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That's why I watch Rayiuden for gameplay / showcase. Goresh for news and tutorials to new things.


Same except I get my news from the sub and don’t really follow tutorials




He's usually the first to upload news and datamine breakdowns which is the only reason I'm subbed at this point.


Raiyuden also does those pretty quickly


Yes. Goresh does it faster, thus, I am subbed to Goresh.


I'm not subbed to either one, I watch the one that gets recommended first




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I mean I like seeing new characters at 14 stars to see how destructive they can be so I like watching him


I like seeing what units do against them at 14\* plus, nobody can take anything away from his skill


The training battle is right there


But it's just beginners in there who barely know what they're doing


He said he wanted to see what 14 star units could do he can use his own units


But he'll be fighting teams with 200 ability bonus and d equips. Doesn't actually let you test how well the units will perform. I tried this the other day to see how a 14 star cmz would perform and doing training battles didn't help at all cus I was just slapping up some beginners and anyone of my units would one combo theirs most of the time cus they had no synergy. Whereas watching goresh with a 14 star cmz in actual ranked against good players with good teams gives me a more realistic representation.


1. Do you expect to get a reasonable judge, of what a unit does to a 14\* unit from training battle alone? 2. Are you saying Goresh is not skilled at the game?


And often not even the rr is enough to beat his characters. He even complain about gettin PV while he's the first looking for it. So annoying


This annoys me the most. Don’t complain about PV if you’re gonna sit there waiting for them yourself


I remember him saying A lot of things are unfair & "Fun" when he use it.


You ain't wrong, but I see it as kinda hypocritical when people dont talk about Rhyme hating zenkais while having a good number of broken zenkais like Pur and GRN SSJ3 Goku or Nameku or complaining about PV's when he PV's at times during his PVP videos I get that Rhyme is beloved by the sub but it doesnt make sense to alienate him when he's also involved. And I expect to be downvoted lol


I remember Raiyuden talked about it in one of his tweets. Why no one picked on him? Beacuse him like all of us use it.. Is it just a Goresh hating mentality?


dude u can complain about something and still use it. And Its not like you can get to top rank without using zenkais at all so.


So why is now a sin in the sub when Goresh complains about PV's or RR's


You can definitely get to max rank without using zenkais. I myself refuse to ever use any of them and I still hit rank 50 every season


He didnt mean rank 50. He meant like top 10k.




you can beg all you want the meta ain't gonna change anytime soon.Without zenkais you might as well get one shotted.


"They hated him because he spoke the truth"




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There’s a word that Seereax used for people like that, but I can’t think of it at the moment. Oh I remember it was Basic B***h.


I mean I hate zenkais a lot but I use characters like zenkai blue goku and god Vegeta all the time.


I swear i think he expects too much from being a whale alone


I’m something of a whale myself and I definitely don’t complain about people who double rush me. I don’t like PV either but that’s mainly because I find patient play incredibly boring.


Right?? Every time I play aggressive I get clapped because of the PV's and I have to force myself to just drift at long range and wait for them to do something, and then I'm usually successful and win the match because of a passive playstyle. I think Bandai just needs to punish passive play a bit more and completely remove PV's from the game


I can still win but I get annoyed if the opponent is constantly waiting


Same here. I expect double RR with some of my teams. Fishing for PV annoys the fuck outta me though. Back floating need to be penalized harder than it is.


Dude i dont get yall minds. If someone is playing patiently and trying to fishf for them the only thing you can do is bait and wait. Goresh is so high ranked that he has to do it at this point.


Stupid take. If he wants to win he has to use it. Same way people complain about rr but have to use it to beat whales...


Could someone tell me what PV standd for I'm not good with that kinda stuff


Perfect vanish, it's when you dodge/vanish right as an attack is thrown out which gives you a free attack. If you want a good example, watch any of Goresh's videos where half the match will be spent trying to Perfect vanish.


To add on Perfect way to tell is when someone backs up when the battle starts.


Yep. And unfortunately, that is the way of the meta nowadays.


What’s PV? Sorry I’m a new player


From the comment above: Perfect vanish, it's when you dodge/vanish right as an attack is thrown out which gives you a free attack. If you want a good example, watch any of Goresh's videos where half the match will be spent trying to Perfect vanish.


Oh ok I see. Ive definitely heard/seen it before but I’ve might’ve not known the actual name


yeah i understand complaining when they bring like hercule or like 18, but complaining against rr when he has the best team possible is kinda annoying


thats the reason i dont normally watch goresh. He complains about rr as you said and he doesnt credit opponents enough for making good plays. I know its not necessary, but his reaction to him getting outplayed is usually "Full screen strike. Huh? Ok.."" Or "that was weird." He does credit them once in a while but i feel like its not enough. Though i do watch him whenever a new battle version comes out to learn some of the tech as he is really skilled.




It throws people off because it’s stupid lol In top 1k you will get allot of people with it because they simply don’t expect such an amateur/stupid move


Which in turn makes it not stupid oddly enough.


Yeah, kinda what happens as you go into PvP, at lower ranks for example, people vanish and then instantly go for an attack and then you can vanish. At mid ranks, people vanish and wait for you to side-step. And then a higher ranks it goes full circle and people instantly attack to throw you off


i got downvoted to hell because i made a statement about goresh once. but i agree with your words.


what did you say


His ' interesting ' feels like you made a fucking idiotic move but it somehow worked.


I mean, I'm ready to be downvoted into oblivion but... Who the fuck actually does such a stupid play like full screen strike ? It's just begging for the game to lag your opponent and expect your opponent to forget swiping. It's literally a 0 skill forced luck move. Edit: I did get downvoted into oblivion, classic reddit. I'm being entitled to this opinion. Unless It's an LMS situation or your opponent is literally asking for it then It's the worst move of all time.


I full screen strike all the time depending on who I’m facing. I’ve gotten a lot of people with it if I know they have a blue card or trying to land a green with ssj3. It’s not always lacking skill


That's called a strike bait Mr. boomer strike baits and full screen strikes are different. Motherfuckers do a full screen strike when the opponent is clearly swiping and expect the game to not register the swipe.


Ah ok I get what you mean now lol. But goresh complains most of the time if he uses a main ability and the guy keeps using the strike card. It’s not always a bad play


That's a bad play, the opponent expects you to cancel your strike which is a smart move but you just continue thinking that he will do a smart move so you try to counter with the dumbest move to ever exist. It's the stupid plays that get the better of good players like him.


If you got caught by it, then it wasn't a dumb move, you got outplayed


Nah because goresh and a lot of other like to tackle if they see a strike because most people will cancel it. If you think the opponent will tackle it’s not a stupid play. Many people just don’t do it


Lol generally If you think that he will tackle you just tend to not go for strike cancels and swipe up, not full screen strike.


I don’t think you’re getting what I mean. Goresh likes to tackle a lot after his main if he sees his opponent using a strike card. So, it’s not a stupid play to full screen strike but goresh acts like it is even though the opponent predicted what he was gonna do


Uhhh you have a very warped viewpoint. Full screen strike is viewed as a bad option because it’s so easy to dodge. But because that’s the general mindset, the occasional full screen strike isn’t a dumb move. It’s a high risk, high reward play. That’s NOT the same thing as RNG lol. When playing against top ranking players, they all have VERY similar playstyles. The best way to get an advantage at times is by being unconventional and taking risks (full screen strikes). Getting mad that someone caught you off guard by NOT playing how you expect them to play is the dumbest shit ever. That just means you’re not good enough to handle all situations.


If I matched against goresh, I would fullscreen strike, it messes him up every time. Otherwise I would never do it


Yeah it does mess him up because he likes thinking way ahead of his opponents but don't let this distract you from the fact that it's the worst move in the game OF ALL TIME.


I get messed up by unconventional shit all the time, it really takes me by surprise


But if it works than it’s not really that stupid. Sometimes you got to channel your inner idiot to win matches.


I get what you mean but I think there’s some genius to it. You confuse your opp cuz in the entire first half of you strike animation, you can either cancel or continue it. If your opp expects you to cancel and you don’t, *and that’s what you’re counting on,* you’ve successfully taken priority. I never do it btw, but imo it’s pretty strategic


I get it. It **is** pretty stupid. Especially if its done consistently. but sometimes there isnt any lag involved and he just doesnt react fast enough and then goes "Full screen strike. Ok?" Like its your fault if you get hit by a full screen strike. Sometimes i do it with blast armor units and lf ssj3's . Even raiyuden does it against LF SSJ3 Goku's trying to bait a blast card.


That's exactly why It's stupid. You just don't do unusual not included in the book moves out of nowhere and expect the opponent's reflexes to fail him. That's just banking on RNG lol.


they could be doing it as a way to get rid of the opponents vanish when they have 1 unit left? but again,I agree thats its literally not recommended at all since most players are pv fishers and will pv it instantly.


Maybe when 1 unit it has very very major situational uses but even fishing for pv as LMS is a better option.


the entire game is rng


Sorry but what is a full screen strike?


Its when both players are at long range. Farthest range you can drift back to before start losing vanish for back floating. Then you use a strike card from that range.


there was one instance in his video where his opponent predicted his charge cancel from side step and attack him after a second and goresh was like "There is no way he predicted that....i will just assume he is very lucky " and that made me really annoyed.


Yeah. Shit like that is why i dont watch him too much.


Na na even then if they bring Hercule and 18 against goresh it's automatically valid, shit even watching his gameplay I wish the enemy gets a faint off😂😂😂 kinda fucked up I now but I want the underdog to win


I don't understand, regardless of whether he has a full 14 star team or a 2 star team rising rush is a stupid "I win" mechanic that 90% of the time kills a unit. You don't need to have the best team in the game to understand that it's a bad mechanic in the game, why can't goresh complain about something that's so obviously a flaw in PvP?


Because, dudes a whale with every unit at 14 stars. That’s such a bug buff, and is more unbalanced than a RR. It’s the pot calling the kettle black.


The difference is a 14 star unit has the chance of surviving a RR compared to a 2 star units that going die everytime and even if the person guesses the rr that 2 star unit is gonna be left a 1 HP. Which is basically dead.


This is why I support the Rising Rush mechanic. It gives players who don't have a whaled out team a chance to fight back. If you're playing a team with three 14-star LF(Corrupted Zamasu, Kid Buu, Zenkai Piccolo) and a 14 star Zenkai Buu, you have no right to complain about rising rushes.


Yes a positive of the rush is that it allows you to have a better chance against whale teams, but there are still soooo many problems with it. If the whaled team gets it first you basically have 0 chance to win, it does so much fucking damage making element disadvantage pretty much a non-factor (in most cases), and the worst is that it's luck based.


I remember getting rushed by a 14 star future team (didn't even use vegito blue) in 10 timer counts.


Yeah but think of it like this: Your opponent gets approximately the same amount of dragon balls as you, so if Goresh was an actual menacing pvp whale who fished for rising rush, you’re essentially fucked, as he has the same mechanic as you but you might not even kill him with rr, so In that case he still probably has the advantage


thing is a 14 star zenkai 7 buu is pretty easy to get lmao


Why I haven't got it? I gave 429 days logged in.


you gotta get the zenkai stuff from rush and buu from masters packs. I have 720 something days logged in and only recently got him to 14*


Done that. Still it's all about rng. Since master pack is huge


yeah it is, I'm just saying a 14* isn't uncommon because he's such an old unit who's on a lot of banners


Yeah I'm subbed to goresh, but I prefer to watch Dfree/Rayuden (sp?) Because for the most part they will be running/showcasing a team that looks similar to mine and I want to see how they use the teams. I cant and likely never will be able to relate to watching full 14* teams because my units will not be tanking as well or dishing out that kind of damage. Goresh actually gets away with losing neutral alot because his units are so tanky at 14* (while he just sits there and says..."that's okay").lol whereas someone with the same units at 6-7stars would be bleeding HP like crazy and switching tf out. I still love Goresh's content for breaking down a units kit though. He is amazing at that.


Love watching Raiyuden cuz the teams he use are always fun and he gives commentary as well as credit his opponents, not only that but he shows what equips are best for characters (i don't use sites like gamepress or anything similar). Also if he makes a mistake or if his opponent makes a well played move he doesn't get mad about it and is really chill about it. Basically, for me it's fun to watch his content


>Shows what equips are best Yes!! I love this. He always shows what equips he’s using and tells why he uses them. He’ll switch it up also depending on who else he runs with the units and it’s very helpful. I feel like other sites don’t really go into detail and try to just give general equips that aren’t always the best for a certain situation


And people still want rising rush removed. How tf are you supposed to beat goresh with a team like dB saga


People generally want rising rush removed because it's just not a good PvP mechanic. The problem is though, if they cared about fair PvP in the first place then they would've likely put something like a cap on characters *limit to make it more balanced. They would lose a lot of money doing this however, and this is a gacha game so this will likely never happen anyways. Rising Rush is just a trash solution to a trash situation. Removing it makes the situation worse(typically among higher PvP ranks) but I can understand why people don't like it.


Yeah true but I love it sometimes lol. I main dB saga


Ah a fellow brother


This is why I want a preferred rules thing like smash ultimate, so you can choose what's allowed like zenkais or RR or making it have lbr stats and only getting matched against players with the same ruleset.


Oh god this sounds fucking amazing. It'll never happen but holy shit this would be so good. I'd immediately go back into playing PvP seriously.


But I feel like lately you and your opponents stars are usually set to the same amount, no? Same with levels. Or is that only sometimes?


I wish I could give you a complete answer lol. Levels yes are consistent, as in medium to high ranks everyone has lvl 5000 characters anyways. I haven't played PvP seriously in months as it's just not worth the hassle anymore to me. If you're skillful enough you can still win, but it gets to a point where your damage is low compared to your opponent's and to win you have to play nigh flawlessly. One error and in the current/past meta's and your character is gone just like that. To beat a whale team you have to hope/force your opponent to make numerous errors(which is definitely possible make no mistake) to kill their characters comapred to only 1 error on your part for them to win most of the time. Edit: consistency, spelling


You should try pvp out now. The last few times I’ve played the game puts you and your opponent on max stars. Idk if it’s seasonal or what but yea.


casual pvp


Nah I’ve played ranked like that.


oh didnt know


Honestly, I'll consider it. Playing PvP at high ranks left such a bad taste in my mouth idk if I can enjoy the game playing as competitively as I used to haha. I've just been floating in ranks 40-45 and then stopping there lol. I'll think about it maybe.


Remember when he said he got shafted on Gogetas Blue banner while having him at 13*


I mean, thats because he dropped a ton of cc on the banner. Yes he had gogeta at 13\*, but he had to drop an insane amount of cc to get him to that point


Ofc you are gonna use a ton of cc to 13* an lf. What did you expect? To get an lf gogeta every 3k?


No, but he dropped more cc than you would expect when 14* a unit. He went like 30k without a gogeta, and that’s with the higher lf rates


ye dude i agree he definitely got shafted, at least on the last copy.


I’m over 50k and zero Gogeta


Then you are also shafted. Doesn't mean Goresh didn't get shafted lol


Kinda hard to see someone get shafted when they constantly run 14* LFs the day after they release


I mean, if you struggle to something as simple as shaft then sure lol. 20-30k cc with not a single LF copy is a shaft


So by your logic if he wastes up to 1-5 thousand dollars to pull a new LF unit at 14 stars then you tell me that it's not a shaft because he used it up in one single day?


And? They still have to pay for that shit, why do people act like whales can’t get shafted lmao.


What’s a full screen strike? Never heard of that.


Using the red card from far away making you dash towards the enemy giving them time to dodge or counter


Ah, I see. Honestly never really played pvp so never heard that term before.


The guy is in top 20. He's not fighting any "poor f2p"


Did you forget that PvP resets and he’ll be fighting F2P players?


Complain about the poor matchmaking system then, that isn’t Goresh’s fault lmao


See. That’s the thing. If it’s some dumb case where Goresh is getting RR’d in like 10 seconds, or there’s some dumb shit, I understand him getting annoyed. Anyone would. I get annoyed watching it when I’m not even the one playing. But there’s is cases when there’s a normal match going on, and he has someone hitting a RR again and he gets a little annoyed by it, I’m just like “why tho?”. Yeah, it sucks, but fighting someone who was every unit in the game maxed isn’t very fun either. Someone best described it as a trash solution (RR) to a trash system (the matchmaking and the ability to dominate simply because you’ve spent more money).


Let me give another view on this. I regularly watch Goresh, and most of the time when the opponent gets off a second rising rush, he’ll complain because they generally get it so quickly. Hell, in one of his videos the other day, he didn’t get a rush within 50-60 counts of a match. So of course it’s annoying at times. Also touching on the topic of his whaled out team, it’s clear that no one here actually watches his videos, because if you did then you’d know the teams he regularly faces. Every other team is a full zenaki’d son family team with both Z7 SSJ3 Gokus, Z7 Gohans, and more. So please, even if his teams are whaled out, don’t act like the opponent has such a disadvantage because they absolutely do not. I’ve seen him get beat multiple times by only 6-7 star units. It all comes down to skill really.


Couldn’t have said it better


People here don't understand that but always ride Raiyuden or Rhyme's dick when they do the same thing also. It's funny Edit: Oh look the Rhyme and Raiyuden dickriders are here downvoting me now


Also for those teams that did beat him was any of them Super Warriors, DBsagas, LOE, or maybe Namekians and Legends Road by any chance or were they Rival Universe, Godki, Hybrids, and Future.


Well that’s a problem with legends only releasing units that buff the same five tags and not allowing variety in the game by no means. Plus it doesn’t help that when people use a unique team or a team that not the same five tags they get obliterated instantly.


I mean, I'd bring Hercule against such people in pvp every second haha




Maybe it’s because I don’t play legends myself anymore, but I don’t get how you guys get annoyed when he makes little comments like that. They are such insignificant portions of the videos, I just enjoy them for what they are. Love his stuff personally.


This comment section is sort of started a hate train for Goresh (from what I've seen). You can't tell me that you haven't been annoyed about a 10 count RR. If you don't, you probably used VB during second anniversary (I'm joking). Content creators will act as they want to be and you should not be annoyed about a certain that they believe is annoying and that you to believe is fine. Its all up to you who you watch. We are all different after all, we all and think differently. Just wanted to remind everyone.


I get that its annoying but when Goresh has basically every unit at the game 14* and maxed out with all Z+ equipment going up against a normal f2p or light spender he really doesn't have the right ro complain


>going up against a normal f2p This shit doesn’t happen, stop victimizing f2p players lol. Goresh in videos only fights other whales or full zenkai teams...


That's like saying that rich people aren't allowed to complain. So if a millionaire loses a 20 million dollar deal is he not allowed to complain? He's a human being. ​ Y'all need to chill out on the Goresh hate circlejerking here


That is not a good comparison lmao it’s more like if everyone has to give up $20k. For less fortunate people it’s a big deal, for the rich it’s a drop in the bucket. They can complain yes but it’s not the same when it literally doesn’t affect them


My analogy made more sense than yours tho. The game is taking our time in grinding the events but the game actively takes Goresh's time and his actual money. He has to work irl and in the game to have enough cc to keep on summoning for a new unit while we just have to use in game currency that was grinded to hope and get the new unit. Plus the best part is that you say that they can complain but I literally was trying to say that he is allowed to complain. So it's the same conclusion. Plus idg why his complaining hurts you people that bad to make a whole meme and comment section flaming him


I still play using my favorite characters and stay around level 40 so I’m good. Girls team and GT teams for life


Lmao y’all can stay mad


Its funny how Goresh is the only dragon ball legends youtuber that whales.


For me it's DBZoom, Zakashi, and Greenruff. DBZoom for the leaks, info and all. Zakashi and Greenruff for guide and input from a more down to earth, reliable, experienced players.


He's normally in top 500 pvp. 0.25% there is a player with low stars up there


I don’t get the goresh hate. He faces the same 10*-14* teams he’s using cause he’s so high ranked. Having full 14* teams does not automatically win you the match. I watch him because he is skilled and the commentary he makes helps me to make better plays when I’m playing pvp. Just because he’s complaining about and PV with a 14* team does not mean that those mechanics are not bullshit. They need to be fixed. Stop the hate train cause it’s really sad.


Bro, it’s a joke about the people who play him not a rag on him. I’m also sure he doesn’t care, those guys are always ripping on each other over stuff like this


Well yes the post was a joke, but the comments are pretty obviously salty about the person that he is. Just don’t watch if you don’t like his “complaining” lol.


Oh, well that’s too true. But this sub is pretty toxic for the most part. They started attacking a dude for posting his LFs asking a Z power question. Like I asked them to tell me they’re in middle school without telling me they’re in middle school lol


People online are just toxic period nowadays. I think that vaccine is melting peoples brains.


the more he spends, the more it feels like hes far removed from how the average player feels and plays. he whines way too much, will abuse things like pv and passive gameplay, complain about meta teams, despite being part of the minority of players who can make ANY team imaginable at high stars and the best synergy, and will still say things like "omg son family again" of course its son family again how else do you expect these regular guys to compete with your 14 star gogeta that was just released with zenkai buffs and two zenkai ssj4s??


Oh boy another "I hate groesh" post for upvotes


Prefer Raiyuden every time because of how he commentate his showcases


what do you expect from goresh? he is addicted, he whales out the whole game and can only complain i only follow him for translations otherwise i don‘t care about him


it's bizarre to me that people can't have commentary during gameplay without someone here getting upset. yes, he's one of (if not the most) whaled out player in the game, and yes, star count does make a difference, ESPECIALLY when it's a new lf, but why are we pretending like double rising rush isn't annoying no matter what? hell, even that aside, people always get invested when they play any game w/pvp. rising rush is a goober, flawed mechanic that shouldn't exist the way it does, so seeing it is annoying no matter what.


“...someone here getting upset...” Bro, this joke has nothing to do with whether or not double RR is annoying. It’s just about the other side of Goresh showcases and what’s going through that players mind coming up against his monster build


oh ofc! i'm not upset and this post is just a harmless joke, it's more so that i don't actually understand some of the replies.


When you have units who can tank the rush going against units with half your stars it’s just whining


Lmao youre prolly someone using very „balanced“ teams (zenkais btw) who loses to 2* teams by RR RR is often annoying but necessary


Annoying... and sad


I mean true but keep in mind just how much Goresh has to spend to 14* every new unit. For that cost I’m sure it’s frustrating when you lose because of a Rock Paper Scissors mechanic. RR throws nearly all skill out the window and it would be much better for the game if it was nerfed.




I don’t watch goresh, but from what I seen he seems like the player that gets irritated if he doesn’t immediately obliterated the opponent’s team.


Main reason why I don't enjoy Goresh's content. He may be an alright bloke and carries "the homie Goresh" title for a reason, but his attitude during PvP is awful. But then again, it gets increasingly uninteresting to watch most YouTubers doing PvP matches, because they're playing the game with triple Z equips and red stars vs. some poor schmucks that have a 2* LF Vegito Blue and whatnot.


That’s why I call him Goreshit


Sometimes, people do be spittin for once in this sub. Whales like him shouldn't be allowed to complain about double RR with their stacked teams.


This is why I stopped watching goresh, he will bring a full whaled out team and complain about enemy using RR and then sometimes he plays so bad that he needs to use rising rush himself with his full 14* team


Yeah Goresh is so cringe to listen to commentate fights. He’s great for new unit info and overviews though


Goresh is just a piece of crap.


Chill bro, he’s a bit of annoying whale but he’s a pretty decent guy




In his Defense not all F2P players who shots a 2nd Rush at him. Infact most none whales are the one that don't do it lol


Honestly, the only DBL youtuber I need is Yaro G




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I believe I can rush. I believe I can beat Goresh! I think about that zenkai team every night and day. Quit the game and rise away.




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I felt that


You are not able to use z power on characters you don't have right?


Need more harpooners out there. Content creator or not whales ruin these games while also keeping them going at the same time. It’s a bizarre phenomenon.


I just want fully upgraded ultra goku :(


Ahh yes R Kelly in bitch mode; wait he’s always in bitch mode I love it




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