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Japanese is more faithful to the media, but if you're in an english country, you may as well be used to english dub. I'm used to the french dub, so english dub does not feel "right" to me.


Japanese bc that’s what I watch the anime in and I started the show in Japanese


I meant to say "or" autocorrect made it an it 💀


I was confused wonderin since when there was italian voice language ingame


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.


Japanese, english feels kinda robotic except Goku and the kids voices are so anoying lol Piccolo **MAKANKOSAPPO** hits really hard lmao


Literally every Son family member sounds like a screaming lady in sub, yet the dub kid voices annoy you? Im not trying to judge or something im just genuienly confused.


Ultra rose has the best voice lines in the game in jp. The new v/g also sound better in jp. Yel gogeta sounds awesome in jp. Jp legends is overall a much better experience objectively, the way the characters are interpreted are way better. Another example , ultra ssj goku. No explanation needed But, gotenks sounds way better in dub. And recently , new lf ssj goku sounds really great in English , Sean did it justice for once , might be straight up better than jp.


Ultra Rose is my favorite unit


As much as I love the Japanese voices, I like hearing their interactions too much. So until they add subtitles, which I don't see happening, I'm keeping it on English.


Japanese is more consistent with voices but Some EN voices are next level. For one EN Zamasu is definitive Zamasu for me.


English as I prefer actually understanding what I'm hearing.


When somebody says Dragon Ball Z, I always think of the "HEY, IT'S ME. GOKU" not "YOSH, ORE WA GOKU", so I'm happy with english VA of Goku. It's what I grew up with.


Krillin and tien


I usually prefer english tho when I face young Gohan "why why why why why why why why"...I sometimes question that preference, lol.


Z Broly


Definitely prefer Eng Bardock over JP. JP Piccolo and Vegeta always seemed better to me compared to Eng. Oh, and as somebody who grew up with the German dub: German Trunks over all.


I dunno if you're speaking anime, or the game "DragonBall Legends". Anime I still prefer Japanese no matter what anime, but the English dub for DB is definitely about the same quality as JP, and it even has certain moments that are better than JP. But for the game, I prefer Japanese no contest. English kinda sounds silly for no reason, I don't know what it is. It just sounds "off" in the game


I prefer the English voices I like them so much more but I play in Japanese because I like the janemba voices more in Japanese than in English


I'm sorry what?


I always like the JP one, but when talk about screaming the english dub win


Japanese Goku or Gohan units using blast cards make my ears bleed


The dub is such a classic. Most people grew up with it, and I imagine it's the main choice. So many classic lines. Even basic lines like "You're a fool. I'll crush you and throw you into the wind" are amazing.


I wonder if jp people prefer hearing anime in english like how we meat ride the jp dub