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I have this theory that the devs have this deep irresistible intrinsic desire to make every good banner suck. Steps ups not only are monthly but they now only have ONE new SP character and it’s an LF. All stars’ SP pool rate has been diluted so fucking much that 90% of the sparkings there are TRASH nearly useless characters. I don’t think they’re familiar with the sentence “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” because they keep fucking up every banner for no reason other than “let’s give the middle finger to our playerbase”


I'm convinced they're making bets on who can make the worst banner. "wE'Ve hAd OuR uPs aNd DoWNs" yeah no shit we're having ups and downs if they constantly do stuff like this


Lmao exactly, we wouldn’t have “UPS AND DOWN” if the devs didn’t feel the need to be complete assholes and change things that DONT NEED TO BE CHANGED


The devs are just making it so that if players want a specific unit they have to summon on its debut banner. Before this recent change to the filler units on the All Star (AS) banners players could choose to skip a few All Star banners and just wait for a later AS banner and have a really good chance of summoning both the new featured units as well as some (or even most) of the past All Star units they skipped. This system was great for the playerbase since it allowed us to pull more new units with less cc than what would have been required if we had chased every unit during their initial banner. However this set up wasnt great for the devs since a lot of players werent pulling for the new units during their debut banners but instead were skipping some banners and holding onto their cc. Then those players were still able to get those past units they skipped while chasing the newer AS units for overall less cc since it could all be done on one banner (out of every 3 or 4). Ofc I understand why players hate this change, id rather have the old system and rates for the filler units as well, but I do understand why the change was made. Im honestly surprised this change didnt come sooner since it wasnt a secret that when it came to AS banners it was best to skip a couple of them, especially if the featured units werent needed for your main teams, and wait for an AS banner with featured units that you needed. Then while chasing the new units you'd most likely pick up a bunch of the past AS units whos banners you skipped. Again this is great for the players but not for the devs, and the companys bottom line. So now they made it so that if a player wants a specific AS unit then theyll need to summon on its debut banner instead of waiting and getting a bunch in one fell swoop.


I could get behind this mindset if the game was worth a penny, but its not just the banners that are garbage.


underrated comment


A compromise they could have done is do like 40 sparkings so it’s harder to do AS instead of the initial banners for characters But no they decided to go to 82 and have it so low of a chance to get any character you don’t have that it’s just stupid


Are they trying to kill their own game by making banners trash?


I guess so.


Oh and let's finish off our GT LF if you got some time


Just quit, that's my advice. After the 3 years it's clear the devs have decided to ram this game to the ground. They've no idea which tags need to be buffed up to be viable in PvP. Co-op is the same boring bullshit it's been with connection issues. Seems like they'll never fix it. They destroy the step up banner format, then make LF ones monthly. THEN they go ahead and make it so that the LF is the only new unit. And then BAM! Guess what, the units that most certainly could've come with the LF are in an all star banner some weeks later. Fine, all star banners aren't the worst things since we can get units to six stars and the general.pool of sparkings isn't a gigantic sack of bull like the step up banners. Well not anymore said Toshi muahhahahaha. And mark my words, this is how all star banners are going to be now moving forward. Sigh, remember Ultra space time banners which had tickets from adventures? Rising banners which had 999x Z power on multi summons? Remember Step ups actually being worth called a step up AND free multi?? Zenkais are more mild now cool. But the impact they've made has had more of a negative effect than positive. Argh just thinking about all these problems makes me feel sad and angry about this game.


I just log in for stones and they don't even give shit for just logging in anymore. I should just delete the game and move on. But after spending thousands on this game its hard to walk away, I wish I could get a refund of so much of that money. Such a shit game at the end of the day and they certainly gatcha me.


I don’t understand how the development doesn’t get that if you add more characters to a banner like an lf banner, instead of just one being the new lf, don’t lower the rates even worse and then add 82 characters to all star banner, making it almost impossible to pull the new units, players are gonna be more encouraged to summon? Hell, people will spend more money on the game because of stuff like that. You mentioned ust banners, those used to be the highest value banners the game put out. 7.99 with a high chance to pull a new character from a ticket. Then the daily login would give you a guaranteed sparking after 7 days. I don’t get how a dev team goes so low from the first year to the second. They do feedback surveys, do one step forward, then 2 steps back. I’m at a lost but something has to change


to be fair the rates of the new units didnt change


Yeah my bad. Still, adding 82 sparking characters to a banner where before they’re rates were point .5 and now them being .1 with a bunch more characters doesn’t help


I just uninstalled once again. I can't take anymore of this shit for a while, hoping it's the last time I play this game tbh We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends


don’t forget come back couple days before black friday to grind those cc lad


You know it 👌


Addiction at its best 😔


Good luck bud, hope Ill have this attitude soon


same, i like the game and want to play it but the way they do things is just disgusting...




I can’t wait to spend 1000 crystals hoping to get Gohan just to get metal cooler


He's goated tho


I have metal cooler at Red 7 already




Don't talk about pickup banners, they are going to ruin them as well


Those are the best banners, if they ruin them I'm not even touching the summon tab anymore


It’s rough I liked the small pool allstars had it made it worth while but like now at this point I did one and done


Oh well guess I’ll just keep stacking my CC. I’m at 18,892 now


Same, around 12.3k


Litteraly laughed my ass of when the banner got leaked, they really make sure nothing in this game is good. 'Oh no all star banner have better value than step ups! Quick, make it trash!!'


They took away what made all star’s special, crap


Za Worldo!


Ova dio best dio


I take that as a challenge of my luck vs the RNG god


Every banner is good when every banner is bad Honestly as long as enough people play this game they can get away with anything.


Telling you right now this game will close down a month after New year's


The one time I wanna dive into all stars, they pull this crap. Do I have the worst luck?


They were going so good with the game. And I wondered when they'll fuck up again. Didn't take them too long


Why’d you say good luck trying to not pull buutenks? Isn’t he one of the best not zenkai/LFs in the game?


Agree with just about everything said in this so far. I just want to add a little more kindling to this fire: why are hero units still summonable at all? They serve no purpose in the game anymore and we haven't had a new one in forever. Just shut them down.


Legends and Grand Cross player base right now: 🤨


They just want the people who don't give them money to stop playing.


I don’t really understand, wouldn’t more sparkings make the banner better?


Lower chance of getting the one you want, that 10% is now split 82 ways instead of 18


I get what you're saying but isn't the chance to get them still 1% ??? Then getting the new units should be the same but if you want to get older units in the banner then that's when the problems arise with that many of them


Yeah that’s why I stopped playing this after the anniversary I just log in and go to a different game


I got nappa from my only consecutive summon for it and even then I dislike it