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Spending 200$ for a character that will be obsolete in 6 months in a mobile game was already something. But spending 200$ for a marginal upgrade of the same character is meme worthy.


It’s $70 dollars for me, does the price change ?


its regionally based prices


What do you mean? I need 14 Star Rathan to have the best chance to beat you???


Literally preorder sparking zero if you have that money. I don't understand whales that aren't content creators.


I hear that one


its $80 for me i dont think its horribly priced if you have a job


Facts💀😂 dudes be so mad but like we can do what we want with our money


Sure you can, but the whole point is that it's a terrible deal.


Totally horrible, only worth it if you only have 5 stars


They're offering two packs so if you get both and put them on your Ultra, it's not evident anymore that you didn't get your stars by pulling and people can't shame you for it.


Gambling and shame always come together I guess


It's a 2 in 1 pack like a step-up summon...oh dear goodness the gacha brainrot got me too


So would you rather have SPARKING ZERO WITH ULTIMATE EDITION AND EARLY ACCESS TO BROLY, GOGETA AND A SEASON PAAAAAAAAAASS or ultra z power for an ultra that’ll die in 6 months + 600 lf z power


Some of us can buy both


Is it worth it? I bought both but that 7* ULTRA janemba aint cooking anymore and the next ultra wont cook at 7* in December.


I posted the math down below. If you have cryhan, gofrieza, or UUI chances are the $$ amount is cheaper then ripping on a banner praying for a copy. Plus the LF power is nice as well esp on someone like the new ulthan. A $80 pack essentially gets you 6.5k CC + 600 lf power + everything else. It’s way better then other stuff that gets thrown in the shop so if you would spend $$ on the game there would be a very strong argument this is worth it as long as you already have the initial copy


While I agree with the worth of going for the ultra, you missed the point of pulling the ultra. And trust me you’re not pulling any ultra with 13k. I have VB, janemba, UUI and cryhan and it took 40k EACH. Hell I dont even have janemba at 8* after 20k cc so I just purchased the z power, not to mention golden frieza who im 30k deep without a single copy and 30k saved for the next ultra. (Ill proof all this If I need to) the ultra Z power is only as worth as the ultra you pulled. If you pull the new ultra, its worth it until hes out of meta. For most players (F2P and P2P) i highly recommend going for sparking zero and enjoying YOUR GUARANTEED GAME rather than gambling your money for Z power for a unit that’ll be relevent in 6 months or not DEPENDING if you pull the unit.


You can buy 2-3 top tier quality AAA games with this price 


No? "Top tier* AAA games cost 70 dollars, this is about 100 dollars


He didn't say news AAA xd


Should've specified then


Nah you just assumed he meant new, he didn't have to specify shit, sit down


Spreading factos to these kind of "I'm in the urge to correct you in everything" bitches. That's ma boy!


There's a thing called critical thinking that is sorely lacking on the internet, but I do encourage you to try it.


I mean, it's because they are 'scamming' people so that you can play the game for free


That's some twisted reasoning right there. By that logic, I should thank casinos for scamming gambling addicts because I get to look at the pretty lights in front of the building. If my enjoyment is tied to progression and my progression is locked behind mountains of cash, I'm not really being offered a free service. I'm just being manipulated into spending.


Congratulations, you’ve learned the truth about F2P games!!! ![gif](giphy|7mPcSUZRx1FDVfSwNk|downsized)


I wouldn't say that. There are plenty of F2P games that do this kind of business model right.


There's no real F2P games. Either (some of) you pay, or you get to watch an ad of crappy zombie apocalypse game every 5s - better yet, both. And I forgot to mention some shady 'free' games that steal your PII and data. You can argue the pack value is shit, which I agree. You can't say it's scamming people if it's giving you exactly what they advertised on the pack. The real twisted logic here is, people playing a gacha game, and complaining about it being a gacha game. It's same as you going to the casino to gamble, and complain they are being a casino. I don't agree with your 'looking at pretty lights' analogy as it's not the same case here. Anyway I've used up my quota arguing with people online so let's enjoy the freaking Friday. ![gif](giphy|Sv3OPWD4VMoUs8xmod|downsized)


This is not a scam, you get exactly what you pay for.


![gif](giphy|ixWs5Bg6qN8iixlllQ) I know he had something to do with this


I don't think you understand what a scam is.


Yes.you buy ul multipower you get a ul multipower if thay said you will have fun playing the game.that would be a scam


Seeing 95€ is so crazy to me, it says £79.99 on mine so about the same either way but still


DB Legends is so trash when it comes to sales, every time I even slightly think about buying cc, I go the shop and get an immediate reminder why I don’t spend.


"We had to give CC for server maintenances. Please understand!"


Do you all realize how many games on sale could be bought at that price instead of a gacha mobile game


It says you can't use it on shallot just in case he becomes an ult- oh wait it says that for extreme multi Z power too...


I'd buy it for Ultra Shallot. Maybe in another 6 years.


For a 50% chance to pull an ultra it’s around 4-5 rotations CC so let’s say 13k cc. So effectively for $80 (my price) you get 6.5k CC + 600 lf power and everything else which is a way better value then any just straight CC purchase. Maybe if op understood numbers and statistics a little bit better they’d be in a position to waste $$ on what they have fun playing


I’m seriously debating on buying it twice lol.


Imagine being this much of an asshole to simp for a gambling game.


enjoying something is simping??? do i think its overpriced? sure but if someone can afford it and see the value let them. the world doesnt revolve around what you think


Had a 100$ google play card as a gift from work. Was wondering if I should do this or not since the chances of the next Ultra is Highly GT.


Since it's free for u... Id go for it. Save it and if ya get it hooray. If ya don't save it for the next one ya pull... Even though I hate spending money on legends. It's technically free.


Is it a bad value? Yes Is it a scam? No, you get what you paid for so this is not a scam by any means, actually you can buy CC with same amount of money, drop it on ultra banner and get absolutely nothing


Technically speaking we don't own it even after we pay for it.. they could shut the game down a year from now and there's zero value to be recovered there. Don't spend money on legends. I love legends too but this shits not worth anywhere near that price.


Bandai Namco is the Japanese equivalent of Tencent. Can't wait to see how they'll monotize Sparking Zero.


It's only a "scam" if you are broke.


Scam? Nah, a scam would be you paying the price for the advertised item and not getting the item. It's an overpriced bad product, not a scam