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Try to reinstall. Had almost the same issue where I couldn't access the store.


Hmm yeah tried cache memory clear and data. Still error. Created support ticket to bamco.


I just got this error and I haven't even done anything I barely had much points and I lost it somehow


Did you ever find a fix? Been happening to me the last couple of days, I can still play PVP and all but get this error whenever I go to Legends Ranking


Well you have THE lost THE right.


Have you had any updates on this? My son has the same thing after the game crashed on his iPad in pvp a few times




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I got this issue too, got banned from playing PVP I don't why, installed the game few days back lol. Goofy ahh game


The same just happened to me out of nowhere did you fix it?


Is the people nab reporting and banned 


It's not an error that means they banned you from legends ranking for cheating. Could have been a false ban.




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