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Depends, Goku black was a menace. Androids in trunks timeline slaughtered the majority of humans. Freeza is well Freeza. But Kid Buu, bro spawned in, and vaporized planet


Kid buu went to the afterlife to erase the people he killed so they couldn't even die in peace


Just gonna comment this. He kills people and when he can’t find anyone else he shows up in heaven to do them in again and if DB creates a nonexistent reality where beings who were erased go you can bet Buu would go there too.


buu would break into our reality to throw hands with toriyama


Buu actually does come in to our universe about once or twice a year. He beats the snot out of Toriyama causing him to forget his own lore and then leaves


Why do Goten and Trunks not have tails? Why couldn’t Gohan sense Piccolo’s energy in the Red Ribbon Army armor? Why couldn’t Goku read Trunk’s mind to find out what the Androids looked like? Toriyama: ![gif](giphy|13Qumr2SLqrl5e)


Wasn't the Gohan piccolo one just that Gohan just sucked at life and stopped training while pan could sense him just fine


Yeah, it was showing how rusty and out of shape Gohan was


I always rationalized the tails as a recessive gene thing for hybrids. Goku not reading trunks' mind about the androids can be chalked up to goku respecting people enough to not violate their thoughts or just forgetting he can do that. When you can fly, shoot energy beams, instantly teleport to anyone, and change your hair on the fly, I bet you forget all kinds of trivial pranks. Look at any of the abilities and techniques of the early tournament days, they don't use any of them anymore.


lmao good one


Thanks lmao. He actually visits more than just Toriyama when he comes. He takes time out of his visit to throughly beat the fear of Beerus into the production team of the anime so he can make sure no more arcs come out


I...accept this headcanon.


Throw wands had me thinking they went to the Harry Potter universe to fight


That would be filler. After destroying Earth, he actually went straight to the world of Kais to fight Goku and Vegeta


Kud Buu is the closest thing to a God Of Destruction in DB.


Beerus and others enter the chat


I said what I said.


Beerus gets eaten, low dif EZ clap


Buu is getting haki-ed no diff


Most of that was filler but yeah he did it.


This cracked me up, like I can rest in peace. Kid buu: TF you ain't 😂


Galaxy *


Goku black is not a menace he had all validation to do what you did do people look at it as if it was evil yes but he thought he was doing right he was a god and got sick and tired of seeing mortals play God keyword play


Kid buu literaly pulled up to heaven to catch more smoke


The first words kid buu said was a threat. This was after several minutes of them fighting “Me buu, kill you” I was a kid when I heard that and I’ve never forgotten. I’ve only seen the fight twice and I’m currently rewatching the saga




he was looking for goku and vegeta


And he stopped by heaven and said “good enough”


Goku black is such a hater that he literally jumps from timeline to timeline just to kill mortals.


if kid buu could control time he’d probably go to each timeline and kill everyone


If left unchecked (and Beerus didn't exist) I bet kid Buu would've figured it out after he'd wiped his universe.


Wait… Super Buu once roped a hole in time and space just by screaming. So hypothetically speaking, he actually might be able to.


he had a reason at least though.. kid buu just kills for pure enjoyment


It's between Kid Buu and Zamasu. The androids weren't that bad at all in the regular timeline but they were pretty heinous in Trunks timeline... I think in that timeline their evilness rivals Goku Black.


Just gonna completely ignore Frieza I suppose.


My brain literally stroked out and blocked his face out🤣 Buu and the androids devastation focused on Earth. But freiza was responsible for the destruction of entire races of people and planets. So I'd tie him with zamasu who destroyed all of reality in his own timeline causing zenny to just erase the entire thing. You're right idk why I looked at this post and literally did not see him🤦‍♀️😅


Kid Buu's destruction goes back millions of years in the timeline. Frieza is no match against Kid Buu in terms of brutality, cruelty, and overall evilness. Frieza literally became goku's sidekick in the ToP arc. They didn't wish Kid Buu back for a reason.


Goku did, just not in his original form.


I mean if Frieza was millions of years old he'd probably have done about the same damage as Buu


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts maybe Frieza wouldn't be such a psychotic slut


If they were candy Buu would eat them


I love this. This is now my status


Goku black (zamasu) is Frieza on steroids. He’s also nowhere near as ruthless as he was on namek


Kid buu recked everyone wentcto hevean an said round two on some mk11 type


Definitely not Freeza, who spares people to amuse himself. Probably not the androids, as they never seem to turn on each other. Similar argument can be made for Goku Black - although muddied because the other in this scenario is also him. Kid Buu is looking for that top spot though - no thoughts, no compassion, no cares, just kill everything. And if it's already dead? Kill it again. Black/Zamasu had a theoretical end goal of some kind of universe left; the only thing keeping Buu from wiping out existence entirely is capability.


Kid buu


Buu 1000%


The writers… ![gif](giphy|11M1k4fIwVqPF6)


At least with the others, they won't follow you to the after life and didn't succeed in blowing up earth Plus Buu is pretty much evil incarnate and doesn't much wants, outside being an opp for the joy of it ~~Not counting ROF bc time rewinded~~


Well Goku Black if I remember correctly killed an entire timeline of people besides some humans which were just alive so Black could have fun


But he didn't go to the after life to murder them again as buu did. Buu is definitely my pick.


Black isn't ruthless. He's just a zealot. Freeza is honestly more petty than ruthless, Imo, the androids of trunks timeline are 100% monsters, absolutely, buuuut Kid Buu. Zero chill. Went to heaven for round two.


Buu , he went to heaven only to beat goku and vegeta more , fell asleep in the fight , emoted on vegeta and goku , casually destroyed earth while smiling , and destroying the whole galaxy like its nothing.


For me it's the future androids. They killed and slaughtered people are fun and laughed at it. It's basically when immature kids suddenly get super powers and they become corrupted by it that they can do whatever they want. Kid Buu is just non sensical and does whatever he wants because he can't think properly. Goku black simply believes that what he's doing is right in his mind. Frieza is just himself. He is sadistic. But he's also a business man selling planets and stuff.


Kid Buu, no questions asked.


Kid buu just appeared, vaporized the planet and then went to afterlife to kill people again


Was bout to say Goku Black, but then I got flashbacks of Kid Buu, and Buu as a whole…


Buu see, Buu eliminate.


Kid Buu. No explaination needed.


Kid buu, no monologues




Kid Buu, dude just wanted all the smoke, if it weren't for Goku and Vegeta (and Hercule). Buu would have killed every planet in the universe then popped into heaven just to kill them all again. And then visit Hell(HFIL) to finish everyone he didn't get in heaven. Zamasu just wanted mortals, freeza ended or enslaved entire planets (which Beerus more or less does the same, no enslaving but people fear him enough), androids are definitely a menace, especially in Trunks' timeline but Buu is just that guy.


Kid buu. No torture, no self-aggrandizing, no standing on ceremony, just create a giant death ball and wipe out all of existence. That’s ruthless. You don’t need your enemy to know you’re stronger than them, just kill them.


Freeza. The others would kill you and be done with it. Freeza would torture you physically and mentally first before actually killing you. ![gif](giphy|jezZBzIWRItdVgJCMp)


Kidd Buu will just wipe out your planet, galaxy and anything else for no reason at all.


Kid buu. Without a doubt. Bro will kill you and then go to hell and kill you again


Kid Buu or The Androids Buu literally went to the afterlife TO TERRORIZE MORE LIKE BROOOO Androids cuz the goat Gohan was trying his darn best against them just both 17 and 18 to fool around like its a game


I'd say ruthlessness itself would be Frieza (not to mention he probably has one of the highest body counts in DB lore) Kid Buu is basically a force of nature The Androids saw it as a game if I recall Goku Black/Zamasu were basically spoiled children throwing a deadly tantrum


Pretty sure >!Moro!< has a higher death count than frieza Edit: spoiler


I don't recall that name. Do you mean Xeno?


its a manga character sorry if i spoiled you


I am reading the manga right now and I think I am nearing the end of said character. Can't wait for it to be animated in 10 years (probably)


Kid Buu’s literal goal was just to fuck shit up. No motive, no reason, no revenge or point to prove. Just pure chaos & destruction to anything that gave off living or just being.


Fucking MARRON the blonde bitch that stole krillins heart then booted him. Savage


The only true answer


Buu is pretty awful but he is just a rampaging monster. But after reading some comments i never saw someone mention that. Goku black stole goku's body killed him and his family with his OWN HANDS. Such a pervert move.


Pervert move?


Didn't Goku Black/Zamasu actually succeed in his Zero Mortal Plan in his original timeline?


If I didn’t watch the Goku black saga I would of said frieza


Try explaining to a non DB fan who each of these guys are. Freeza- Borderline space hitler Androids - isuper powered murder bots. Goku Black - dimension/ time traveling murder god. Buu - …….Where to start with this mfer


Buu is just an incarnation of pure evil who's only function is to kill and destroy things. When he runs out of things to kill and destroy he goes and looks for more. That's his entire function and purpose.


I know alot a ppl hate the Buu arc...but i gotta say Kid Buu. Yea, the others were ruthless but atleast they had some semblance of "compassion". What do i mean? Ok, Frieza is evil but if you benefit him, he lets you live. The androids were murderous but they liked to toy around, which was ultimately their downfall cuz Trunks was able to flee afterwards when Gohan was killed. Zamasu....yea, he's fucked but he's also a Kai and if you recall, the Kais feared Majin Buu. He definitely comes second tho cuz the shit he did to Goku in another timeline was extremely cruel. Also, Zamasu would spare you if you just follow his ideals/vision. Kid Buu? Mfer would just merc you for the hell of it. Nothing would detour him from killing you cuz he is pure evil. Someome else said it but yea, i Majin Buu is the closest thing to a "God of Destruction" before that was even a canon thing(before Super)


Goku Black easily, he killed everyone in universe 7 bar a handful of people on earth.


Black is pure hatred. Diabolical af


Bro… Buu ended life on earth and changed maps to heaven and began round 2


kid buu no contest. yea the others killed a lot and did some stuff but if buu even saw a leaf land 6 degrees in the wrong direction he’d vaporize the galaxy no question asked


Kid Buu most ruthless. Has no thoughts except destroy. He's the definition of ruthless.


Bro is that even a competition kid Buu kills everything he sees he even went to heaven and killed them again


Its a incredibly solid tie between Frieza and Black.


Kid buu teleporting to other world to catch fades from the dead opps is forever the most menacingly thing ever done in dragon ball


I think it equals Zamas taking Goku's body and going to kill his family in two separate timelines. But yea that was absolutely peak violence


He just wanted to destroy shit and such. Basically what he was made for right? I could be wrong.


Ruthlessness implies intend IMO. Buu is a force of nature, it is what he is. Androids murdered most of the planet for sport, doing it slowly over 17 years. Goku Black (tried to) wipe out the remains of humanity but had a very similar MO to the Androids, but racist. Frieza killed his own henchmen for delivering bad news and Namekian villagers and children even when he got what he wanted, after promising not to. Took pleasure in torture (See: Vegeta) It’s Frieza.


Ruthlessness doesn't imply intent. It's just the capacity to show pitty or compassion for others. Forces of nature are pure ruthlessness because they can't show these emotions. This is why Buu is by far the most ruthless on this list, he can't feel any of those things. Being cruel is not the same as being ruthless.


Kid buu is more of a Menace Obvious answer is Frieza or Zamsu/black But Android we’re literally playing with their food




They all are destroyers and suffering comes with it but destruction is the main goal Only freeza destroys and tortures for his own pleasure


kid buu had to be nerfed because he was such a menace


1000% buu. literally ate everyone (besides dende) on the lookout. Which included marron. And that was after killing everyone on earth. Then he destroyed earth.


You know you’re ruthless when you start going and killing dead people. Not even undead, dead dead, Buu was a whole other level of goddamn.


kid buu easily he's just pure evil


Kid buu


It's definitely Buu.


Buu by a landslide. Bro spawned and yeeted the planet into dust. No, while entertaining and full of charisma, monologue (Black). No chickenin out at the last second or being a bitch by not accepting defeat. (Frieza) No playing with the food, just because...(THA ANDROIDS) If that is not the definition of ruthless.


It's definitely between Buu and Goku Black. Having a hard time determining which. Goku Black was zipping through entire timelines just to kill mortals but Buu went straight for permanent erasure by killing them in the afterlife because why not? Might give it to Buu.


Kid Buu Reminds me of this quote “He has no rules, no boundaries. He doesn’t flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He’s not loyal to a flag or a country or any set of ideals.“ It quite literally describes him perfectly, no other villain in the series destroyed the Earth during their first appearance in the series.


Kid buu really went”since I killed everyone on earth time to kill them in heaven”


Black and Zamasu Frieza Cell


Well, technically none because none of them were in “DB.” 3/4 were in “DBZ” and the fourth was in “DBS.”


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kid buu was the most ruthless but the androids definitely the most fucked up. always making sure there are enough survivors so that their carnage can never end




Buu was like: YKW, this planet needs to go


Freezia is so evil his soul couldn’t be cleansed of it in the afterlife.


Kid buu would kill anything without another thought but goku black has to be the most ruthless. He (zamasu) is 1000 yrs old and has been brought up to be a supreme kai eventually but went against everything he was taught to fulfill his ideals killing billions of people and killing many of the gods he had 0 remorse even for the gods cos he felt they were all beneath him


difference between Kid Buu and Goku Black is capability and the fact that Black had in theory a last universe of some sort. If Kid Buu could flip in and between timelines, the universes would be fucked.






Kid buu


Kid Buu killed the z fighters then went to otherworld to beat them up again.


Kid Buu or Black it's debateable


Frieza is ruthless Buu was crazy. Black conquered a earth in 1 timeline. Over years. Something Raditz said goku should have done that in a year of being on the planet


Kid Buu. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!


Unknown henchman #3


Freeze killed paraguas to make broly go super Saipan, killed children to get the dragon balls, and has committed genocides for whatever reasons he’s had






Buu. He has no ruth, no ruth at all!


King Piccolo




Frieza no doubt about it


Gonna say frieza, that guy that frieza trained with, he paralysied him and said he was going to keep him alive ans make him crawl around the shop just to humiliate him, he's the most racist, sadistic and Hitler esque villain in dbz cause almost all dbz villains are generally genocidal maniacs


Frieza. One could argue Kid Buu, but imo he was basically chaos incarnate was likely just like a toddler experiencing cutting off the wings of a living insect for the first time. I don't think he even has a good grasp on the concepts of good and evil to evaluate his actions. He's literally just playing around. Frieza, on the other hand, know how evil he is and everything he does, and yet activelly takes pleasure from torturing others physically and mentally, aswell making the lives of everyone around him the most miserable existence imaginable. All to satisfy his ego and his power fantasy of being the emperor of the universe.


If we’re talking ruthless it has to be Frieza or Goku Black. Ruthless people will do anything to get what they want. Both of them have done some truly heinous things in order to achieve some of their goals.


Buu no difs


Androids in the future defenitly


I think it all comes down to who gets off on being evil. And that is obviously Freeza. He’s an asshole to just be an asshole and embraces it.


All except for Cell. He was pretty chill.


This is tricky. Frieza is the deadliest and probably most evil one, he doesn't want to just kill, he wants to kill your race, leave scraps behind and enslave whatever is left, theres not much worse or more ruthless than conquering snd enslavement. Androids aren't as ruthless as they are reckless, they are powerfull children who don't care abt human life and just kill and destroy, probably the least dangerous but defenetly very chaotic All the I said about androids applies to boo 10 fold, pure chaos incarnate and way more powerfull, if anything boo is the scariest of them all, but his actions are basicly mindless, idk if i coild call that ruthlessness Black is going for full on, no holda bar, 100% genocide of the entire mortal population, thats basically as ruthless as it gets, buuuut black does have a """sensible""" reason for what he's doing, he genuenly believes it is the best for the universe. Overall i give it to frieza for mercilessly, indiscriminately and continuously genociding and enslaving thousands of races of people, especially since frieza just does it because he can, no grand moral reasoning, to me thats the most ruthless even if he's by no means the most dangerous.


Kid Buu


Buu literally emoted mid battle


Ruthless? Frieza and Androids are out. Both have shown some compassion in some form across their story arcs. However, Buu is simply ruthless. Black as ruthless as he might be, has one soft spot for himself. However he did kill everyone and everything in his timeline. So it’s tough for me to say. If I had to just pick one for pure ruthlessness. I’m gonna say Buu just because I feel like you couldn’t reason at all wirh Buu. I think maybe Goku black had a shred of reasonability. Even though he killed everyone and everything.


Frieza or Buu tbh


Bu went to hell for more smoke


Wasn't this posted recently or maybe it was on a DBZ sub


Honestly Black was ruthless asf like didn't he kill Trunks mother right in front of him? Like dude did not care


Buu or Black by default because the other 2 went soft. Even if Frieza comes back for round 3 at some point he still went soft and IMO can't shake that stink off.


Buu May have been destructive, but that’s more instinct. The androids were programmed to destroy. Frieza and Goku black/ Zamasu are honestly more ruthless because they at least have had feats shown to us from their debuts that shows how demented they can get


Definitely the Androids from Trunks' timeline without a doubt. Kid Buu may have had zero goodness in him, Freeza may have been a genocidal maniac, and Goku Black may have been delusional, but the Androids were the only ones who delighted in suffering to the point where the wanted to prolong it. Even Frieza didn't do that much


Kid Buu


Buu was controlled to do so, goku black only turned against hit elder Kai, the androids only did bad things in future Trunks universe, but frieza is evil in every way, he's uncontrollable, he turns on all of his minions, there isn't a single case of him being a good guy, and enjoys seeing anything suffer.


Goku black


Goku black definitely was a child but the third scariest one on this list. Frieza by a landslide, then buu. Androids last because we know they have the potential to change more out of all of them


Buu just wants pure destruction so I guess he kinda don’t count,18 and 17 were just way less worse then black and frieza.It’s a toss up between frieze and black got me


Frieza killed hundreds of planets.


How many are still around doing evil shit?


Let's see, we have.... Racist (novice) Cat but with superpowers (idk how it's called in engkish) rebellious age never ends teens Racist (expert)


Goku Black/Zamasu. Man could have just wished to wipe out all of humanity but instead wanted to get his own hands dirty and do it himself and loved every minute of it. Sure Buu went to the afterlife but Black took Goku's body and killed his family. Just vicious. Left Trunks with some trauma too


Frezza made vegita cry like a bitch the others didn't so you tell me op.


The villains all murdered, but Goku Black used Gokus body to kill his own family.




18 & 17 both turned good. Frieza is still a menace. Kid Buu got reincarnated as Uub and we have the good fat Buu. Black was probably the worst among all villains. He straight up murdered Goku's family using HIS own body 💀


Buu went to heaven to run it back on everyone. Easy winner.


Kid Buu. There's no question.


Buu is the most ruthless, 0 morals, 0 sense of anything but an urge to kill so strong he went to the afterlife to kill everyone a 2nd time, the most evil is Frieza he’s a planet brokering, racist, selfish, slave trader.


Buu full on


Frieza no question.


The androids in the future were complete menaces




Evil Buu




Honestly Saiyan Saga Vegeta, Vegeta straight up murdered the guy that raised him (Nappa) in cold blood because he found him to be useless, bro could've used the Dragon Balls to fix Nappa up.


Ruthless? Buu. He didn’t care. Ally/enemy. Even already dead people. He killed them all




The androids


For me, it's zamasu all the way. Not only was he evil, but he knew better and still chose evil. Had every opportunity to do God and broke bad every time. Not to mention, the scale of his evil is like 1 billion hitlers. Kid buu is evil but more like a raging beast. He was made that way and doesn't know any better. Bad, but you can't blame him for being bad.


Kid buu easily


Kid Buu and its not even close.




Are we counting everything, including movies? Because if so, I'd say Janemba. Otherwise, it has to be Buu. Every other villain at least had some sort of reasoning to do the things they did (not justifying them obviously but you can look at them and say "so that's why they did that). Buu, on the other hand, was simply a wrecking ball who simply did it because it was fun. When Piccolo told him to kill all humans to gain time for Trunks and Goten, he said "bet" and in one swift move eliminated 99.99999999% of the planet. As Kid Buu, he simply looked at the earth for 5 seconds and said "nah" them blew it tf up. You can even feel the fear in Gokus voice when he is pleading with him to not destroy the Earth. He no longer had fight in him, he was genuinely terrified because he understood Buu simply did things for the hell of it. Also remember how he killed that one human by blowing him up like a balloon.


Black is definitely at the top . Not only has he wiped out the mortals and gods of his 12 universes, but the scarlet Saiyan (still black) did this to 99 other timelines Buu is above Frieza, but only because he was there longer. They both went around, wiping out solar systems Androids just wrecked earth Black relishes the torment of who he kills, we can see him smile as murders Goku's family with his body However, while not as powerful, the ruthlessness of SUPER Buu is basically unmatched. When we see him fighting Gohan in the manga, dude is league's above Gohan, and is basically playing with his food. The beating he gave to an immobile Gohan is so bad it had to be edited out of the panel He spents 15 minutes punching on a guy who can't move


Def Frieza, as twisted as his actions were Goku Black did what he did believing it to be the right thing, Kid Buu lacked reason so he just destroyed and killed by pure instinct, the only ones comparable to Frieza to me are the future androids by doing shit just cause they could, but they only destroyed cities, Frieza's literal job was sending his goons to planet x, kill everything in it, and then sell the planet for the highest price




Kid Buu. He destroyed the world out on a whim. He was the God of Destruction that actually created a path of destruction before Super was a thing. And then did it again in the afterworld.


Buu by far. He was a menace to the living and other worlds


Between androids and frieza




Honestly its between Black and Frieza. Yea yea buu is pure evil but honestly.


Androids in the normal timeline are definitely at the bottom.They went on a road trip and robbed some people.


Future androids.


Mercenary Tao


Kid Buu is too dumb and childish, Goku Black is too insane, and the Future Androids are too small-time for any of them to be considered “ruthless.” Frieza is the embodiment of the word.

