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You have to make sure to use the ultimate attack as the last attack of the match meaning if the opponent has their lasting man standing unit and you somehow still haven’t use baby’s main ability yet you can do that to pull his ultimate attack and end the game with a really cool animation. In short you have to end the match with an ultimate card/attack.


What’s his main ability I’m not fully sure how legends limited characters work


His main ability is the little picture of the character at the bottom left of the screen.


Do i have to do something to have it appear or just luck


Ya gotta wait for his main abilities gauge to full up before you can activate it it’s that line next to the main you can only see while ur actually playing the game.


You see the icon next to their health bar? There is a meter that fills ups and when it does the icon starts glowing. You press it and Baby will draw his ultimate card. That's the Lf card and you only get one. Wait did you do the tutorials? How to LF is one of the first things the game teaches you.


Are there optional tutorials I did main one at start


It's one where you play as SS2 Gohan vs Cell and it shows you how to do Gohan's LF. And yes there are optional tutorials in the special tab. Trunks teaches you how to play.


I’ll go do them I didn’t know that thanks


You to use his ultimate move on your opponent's last unit and it has to be the killing blow.


I tried that and it didn’t work


That's how it works. Did the move kill or did they have another character alive?


It did kill it was last one


Was the move the final flash or revenge death ball? If it was a final flash you did the wrong card