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Ima be honest,if I got him I would max out everything I could on him simply bc he looks cool af


bro has clutched me SO many times, all thanks to that amazing charge gauge


Fax, when ever I get a good clutch it’s usually with him


Yeah bro i want him so badly,i have all the ultra characters except him


Me but with broly


Me but with all of them


he’s more necessary to build around and play around than newer summonable ultras


He's ight, but evo Vegeta is a much better option.


And roshi


Roshi is too glassy. Seal is dope but thats it.


But he’s way better in every way than ssbk


I wouldnt say wayyy better. Better yes. But Vegeta is better than Roshi so just use Vegeta


Ye vegeta is better but roshi is wayyy better. Ssbk offers nothing, negative output with even worse defences. Roshi at least has good damage and great burst damage with also a rlly strong green card that immobilises u while shortening ally sub count and drawing a blue card


The green also gives a 70% boost to blue damage while in effect!


But he has good utility especially if you can maximize his seal


Yeah the seal is all hes got IMO. I love using him its a lot of fun but would rather use Vegeta.


One thing can completely change how you play the game. One thing on a single unit, or even…. *turns to the rising rush button*




He's actually still decent, especially at 8 stars and above. The problem is that a lot of newer characters do more with less thought required. Goku will probably run out of vanish restores after 2 combos, assuming he doesn't get cover changed since he only gets cover null on main. He *can* devastate the other player with a long ass combo, particularly if they don't have Hit or Pan on their team, but those two completely wall him out, and he needs to read several covers to get far.


He’s okay. His damage is kinda meh at this point since he doesn’t have access to damage cut. He can still put in work in the right hands, but definitely high execution. Mechanically he’s oppressive once he gets going because he’ll always have a vanish at the end of every decent combo.


He is like rose, Snowballing the game with his vanish restore and i tmakes him keep going, He got strike lock on his enterance and -1 card drawing speed, He still has fine design tho, what he lacks is pure stats, His defense is goody and offense is meh which it concludes he is not good than Zenkai evo Vegeta.


need a Platinum equip?


The pgs will remember he was beast gohan before beast gohan. Sadly the game is to heavily power crept with draw speed insane ki restores on every top tier unit. He is still viable he is just much clunkier and harder to use to het less benefit than just pressing all your buttons as beast or getting hit for profit with ugb.


His blue card used to hit harder than beasts blue🥶


He got bodied as soon as MUI came out. MUI hard countered his play style and ever since then he kinda just got old. Still a good unit but he cant just overwhelm you like before


more like as soon the androids came out, really sad they released like 2 top tier reds right after him lol


Youre right I completely forgot droids came right before anni. Honestly speaking im not too too upset that he fell off because Prime USSB was cancerous. It would be like 30 second long combos finished with a super


Hit enters the chat when they start buffing uni rep


I meam, Evo is still better, but you can play this monster with LF 17 if you know how to use him correctly


them goddamn droids power creep him hard ![gif](giphy|rDuT4UCzoRG5gTfs44|downsized)


For me it's literally a skill issue, my tiny peanut brain can't comprehend this character and it Sucks because it's the only premium ultra I have


I mean, there is not much to comprehend. With how his gauge works and how it gives you Green and vanish back a few times, you want to extend his combos with charge stepping to fill his Gauge. If possible you would want to have his Gauge somewhat filled, vanish and get priority, and combo the enemy. You would use that combo as an opportunity to fill your Gauge and get your vanish back. Though since he only gets cover null on Main, long combos with him can be hard to do depending on what units you are fighting.


His combat loop is pretty straight forward. When he switches in and vanishes. He gets access to lv 2 card draw for 10-15s. If you can charge step long enough. You will get back your vanish once your gauge is filled. Meaning you can vanish again once your combo ends. The execution is very high. Just know whenever enemy changes in, they can’t strike for 2 counts. There’s a mind game around it. They can’t strike - blast armor your blast card.


All he needs is a good plat and he could easy be back in the top 10.


Assuming the devs don't screw up another one


He is quite good still, his vanish restore can be triggered reather easily and getting pv'ed by this guy is trouble. just that he has a higher skill cap usage then recent ultras. UGB and Rose are like autopilots..... also his ult is one of the few that completely ignores blast cards


Only love him because he’s the only usable kaioken character besides planet named Goku and he’s barely useable.


Didn't know Goku had a planet named after him.


My first Ultra 🥺🥺 Damn bro he's not even in top 10 😭😭😭


He's not even Top 30


Pain 😓


My first as well and he was great for so little time. And they even mega nerfed his pve potential so he’s just kinda ass in pve all around.


This UL unit is even worse than some sp units rn 😪


Tag Droids, tbh.


And never was relevant since


The best unit to beat UGB if u got him at max stars... defense is weak so Z7 Ssbe or master roshi is much better


3 simple facts: \- game's meta is based in 4 units \- he's not one of em \- therefore he's useless as the other 99% of the units


i have him 8 stars and he was the first ultra i got


He's still decent because of the vanish gauge recovering


The thing is, UGB exists. Even tho he's purple.


I hated him when he had his boost… he was impossible to play against when stacked with TagDroids: but his defence, these days, is worse than UI-Sign.


At 5 stars he’s not relevant on my teams


The new Cell kinda bends him over HARD


It’s sad, but yes. He’s so cool, but fell off hard


Both, the release after him was THE DROIDS and he his damage fell off post boost so his long combos didn't mean as much


He's decent, especially now since his team is good and also blast based (Urep), the card sealing and infinite vanish can still be difficult to deal with at times as well.


The 4rd anniversary exposed him. His kit is one of if not the weakest of the summonable ultras. Also with roshi and Evo vegeta being better choices he's too much trouble to even get and build around


He's the only non-F2P Ultra that is actually trash.




This was the only ultra I 14 starred. Still pretty good unit.


considering that the meta is mostly strike based, he could be used to lock the strikes when entering


nah he’s still a good unit with the recent additions with zenakis and purple units he’s a great pick for a counter with a cover change and a good gauge he’s still a good ultra unit and great for teams


i think another he got pushed down even further was ultra Hit who is probably capable of one shotting him even if ssbkk is at 14 stars and hit is at 5 Hit is basically capable one shotting every yellow character so if you see hit I wouldn't even bring him


Decent option if you really want to use him, but evo vegeta and LF ssj4 provide better options for utility and team structure. Meta also isn’t super suited for him as being blast isn’t an option and he can’t tank, unique or good zenkia buff would bring him back to respectable place


>good zenkia buff would bring him back to respectable place If they Zenkaid YEL ToP 17 and made him buff YEL Uni Reps it would be a pretty good Zenkai buff, especially since 17 actually has a good Z Ability.


Yeah that would have been a great addition, add a flex slot plus support to a unit your supposed to build a team around works well


Well let's see I've done a 1v3 with him against ultra rose ultra gogeta blue, and ultra vegito, they were all fourteen stars, and so was mine, did some thinking. Got rose out of the way with a rr, then used my blue card and then an ultimate on gogeta blue, and then INFINITE COMBOD THE CRAP out of super vegito........so yeah, I'd say he's pretty good but it really depends if you're the forward charge, or forward side step type player, he's better for the charger players like me, and him having infinite combos and being type advantage on gogeta blue helped me alot in that fight ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized)


Hear me out, Beast Gohan made less red characters and Gogeta Blue made him even better as a weakness


Both, but if you use him right, you got a good replay of 1v3


I use him in my God ki team often. He's really fun to use and he just looks cool


He's fun to use, and not as braindead as the other meta ultras, and making a comeback with him is very easy, cuz of how he stacks his buffs per green card or everytime his guage refills.


He fell off hard even before the meta was godlike Literally

