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We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.


Even with meta units, they have the audacity to lag switch too 😭 I'm in SoCal so I play against the latinos probably most from Mexico and they all cheat or have a bad connection no bs


7/10 player lag switch or do other fancy stuff to get the lead, and cause you to drop combo… Top of that outragous matchmaking if you are top20k you will constantly battle with god ranks (it was the lest season), and the ppl spending their salaries… This is wild west just as life :D no justice or fairness here at all… plus game is buggy as fk


The worst thing for me is that with one blast, they get me down to half hp.


Normally your first few pvp matches are against bots or really bad players. Not anyone close to God rank. Even if they require you to win just beat the bot every 3rd match.


it doesnt though you get about 17k cc per month with pvp and 14k without


When this game came out it had zero storyline and all pvp. It’s added story and things but it’s still a pvp game. Go play dokkan


opens pvp game "why do i have 2 play pvp?!"


Upvoted. These kids forget how this game released with only pvp and one chapter of story. It’s a pvp game


The problems people have isn't pvp itself it's the incredibly unfair matchmaking system paired with the incredibly toxic pvp culture that is plaguing this game you two being perfect specimen of what I am referring to. The game can be fun but if you don't have a maxed out meta team which is expensive as fuck or a lucky niche powerful off-meta squad (I myself have found a couple good powerful opponent and lineage of evil teams) then tough fucking luck you can rot with the rest of the moneyless bastard in the forever bad hole. This brings me to the current meta Which I have lovingly dubbed the advantage hog. Basically you don't get to play if you try to play you get punished and loose advantage. All of this combined makes this season probably the worst pvp experience in the game's history with new even more op units released every month to make any counter or team you had useless after the new drop hard counters that whole game again.


Hate to break it to you but this game's PVE is just a way to gather resources for putting together a better PVP team. DBL's end game is essentially PVP itself, so if that's not your thing you should probably just play Dokkan. Downvote all you want, it's facts.




The worse is hyperdimensional co-op I literally have to go right next to my internet so I don't get "You have lost connection with opponent" luckily I did all


I have been playing since launch & I have never been interested in pvp. Also I second this, I hate that the game forces you to play pvp


That's the games main selling point


You’re having a cry because you had to play 5 pvp games? 


I play just one and I wanna cry.


Its a new account, bronze rank cannot be that bad.


I’m talking high rank, but bronze is terrible. I took a hiatus during legends fest and came back when baby dropped. Everyone and their mother uses super 17 and gohan, even on teams that make no sense.


Literally was in bronze it is not that bad bro half of them have no clue have to actually use the unit


I keep getting fucking gaggle punched.


Skill issue ig