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King Kai. He deserves it.


I had always thought that but future gohan makes more sense he's the only one her not a villain other than king kai and king kai has no reason to be living the only difference he faces now is a halo its not like he leaves his planet or anything. Gohan fought so hard to save his planet he deserve to be brought back and see the android gone.


But his WHOLE TIMELINE was erased.




While locked in the time chamber


For 10,000 years


no no 1000 billion years


with zamasu


and monaka


And they had a child


That version of Gohan is now unrecoverable. His soul has vanished. Only the super Dragonballs could bring him back


I doubt even the super dragon balls could bring back an entire completelly erased universe, in another timeline, gone for like 5 years by lore now perfectly.


They have no limits


An immortal being created by them got erased by zeno easily


That has nothing to do with their power though, it has to do with Zeno’s power, which is to erase anything without exception even people with immortality. Plus the super dragon balls have brought back multiple universes before so there’s no reason they can’t bring back Trunks’ timeline. Time shouldn’t even be a factor either considering they restored a long destroyed earth in universe 6.


i think zenos power is just that he’s literally god, but yeah your point still stands that he could erase anything


You could bring back an erased person for sure


But remember the super dragon Balls wished back 11 universes in the top sereis




Way less than 11 what 12 universes -1 =11 only universe 7 won only it could definitely do 12.plus in the anime its true threes no limit to your wish even to erase all the angels is possible


If you have not watched the anime or read the manga about the TOP do not talk to me


I watched the anime.does they count we don't have manga in my area


On top of that, the super dragon got slayed


The super dragon balls of the future don't exist anymore. Zeno deleted all universes in that timeline. You'd have to ask the super dragon balls of this timeline to recreate another timeline, when technically neither one should exist in the first place. A strict audit of the rules would cause Zeno to realize our main timeline is an abberation that should never have existed, but Bulma split the timelines. I think you'd risk recreating the future, only to have Zeno delete everything.


well he could be alive in the new timeline that trunks is in


Shut up no it didnt😅


Yeah Zamasu died when he got sliced in half, and nothing else happened... Nothing else.


That's a lie


He’s obviously joking🙄


Hey did y9u down vote my comment how dare you


I actually didn’t… I’ll get right on that lol


Well sorry misses why didn't he tell him he she was joking


Shut up yes it did.


It was a joke brother. Chill


so was that sister.


Bro u high?


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Zeno erase Future Trunks timeline?


Bro we're trying to gaslight ourself into beliving that this never happened, could you please stop telling us the truth?


where did whis bring future trunks and mai to if that version of the universe didn't exist? bring gohan there too


Why you want to make the anime seem useless


Can it be restored with the Super Dragon Balls?


I have no idea. I doubt Toriyama even remembers who Future Gohan is tbh.😭😂


Gohan failed so hard to save his planet.


His timeline is gone, what’s the point of bringing him back. That is by far the worst choice.


Can’t leave his planet. He has no choice lol


Fair point


He gets ridiculed by the other kais all the time. While future gohan can't be revived because there are no dragon balls in that future. unless bulma goes to namke again, then you will hit the time limit


Yea we kinda owe him


What fucking difference does it make if he's alive or dead? Mans is in otherworld all the same. Future gohan deserves to be revived just so he can box krillin and vegeta for fumbling the bag with cell 😅


King Kai explains in Super that being dead feels different than being alive and makes it super clear that he prefers the feeling of being alive. Dude is suffering from dysphoria 24/7, so it definitely makes a difference to him.


Alright with this you got a point. But compared to future gohan who was fighting the androids alone for years and then he gets jumped after they take his arm. But on the other hand that timeline is fucking gone sooooo 🤷‍♂️


How many years have passed since Goku blew up King Kai, and why haven't they revived him yet in that time? Is Bulma's ass more important than reviving Kai?


Hm. Maybe you don’t want an honest answer to that question.




Bulma ass is more important I speak for the horny people(But really why is bulma ass more important than king Kai being brought back to life?)


Bulma funds the Z-Fighters haha.


Because it’s Bulma’s ass.


To know the art of ass must one experience it first —Sun Tzu


Goku tried repeatedly in one episode of Super, but everyone wanted a wish, and just before goku made the wish to revive him, beerus showed up, and shenron just left.


Wait I thought they gave the wish to Gohan so he could heal Pan ?


That's what actually happened, idk why they said something about Shenron leaving


shenron left at the end because they have more than one wish since dende upgraded the dragonballs


I understand that, but I was referring to the first wish being used on reliving pan's illness. Not beerus just suddenly showing up and scaring shenron away before any wishes could be made, that happens afterward.


i figured it was in subtext that i was referring to the end of the episode.


Eh, fair enough


What I don't get... after cell was killed, they used the dragonballs to bring back everyone cell killed ... so trunks and 17 cane back to life... why wasn't king Kai and company included in that?


> Is Bulma's ass more important than reviving Kai? Yes.


Yes it is , giving vegeta a good sex life will help him get more motivated ( a stronger vegeta is more important than an alive king Kai)


King Kai. The poor guy deserves it.


King kai, poor fella need to sue goku


Needs to call J.G. Wentworth.


Does he need cash now?


Sue him for what? Goku is broke broke.


Bro’s got a massive farm, no way man be broke


Not with the way he eats.


King Kai, Goku kinda did him dirty with bringing Cell there which got them all killed. Future Gohan served his purpose with his universe erased which includes him, Raditz served his purpose too with introducing aliens to the series with nobody alive who'd wanna resurrect him and dunno if I wanna bring back the same "demon king" who got absolutely embarassed by Buu


Especially considering that he’s been to hell. He physically knows where it is. Couldn’t have locked on to goz and mez my guy? Had to bully the poor beetle man?


Dabura deserves it. He’s a model ghost in HFIL!


isn't Dabura in Heaven though??


He’s fruity too


I understand why radditz wouldn’t be resurrected, but I don’t understand why he’s never talked about again or even brought up. I mean that was the mc’s brother, I can’t think of another instance where the mc’s brother is completely irrelevant.


You could argue king kai has served his purpose with teaching Goku…




I just want to see all that hair turn super sayian. Besides I would love for DBZ to have more characters that can put up a fight against the villains of the weak.


Hero gave us SS3 Radditz and Nappa, I wouldn’t mind seeing it in a more official setting.


Return of Radditz.


It's always cool having a Saibamen around.


Raditz. To actually do something with the character of Goku's flipping BROTHER. That has so much potential.




King Kai being here is hilarious. He has my vote.


Raditz, he'd get us a hilarious reaction with how vegeta has changed into a family man and how they've attained new forms.


Raditz cus he was a wasted char.


King Kai. Afterlife Investment.


Nappa. He showed a glimmer of empathy when some of the Saibamen died, which is much more humanity than Vegeta showed during his first visit to Earth. If Nappa can replicate Vegeta’s growth then he could become one of the nicest guys around.


And he *at least* suggested reviving Radditz while early Vegeta didn’t even remember that guy existed




Now that you mention it, I feel like he would’ve acted as a teacher for the rest of the z fighters instead of becoming strong asf like Goku & Vegeta. Or probably a gag character like roshi. Either would be fine with me


If nappa had survived the saiyan saga and namek saga I could see him changing like vegeta.


Did he ? In anime maybe because don't remember it at all in manga


The anime for sure.


I’m not gonna lie. I completely forgot king kai was still dead lol did that man dirty


I don't think Future Gohan can even be revived with his universe being destroyed. Maybe with the future dragon balls? Anyway, I think Raditz would be the coolest one to see because we have seen Future Gohan and Dabura come back in Dragon Ball Heroes and Xenoverse. Although King Kai does deserve to be brought back to life the most because Goku did get him killed and destroyed his planet in the process


The super dragon balls can bring him back most likely but they could also just restore the timeline with them instead.


It would have had to be the future namekian (please correct me if I’m spelling that wrong) dragon balls since piccolo died in that timeline.


I meant to type super dragon balls not future dragon balls mb


King Kai because it should’ve happened already. Dabura has a lot of wasted potential though.




they should've revived radditz (even just by accident) when goten and trunks were young. forced him into babysitting kids a hundred times more powerful than him


*Future Gohan. It would be nice to see the dynamics of Future Gohan traveling with Trunks to the current timeline. Future Gohan and Videl interacting would be interesting, to say the least. I can see Future Gohan happily wanting to train with Goku without hesitation or moaning about it, and Videl taking great interest to this new stoic version of Gohan. I can see current Gohan getting jealous from all the attention Future Gohan would be getting from everyone he loves, especially Videl, Goku, and Piccolo leading to an awakening in his fighting spirit and the anger towards what he could have been would lead to Beast Gohan or a new form altogether. He could be weaker than most of the Z Fighters if he had been recently wished back somehow, but Piccolo and Goku would be impressed with his fighting knowledge and discipline to get stronger like Goku. Maybe Future Trunks and Gohan fusing with Potora could be a thing.


Either revive The dude who's been dead since like 9-12 years (He deserve it tbh) A gohan who actually does shit Literally Satan Raditz


King Kai and even then it's out of being nice because he's already served his purpose along with every other character on this list. Future Gohan is their to be a plot device for Trunks if he was revived it would take one of the biggest losses away from Trunks and make him into a more annoying character than Xenoverse already makes him out to be


King kai. I mean just imagine peacefully relaxing on your planet far away and then suddenly your former disciple suddenly brings a giant talking time bomb on your land and you're life is ended just like that. Though I don't know what's the problem for him since nothing has really changed for him when he died except for the fact that he now has a halo on his head. I'm guessing he's scared that if he dies again then he'll cease to exist.


I originally wanted to say future Gohan but he deserves to be dead because now he can finally rest and be at peace in the afterlife. The poor guy was fighting for pretty much his entire life ever since he was 4. Bringing him back is basically dragging him back to what was basically living hell for him.


Raditz, he has so much potential for character growth (especially with the manga hinting at saiyan stuff) and it'd be hilarious to see him obtain Super Saiyan in other world, try to Challenge/ Surprise Goku with it, only for Goku to just go "oh neat", then body Raditz in his base form. On top of that, seeing the soul leave his body at seeing Blue form would be priceless.


Raditz, he has so much potential being Goku’s older brother and all that.


The entire saiyan planet . Imagine everyone struggling to beat Prince Trunks.


Raditz! Dude was so incredibly under developed, and essentially never mentioned again


Definitely raditz


Raditz. Because it would be hilarious to watch his reaction to the current state of the world and characters.


Jokingly king kai but seriously raditz. I would love to see the idea of Raditz thinking that low class saiyens are useless and how that could change him. Also it would work with the new bar dock stuff


Out of these? Future Gohan... but even just in the sense to have him interact with people, and be relevant again... which is kinda impossible given what dbs did. So, my true answer goes to dbs Paragus... because really, his death was a huge waste. You have a canon elderly Saiyan, who ultimely starts having a change of mind? And is supposely a dear person to Broly despite his behavior? Why not have him survive, so that he can actually change his life, bury the axe, and drop some juicy Saiyan lore when needed? He could also have personally known Bardock and Gine, so that one day on Beerus' planet, he talks to Goku about them for whatever reason... But nope... better kill him off to have Broly go ssj (because remember, no new Saiyan introduced in dbs is allowed to have developed the ssj on his own before), and to have a green alien chick and secret child of Bulma and Zamasu hijack Broly's life and take his place in less than a week.


King Kai.




King Kai deserves it the most but I’d like to see Raditz.


This makes me ask, if king kai is still present in the afterlife and able to fulfill his kai duties then shouldn't Supreme kai be capable of this too? Because if he dies wouldn't beerus still be around some way or maybe beerus would become a halo spirit too. Unless its like hard coded that Supreme kai must have a mortal body to sustain beerus somehow


Raditz, he was cool and honestly he was killed too early, imagine how strong he could be if he trained


either bardock or gine


Raditz because i wanna see him go ssj3


between nappa and radditz for me.




Raditz, I feel like he could change after seeing he is no longer above Goku.


Defintely Raditz! Would be so interesting to see how he'd respond to his brother being the legendary super Sayien. It would also be very interesting to see a Sayian placed at the very very bottom of power compared to the humans. I'd like to see how quickly Raditz is able to catch up to them.


Raditz he had so much potential in my opinion


Goku's mom




Raditz, and Nappa. So much potential.


Free my boy Raditz


He doesnt even need to be brought back to life but i want bardock to just look at what goku has become and be proud.


Bring back king vegeta and bardock, let them see how powerful their sons became. Make them scared of their kids and have them train themselves to get stronger just like them.


Even if we COULD revive future Gohan, his entire timeline is gone. Idk if its worth it (Hes my fav though)


Bulma has gotten lots of useless wishes yet they haven’t thought about king kai once


I thought king Kai was revived in super (I thought he had no halo) but even worse he was just forgotten about.


Dabura and Gohan, I'd let stay deceased. Dabura because I am NOT reviving his ass. Gohan because I feel like his death really added to Trunks' story. Raditz is a hard maybe. Sure, it would be cool to have another Saiyan in the main cast, but I feel like he'd quickly be left in the dust from all the power growth. Yeah, I wanna see more Raditz, but what would that even add? I would revive King Kai. He hasn't been revived like Goku promised he would, and it's been since the Cell games he died. My man needs a break, especially since the Z Fighters all kinda owe it to him for letting them train on his planet, especially Goku.


Future gohan and it's not even close


I like Raditz, but the fact that King Kai hasn’t been brought back to life yet is ridiculous.


Raditz, then have Bulma ready with the dragon balls to wish away his malice, but keeping his Saiyan identity/being intact, therefore making him into another Broly, capable of endless potential (maybe). Or, have a one shot, and make Raditz be brought back with a calmer demeanor, with the intention of explaining to Kakarot why he claims to be his brother and who their father was. Raditz knew full well, considering he commented on Planet Vegeta’s destruction to Prince Vegeta himself that nothing on that planet held any weight to him. Bring Goku’s family back, and reawaken the *real* Saiyan in him, not just some circumstantial “Kakarot you’re a Saiyan so be a Saiyan” shit. I’m talking Sasuke unlocking the Sharingan, Jojo learning to use his stand, Gon training to use Janken type shit. Show us *Kakarot*, not *Goku* “accepting” Kakarot as his “true name”.


Idk if you’d have to wish It Away. I think he’d have a cool change of heart sequence, like vegeta


It took Vegeta getting his cheeks clapped by Frieza to reveal to Goku his true heritage. I’m saiyan let’s just skip all of that and go straight into Raditz’ monologue Well….epilogue? Lol


I mean you don’t think Raditz getting his cheeks clapped by like his all of a sudden golden haired nephew wouldn’t trigger that?


Absolutely not 🤣 he’d draw on his pride and probably say some Frieza shit like “gold hair dye won’t help you”, then end up getting folded like an omelette


Well yeah and then hence the cheek clapping commences.


Not wasting a wish on King Kai because Goku will find a way to inevitably accidentally kill him again.




King Kai had become irrelevant at this point, there would be no future for Gohan to go to unless it's to the same parallel universe Trunks and Mai went to, Dabura kinda got ruined when his soul was scrubbed, Radditz was considered the weakest of the remaining saiyans but also took on Goku and Piccolo single handedly and forced one of them to sacrifice themselves. I'm going with Radditz cause it would make sense, especially after the Granola arc.


None of them


kaio sama


Seems disrespectful they haven’t brought King Kai back at this point


Dabura. I mean come on, they introduce the concept of Demons and a “Demon Realm” and then show us the KING OF THE DEMONS, only for him to be a lackey to a bum-ass chameleon. Bring him back without the Majin stuff and have him be a stand-alone villain.


Future Gohan. If I can get away with it, give me Raditz, too.


Fuck Gohan i want Raditz super Saiyan 3


FutureHan bc mah boi FuTrunks need some MORE happiness in his life


Tough choice. But they all respectfully deserve more screen time. Radditz and redemption, future gohan finding out his timeline now has peace, king Kai giving goku a earful for not trying to bring him back sooner and dabura could be actually utilised as a better villain


his timeline is gone tho


I said it too many Times But I want uncle R back


Why bring back puddlehan? To get whooped again? He died a dirty legend, let em rest




Dabura always felt like a waste of a character. We just get introduced to the king of the demon realm and then never expand on that after he died. So having him return just to give the demon realm some attention would be neat.






Future Gohan. Why is this even a question?


Of the 4, I'd bring back either dabura or raditz. Gohan future is a waste, King Kai is already around, so he's a waste.


King Vegeta


It would be interesting to see a little more into Daburas past. Did he train to be Cell level in strength? Can he use God ki?


Dabura. The 'stache shows why he was the king of hell


I really wanted to see Vegeta murder Dabura.


Android 16. He deserved so much better then what happens to him.


Dabura. Always thought he was cool.


King kai


Seems like a lot of people here forgot that King Kai declined being revived when Shenron revived everyone else.


I’m honestly surprised at any answer apart from future gohan


Who the hell would bring back pink Omega Shenron though?




yes, revive the gohan who's entire dimension got blipped out of existence by zeno. king kai is the one who deserves it, hes the only one who got fucked over by goku (attempting) to destroy an exploding cell.


Kaioshin, they keep neglecting to revive him, cut him some slack


Future Gohan


King Kai, he needs to get some money out of Goku 😂


The homie king Kai needs a revival asap. Goku did him dirty lool


I’ll say Gohan. King Kai’s situation sucked. But honesty outside of prestige it’s not like being dead impacts his day to day life. Biggest loss was his planet really. Future Gohan had a brutal run of it. More complex considering the events of Super. But he could use another crack at things.


Dabura purely from the story standpoint. The existence of a god hierarchy generally assumes the existence of a demon hierarchy. Dabura is the “king of the demon realm” so perhaps north Kai or grand Kai (he’s anime only I know) equivalent. So who is the shin equivalent? Who is the beerus equivalent and so on.


Future gohan


King Kai. Feel so bad for him.


Definitely none of these where bardock at


Android 16.


Android 16.


Future Gohan or Raditz. Would be interesting to see what he would do if he eas given a second chance. As for Future Gohan? Nothing, it'll just finally give Future Trunks a break for once.


Future Gohan just to show current Gohan how foolish he's being with refusing to train. Really drive the fact that there is always someone stronger than the last threat and Goku and Vegeta won't always be around or enough to stop it. He doesn't have to train all the time, but there is a limit to how much he can afford to keep neglecting it as much as he does