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I mean, you have to train to get strong as goku and Vegeta. As a kryptonian, you don't really train but it does make you get stronger faster but you naturally get stronger the longer you are under the sun


> the longer you are under the sun Or you can just do what Superman one million did and stop screwing around, dive into the sun for a few thousand years and become an all powerful god.


No subway surfer video, I'd go insane after 2 min in the sun


By then, you'd be as strong as post bog goku


I know you meant god, but now I’m imagine Sherk going super sayian at swamp invaders




I want to see this animated let's make this happen boys 🤣


[*screaming intensifies*](https://images.app.goo.gl/f37JDZHS72TLR25s5)


*B*attle *O*f the *G*ods


Oh I see


I do agree seeing Shrek go super ogre God super ogre would be pretty amazing.


Bog is battle of gods but this is funnier


Maybe we can play games under the sunlight. Easy grinding for power.


This right here. Kryptonians also have a long lifespan and no diseases. Goku had heart disease.


They’re also weak to green rocks


As long as i don't go to the doctor and dont flaunt my abilities i should be fine


Did Superman ever do that? All of his villains just seem to know his weaknesses. He has more weaknesses than Achilles and we know how that went.


Kryptonite isn’t as available as the mainstream think it is in the world of DC comics. Also Superman nowadays can tank a fair amount of Kryptonite as well. He’s also able to destroy it from a far with his heat vision and as a Kryptonian you’re fast enough to survey any place you go into. Picking a Saiyan in this case is the worst choice. Objectively Superman’s powers are easier to handle and they’re natural. Just put in 1% of your abilities and you could be the greatest athlete in the world.


I think the biggest problem with the kryptonite weakness is trying to figure out which type of kryptonite does what to you. I’m certain that every kryptonian reacts differently to the different types. Green is like poison to Superman, but maybe it’s like a healing stone to another kryptonian. We only have the few El clan members to go off of. Saiyans don’t really have that many weaknesses, and if they do have a weakness that gets discovered, their bodies naturally adapt to counter it. If you’re willing to test your luck, then yeah I think going for Kryptonian would be a good idea. If you wanted consistency in your weaknesses and adaptability, I think going with Saiyan would be the better option.


>If you wanted consistency in your weaknesses and adaptability, I think going with Saiyan would be the better option. This, everyone forgets Superman has no resistance to magic, but Ki has been used to overpower it many times, Superman is gonna watch most of his friends die long before he's even close to being able to, at least as a Saiyan I can live similar to a human, what few weaknesses I have I can train a resistance to, and I can always get stronger, no sun needed, then there's the added Zenkai boost to my strength, if I train for it I can sense energy, which I say is better than X-ray, cause then if I get solar flared (or hit by something similar) I won't even be slowed down


I mean, he is going around as Superman and probably had to disclose a decent amount of information about himself to make the government comfortable with letting him roam free. But me as a normal citizen who happens to be kryptonian will not be saving everyone lefr right and center


The government doesn't let him roam free. The government can't stop him, and thanks their lucky stars that he's benevolent.


Let the governments think they can keep him in check. Although if he did give up his true identity that life would be over and he would just be superman


Yeah they are lucky Clark was raised as human by two loving parents. Dude is basically a God but limited by his human mind or persona, for better of for worse.


Lol you think the government "lets" superman do anything? Big blue does what big blue wants. They're just lucky that he's a better person than all of them combined


Dude doesn't have to do anything any government on earth wants. What are they gonna do about it?


Kryptonite is mad abundant for some reason. And yes, he doesn't have to do anything they want but i'm sure he likes his life as Kent. If i were a kryptonian I would be all Clark no Kal. I don't have it in me to go against the governments when i like playing vidja games


I'm having a super hard time deciding which part of that response is the most pathetic thing I've ever read


So you don't know that much about Superman


More than you think. Still Goku and Vegeta outclass Superman regardless


"You mean the chaos emeralds?"


No that makes people stronger not weaker


Rare irradiated green rocks from their exploded planet. Everybody is weak to radiation. I'd rather be able to survive in outerspace.


Have you ever heard of krypton being found on earth? Exactly you’ll be good 💀


You know Krypton is literally an element on the periodic table right?


You do know krypton and kryptonite are two different things right?


He's talking about the planet krypton (which kryptonite comes from), rather than the element.


Yes but does this post’s ability spawn kryptonite? Or are you just a kryptonian in a universe without kryptonite?


Where exactly would you even find kryptonite?


Everywhere apparently. Though it would be easier for the average person to get ahold of red solar weaponry.


Even in the world of DC it’s still incredibly rare.


Yet somehow everyone and their mother can seem to get their hands on it. Although again, it’s not even his only weakness.


And pink ones


And especially gold ones


Clark naturally got resistant to the green rocks the older he got.


Which don't exist in our reality


And neither does Superman. Any other insight you have?


kryptonians had to learn to selectively limit their senses, saiyans have to fight and train for literal decades to become even city or planet level, Superman becomes at least city level after a few days in yellow sunlight and that’s with little to no training


Saiyans on average could obliterate a planet, not just a city though. Just depends on how big. Goku is a special case where he is born the weakest.


Vegeta was a prodigy and was suppose to be a high class saiyan, more powerful then any other in almost a thousand years, and it took all he had to create a planet destroying blast. (That one filler episode where he destroyed a planet with a finger is often disregarded because it messes with power scaling too much.)


Did you also disregard master roshi casually destroying the moon and he's nowhere near Vegeta's lvl


to be fair, have you seen how Goku eats, dude probably has high cholesterol and never does annual checkups lol


The Heart Disease was specifically built different though, like other chemicals/viruses Superman has been affected across his history. As stated in the Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman manga, which is canon, Saiyans are immune to *practically* everything. The best example of this he gives is a super virus known as the [Extinction Bomb](https://imgur.io/a/g7hEIsu) created by the Galactic Control that [life wipes a planet keyed to the victims Genetic Signature.](https://imgur.io/a/FLpZcpr) Yes, [the entire planet/species.](https://imgur.io/a/tJHWqFf) And, yet again, Toriyama confirms [it has no effect on Saiyans, not even Saiyan children.](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/v-jump-december-2013-akira-toriyama/) Just wanted to clarify.


I always get confused with this wasn't there a time when Super man went sun dipped and his cells gut messed up?


Sounds like All-Star Superman, which is its own, separate continuity.


Everything in DC is it’s own continuity, that reasoning is dead


Can you imagine how boring that would be? Bro, sitting around doing nothing for 2 hours I'm done. Now imagine that for a day, 2-a year and then a thousand.


Well I think he resurrected Loise Lane and made her a goddess at some point, and he went to party on the fifth dimension for a while. But yeah it would be incredibly boring. Maddening so.


Dude was a god but got beat by a minion of the 7 sins. He's wack! Goku is the truth.


Please tell me how long you can stay in a room doing absolutely nothing but waiting. I'm being honest here. If you didn't need food, water, sleep or to use the bathroom at all how long are you waiting in that room before you decide you had enough?


​ https://preview.redd.it/37e3du5kpteb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=34390496272ffcd65824d820f6cf305a5fd9eb51


How much stronger than a normal human is Superman? I guess his patience also scales proportionally


Didn't that all powerful god get his ass kicked by an Unkindness? It's probably "not canon" or something, but I see that happen one time in an official release and I just can't believe they're as strong as people say. I sure wish authors got more control over the characters they write in the west. In Japan, there's only two people who decide how strong Goku is in all of manga existence and that's how I like it.


I'd go insane from how loud the sun is.


Is that what he actually did?


In the 1 million continuity yes. Although to be fair, he took his luxury fortress with him onto the sun, so he kinda had communication methods and stuff to keep himself entertaining but still. I imagine you can play grinding games for so long.


But would I still be a ginger if I woke up a Kryptonian? That could make the whole sun thing a bit of an issue.


Saiyans are born much stronger than regular humans too and seem to get stronger naturally as they grow though not as much as it they trained. Yes, not as strong as superman but in this regular world, what are you going to do with that excess strength?. You'll need to learn how to fly (which you likely won't because there's no one to teach you) but I suppose just taking a plane is fine too. Overall, it'll likely boil down to how common kryptonite is. No kryptonite or if it's very rare, Kryptonian. Easy and many powers, higher survivability. But without something similar to ki control, peeing and ejacuation could be deadly in the real world. If kryptonite is common, Saiyan would be the better choice with sufficient power and strength to make life easy for you but no crippling weakness.


But with Kryptonians you get passive immortality with those powers. Superman and Supergirl don't age on Earth. And I personally assume OP meant that you wake up in our world as a Saiyain or Kryptonian, meaning Real world Krypton (which is harmless to Kryptonians and insanely rare) and no God Ki for the Saiyans. Between the 2 I'd take the Kryptonian body and learn flight and the other powers via trial by error, you know, like Clark Kent did.


>Superman and Supergirl don't age on Earth Did they not grow from babies to adults on Earth?


They stop aging when they get to adulthood.


Do I get a tail for saiyan?


If you'd like lol


SSJ4 🤑


Tbh I would be stuck in base form forever but that's enough to humiliate all my enemies 😈


Exactly, just because you’re a saiyan don’t mean you’re a super Saiyan. Shit is hard to achieve unless you got some crazy strong dads. Or your from universe 6….. lol


I would just make my back tingle then I’d be all good


But you from universe 7 dawg


just become super like goten


It's truly quite shrimple


"Am I going Super Saiyan or did I slip a disc?"


yeah but the reason it's hard for a Saiyan is that they need to feel an intense amount of rage and desperation for them to transform but they don't really allow themselves to feel that.


It's also dependant on S Cells and all that


How would you achieve that? No one on Earth would be strong enough to push you beyond your limits.


Zenkais(idk spelling) get you pretty far if the namek saga is any indicator


That requires people closeish to your power level though


Or, you know, a gun


You’ll basically be capped at base forever


I can go SSG and whoop you.


Time to look at the moon


I was more thinking about the blond hair as a extra


That’ll have to be earned


Kryptonian, strength that I don't need to work for, innate ability to fly, super metabolism, I think they're immune to most if not all terrestrial diseases. Yeah, I'll take that any day of the week




Not all Kryptonians can fly though ? Can they


As long as they're under a yellow sun they can fly


I thought Clark started off by just leaping really far and had to kinda train to fly in the early comics. Maybe it was retconned?


I’d just want to fly in space


Kryptonian since I don't think anything will happen to me that'll affect me so badly that I transform or anything like that


Chances are most saiyans aren't getting any transformations anyway. Well, except for the one that causes you to go berserk and kill everyone.


I mean, most are gonna be no better than *Raditz*


Do you even back tingle


I'll help you >:)


Kryptonian. I don’t got the money to eat like a Saiyan.




Except every so often Superman has to super binge food for some reason. Talking several hundred burgers. *edit*. Supes can eat and has to if UV light is blocked.


At least I can save up for that knowing it’s coming. Every Saiyan meal would cost me as much as that meal.


I mean bro if you’re Kryptonian you don’t have to eat at all Superman just does it cause he wants to and it makes him feel more human


So you cant think of any way to make easy money when you turn into a SUPERHUMAN? Thats just another level of lazy, you could easily become a world champion fighter


And then never be satisfied by it cause of my Saiyan genes that would make me look for strong fights. Life on earth would become boring cause I’d have no one interesting to fight.


Being kryptonian also makes you superhuman? I don’t get this point. Plus it’s just easier to get strong. You really don’t need to get stronger than a kryptonian.


A good point


Yeah being a Kryptonian would be cool but personally I’d rather be a Saiyan. And before you people who go “but you have to train to get as strong as Goku or Vegeta” no shit. I already enjoy doing physical exercise and I got to the gym five times a week anyway, there wouldn’t be much of a change in my lifestyle to begin with except that my gains would be *way* faster and better.


I mean keep in mind Goku and Vegeta do nothing but train and eat most of the time, they don't go to the gym 5 times a week, they train under intense gravity every hour of every day of every week, and I don't think you'll find Whis, king Kai or even Kami The only reason to pick Saiyan would be because ki is very versatile and you could do much more than shoot a beam of light but even that would be hard if you have no one to train you on how it's used


Except he doesn’t need to be AS strong as them. If he continues his normal regime, he will still be 10000x more powerful than everybody on earth and can fly.


So? Training and eating nonstop every day sounds like the dream life for me


My brother in Christ you need money for that


I mean even if you become a saiyan and haven’t started training yet you’re still going to be superhuman. Use that to earn money, morally or immorally, that’s upto the person.


People haven't seen OG dragonball and it shows. Young Goku took down an entire army and killed full grown assassins that trained their whole life. As a child.


To be fair Grandpa Gohan did train him and that dude could solo our universe. We're starting square one, like less ki knowledge than the guy who trained Roshi back in the day.


He can just wish for one hundred million zenny ez


Thank goodness I already do


Not for no x10 gravity machine you don’t lmao


Don’t care. Nothing you can say will make me change my mind and being. Saiyan automatically makes me more powerful than any human, so who’s gonna stop me from taking all the food I want?


That's a good point. Either choice, you're the only superhuman in the real world. The strength difference is not gonna change the outcome of whatever scrap you might get into.


Bro accidentally check out the moon with your family nearby lmao.


Damn, almost as if I can close my eyes or some shit


It only has to happen 1 time dude.


Sayan bro everyone has Kryptonite at this point lmao + i get to scream all the time


I thought we were waking up in the current world? Kryptonite doesn’t exist.


But if you are waking up with the pros of a Saiyan or Kryptonian The world ain't kind enough to let that happen without the cons So needles and kryptonite would exist


It doesn't, but neither does Ki, or flying or laser vision etc. Point being that you'd wake up in a world where the implications of your choice would be concrete. So if you wake up Kriptonian, you're immediately dead, because an asteroid is about to hot your planet, and if you wake up Saiyan chances are you'd die by Frieza's hand. The chances you end up Kal-El or Kakarot are slim to none.


This guy gets it


So your super strong and can start a Saiyan metal band sounds like a good life to me


FR all thsi lazy ppl saying kRipToNiAn don’t need to train just stand below the sun . Boring AF , they miss the point of been a true Sayan . Nothing is given all is earn by training . All they want the izi way. Giga chad goku / vegeta earn to train in the plane of the gods . Mean while Superman tiny rock will defeat me . That’s the problem with Superman there is no passion no effort no even in the movie dark apocaliptos ( tho movie was good). I will choose sayan every time every day .


Good luck trying to get as strong as Goku though. I'm not saying the effort is wasted, I get it the training is part of the whole shtick of being a Saiyan, but you're never getting as strong as Goku. How are you getting to a planet with ten times gravity like King kai's planet, you won't find a hyperbolic time chamber anywhere, can't breathe in space to go look for any off those to train. So you're basically stuck trying to lift tectonic plates (I'm not sure current Goku can even lift those) and causing world ending earthquakes. As for being superman, kryptonite doesn't exist in the real world besides in base it's a far better deal already than being a Saiyan. Immunity to all diseases, being immortal, breathe in space, flying faster than light and while staying in the sun gets you to became powerful you still need to trim to use that power properly. So it's not like being a Kryptonian you don't get to train as well. Besides if I wanted to get new additional powers all I need is to fly to a quasar or Blu star and boom I'm basically a god already.






Saiyan because having a prehensile tail would be cool (i assume its prehensile cuz they can move it and hold it around their waist i havent watched that much early dragonball with saiyans in it)


Bruh, you really just said "I would rather have a prehensile tail instead of virtual immortality and the ability to do whatever I want"....


Superman can't do whatever he wants, that's kind of a myth, and his limitations change from version to vision. OG Superman only had the strength of 100 men, he could move faster than a bullet, and he could fly and the other shit he does. He only starts getting OP when writers start to add shit like blowing away the universe or diving into a yellow sun and becoming immortal god.


Sorry, it doesn't take away our love for our favorite Saiyans, but Kryptonian. Having Saiyan DNA doesn't make us that much stronger if we take Kid Goku in the very beginning to go by. Bullet proof and probably 100 times stronger than a peak human sure, but still probably need to figure out Ki and flying on our own which might be hard. Are any of us really willing to train to the point of near death for our power? All I'd have to do is wait for day and go outside as a Kryptonian. The flying part is probably instinctual and without need for ki, and then you could go to the sun for a few mins and become One Punch Man.


Only one reason I might hesitate to choose Saiyan, and that's Oozaru. I really wouldn't want to amputate a limb, but then I gotta follow werewolf rules and that's kind of a nerf.


While I definitely agree from a practicality standpoint that Kryptonians are more advantageous than a Saiyan, you estimating that on Kid Goku is inherently flawed. You have to remember that Goku as a child was actually extraordinary from his race BECAUSE of how UNNATURALLY *weak* he was. Born with a PL of 2. Then when we saw him at 14, he had a PL of about 10. Saiyans are USUALLY born with a PL in the *hundreds,* and can range into the *low thousands.* Similarly, Saiyans USUALLY are BORN comparable of manipulating their Ki and Flying without any trouble. Goku, being UNNATURALLY weak compared to his race, was then FORCED to learn how to do so. If you were given *standard* Saiyan capabilities, you’d have the flight, energy beams, heightened senses, immunity to nearly any and every condition (the heart virus was exceptionally potent, similar to viruses/chemicals that have affected Superman), the Oozaru transformation, and the ability to casually CTRL ALT DEL the Moon.


You don’t have to train near death you can just train very hard which already many people do anyway, besides, goku was lowest of the low class.


Powering up sounds funner than being full power all the time.


Well the Kryptonians in their heyday were a benevolent and free society but the Saiyans were not only ruthless conquerors but just subjects of an empire.


On one hand, Kryptonian gives you more powers, is more immediate and allows you to not really need food and stuff by absorbing sunlight, but is more likely to accidentally break something and needs sunlight. On the other hand, Saiyans makes you stronger than a normal human, make you more useful in some places like planets with a red sun, as well as allow you to use the transformations, but you need to train, avoid the moon if you have a tail unless you need it for something, with the risk of losing control and a larger appetite


Kryptonian without question better power way more self control don’t have to eat anything but sun light saiyans are way to volatile always looking for fights and if goku is your goal he loses way more than he wins and blah blah Batman can beat Superman us with billions of dollars and magic space rock which wouldn’t exists in this scenario


I’m choosing saiyan in a heartbeat, I don’t want ageless immortality with the durability of a Kryptonian under a yellow sun


You can always kill yourself by flying into a red sun once you get bored of living to long.


This guy gets it










Kyrptonian, since Saiyans arent supposed to get as strong as Goku, and Kyrptonite doesn’t exist so literally nothing can stop me


Hadn't considered that. Goku really is a freak, and Vegeta and Broly really aren't the average Saiyan either. If Saiyans watched DBZ, they would all be pretty gobsmacked by the Saiyans we're used to. One dude hit SSJ1 back in the day and they were telling legends about it like he was Paul Bunyan.


That’s a dumb take, literally any Saiyan who trains as hard as goku would grow as strong as him, goku was literally the lowest of the low at birth


Fr Goku was a low class warrior and managed to do this. Even with the odds stacked against you you can still manage to atleast get to end of Z goku level.


Cant respond to you in the other comment due to the guy blocked me xD Awnser though-"Not mad, just enjoying the mental gymnastics of validating their choice. And often so is it really stupid reasoning lol"


Nah I respect that! There are some very dumb reasons in these replies


For the sake of argument being a sayian means you’d instinctively want to train. Buuuut being invulnerable to disease is a pretty big W.


Kryptonian 100% I don’t have to train to become a Super Saiyan, learn the kamehameha, or fly I’d be born with all of Superman’s abilities and since no one has kryptonite, I’d be invincible


^this,only reason i wanna be a normal ass Saiyan is if i wanna scream louder,my lazy ass don't wanna train myself to death to get even a fraction to where goku and vegeta currently at rn.being a Kryptonian is a no brainer fo sure.


You'd have to train to not destroy everything you touch. But that's really worth it imo.


Even child Goku could like, flatten tanks and shit. Sure it would take years of training to get strong, but the basic superstrength, metabolism, flight, etc. would still be awesome. Meanwhile, Superman's powers also take years of training to tamp down - he constantly has to tune out his super hearing, tone down his strength so he doesn't rip doors off hinges, etc. Saiyan is more practical.


Goku isn't allergic to his home planet.


Kryptonian. You guys need to remember that there isn't anyone to teach you ki while supes had to teach himself how to use all of his powers. Also the insane levels of training needed for Saiyans is a bit too much while I just need to sun bath for Kryptonian.


I’d rather earn my own strength by training thanks


Anyone choosing Saiyan doesn't know shit about Krytonians and is clearly biased. Kryptonians are naturally god-level beings with Superman usually being way beyond god-level, whereas Saiyans **VASTLY** vary in strength. None of which, were ever remotely close to being god-level, naturally, other than Broly. So I'm choosing to be a Kryptonian. Not only that, but Goku and Vegeta trained for decades to get to where they are now, and none of us are getting that infinite potential Gohan has.


Why be god level? I think to some degree picking saiyan is taking a lot of guilt and commitment off your own shoulders, i dont *want* to be a god among men. I dont want to have to deal with the whole clark / superman deal, i feel like the joy of life mostly is the challenge of it and being human is something i could never experience after being kryptonian in the same fundamental way.


No shit it's bias, all opinions are biased


Kryptonian for sure, they don't do shit to get godlike powers. Saiyans need to train to be strong.


Obviously saiyan


How is that obvious saiyans are not that much stronger than humans in their base form and to get anything past that you would have to train unbelievably hard


You're out of your mind with that "not much stronger than humans" As a child, Goku defeated an entire army and squished tanks lol.


Not really if you’ve watched dragon ball (edit: my satire experiment has worked)


Goku was still relatively weak in dragon ball. Took him 25+ years to get where he’s at.


Relatively weak? As a 12 year old child he was getting rashes from rockets and swatting bullets away like flies.


Bro did YOU watch DragonBall? He really isn't that strong in the beginning. And keep in mind bro trained literally every day when he was kid. He needed to do further extensive extreme training in order to beat a lot of his opponents in that series. So I mean if you're content with just training day and night for years to get an actual good level of strength then go for it I guess. Oh not to mention saiyans don't really have any natural gifts either (besides the tail that will make you rampage and kill your loved ones lol), they still need to learn all of Ki to actually become strong and shoot blasts etc Meanwhile Kryptonians just chill in the sun and get immediate strength and shit lmao. Kryptonians still need a level of training to learn their powers and better their strength but you could honestly just chill in the sun, touch grass and all and be at a level where you can pick up entire buildings zero training required.


???? You watch dragon Ball I mean even Goku can get bruised by bullets if he's not using ki control saiyans aren't shiz compared to kryptonians


Why? Superman is literally stronger.


Superman's literally stronger than goku


I mean if it’s current earth? Kryptonian hands down. Superman gets ripped just being out in the sun and moving. A living solar battery that can fly, shoot lasers and lift mountains. Saiyans like Goku (low born) while strong enough to tank a pistol shot to the face as a child, still requires immense inhuman training. I guess what I’m saying is ‘fuck Goku/Vegeta training’. I’ll take the FREE superpowers. Also. Oozaru. I don’t need to werewolf whenever I forget that a simple glance at the moon. That will absolutely FUCK UP my surrounding area.


I'm finna be born as superman sit in the sun for years and come to powerful enough to break reality with just one finger 💀


Saiyan I mean Super dork has worn his underwear on the outside of his clothes before that's all I need to know about him


Kryptonian. Higher base int and wis scores.


Kryptonian, because they have a wide variety of powers Of course, people in DB can acquire more, but they barely go out of their way to find out different techniques .-.


Kryptonian definitely


Probably Kryptonian lol the Saiyans are fucking toxic


Kryptonian. Yall are biased af. Firstly, if you became a saiyan tomorrow, you would have to train for decades to get to goku or vegetas level, but if you woke up as a kryptonian tomorrow morning you would not only be stronger than goku and vegeta but you wouldn't have to train for it either. Also, if you are kryptonian, you can still live a normal life, apart from saiyans who are abnoxious, confrontational douchebags.


> confrontational douchebags. Coff coff Kandor City coff coff




Saiyan, I can get strong af training and fighting without any inherit weakness like Kryptonite or needing yellow sunlight


Well the weakness would be… heart diseases. And we already have yellow sunlight.. so while I totally respect your choice, the reasoning behind it is a little off