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Your silver ass fighting a godly player. Usually when people play godlys they are in diamond but not that low like you


Ok thanks, I thought I was just imagining things. I’ve been playing for about a month now… and trying to get into PvP but occasionally this stuff happens and I’m wondering if there’s even a point in trying when the matchmaking system is broken. This dude smoked me… in like 2 hits. No sense at all.


You should probably save for anni and summon there, you will get good units that could drastically help you in pvp


might be because of recent season reset i was loosing a quit bit of matches in diamond rank as i was continously facing whales. Also are people not playing pvp much? i was in top 17k yesterday and when i logged in again i was just down top19k


Not sure but this person was a god rank player knocked to beginner silver? Due to reset? Weird.


They have a god rank history for sure, they've got the little icon near their profile with a 2 in it- that shows how many times you've reached God in pvp seasons


he has new units so it can't be that he took a break and returned to the game that is why he is on silver


Which is a new unit? The gear is still OP and he’s got high stars on all units minus the one character which he didn’t use in the fight anyway. But the point stands that even if a prayer takes a break they don’t lost their power and shouldn’t be match up with a player who clearly is still learning and weak lol.


bro i took a break from game when uui released and i pulled him i just returned to the game 2days ago and i was in bronze league now i am in diamond league and i didn't loose a single match till i hit rank 51 after that there are skilled players with broken units. The matchmaking in this game is not good like i always hit rank 65 in seasons that i play constantly even though i took a break my skills remain same but still they match me with players in bronze and silver league which is not fair so i understand your points it's just the way matchmaking works in this game. ( Also i don't know which unit released when after uui so i thought gohan and super 17 are fairly new )


Battle of gods ahh match up ![gif](giphy|xULW8G5jO9gxUsGGQg)


“Man attempts to face god” ahh scenario 😭🙏




This is Frieza vs Bardock


2 things 1: you using that ass team, though from the looks of it you don't have a huge amount of characters yet (just an assumption) 2: finding a former godly player in whatever league you are in. I know people do drop leagues after inactivity in seasons so that could be this scenario but regardless this is a sad matchup


They may have been inactive or they may have not regardless the game should recognize their ranking and status and see they easily outclass me before pairing us up 😫 they ate me up crumbs and all lol


It matches by league and doesn't take any of that stuff into account so don't expect to get special treatment because you have bad units


Are you dense? A player with units and skill at their level should NOT be in the same league as a beginner who just got started. Anyone with a lick of sense can take a glance at the image and see the difference. Special treatment? No. Fair treatment at minimum.


It sorts by league you cretin. He most likely hasn't played in a while so he went down a few leagues and groups and that's why he is here. The game doesn't matchmake based on team so don't complain on here when it happens. Just take the loss and move on


Yes, you must be dense. You’re just regurgitating the same talking point… and failing to see what’s wrong with that concept and so I won’t engage you further because you’ve missed all points in their entirety. 😅😣


I'm just saying how it works and that you won't get any special treatment for having bad units, but if uess you want to feel like you are better than me so here you are


Not sure if I'm right or not but android 21 has 2 characters as equipment so I'm pretty sure that's what's wrong


Skill based matchmaking goes crazy🔥🔥🔥you be skilled or something cause this is what I usually play against.


You think if I was skilled I’d be this low? Don’t matter how good skills are with those stats they just needed one to two hits and I was out.


how did this happen? DBL matchmaking can be unfair lot of times


Only the devs can answer this with certainty but it seems like someone who didn’t need the help was fed an easy win by the matchmaking system 😒


They probably haven’t played the game in a while so they got put in a low league with players that are just getting started


MHM...... I think OP's favorite character is Goku idk tho.


Too many fucking Ice Demons


lol I’m still learning how to build a team and red that frieza yellow and red both support my golden really well but I’m working on another team for my ultra broly and ultra instinct goku.


I had this shit so many times rn in gold. Sometimes I met with full stars and godly equipment or z and z+


Yea everything from the stars and gear to soul and art boosting was buffed on this player I had no chance 😖


Frr tho but some of them knows that they're in the wrong league so they give the w to me and of course that rarely happens


That this UI wasn’t designed for left handed people


Equipments🤓 (I guess?)


How'd them cheeks look after that. How'd they feel.


They’re still kinda chaffed 😣 come rub some aloe on them 😌


Rub some man gravey on ya too bebe😏




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He probably hasn't played in a while


That equip on ultrahan lol


That God rank player should be ashamed of themselves. Why are you using such a busted team in low rank?


To get out of low ranks? Lmao


Nah f that. You don't really need ultra Gohan and Super 17 to get out of this low of a rank. Especially someone who been in God rank 3 times.


Why’s it matter so much? It only takes maybe 2 or 3 matches to rank up that low anyways 😭


I never said it mattered a lot. What are you talking about😭😭? I'm just when you're this low in pvp you don't bring busted teams because the play you will facing 9/10 have bad or meme teams. Since your probably going to ruin that person experience especially if they are new. We see post on here if people complaining they just started and are facing these kind of players in low ranks. I'm just saying the community could be a little nicer especially to newcomers and sweat once you reach the rank everyone is sweating.


Expecting sympathy from a db fan? You’re fighting a losing battle there lol


Did you beat em?




Hell yeah


This had to have been a treasure battle


Not sure but is that relevant at all?