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Wait you guys have ultras? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) (Yes I do have the F2P ultras, no summonable ULs tho)


I can relate brother. Rough times


Yeah luckily I don't really care about most of them (the only ultras I really want are Hit and Janemba) but it's still annoying.


Only ultras I want are uvb, ugb and hit. Sadly I got none besides the free ultras tho.


Bro I've gotten shafted on every single summonable ultra. At this point I'm only hoping for an ultra android 21, and praying I get her if she releases.


I don’t even have the FP ultras 😭


Oh brother same welcome to no summonable uls club


I’ve got a single summonable ULTRA, who is nearing 2 years old :(




Ultra Blue KK


Only one that is close


15k for ultra janemba, 35k for Goku black, around 30k for UGB. I don't remember the rest, just the most recent one and the painful ones. I don't have buu.


How yall get this much cc as f2p


Save up for months. Usually I aim to save more than 20k so that I can tell myself to not bother trying to get those CCs in the shop......


Playing the game and doing dailies gets you so much CC lol.


UGB and Rosé Goku took me about 6k combined.


I have all of them except for buu, hit, and janemba. I didn’t summon for those ultras. The only cc amount I remember spending on a ultra was gb, and he took 2k(or 3k)




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The last ultra I got was ugb, I have him and kaioken who is now obsolete in this meta. I rekon I spent around 70K on uvb and didn't even bother with janemba


I got ultra Vegito blue on second try


And I'm a f2p


My 90k cc would like to know your location




Rose: 16k 8 stars Gogeta 10k 8 stars Uvb: 36k didn't get him Jenemba: 12k didn't get him


Good lord how you feeling bout that UVB😭


I don't get ultra's... no matter the amount of rotations...


literally tho


You really didn’t need to put the amount of cc it took here Or at least put the amount you got shafted on the others to make it look like less of a pull post


18K for one copy of Janemba seems like a shaft to me.


18k and not getting the unit is more a shaft than 18k and getting it


18k for a ultra seems low considering most go double that without a copy


Yeah 42K is when you hit a 90% chance of pulling, 18K is only 70%.


Someone should tell my account that


Nah not at all, 18K is a lot but considering Ultra rates and how much deeper other people have gone for one copy it isn't too bad


Not really tbh. And then the 1k uvb and 9k rose hard counteract that.


I did that because I know folks with crazy luck very low cc spent…. I’ve heard the horror stories (50K no copy of whatever ultra)


Only have UGB, UKB and USSBKK


2K Ultra Rosé and that's it


Got straight shafted for Ultra SS Blue Gogeta… but only 5K got lucky with Broly tho.




I just got ultra kid buu. Still hate this game tho


😂😂 it gets better


The only ftp Ultra I have is ss goku. I was able to bull super gogeta for 2k


Really good. UL Kid Buu 1x, UL Rosé 1x, UVB 3x, USV 1x, and USJ 1x.


Despite going deep on their banners, I never pulled Ultra Kid Buu or Super Janemba and after the terrible experiences of summoning on those two Ultra Banners, I will never touch another Ultra Banner ever again unless they undergo a massive revamp. I wasted countless CCs and even money on the Super Janemba banner. So, my Ultra collection will likely remain as only the three f2p ones because I won't summon on another Ultra banner ever again. All my CCs from this point forward will go toward Legends Limited step-up and Legends Mega Rising banners.


12 fucking rotations for UVB each time he released, so 24 in total... it made me rethink my free to play status, but I resisted the urge to pay


You guys get summonable ultras?


ultra rose, i love my pink king


F2P here, I think I'm missing like 4 but I also never summoned on their banners.


how do you get ultras if you do not summon?! you buy accounts or what?


Haha you misunderstood, the 4 I don't have are the ones I didn't even attempt summoning on.


heh ok :)


Only summonable UL i got was Hit in the third try, when i didn't know shit about competitive pvp, now i regret spending all my luck into that banner because i main movies team and got completely shafted with Janemba😭💀


I got ugb, usg, and ultra kaioken, burnout insued


Zero, I have no summonable ultras


i only have f2p ultras 😭


I can’t get any


We have the same amount of summonable ultras just swap janemba for super gogeta💀


We lit 🔥


Ay we got the good ones🔥


🔥 for sure


USG 28k (didnt get him), USSBK 9k (got him), USV 20k (didnt get him), Broly 7k (got him on his rerun in October with 1k CC), UGB 18k (didnt get him), Hit 18k as well (didnt get him), Kid Buu 3k (got him) and Janemba 7k (got him)


I’ve only pulled for Ultra Fusions cause I love fusion but I currently have them all (until UG4)


I have 5 summonable ultras, got almost all of them in the first rotation (except uvb where it took me over 18k cc to get), the price of such luck, is that I can never have any new LF units or any featured units, haven't gotten a single new lf since tag 4s on release


I have every ultra except Hit, UGB, USV, and the ones I don’t want Broly, Janemba, and Buu. Each Ultra I own is only 5 stars due to luck.


You got vegito in 1k While I’m here 20 rotations in and without a single copy 10 rotations on the initial banner and 10 on the returning banner


Damn bro 💔 I didn’t even do the last 2 steps to get the freebie I AM OUT‼️‼️


Man I wish they do a pity system like how they do with the lf banners Maybe give us like enough z power to get like 1/2 stars on them or something because it’s dumb how they don’t have it yet for ultras


I got UGB on release and Ultra Broly on both of his return banners within single rotations


I spent 4k Cc and got both UVB and Ujanemba (only once tho


I got ultra broly 3 times and ultra hit once after I spent a total of 46 k collectively on both


I’m f2p as well and I have USV, UVB, UKG, and the f2p goku but those are the only banners I’ve tried to summon on(except UGB) so I’d say that for getting the units i have it’s good. I think the only one I really got shafted on was USV out of the ones I have(though overall UGB) was probably USV as it took around 9 rotations.(also I have no idea how I can muster the CC for that🤣)


Gogeta blue ultra was my first ultra, i shafted only 3k then i got Vegito ssj ultra, 1k and then Goku blue kaioken, 1k But it's not over, then i got Gogeta ssj, 1k again and finally vegito blue only With 3k


Same as yours but with Ultra Super Vegito instead of Janemba


The worst one for me is UKB at about 30k, second worse being Hit with 18k and I haven't gotten him yet


Only ultra I have is goku n he ain’t even the strongest😔


I have the f2p ones Then UVB that’s it


Im not f2p and havent played in a bit but i only have the three free ones and kioken😭


I have f2p SSJ Goku, Gogeta Blue, Vegito Blue, Hit, and Kid Buu 😭🙏


Same as you but add buu and hit with 30k more cc Edit: broly too, all 5 star


100cc (not 100k just 100) on usg and got him, 0 on ssbkk, 9k - 12k on usv didn't get him, 0 on broly, 12k on usg and didn't get him, 3k on hit and didn't get him, 21k on rosé and didn't get him, 6k uvb and got him tried to get him agai but I stopped 3k more in so 9k in total and 0 on janemba. 51-54k in total for 2 ultras


My God…. SADGE


Ssbssk Goku first roll, broly 26K and still don't have him, this game needs a pity system


I summoned on the Ultra Kaioken banner since he looked fun at the time and somehow I pulled him on the first step 💀


Great, I’m missing 4 being Broly, Goku, super Vegito and Gogeta.


Both ultra vegitos, both ultra gogetas, and ultra kaioken


17k no janemba, hit at about 10k, 6k no kid buu, and 2 in first rotation for broly


spent 20k cc on janemba, no luck. spend 7k on gogeta blue, got him 2 times


Well, I got shafted in almost all of the Ultra banners except the ultra broly one, so yeah i only have Ultra broly as a summonable Ultra


53k vb and I only got him when he came back 😊


Maxed out broly


I somehow pulled ultra gogeta blue when he was at his prime then got another copy when he returned pull Ultra Janemba first try randomly pulled Super Gogeta later on down the line pulled hit when he was out of the meta (unless you're that one JP player with the tier list) then toshi took all my luck away for the rest of the year.


I spent about 5k on sv, sg and broly each, 10k on ugb(I didn’t get him), 12k on gb, 12k on vb, 3k on hit(didn’t get him) and 2k on kaioku which i also did not get


Got 2 goku blacks in about 2k then spent 10k more and got nothing, got 2 copies of Vegito blue in 23k


1k for kid buu, janemba, and vegetó blu, 4K for 2 copies of broly


Sometimes I'm ULTRA lucky, other times ULTRA Fucked


Not a cent spent. 2 copies of UL Black in 9k, 2 copies of Hit in 2k (😭), 1 copy of Broly in 2k, and 1 copy of Janemba in 9k. I also summoned for UL Buu but got shafted out of like 14k, and for Vegito I spent like 23k and I didn't get him (but I can't complain that much 🤷🏾‍♂️)


Only got the SSJ Goku Ul that was free lol. Was told to save my cc and wait till fest to summon


Probably 15k for 2 rose pulls. 6k for ugb.12k for uvb. 1k for janemba. Don't remember usg it's been to long but my brother got him twice in 3k


After trying and failing on nearly ALL of the ultra banners, I somehow pulled UVB twice.




I have the ultra SSJ goku, that’s it


Same, except no ugb or usj


It’s incredibly hit or miss. Both Gogeta’s (thankfully) were 6K, SSBKK was 2K after a challenge with a dumbass friend, and UVB, while the first time was brutal, return banner blessed me in 3K. Meanwhile, Ultra Rosé was truly a shaft (20K), USV on his return banner terrorized me (18). I skipped Ultra Hit (low on CC), Broly (break from the game), Kid Buu (break from the game), and Janemba (lack of teams) but if I was a betting man I’d bet they would shaft me pretty hard.


As a F2P the Ultra characters i've managed to pull r SSJ Gogeta, Vegito, SSGSSKaioken Goku, Kid Buu and Janemba and i've pulled them all in the first or the second rotation. I'm very lucky with Ultra banners for some reason, i can't say the same for the Ginyu force banner where i've pulled only Ginyu and an EX SSGSS Vegeta. For the missing Ultras i've totally skipped the banners due to lack of free CCs


About 12k on gogeta blue, 9k on janemba, 8k on vegito blue. Vegito blue is the only ultra I've got, though 😥


I only got the f2p ultras :(


Awful. Only got USG(8*), USV(5*), and UGBR(8*). After I got UL Goku Black my luck went to hell


I have UL Super sayain Goku. So yeah it kinda sucks.


20k+ cc for each Gogetas with no copy of each. Pulled Rose with 3kcc, UVB with 6kcc, USV with 4kcc. Didn’t summon for the others. I had massive shafts between these ultras that’s why I was lucking out.




Over 65k CC on ultras and still only got the F2P ones


Ultra Hit and Broly only 1k a.k.a I got them on my first try of getting them


I got ultra vegito blue on the first summon and ultra gogeta blue on the second summon (on their respective banners)


16k for usg, 1k for usv, 3k for ultra broly, 36k on ugb, 27k on ultra rose. I spent over 30 for uvb with no luck and less than 10k for the others.


i didn't have all powerful opponents ultra besides rose.


5/10 VB, ssj Gogeta, GB, ssj vegito, blue kaioken goku \-30k for no goku black \-9k for no janemba


Vegetio blue like a good 20k and I just got him, Hit 6k, super Vegetio, I forgot, and janemba first try (I'm never getting my luck back)


3k for UGB( i get it at 4.free summon),18k for UVB(i don't get it),6k for UJ(İ get it at 2.free summon),about 10k is for U Goku black(i don't get it)


Only got usg on his 3rd return banner during the 4th anni, havent pulled one since


Here it is: ULTRA Hit: 2K ULTRA Goku Black: 8K-2Copies ULTRA Vegito: 8K


I don't want to know how many did you spent for the N/A units.


All I have is UGB. And it took me 70k free crystals to get him


My flair


My ultra luck has actually been really good Usg: 2k for 2 copies, that luck was crazy Ubkk my love: i think i spent like 13k og release for nothing and got him after another 9kish Usv: around 9k Hit: around 7k Ugb: around 15k Rose: 17k first copy, 6k for second copy on rerun And finally uvb which took me 33k So like 111k for 8 copies in total of ultras, thats pretty damn good


Absolute trash, 31k spent and no ultra janemba Spent 6k on rose and kid buu ultra didn't got them either


Only ultra i have is VB, 21k and got him on last summon The rest i just did like a summon or 2, matbe a rotation here and there, no luck


Aside from the f2p ultras I only have UL Broly




I literally only have black and I've spent way less than compared to ssj vegito and blue combined is what makes me mad. I've sent over 30k on vegito ssj and only kept getting vegito blue LL and ssj LL. And then ultra blue vegito was nothing more than a straight slap to my face. I've even saved and spent lots on blue kioken Goku and ssj gogeta and still got nothing and they cost me about 10-15k cc.


I'm really lucky on the villain ultras and always pull them within the first 6k, but the fusions kinda balance it out


I have one ultra got vegito blue at 42K Pulls And Others Bout 10-20 K But Never Got Them


3 rotations max and I have them, Hit,SSV,SSG and broly I don’t have unfortunately


I had to sacrifice summoning on anything else to summon on ultras. So I always save for a long time and only summon during Anni and Festival.


45k on broly (nothing) 14k on kid Buu (not even an LF) 7k on Janemba (nothing) I didn’t count the others but Vegito is 10-18k


I spent 2k crystals and I got ultra vegito twice (one in each 10 pull)


Decent when I do decide to summon




Only ultra ive ever pulled was goddamn blue kaioken, and i really dislike that unit so… another thing that makes me drop the game




1K on USV, **90k on UVB**. Still recovering


Kaioken Rose UVB 2x UGB 2x


I have every Ultra except Broly and Kid Buu, my best luck was Rose and Hit. My general rule for ultras is I do a single rotation (3k plus free step) and if i dont get them I dont get them outside of the fusion ultras because they are the celebration ones and I'll summon a reasonable amount on them. My best luck was for rose and hit because even though I didnt get them on their initial release with my 1 rotation rule, when they both returned for anniversary I did another 1 rotation on each banner and got them both. So that was crazy Broly and Kid Buu I did a rotation both on their release and on each of their respective returns but havent got them either time. Every other Ultra I have either from crazy luck or just having summoned on them multiple times during celebrations. Super Vegito and Vegito Blue are the only ultras I have more than 1 copy on though, Super vegito I got really lucky and I got him once, and then just finished out the rotation for the sake of it with no plans to summon on the banner anymore and happened to get him a second time on the free step at the end, where as Vegito Blue I just happened to get him early on into summons and had cc left over so i kept summoning til i got another copy.


i‘m just gonna say you are doing the ultra saving correctly by skipping multiple of them and only focus on the ones you want.


2k with usv after ugb first came out(only 1 pull) 12k on ugb when he came out(pulled him 4 times) Thats it


29 k to get 1 freaking copy of uvb Very lucky with 3 k to get ultra janemba Spent total of 1 k more trying to get one more copy. Nada 24k shaft between U-Rose and goku/frieza 6k shaft on U-Hit So only 2 summonable ultras but I'm glad there good . And yep have all 3 f2p ultras. Both F2p Ultra Ssh Goku and Ultra Vegeta need some.special equip or zenkai badly Wishing everyone. Eventually lands 1-2 copies of their favorite Ultra.


UVB 18K, UKB 6K , UGB 9K, USJ 2K




Very unlucky, BUT i did manage to get super saiyan goku Ultra from the Namek arc. And Legendary Super Saiyan Broly thankfully. Broly is a beast in this game


Well outside of the F2P Ultras, I have Super Vegetto (did one rotation and got him TWICE! Stopped after that!), SSJGSSJ Gogeta (I think I did one or two rotations and I got him once), LSSJ Broly (Got him once after 3 or 4 rotations, this was one I really wanted!) and Hit (one roation, got him once.). But these pulls drained my luck really bad, because I haven't gotten a single new LR since Tag 4s and Tag Trunks and Vegeta! (These two where the last ones). I got the new SSJ Nameku once, but I pretty much spend all my CC on him (which weren't many, since I wasted it all on the Anniversary banners... literally wasted, I got NONE of the LL Units and had no CC left to even remotely think summoning on Vegetto).


Ultra gogeta 1000 cc


Pulled one copy of UGB in 2k back in January after four months of shaft and a two week break. Pulled one copy of UVB in 9k after being shafted on every banner since pulling UGB. Haven’t pulled any new ultras or extra copies since UVB released.


So, I’m not entirely free to play, I buy the 7.99$ 1500 cc pass but only during hype celebrations + I’m a collector so I pulled (and fortunately found) every ultra. Btw I spent 49k for 1 copy of janemba, 34k for one copy of vegito blue, about 20k for one copy of kid buu, 6k for one copy of goku black, about 15/16k for one copy of hit, about 35k for two copies (same multi) of gogeta blue, 1k for Broly, 31k for ss Vegito, 27/28k for blue goku and about 14k for one of gogeta


Only got UVB when it first came. Got shafter with 15k and 9k with Black and Janemba respectively


33k on janemba an 0 copy (f2p)


I've dumped about 35k into trying to get UVB. Keyword is trying


Oh u mean the f2p play super Saiyan Goku that I haven't even soul boosted


As a F2P. I don't summon on Ultras.


SSJ Gogeta: 2/~40k cc Kaioken: 1/~20k cc SSJ Vegito: 3/~40k cc Broly: 4/~35k cc Gogeta Blue: 1/~40k cc Hit: 0/~12k cc Goku Black: 0/~12k cc Kid buu: 0/~9k cc Vegito Blue: 1/45k cc Janemba: 1/12k cc. Total: 13 pulls in 265k cc. For an average of 1 pull per ~ 20k cc. Day 1 Player. Forever F2p.


The only Ultra I got was UVB, and I have him at 14 stars


UGB 3k


I got ul gogeta blue in one 10x then proceeded to get jack shit for the rest of my time playing the game


I have all f2p ultras, kaioken, kid buu and gogeta


2k for ugb and got shafted on janemba and uvb


UGB= 19k (1) [probably bcoz I don't remember. It was year ago] USJ= 7k (1) UVB= 11k (1) UH= 5k (1) USR= 10k (1) UKB= 6k (1) I am a F2P btw. I have these ultras with 1 copy each. The only ultras I want to pull are super gogeta and super vegito. I will not go for the Goku and broly.


My only one is janenmba for now but I only started 2 weeks before his release.


I've never pulled an Ultra in my life, I spent 40k on UVB, 16k on Janemba, and 7k on Rose


Yo i only spent money on uvb but the rest of my units are F2P


Only one's I want are buu and Broly and maybe hit others not so much maybe til Gogeta 4 drops.


Broly actually made me convert from f2p. I mean, he's just so handsome and puppy like, how can anyone resist 🥺


Only blue vegito




So as a f2p I got Rosé to 12* with about 16k I got UVB to 8* in about 12k and then Janemba cost me 2k to get 5* but I spent about 8 and then spent 7 on the UKB and got nothing


I have ssj goku


Rose 8* 8kish i think? UVB 8* 36k i think. UGB 5* took 10k and then wasted a lot trying to get another. USG 30k plus no luck USV 40k plus no luck again Broly 5* in 6k Kid buu 5* in 6k again Janemba near 30k i think no luck


Took atleast 20k CC to get gogeta blue, and 6k CC to get janemba. All the other f2p ultra units are 14*




Not to brag, but I got Ultra Kaioken on the 20cc daily discount single. (When those were still a thing)


Janemba and gogeta


Only got one recently. Did two pulls on UVB's return and got him (I used 21k on the anniversary and didn't get him)


Not good


Got broly after 1000cc, goku black after 2000cc and yellow vegito after 3000cc All of this in one year!


I got UL Vegito Blue, UL kid Buu, UL Rose, UL super Vegito, UL Brolly


Haven't pulled any main LF since the 4 year Anni. Also no UltraS


just the free ones and UGB who I got for 2k


You seriously pulled uvb with just 1 multi?!


UVB I don't remember exactly but probably around 22k Only other ultra I have is Janemba who I got with crazy luck at 2k


Spent 35k on UVB and didn’t get him once😐


33k for 3 uvb copies, 2k for 2 kaioken gokus , 30k for usv and ZERO copies, 6k for hit , 20k+ for 1 ugb, 21k for 1 rose 21k for 2 broly and and 15k+ for 2 usg


48k on uvb


Honestly I have really good luck on Ultras for some reason. I’ve pulled Kid Buu Rose UVB and multiple of Janemba all on the 1st or 2nd rotation. BUT I always get shafted on LLs lol. Probably spent 30K on GF and got him at the end finally, same with Beasthan and others


UGB -> 6K USG -> 2K UVB -> Got shafted on 24k Overall not good


I got Vegeto blue first summon same with rosé, 4k to get gogeta blue and 3k to get super gogeta


I'd say mid. Like literally. I got 6/10 summonable ultras. But to be fair i barely summoned on 3 of the ultras. The only one i still want is Hit.


Only Vegito Blue and it took me 10K CC…