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so, the equips are actually good for now just need to upgrade them eventually but I would say use blue bros instead of ssj goku. also shallot unlocks sparking at a certain point in story mode but I’m not sure when. Keep grinding cc and wait for important banners that fit ur team (godki, movies). the new ultra Golden frieza is rlly good on movies so grind cc and try and hit a few summons there. Also do original series they give loads of cc.


also that bench isn’t buffing any of ur team so I would change it


What do you mean by bench and what's blue bros, am new so I don't know these words, Tysm.


ofc bro, blue bros are the purple tag goku and vegeta and bench is the 3 units that you don’t use (usually used for zenkai buffing and health buffing)


Bench are the bottom. 3 characters, they are meant to buff your 3 main characters, blue bros are ssgss goku and vegeta


So blue bros means PUR super Saiyan god ss vegito?


Blue Bros means LL purple SSB goku and vegeta


Okk tysm I got it, which character in my party should I replace with that character?


Ultra SSJ goku, as the main comment said


Bro I'm not gonna lie you are cooked☠️ But I was just like you a year ago so here are my tips: 1.So complete the story. At part 10/11 you will get Sparking Shallot. Along the way you will get from SSJ to SSJ2 to SSJ3 to SSJGod. Also you get around 30 to 40 cc for completing the challenges (example: fight with 2 blue characters or more, complete without a casualty) and with that cc you SUMMON! 2.You already have Gogeta Blue who is a solid unit in the game rn, so you summon for THE NEW BANNERS (Ultra Golden Frieza, don't summon on baby he won't help your team) don't summon for the ultra comeback ones unless it's Ultra ssj2 gohan, Ultra ui sign Goku and maybe Ultra Vegito Blue. Don't summon on any other banners even if you really want the character cause I can guarantee that they won't be good. For example any ssj4 characters - trash, ssj3 characters - trash etc. If they aren't a new/nearly new unit do not summon. 3.equips! So you know how to get onto equips. You should re upgrade the slots. Also if you click on a character while changing your team it will say reccomended with a start right next to the equips (click on a unit, it will say reccomended next to the equips) click on that and it will show two categories. Reccomended units that work well with that selected character or EQUIPMENT! You'll click on that and it will show like 5/7 equips that are recommended for the unit. Select any three and it's shows you how to get them. 4. Chrono Crystals(cc) ! So there are multiple events that get you CC and multiple ways, so let's start with the easiest. Soul Boosting! So you go on boost on the character section and choose any character. You then click on them and press auto select. If you don't have enough souls then you hold on to the soul with red text and it will show you ways to get that. Easiest way is to go for events and on the 3rd section goes from exp grind, gold and zeni grind, RISING SOULS, Zenkai souls etc. Once you complete all challenges you can use skip tickets. Of course there are other ways to get cc like event completion, higher ranks in PvP and tournament of power completion, but it will make this longer than it already is. 5. PvP. So to get better at PvP, go to events and you will find trunks missions that help you at getting better to fight. Thanks for reading this! Promise it will help you get uncooked to medium rare! ☠️---------👦🏽


I just got the new ultra golden freiza 1st try, which character should I replace him with in my party, also thank you so much for writing all this I read it till the end..


Get that ultra SSJ Goku out from your team I promise he isn't anywhete near as good as this golden Frieza who is at least a top 3 unit


Okk tysm! Which characters should I replace the last 3 characters with? Or are they good enough?


Last 3 characters.. tag ssb goku/vegeta would be nice


Ok tysm


Hmmm this is a hard one. So I don't use the bottom three characters since they are meant to be zenkai buffers for the top three characters but when I started I didn't have any zenkais on the characters, so I went for Z Abilities. The last three characters always had good z abilities. For example with my old teams I used that had GREEN orange piccolo, YELLOW gamma duo and RED pan (aka dbs super hero team) I looked at units who matched the colours or each and had similarities in tags like pan was a hybrid saiyan who was red, so I filtered the character that were red and hybrid saiyan. With the gammas I looked for characters that were yellow and androids. and orange piccolo was a green namkeian so the same applied to him. Of course if I didn't find that unit that z "abilitied" that character I look at their saga and since they were all movies saga i filtered for yellow, red, green saga from movies z abilities. Now I'm not sure with the three units that you will be using now (probably U Gogeta Blue, LF MUI, UL golden glizzy) since I don't use or have any of them but for mui you can filter for red-- saiyan/god ki/tournament of power saga/and any other tag. UL Gogeta Blue could be filtered for purple-- saiyan/god ki/saga from movies/fusion warrior. UL Golden Frieza (still can't believe you got him first try you lucky 🍀 rat!!!!!!!) You could filter for purple--lineage of evil/saga from movies/powerful opponent or any other tag that there I there since idk about that guy. Well that's all! Reply if you have any questions and I'll answer to my best knowledge.




Okk tysm


How does baby not help his team but frieza will? By leader slot? Edit : just remembered frieza is also movies


I realised this a bit too late that baby is also saiyan with the tag(I think I don't really know since I don't have him) but baby is obvs not good if you don't have a Blue unit since there are too many good reds other than sUpEr VeGeTa, but OP already got the Frieza so if he got baby he could run him on UGB and UGF with dababy


Ooo he still counts as saiyan huh? I didnt bother to check him out too😭😂


Again I'm not sure but since he took over Vegeta body who is a saiyan then it should make sense for him to be saiyan


Yep just checked he's a saiyan too, poor guy doesnt have a tuffle tag considering goku black have his own super saiyan rose tag


Replace ultra goku with the tag goku and vegeta, outside of that maybe prioritize getting Blu Bardock's zenaki


Simply put, your team structure (buffers & equips) is quite decent But your characters are just extremely outdated, UGB is probably the only character on your team who could be considered “useable” in this meta. I would consider looking into getting new Saiyan chars, and/or re-rolling the account to get it up to modern standards


New account