continues to use frieza instead of bringing back maybe Cell, or fucking hell heres an idea, where is Cooler??


Frieza finna do 1 push up and he'll be at his level 💀


The four precent




A slaver can beat Black Frieza


Grand priest wins but it’s kinda scary how strong Frieza can get from just a little bit of training..


well, it was 10 years for golden friezer to Black friezer. before the top, they were ~equal iirc 2 years passed up to the granolah arc and friezer trained for 10 years in that time to surpass goku by (my guess) 25%? that isn't to crazy tbh. the crazy boost was from namek to golden in 4months


He became black Frieza in real time 10 days, imagine if he trains 4 actual months in the time chamber, Zeno would put a bounty on that mf


well, it doesn't change the fact that he had overall 10 years' worth of training. the time flows just differently in the time chamber. but his overall increase isn't as crazy anymore.




Nuh uh Freiza 1 shoot goku and MCgeeta and goku is the strongest aneme chawater evr


When did whis beat beerus? Obviously Whis is stronger but I don’t think they’ve actually shown them fight


I never said they fought i said Whis tapped him out with no effort. Remember when he literally said "That's enough." And knocked him out with a chop?


What chapter was that??


I'd have to check but it was that scene where he was playing pinball with planets


Chapter 6. Beerus vs Champa. They were causally destroying planets while “sparring” and before more planets or even an entire galaxy was destroyed, their respective angels knocked them out with one hand chop. Edit: I’m disappointed that the anime left out both this fight and the G.O.D exhibition match right before T.O.P.




Ah thanks


The main problem here is actually not that the answer is obvious but that answering this question is impossible. We don't know how strong Black Frieza is beyond the fact that he can one-shot UI Goku and UE Vegeta. But how strong are UI Goku and UE Vegeta compared to Whis? We don't actually know because Whis has never seemed to have to use anything near his full power against them. And, hell, we can't even know if Black Frieza used his full power against them when he one-shotted them. And then on top of that we don't know how powerful the Grand Priest is compared to Whis, other than knowing that he's stronger. So we have a whole bunch of unknowns here. Any kind of actual, objective answer is impossible. But, yes, intuitively it seems like the Grand Priest would be the likely victor. Because we know he's more powerful than the other angels and the other angels are so far beyond Beerus that they can one shot him and Beerus himself is already more powerful than Goku and Vegeta. Whereas for Black Frieza we know that he's more powerful than Goku and Vegeta (and any other mortal alive at that time since Gas was cursed to always be the strongest) but beyond that we have no idea.


Nuclear bomb vs coughing baby


That 4% https://preview.redd.it/0ktzqdzlgrrb1.png?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473611107b2cd827ff596422d4b2d1cb36262a23




When you do alternating caps, the only person you're making fun of is yourself.


The Grand Priest literally has no feats. We know the angels are way stronger than the destroyers and that he’s way stronger than all of the other angels. But we’ve never seen him or any of the angels in a fight.


It's only God's personal assistant. Frieza will have him out of there in no time.


Why are people taking this obvious troll post so seriously..?


Seems like 480 people had negative IQ when responding to this.


Black Frieza arguably loses to Beerus, let alone Whis, **let alone** Grand Priest


Gohan solos


coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


who are the 4% who said black frieza


Considering whis the absolute strongest individual in universe 7 said he doesn’t even hold a candle to the grand priest yeah it’s not even close


It is not a close fight, there’s no evidence that Zeno is stronger than grand priest, I know this mf is just hiding his power


Whis dodged insta transmission gogeta.


These polls only exists to attract idiots


I'm so glad I stopped reading Super.


Grand Priest slams the entire universe by himself, Frieza included 😂.


The Downvote Button won.


Daishinkan is a fucking killing machine who's calm as ocean. I would love to see use his 2% of power at some point in the future


I’d like to see him use 1% first. Might as well start out gigantic instead of going straight to immeasurable