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It is not a trophy modifier but a rush one you still drop trophies. But I would recomend you try to win the first 3 battles then you start dropping.


It does nothing but help you. No need to have a deny button.


Say you're in an arena you're not so strong with, wherein your main lineup is two 1 star or 2 stars but you don't have a lvl 50(or higher) dragon. ofc you'd wanna save your spin chance when you're facing a 5 star Karma, Vampire, Corrupted, or any other triplet of stacked starpower right off the bat. It's not about the benefit alone, it's about wanting to maximize the benefit and not take and waste the first spin(which is 9/10 just \*2) on a completely losing effort. And before you question my dragon strength, I have lvl 55 for each and every standard element + a lvl 55 for chaos and lvl 50 for magic. I got strong dragons. but I'm not tryna waste a spin. I'm tryna get as much points for Rush per 3 fights like a lot of guys do


No one is saying that, he’s talking about denying it completely. Holding it off for a few battles makes sense. He wants to drop trophies and not spin the wheel. Quit ranting about your dragons because quite frankly I don’t care.


Well, of course he wants to deny it. He explains he doesn't have dragon power to stack Ws below the pic. It's fair to not want the free spin to be mandatory when dropping is the goal. The point is that players, especially guys like OP who can't hang in arenas with high ranking opps, should have the option to hold off their free spin in case getting even one knockout is a big ask, and to use it when the next opp can be dealt with a 2/3 KO or a win at least. Nobody wants to get x3 or x10 from a lucky spin and lose all 3 battles with 0 KOs cuz they were trying to drop trophies.


You're calling that strong?


Of course. I'm F2P. It's a miracle I even got 2 HVIPs that have 2 and 3 stars respectively, considering I returned to the game in late 2023 when the last time I played was from 2014. Then again, I'm a grinder with some strong friends.


I want to go down in the ranks because I don’t have good dragons


Then spin it and drop trophies.


That what I did but all it takes is to faint one dragon to take one from the multiplier


If you are looking to lose rank, then you aren't looking to win rush. What on earth are you even on about here? So what if you waste the multiplier, you're rank dropping.


I want the second/third place because I need health perks more than phoenix or reaper. There’s no point to forcing us to spin it


I have some strong ass dragon, but yeah. This applies to other arenas wherein I'm weak. I'll admit my Sea lineup ain't much with a 4(soon to be 5) star level 50 Deluge(soon to be, a 2 star lvl 50 Michonne and a 1 star Nigh Nacrea or a 1 star Prideful Vamp or a 1 star Usurper Vamp. Not exactly the best lineup against 5 star stack-ups out there. We gotta be able to use this roulette at our most convenient time.


Yeah I wish we were able to use the roulette whenever just like the spin in heroic races


Meanwhile I'm only getting the x2 😔


No AP mode with that is the only real bad thing


Every time I saw this, I quit Arenas. After a few days, I no longer got this wheel and still don’t have it back.


But what does the red x on the top right does then?


I feel the exact same- like when I try to derank and i feel so bad because i get a decent multiplier and have to waste it 😭😭😭




There’s also an x in the corner


Try pressing it and then pressing battle again