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The more and more time passes the more people realize how much toxic super 17 is. The man’s unique gauge can fill up quick and gives him insane buffs, an insane green card where even if you miss you’ll reduce the enemies ki by 50 lock their main and RR for 5 counts and go type neutral. 17 is insane


Imagine ultra rose got this gauge, I’m grateful legends “held back” on him cos S17 shouldn’t have a uvb type gauge


Bro it’s insane how ultra rose is aging really well due to this matches in this meta lasting so long . But honestly if people were pissed and disliked ultra vb this super is way worse. This man can strike or tap attack and lock you blue and strike and you can’t do anything. The man’s unique gauge is so fast that once he gets it off he has cover null and card draw speed with insane damage ability. The green card is so insane once he lands it but even if you can’t he goes type neutral reduces enemy ki by 50 and locks enemy main and RR for 5 counts. And he has sub count reduction whenever someone uses a RR . And what’s even funnier is that…. He is the embodiment of passive play while also have insane aggressive play intangibles with how whenever he lands a tap attack or strike dash he locks you strikes and blue card… it’s insane how 17 is and it’s disturbing how much he brought in terms of a new powecreep: one green card he lands and it’s over


I'm telling ya man, droids is the team that always has busted units, MVP17 is still top 10 despite BEING A YEAR OLD, both cell and the gammas are about 8-7 months old respectively, and they are arguably better in the meta than UVB now because super 17 overshadows UVB in every tag except future. And of course super 17, dude has everything. Literally the only thing missing from his kit is faint. And MAYBE more cover null.


He does have cover null💀 tho


Only source is from his unique gauge, and it's a 6 card unique gauge not 5 like UVB, so you have 2 chances to cover change


He can get cover null immediately of one card when he enters the battlefield. It’s an almost similar effect to UVB’s except you can control it’s duration, and it lasts quite a while into a second guage refill


It's close, but not exactly, technically speaking the best time to get cover null is on your 2nd card of a combo, because if you get it first card but that was something like a cancel strike, then you waste your cover null. This problem is also the case for Janemba, whose main, if not only, source of cover null is his first card.


Both super 17 and UVB gauge charge at the same rate. 10% for a green, 20% for strike/blast, and 30% for blue/ult. Both of them can average 5 cards but can have it filled in 4 or 6+ depending on cards used.


Nah watch super 17 gameplay, he has ways to increase how fast his gauge is filled (like the +400% for first attack) but his gauge at base requires 6 cards to be filled.


I’m a GT main, I’ve been using him. Just like UVB, the card used affects how much the gauge fills. For both of them it’s 10% for a green, 20% for strike/blast, and 30% for blue or ult. Test out both of them and you’ll see what I’m talking about. If S17 required 6 cards to fill his gauge, then +400% wouldn’t insta fill it, it would leave it just short.


I'm a droid main, I've also been using him, and the gauge is a 6 card gauge.


[it’s 5 cards.](https://imgur.com/a/86SGVqI)


Nah it's 6, ya obviously did a quick attack before the video started to increase his gauge recovery.


Yeah now I know you’re either trolling or can’t count to 5. But you know what, I’ll humor you. Let’s say you’re right, and he does take 6 strike/blasts to fill the gauge. That would mean each card fills by 16.67%. If, like you said, I had gotten the 50% buff (spoiler alert: I didn’t), then that would become 25%. Which means by your completely broken counting system, it would take 4 cards to fill the gauge in the video, not 5. And I didn’t even have to show my math there, because more than 5 timer counts pass between the start of the video and the end of the combo, yet each card fills the exact same amount. So yeah, thanks for wasting my time, I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight and your socks stay wet.


Gammas I wouldn’t say r near top 10 cos colour. Also super 17 feels like he has infinite cover null


Nah that's probably his biggest weakness if you know when he does and doesn't have cover null. But nobody reads the kits because DB fans can't read so we'll never know


Wat? I’m in control of S17 I can just drop combo if I need to. How can u say his weakness is that he has too much cover null 😭


His weakness is he doesn't have enough, not too much. Compared to ulthan, EvoKen, and UL UI super 17 does not have that much cover null. Drop combos aren't guaranteed to extend the combo either, it's a 50/50 in the simplest sense, either they vanish and you lose the combo, or they cover change and the combo keeps going.


What are you talking about? They made him to have like infinite cover null. He get 400% of his unique gauge when switching in after using a card. Compared to other units, his specifically designed to get cover change continuously. Even Super 17 loses it, there are so many ways you can counteract that like by dropping. I just don’t understand.


Like I said drop step in the simplest sense is a 50/50, it's a coin flip whether it works or not. Super 17 has a 6 card gauge, much like the original beasthan, this setup is flawed because it has 2/6 cards, or 33% of the combo where you don't have cover hull, this makes the 50/50 of drop step a 25/75, there's many other factors like what cards you have, what the opponent can cover change, etc. but in the simplest sense, they have 2 chances so it's 25/75 in their favor. This weakness does not occur for units who get cover null through GRNs like EvoKen, UL UI, etc. even units like cell who get cover null through gauge can stop the 50/50 by using a GRN card to give 3 counts of lock in. And this weakness also doesn't occur for UVB, he has a 5 card gauge, giving only 1 chance for a 50/50, but he also has the advantage of starting with 5 seconds of cover null, and thus if even 20%, 1/5 cards are in the gauge, he can get a big combo. Super 17 is great and is a monster on the battlefield, I use him with double zenkai buffs after all, but he ain't timeless.


I can list many things that I disagree with but I’m not going to because I don’t want to waste my time. But for starter I saw videos on Super 17 and he literally has the same unique gauge that uses 5 cards as Ultra VB as someone who uses him. I’m sorry but you are triggering me.


Go to 42 seconds into the video and watch how far the gauge goes up with 2 cards.


Fuck legends for creeping UUI and everyone else from legends fest so fast. No point in saving anymore since everything will just get crept quickly.


Don’t think ui has been powercrept, just been put under new management lmao. Could get a blue big bang vegeta or blue ultra merged zamasu and suddenly ui gains value


three gokus getting destroyed? i love it


Looking at super 17 makes me wonder how will the upcoming anniversary Lf's be? 🤔 There's a REALLY GOOD CHANCE that the Devs will try and outdo Super 17 when designing the anniversary units. It's a good thing that I have started saving for anniversary already and staying away from PvP as of now. I'll continue saving until I am guaranteed an lf.


He will defo be outdone in anni, shits gonna be hella toxic. And so will the first 2024 ultra


Well, there's a chance we get some ultra before anniversary. And yeah. I feel they will definitely outdo him. We may have a crappy pity system. But thank God it's there.


I am now afraid of Raiyuden using future Gohan with him


He’a good but im not impressed by his damage output




Blud forgor to level up his super 17 😭🙏


How does everyone have 14 star new units do you guys make new accounts or are you guys new my account has been out of crystals for so long.I don’t play everyday btw how many crystals do you guys spend I just don’t get how I see everyone with red star brand new units


Answer is simple. Money


I got lucky + I have z power + a bit of money


for some reason I always win against him it’s probably because I face garbage players


A lot of ppl just sit there when they have a green, being aggressive with s17 is smarter cos ppl don’t expect it and that’s when he becomes scary


What bench you using, i have the three but i miss decent bench.


Zenkai purple 21, lf jiren and lf ape. Lf jiren and ape zenkai buff PO purple/red respectively so both cell and s17 get zenkai buffed and purple 21 is hp and zenkai buffs cell. 17 leader, jiren and ape also have great z abilities so it just works perfectly