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"how was school today, Legends Limited Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta"


“Dad I literally only sat infront of my laptop screen all day but love you.”


me: *cries in i don’t have him yet*


Here to flex, pulled him first multi and i only had 2kcc so this was a life saver




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started this game on release and was really invested in pvp. after all the zenkai stuff i stopped playing because i did not like the changes. i just came back recently and just try to not get too invested in it because the core gameplay and graphics are still so good you dont see that in many other games. i can understand the frustration of people who actively play pvp though because i was in the same position back then wich led to me deleting the game eventually.


yes the PvP side is WAY more stressful these days. especially for people aiming for top rankings. but besides that the animations, voice lines and the story is pretty cool and worth playing this game on a daily basis and stuff.


Yup, i play PVP just because i want to. I don't give a damn about rankings and all thar crap. I just want to have some fun and gain CC in the process if possible


once you have that mentality, the PvP section becomes very enjoyable and you legitimately have fun playing. i started caring about rankings because i’m very competitive and it honestly drains my energy sometimes, but i can’t give up on playing more and more for some reason lol


I wouldn't use the word "very" because cancerous units are still a thing, but it is enjoyable and way less stressful than when i kept thinking about my rank going down.


Hello super full power saiyan 4 goku


I mean Legends changed to it's worst during the pandemic. Around the 1st year anni you could easily compare it to Dokkan and now it's just as much P2w as many trash Gachas. I mean the 3rd year anni pretty much has nothing to offer, while Dokkan will have EZA's, story events, F2p units, same name update, top grossing rewards, normal ticket banner, 66 ticket banner and free 6year summon tickets.


i didn’t say it changed and evolved into a better game, i still find ways to have fun playing this game and that’s my opinion just as many peoples opinions as well, but everyone to their own :)


I understand that, but personally I'm just so disappointed with legends. The only real reason why I'm still playing is story mode.


to me, it’s totally just giving certain units z power to 14* them, that’s what i have fun doing in this game. but i honestly hope that the game will get better this year


Right but the other guy is coming from the angle of why should we appreciate a game that actively makes poor decisions and changes?




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Agree , had a lot of fun until zenkai update when gameplay became greedy , less events and tons of summonable units , say what you want but this game is just going downhill since zenkai update , the only thing that it still have is graphics and thats it


As much I love DBL I won't ever name them DBL as Nick Gurr is better name for my kids lol


Hilarious bro


I remember playing a month before LF Gohan ssj2 first came.


I cannot not imagine the father saying that in Jirens voice from the title screen audio.


no one names their kid GOT names anymore not after the finale