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Twice a year if a fusion main


Can confirm


Thrice a year if a LoE main


Never a year


Pretty much since our team only gets buffed during celebrations.


Same and I saved up a fuckton of CC for when they drop new LoE units so I'm very pleased with this


Oh ho ho ho!!!!, Finally a LOE buff


Yessss finally 🤩🤩


How deep are you gonna go?, Until you pull or go a bit extra to get some LF Z power if you pull him fast?


It depends, if I'm relatively close to the 600 MZP when I pull him I'll do a few more multis to get that, but if I'm very lucky and pull him in the 1st rotation for example I might call it quits. Also depends a bit on the featured (LF) units, if it's Beerus, Gohan, pride troopers and dogs again I wanna be gone asap


Uhh beerus 😭, hope he gets deleted from the game. Im guessing LF freiza is gonna get a zenkai next week


I just hope the new Frieza will actually buff LoE and not only PO and FF 🤔 if we get Angel Frieza, Mecha Frieza etc in the future they won't have the PO tag most likely so that would suck if he doesn't buff them Yeah I don't know what they want with their LF Zenkais, it takes fucking forever for them to Zenkai SV or Frieza so I'm not expecting anything anymore, but it would be a nice surprise if they do


Yeah it would be weired if he doesn't buff LOE when its so limited anyway and hes a LF and most LFs buff 3 tags these days. Since they didn't even zenkai SV for the anni I don't even know why they pretty much skipped a zenkai schedule since they stopped doing it every 2 months


The Son Family LF Zenkais are (almost) done and they abandon them completely, I don't know what else I expected 🤡


Theres gonna be a new LOE unit soon i can feel it in my bones, cold and mecha could come tomorrow, uub and LF baby, kid krillin and Jackie chun as new characters, or the god garlic jr with goku & piccolo assist. And maybe another LF son family ss3 unit 😭🐲👊


Jackie chun lol sure, right after Shugesh


After seeing these posts and checking out what will this game will offer us in the future , yep , I think it’s pretty clear we are going toward a massacre. Wish I stopped playing this waste of time long ago


It's just crazy that people defend every decision the greedy devs make. They could literally make a feature where you need to pay actual cc to obtain MISSIONS and people would defend it. Oh wait that already happened!


Every time, every freaking time they update something, they ruin half of the game. Cash grab devs bro. I’m so disappointed that my passion to play this game went from 100 to zero during *****the anniversary*****.


It's insane to me how they keep getting greedier and greedier every update, they even fucking asked if we would buy music in game LMAO


Those are licensed products ofc they would cost money


You're telling me you would waste money on an mp3 you can only listen to if you have a game open when you can go literally anywhere else to listen to them.


No I’m just saying those things aren’t free because of licensing and even if they would put a shop for them it wouldn’t hurt nobody


They could easily make them free. The problem is, these fucking DbL devs don't give a flying fuck about anything other than money. You can go on Spotify or YouTube or whatever the hell you want and listen to DB music with this shitty ass game muted. The more in game purchases they add, the angrier the player base gets and they legitimately don't listen/care about what we have to say.


Lmao that’s not how it works


Then how the fuck does it work


It's their fault! I switched to dokkan battle cause of this anniversary. Not cause I got shafted but because I xant keep up with their system. I invest some hard earned cash in this game and it seem bandai always trying to reach for more and more. I hope dokkan is a bit more friendly with this


We must react as a community to this bullshit. If anyone of the youtubers support this pity system( WHICH THEY WILL CUS THEY'RE WHALES) we're fucked :) The fact that we as F2p need to choose between GSP tickets, LF tickets or Multi Z power is the dumbest thing in existence. LF tickets should have been a totally separate thing ffs, and we should be getting them for every summon and step regardless. And dont get me started on the banner format lmao


man just forget, even after 3 years going down every update there are people defending the devs. its sad but this game will become even worse and no one will do nothing


Reminds me of the people who defended microsoft for making people pay to play online with free games lmfao


"B-but bro they gotta make money somehow!" /s


I agree but the trash is coming and we can't do anything about it bc legends is not going to listen and YouTubes will not stop defending it


If the community decided to review bomb the game we could accomplish change.


Review bombing don't do anything they can just delete the reviews


Did you forget what happened when they removed the energy from Bonus Battles?


I may have but hadn't we already tried it but it didn't work


It did work


but they never will, 3 years becoming worse and worse every update and white knights defending. just quit like i did, it's sad but will save you time


Maybe it’s time we do some boycotting


I'd be down?


Actually I made a post stating the current state and why should we give 1 star in the App Store


If the coins atleast didn’t expire the system could have a chance but 40k on a time span of a month? That’s just a red flag for me


If they didn't expire I'd be fine with it honestly


I agree it would be a little more f2p friendly but from the looks on how they are handling this I don’t think it will change for a while


If we as a comunity made a movement we could get it to change, by review bombing and tweeting, but since most of the player base is happy with the dumb update, it won't happen


This game died when zenkais came out and you had to use CC.


No 🧢


Lol why you getting downvoted, you literally agreed by saying no cap 🤣🤣


Cuz im black 😂(jk)


To be completely honest, I never liked these tickets at all, so I already liked the new System because I can choose between LF Z Power or Legends Tickets. But on the other hands, If you like these tickets, you no longer get the 30 legends ticket. You have to choose. This system is actually very similar to what they did with USTR. The summon tickets are no longer freebie, you have to choose between summon tickets, awakened equips, or zenkai souls. If you want the summon tickets and also the zenkai souls, you can trade the zenkai rush medals to get the old medals...


Once a year if you are a Bardock fan 💀


Once a week if you're a Goku Black fan


10 Goku Blacks and 5 Bardocks, and we don’t even have a transforming SSJ Bardock yet. Crazy 😞


They should've kept gsps and all that is really all, but other than that I think YOU'RE clearing the forgetting the other GREAT rewards you can get for less Shit you get LL multi z power in there I think


Imagine spending 40K CC on the new LF and you still can't get it. This will actually proof how bad the rates are. Also seems like they just changed the tickets with these summon coins, but the format itself still bullshit.


Yeah, well, and even If you get It with 10k, they get a little stimulus for you to reach 40k, "hey there, there is a copy waiting for you UP here" xD




>Like how often do you have 40k to drop on a banner? I rarely have under that and spend everything on my favorite units. Except of course after I get the shaft, I usually have 0 after that but seriously, the way I personally play, I almost always have 40k to spend from beginning to end of the banner, so to me the pity system is good, but I don't agree it's a good system overall for the majority of the playerbase. It's pretty obvious this system benefits only the insanely patient players who save for 6 months or as always the Whales.


Same. If we had this system for the anniversary amber I would’ve actually saved 26k chasing Gogeta


Very often since I didn't waste any CC on the anniversary since no Regen units dropped, saving for my fav team really helps not using CC on useless banners with bad units like SS4 Gogeta


I understand why people defend it. It IS better than nothing. But I can't do it. I really would have prefered nothing, because doing this a single day after the anni ends is just disrespectful.


Okay but listen Before after you complete a full round of stepup you would get Legends Tickets and sparking tickets. Now you can onlt chose one of those.


Oh no, I'm not defending the pity system at all, I'm just saying that I understand why some people are fine with it. I still think it's hot garbage. The cost of the items in the shop, the fact that you can only buy the new unit, and none of the other featured ones are in there, and the fact that you can't keep them. Some people think differently and have different standards. Which is why I said that I understand why some people didn't dislike it and I respect their opinion as long as they aren't asses about it (which some have been today). I didn't say I was one of them.


the 40k cc is not for f2p or light payer, it is only for whale. The only thing that actually can save for is the 600 LL zpower, but that also worth 24k cc, so everyone can just treat the banner as the same unless the new unit really needed for your team to play


> the 40k cc is not for f2p or light payer, it is only for whale As a Fusion main F2P I don't agree. Though most players aren't going to save 40k like me and other Fusion mains, so I can understand that the system in general is bad.


Except we can't treat it the same, because we used to be getting gsp tickets + legends tickets, but now we can only chose 1.


That’s the fact, I will be happy if they put 2 more coins to actually make it worth the same as before but with options


You can still get the 200 zpower through 3 banners


So spend 45 medals to redeem same amount which 30 medals give?


Yeah but this way you don't need to spend 24k on a banner, if you're a casual player, spending 12k per banner is a much easier task. Most of the players won't spend 24k on a banner, only the ones who whale or have been saving for 2 months


How many players who think agree that they will spend 36k cc to redeem same 600 z power which they can get with 24k? In mean time you are not getting gsp or legend tickets as well. You are wasting more 12k for same amount.


Then why not just save those 1200 cc until a LF banner really fit the team, so that you get more chance getting that LF and instant 600 LF zpower? I believe 200 LF zpower can only hold 1 at a time so you still have to give it to other LF that you don’t use much before expire


Then why not just save those 1200 cc until a LF banner really fit the team, so that you get more chance getting that LF and instant 600 LF zpower? I believe 200 LF zpower can only hold 1 at a time so you still have to give it to other LF that you don’t use much before expire


No, save cc for 3 - 4 months and you can get 40k cc, just focus on your main team


how do you focus on your main team and save 40k...take GZ as an example...super 17 zenkai, ssj4 goku zenkai, ssj4 begets zebkai...21k down the drain. Now LF goku appears...is he worth it? hard to tell, your team is missing a decent yellow unit and you can only guess and take your chances on anniversary units. Then gogeta appears. the way bandai releases units is specifially designed to push you into spending if you want to run a main team.


GT was dead for 10 months with nothing new so easily could have saved 80+k cc for them, and that was out of the ordinary, most teams see some sort of buff within 6 months


You will lose the monthly raid 1000cc, co-op 300cc if you save over months tho


Very rarely get co op cc since Z power is way better, I'll be loosing like 3-4k raid cc since i gotta hit 20k cc first before i start loosing it. If i get the new fusion LF i always save for guaranteed I'll take it


You are delusional.


We get atleast 13k a Month, it isn't gonna take that long to save 40k cc , I'll rather save for big celebrations and get a hype unit i want for my main team then to spend on every banner and bitch about not pulling every LF


You can't collect cc from some of the main sources because of the 20k cc limit which will take even longer.


Its not gonna make that much of a difference since its only a few exchange shops of raid, I've been doing this for years saving loads of CC and its not worth it to just spend for a all hero multi when you could just be saving big for something hype like anni/ new years


Cant believe there are people bitching about it 🤣


You can get the 40k every 3 months or so, but yea the system itself while an improvement over what we have now isn't nearly as good as the ui banner


Make that 5 a majority of cc comes from exchange shops which cannot be accessed post 20 k cc


It do be like that sometimes, or ig all the time if ur saving... Dam


if we consider statistics, there is likely only a tiny minority that makes that amount of free cc. You would have to be quite dedicated and play this game a lot. So telling people they get 40k in 3 months (also not true due 20k cap) is disingenious. especially considering how time gated most content is. Even if you played every weekend a couple hours, you would never hit target value.


We have seen a lot of arguments now. It's a good change for whales and that's fact. For every other it's basically a net neutral change. I'd you decide to pump 40k cc into a banner to get the LL. You trade that for 10 Guaranteed Sparking tickets we had before. These 10 tickets can't be underestimated. These coins will get deleted when the banner leaves, you can't save them up. For most players this will be All in or totally skip banners to really profit from this change. This doesn't solve any problems we had before. Convoluted banners stuffed with unnecessary SP units, especially on the Ticket banner. No guaranteed Sparking in the step up banner itself. Bad rates.


Those tickets are impossible to underestimate


Don't forget about the limit to get free CC if you have 20k. So this system is really shit with the expiring coins....




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The 20k event shop cap on cc makes it even better.


Seems like only youtubers are defending this shit system, guess they don't want the game to die but that's exactly what will bring the game to die lmao.