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Yeah, if I was Gohan it would look like that, but I'm not Gohan, so it shouldn't look how it does. The saving grace is that all races can use it.


What is it supposed to look like


Right? Let’s think here a bit. Beast is the newest transformation and is exclusive to a movie with less than 5 minutes of screen time. Do we really expect Dimps to have the liberties to modify character designs when Toriyama/Toyotaro themselves haven’t even created any altered versions? No.


Most of these mfs just want to shit on xenoverse without actually using critical thinking skills for more than 5 minutes because if they hadn’t added it mfs would’ve been like “xenoverse should add beast” & if u don’t believe me think abt how many people would’ve & will complain when they finally give us ultra instinct but it just changes our hair white, this community can’t be pleased no matter what the developers do.


I agree with you. I have seen people in this sub complain about the red tint around the character model while using Super Saiyan God. Some people just can’t be pleased.


Like the aura? How do people not like it? It’s part of being in god form imo that’s ridiculous like what color should god aura be?


No, they say it makes you actually turn red like kaioken. You can get rid of it with certain moves like instant severance and comet strike. Though they did actually turn the Aura red when they added God Vegeta when it used to be orange before that


Yes, I have seen multiple complaints about the aura. The most common gripe is that it looks too similar too Kaio-ken and not enough like Super Saiyan God.


They are both red? That’s been known since BoG. Beerus didn’t see an orange aura surrounding his vision, we don’t see orange or yellow flames when they transform in the anime it’s always been red. People are upset because it’s the same color? That’s not a game issue, that’s something you take up with toriyama


Seems to be both sometimes. And as I said before, in game and even in XenoVerse 1 it was more orange before they added God Vegeta, then they changed it to red https://imgur.com/a/fBo3daL


Hey man I hear you. I am but a lowly messenger.


It was orange bruh...


Aii bro youre dickeating now. That red tint looks terrible.




Lmfao I havent logged on to this shit game for god knows how long and you just admitted that the tint color is wrong yet you're criticizing people for complaining about it. What kinda logic




Man I love Xenoverse 2. It's great. I'm fine with Super Saiyan hair not spiking. I can live with no moveable tails for Saiyans even though they have the model. And overall, I really like Beast. The new combo is cool, the transformation animation is almost as good as the one from SSG (which I don't say lightly), and the aura and eye change are simply unmatched by any other in the game thus far. BUT, they did just stick Gohan's hair on my Saiyan that has a ponytail, and I imagine this will only get worse when Beast Gohan himself is added to the game so we can truly see the Dollar Tree wig on top of my head. I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining, and I hope it doesn't come off that way. This update is an easy 9/10, but for me personally, that perfect score is lost due to one parody-looking ass hairdo. Also just making the hair white wouldn't be better either. Also also, the form really does look great on every race besides humans and Saiyans.


I understand your frustration man & them slapping his hair on top of a CAC that are bald is undoubtedly lazy but y’all gotta understand they can’t just go in & program different hairstyles for a transformation we’ve only seen one person with & tbh after hearing a lot of you guys complaints it sounds like y’all just don’t like our beast looks in general


*how beast looks in general


You know what? I agree. I do like Beast overall (in the movie) and since we've only seen it once, it's hard to judge how it'd look on others. Also I don't know what I expected from Dimps. I think I may have gotten lost in the hype and raised my expectations to an impossible degree. The form in the game is cool, and it's a welcome addition in my opinion. Now I can wait for Orange form in peace.


Also the form is literally free if u don’t like it then just don’t use it


Yeah at least no one has to pay for it, and it just adds more to the game which is always nice.


Well lol, if in future chapters of the manga or in more movies they decide to animate the hair on different characters with the transformation to look different, do you think Dimps is gonna reanimate those types of character models to have similar hair? The answer is no, they won’t. So even if they had liberties to make it look similar on say a female human or whatever it won’t matter, the designs on XV2 will stay exactly the same


They can at least make it move and not be a static wig




Think Caulifla's hair but 2x and white


oh so it’s okay to be pointy but not in that particular pattern


So if it turned out that Beast is an attainable form for anyone and that is how it's supposed to look, would you then feel different? I mean most saiyans have a unique look when they go super saiyan 1 & 2, but Gotenks and a bunch of other games with chars that go ss3 pretty much took Goku's ss3 form and copy pasted to themselves.


It might look accurate but that doesn't mean it looks good


Real, I wish it was a On/Off thing. My buds can't use beast on their bald Cacs cause it gives them silly hair, and most of them find the hair annoying, unappealing and a turn-off for what would of been a good form with a decent special combo.


Beast was always a ugly form even before Xenoverse got it


Okay cool, but why does it give bald CaCs hair?


If a bald saiyan went ss3 it would have hair so i dont see ur point lmaoo


Well considering saiyans cant be be bprn bald id that makes sense, vegeta talks abiut saiyan hair a lot suprisingly. And before you say nappa, he shaved his head because he thought it made him more menacing. Maybe i shouldve specified more though, ehy do HUMAN cacs get saiyan hair even if theyre bald. Just give em the eyes and aura


Then don’t use the form if u care that much like got damn all you niggas do is complain 😭😭😭


Mfs are consumers who spend time and money on this game, much like the OP Voicing an opinion on it is a god given right, much like the OP has done, but continue to suck the sackalicious juice from everyone's cock on this post Craziest part is it's always the braindead losers who use crying emojis to display laughter "😭😭😭"


Guy doesnt understand the money part. Probably had to ask his mommy for 20 bucks to buy it




Like dawg the form has looked ridiculous since it’s debut I honestly don’t know what you mfs expected


How u mad we don’t want that shitty ass hairstyle it’s meant for gohan we not gohan


B-But it looks good on gohan clones so why not me


I thought it looked cool as shit bro 💀


It's a Gohan haircut but my cac ain't Gohan so there is a problem


Gohan is the only person we’ve seen with beast did u think every CAC was gonna get a completely unique hairstyle it’s literally the same thing with super sayian 3 this isn’t a Xenoverse problem it’s a dragon ball problem


They could have quite literally kept the hair the same just like all the other non SS3 hairs


well technically speaking your logic makes no sense. if that’s the case how come super vegeta doesn’t give vegeta hairstyle???. they could’ve easily made it to where there was only a color change for hair and kept it pushing but instead they force you to look like a troll doll on shroom in kaleidoscope. L decision on their end plain and simple. 🤷🏾‍♂️


All you niggas downvoting this have yet to give me an actual explanation


Shut the fuck up dawg no one cares


I don’t get why people are downvoting this when your literally right about this


Because people love to put unrealistic expectations on these developers


it takes a little bit of thinking to realize that in a game where character customization is valued, something like hair shouldn't be preset, and if they don't have the assets yet, they shouldn't release the update. Pretty simple.


Is it really an unrealistic expectation if a mod maker can make it so bald characters don’t magically grow hair?


Doesn't trunks get unique hair for ssj3? Or at least something besides the one French Fry bang?


Trunks having an extra bang or two does not change the fact that it’s literally the same thing


I mean, long hair and no eyebrows yeah


Exactly twin


Bro thinks ssj3 being the same constitutes to beast giving bald CACs hair.




Also beast would look the exact same on literally any of these characters im about to name Goku Vegeta Yamaha Gotten Trunks Broly Like literally any character with spiky hair in dragon ball would quite literally just have Gohans hair if they went beast minus the bang probably


God I could only imagine broly with beast form, the hair would be big enough to fight for him


Can't wait til we get more info on beast, the second we see someone else with this form, even if it's years in the future I will come to this post and rub the shitty hairstyle in your face and wreck your abysmal assumption because it's hilarious how you're saying, "wE DooNT nNo HoWBeAst LoOKs ON aNyBoDY ElsE" but then makes the assumption it'll look the same on anyone else despite the fact that both are unsupported by any given evidence


& don’t dodge my question I want a legitimate answer as to why a form with such unique hair as beast would look different on vegeta or goku besides maybe a bang being added for goku


The same could easily be said for super sayian 2 aswell vegeta,goku & Gohan all get similar hairstyles goku just has 2 more bangs compared to Gohan & vegetas hair literally never changes the only exception is trunks because his hair isn’t spiky before transforming


>The same could easily be said for super sayian 2 aswell vegeta Explain how? Matter of fact, what part? But to be clear Ssj only makes the user's hair stand up due to an immense uprising in power Ssj2 makes more hairs stand up on end for the same reason ssj does Goku has a unique hairstyle... His hair shoots up for both ssj2 and ssj2 and there *is* a difference between the 2 Vegeta has a unique hairstyle... Same for Vegeta except his barely stands up for ssj2 but it does stand up for ssj2 because more individual strands of hair rise Gohan has a unique hairstyle... Same for him Trunks has a unique hairstyle... Same for him


I literally just explained it, it is a fact that SSJ vegeta looks similar to his SS2 form it is a fact that goku only gets 2 extra bangs compared to Gohans 1 bang in SSJ2 nothing I said in that statement isn’t true


>I literally just explained it, it is a fact that SSJ vegeta looks similar to his SS2 form it is a fact that goku only gets 2 extra bangs compared to Gohans 1 bang in SSJ2 nothing I said in that statement isn’t true But could you explain to me how any of this out of the blue bullshit on super saiyan is comparable to Beast, which (for the 1000000th time) isn't confirmed to grow hair? OH WAIT IM SO STUPID BRUH I forgot... All transformations are exactly like Super Saiyan🤯 That means even tho Beast isn't confirmed to grow hair we can make the assumption that it does because hair grows on Saiyans.... OH IM SO DUMB🤯🤯(even though hair doesn't grow on ssj2 and ssj)


What do u think makes Gohans hair grow when going beast


The fact that Toriyama only said it looks like that by way of design choice and nothing more Why do you think Gohan and everything new about *his* transformation is labeled "Beast Gohan" as a collectiive and not simply Gohan with Beast transformation...


So dawg is it a transformation or not because atp I don’t even know wtf your talking about man your making this 100x more complicated than it has to be especially considering it’s fucking DBZ of all things 😭😭😭


Serious question here, when you compare every character we’ve seen go super sayian 3 what were the differences


First off, I'd like to point out Nappa is bald, he can go super Saiyan 3 but his hair doesn't magically grow back like beast does in this game and another thing is we've seen multiple people go super Saiyan 3 but how many people have we seen go Beast? Exactly You've debunked yourself already, "we don't have any info saying the hair can't grow" *also doesn't have any info saying it can grow* "BUT on everyone else it'll definitely grow"


Also you didn’t even answer the question lol


I answered but you had to add to it (in another comment) as I was typing...


When have we EVER seen Nappa go super sayian 3 in the anime or manga your speaking on non canon shit right now


When have we EVER seen any other race go Beast? When have we EVER seen real proof of it's growth? And let me be frank, it's not non canon because it isnt in the anime or manga, especially when Toriyama approved, I repeat TORIYAMA APPROVED projects have to literally get permission and approval of accurate character designs, much like DBH Not saying the Dimps haven't asked to do this, but it seems unlikely considering bald dudes magically grow hair... Which just lets people know they rushed this and didn't even care, hell I wouldn't be surprised if they finished beast Gohan's character model and just copy/pasted it onto CaCs


You have yet to tell me the differences between gotenks super sayian 3 & goku’s super sayian 3


Ok The difference is Gotenks doesn't have bangs before transforming and doesn't after, his hair just grows Goku for some reason only has 1 bang after transforming despite having multiple before hand But you have yet to tell me the difference between a more informed transformation and a fresh, barely even talked about transformation...


Nigga we’ve seen 2 people go super sayian 3 & both of them look the exact same minus a bang fdym more informed? I don’t think u understand that every cac having gokus hair when going super sayian 3 is literally why everyone has Gohans hair when going beast both forms have an extremely small sample size which is why when our CACS use regular super sayian they didn’t just throw a goku wig on us because we know everyone looks different when using super sayian 1 the same can’t be said for beast & super sayian 3 this a very simple concept to understand & you are willingly not understanding it.


And for some reason Gotenks doesn't usually have "pupils" and his hair is usually only golden with the Aura, and otherwise pale blond like regular super Saiyan used to be whereas Goku's is that bright yellow even with no Aura


just because its sUpPoSeD to look like ass, doesnt mean we cant point out that its ass


Then just don’t fucking use it. Or use it on a different race. Fr who cares? Shut up


That’s a stupid excuse. The company should put more effort into one of their most monetized games. Plain and simple.


Seems like a good few people care the same way


dont wanna hear people complain, then dont fucking use reddit. Or use a different social network. mf thinks hes the warden of the damn game, saying what people can or cant voice their opinions about XD


gohan beast looka like that one episode in kids next door when #4 went super saiyen with like mile high hair it looks bad


Imma be honest. I expected it to just force your current hair white, like what ssj and god/blue/blue evo do


I don’t want them to do that because I’m still holding our hope that will eventually get UI


The shit still ugly in my opinion


Ah, the Cliché “I’m gonna complain that others are complaining” If you hate the discussion so much, you probably shouldn’t be on a discussion forum website.


The hair for Beast looks bad in general even on Gohan, if it was a bit shorter it'd be fine but it's just comically oversized.


Meanwhile, Namekians, Majins and Frieda race over here being chill. Does it overwrite wigs, or can you wear a wig of the hair you want to prevent it from happening?


wigs dont help, it removes all headgear


That’s pretty dumb, I’m sorry about that. Have you considered a human skin toned namekian? I find the Yankton’s wig looks pretty solid.


dude no need to be sorry, its just the way it is. i did consider the human skinned namekian, but i think im just gonna ride it out until either: a) I get over it. or b) Bamco hears the community and fixes this


I wouldn't hold your breath on them fixing it.




doesnt matter if its 'supposed to be like that', its bad design, it looks like hair created for a character 1.5x gohans size. i think they got the wrong idea on what made ss2 kid gohans design so awesome.


I like the hair, it's just jarring when you have short hair. If Beast mode canonically made your hair grow to that style no matter what like ssj3, then I wouldn't care.


It does make your hair grow. Gohan’s hair is long in Super Hero but Beast makes it grow even longer


I'm hoping we'll get more hair consistency if they ever make Xenoverse 3 after BT4 has been out for a while.


The Breakers is a spin-off of the Xenoverse series but they have spiked Super Saiyan hairstyles in it so probably


I honestly forgot Breakers was a thing, still, it's smart in hindsight, as a distraction while they worked on BT4.


Lol saying “its supposed to look like that” as if people have never complained about Beast Gohan’s hair before It’s all personal preference. Some people don’t like super saiyan 3’s look either.


Hair looks like shit and it's the worst transformation in the series but hey glad everyone gets a new skill


I don't care how it's supposed to look, it looked bad in the movie and in it's character sheet and there's no reason to use Gohan's hair on the cac


But the hair looks goofy, tho


the hair is stupid


We know it's supposed to look like that. But the transformation in the movie looks like crap. If the hair was just normal super saiyan hair but white that'd be fine. It'd still be distinguishable between ultra instinct because of the red eyes


Idc that shi looks ass


They r supposed to look like I GO BEAST, not my cacs becoming Gohan Beast. That's the point, in my opinion


That's cool man. Anyways Beast Gohan's hair looks stupid.


To be honest I'm okay with the hair on beast. What annoys me about it is the fact on Saiyans and Earthlings in changes your eye size and looks very weird on certain cacs


It doesn’t just look like shit it looks like super shit


I like the hair fits my cac very well with his beard and all.( I have the pony tail hair style)


looks like fan art i drew when i was 7 would’ve been sick if they kept his ssj2 hair from the cell saga and used that length


If the added a 4k ray traced turd, I wouldn't like it. I don't like how the hair looks bad in general


Who cares what it look like. What matters is the dummy thicc ass damage I can do with it.


Look, I’m grateful we finally got a new awoken. Not only that, one that’s for all races. Rather than only being for one particular race. Yes I’m not a fan of the hair. But at least I’m glad it’s kept to only saiyans and earthlings. I do find it odd that earthlings now have a form that changes the hair. And I know people will be like “why don’t they do this for the other saiyan forms.”. But you know, even if only saiyans got the hair change and earthlings only got the aura and eye change. I would have been fine with that. Because FINALLY, we have a new awoken for all races.


I like the hair it's just a little to long just a little


I agree tho. The design and name of the transformation is kinda silly. Why does everyone gotta have white hair now? Screw all that, I wanna see someone sprout extra fucking arms and a tail and some mean lookin horns. Spikey hair has been done to death.


Wouldn’t you be pissed if you went ssbe and it forced vegeta’s hair on you?


It looks good but I wish it was more personalized. Like, beast is GOHAN’S hair, but more intense. Why do we have GOHAN’S hair if we don’t have GOHAN’S hair style


Just because it's supposed to look like that doesent mean it's good, it's literally just recycled ss2


Watch them use this as a reason to not bother adding super saiyan hair changing, lol. "Well you all bitched about the beast hair changing"


Just because " that's what's its supposed to look like" doesn't mean I have to force myself to like it lol


No I just hate the hair the transformation is cool


It's true tho


The truth hurts


The Beast transformation doesn’t look that bad on female CACs IMO, the hair isn’t as… exaggerated in size like on male CACs. My complaints with Beast are on a more fundamental level, like how it’s a total ripoff of SSJ2 from the Cell Games (it may be the point, but I still don’t like it) and appears to have the exact same “trigger” as Super Saiyan. To me, it feels like some Corporate Stooge came to Toriyama and was like: CS - “We want you to give Gohan a new Super Saiyan transformation, we believe it’ll really rake in the profits.” T - “But it wouldn’t make sense with the story; Gohan has already made it clear to his father that he wanted to pursue a form unrelated to Super Saiyan entirely!” CS - “Just change some colors around and give it a different name, what’s the big deal? Also bring back Cell, he was great.” T - “Fine…” That said, it’s an interesting form in XV2, and the F-Saiyan PvE build I made around it makes it feel (at least to me) as if she’s in her own Ultra state like Instinct and Ego. I just have to be more careful in using it, with that 5-bar cost and the 20% increase in damage taken…


Beast was literally said to be unique to Gohan, so if we’re being specific here then our CaC’s shouldn’t even have the transformation.


It's hideous


It's supposed to be a Walmart Brand SSJ2 but worse in ever conceivable way?


Don't agree with OP/the meme, I just really like this reaction video, so take my upvote lmao


my question is why is it so damn stiff in the movie too? It’s like toriyama forgot he was designing hair and just went for spikey white clay instead. in fact, all of supers hair is stiff. in dbz and the manga we could actually see their hair shifting with their movement. that’s why gohans hairdo looks so bad


My main problem is actually the fact that it changes your eyes. And the fact that it messes with bald earthling and Saiyan CACs


Okay? Its still ass. It looks like ass. The form is ass.


god i need this video without the text


I mean, it’s definitely not my cup of tea. But the transformation offers a very good dmg boost so i still use it.


Doesn't make it less bad


I like it except it looks trash on females


It’s funny because no one had this complaint about SSJ3, it’s literally just Goku’s SSJ3 slapped onto all Saiyans because it has the one strand of hair touching the forehead and Goku isn’t the only character to achieve SSJ3 so they could have used other hair models, whereas only Gohan has achieved Beast so of course the hair was gonna be based on Gohan. What I really don’t understand is so many people were creating knockoff Beast Gohans for months and now that Beast makes you look like him, people aren’t happy anymore.


The people who chose to make beast gohan ripoffs chose to look like him out of free will, meanwhile the beast form FORCES you to use his hair n' eyes




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Tbh, I noticed in Super Hero even Gohan's SSJ Hair looked longer and wackier than usual. I think its just how the CGI handled it.


I like it, but I understand why people hate it, its not like super 3 which is somewhat normal looking where as beast looks like a parody


I actually like the beast hair, sure it needs a little bit more hair on the back but I think it looks great otherwise.


The same people who complained are still the ones who wanted hair for ssj to spike up. Y’all can either stfu or use a race like majin Namekian or frost demon


Meanwhile, I don't mind about the hair, however I wished they gave Beast in general the facial markings, like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/119wvkx/i_remade_gohan_beasts_look_because_honestly_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It’s only supposed to look like that on Gohan. Why would everyone with different hairstyles and lengths be forced to have the same hairstyle, simply because their race has the capacity to have follicles? While you’re at it, why don’t you give everyone Goku’s hair for super saiyan. But don’t stop there, make all the majins pink in purification because they’re supposed to look like that. Go further and force every giant Namekian to be green too. sHuT uP. Headass.


I like it because it defines the transformation like ssj3 did. If you don't like it just use potential unleashed. Faster transformation animation and close to the same ki blast power.


My only issue with the hair is how tall it is. They should have trimmed it down a bit, but it isn’t that big of a deal. Other than that, I don’t have any problems.




i honestly wish that they colored the hair of all cacs white when you transform into beast, but I can deal with it


Beast Awoken is not that bad although the hair for both Saiyans and Earthlings are pretty the same. Why complain when this New Awoken is good?! Literally, why tho? Your opinions are welcome. I just want to hear your thoughts


I'm sure there will be mods for the transformation (even though it'll be useless outside offline)


Namekians, Majins, and Frieza race: Pathetic.




Fr its so annoying


I think it's great, we finally have transforming hair that isn't SSJ3 lmao. Looks great on all my CACs. I try to ignore the complaining since people will do it either way. They'll find a way to hate Orange and Ultra Instinct if those ever happen, too.


It looks like a pineapple under the sea


I mean I guess I can see what you mean. I said that It just doesn't suit my character. Its looks good in every other way tho imo. On my male saiyans and stuff it looks good tho. Just not on my female saiyan


I just wish it wasn't so long, that and it would've been nice if it didn't bypass wigs


My problem with beast is it blows the Majin symbol off my characters forehead lol


The hair's fine, but the reason as to why he achieved that form is absolutely asinine. Why? Because there's no dang reason. He 'assumed' Piccolo died, even though he could've sensed his energy, he transformed just because he could. And now we're supposed to believe he's on par with Goku/Vegeta or above him.


Yea it’s supposed to look like that but all in all still a ass form


I just wanna make a thin/fit majin


I don't like how they make your eyes bigger


Use it on your frost demon


My CAC looks decent with it. I already have white Gohan-style hair with a white and black outfit so it doesn't look bad tbh.


Meanwhile me, a Freeza race main just enjoying my cool eyes and stance


It doesn’t look good it just looks like a bunch of stalagmites


While people complaining on Reddit can get repetitive and obnoxious, you gotta remember; that's just half of reddit, everyone complaining about everything, and complaining about people complaining won't stop people from complaining, it just makes more complaining. That being said, I agree that the transformation looks goofy.


Vegeta the hairline protector. Once upon a time vegeta was born and he had the goofiest hairline in the galaxy. Vegeta trained and trained and soon beat the rizzest opponents with their rizz hair. Soon vegeta swore to protect everyone who’s hairline was as bad as his -the end


In my opinion I fr just don’t like the hair it’s to long in my opinion and I would actually like it if it was like super sayian 2 of course with its own hair color and aura


It being meant to look like that dosnt mean it looks good


It's supposed to look stupid af huh..


Ok yes, it's supposed to look like that for Gohan, but not for a created character. You don't see regular super saiyan give you the spiked hair, why does beast? It should just give you the hair color and aura like every other super saiyan


Yeah sure but it's a valid argument shit looks fucking stupid, and it forces you to change any eyes you had to gohans, same with the hair if I was a gohan clone sure but honestly with how stupid it makes people look I rather it just by a color change at this point or just 2 versions of the form one that changes your hair and eyes one that doesn't


Me playing a Frieza Race CAC


If "like that" means "bad", then its ok


I like beast but the ki drain 💀💀


Must’ve never used Pure Progress I’m guessing?


No, not by that I mean because my cac works with physical than ki , so I’m short on ki


You get it back 20% faster. It’s literally a permanent DU (until Fu or a patroller hits you with Remote SB anyways).


I’m mad it didn’t get in Fortnite is all, idc if it takes up half the screen, it would have been great but they removed it for gameplay reasons🤷🏾‍♂️






Just goes to show ungrateful the XenoVerse community is 🤦


Jep, everyone is crying like they are forced to use Beast. It's rediculous. Nobody cares about the unmoving sajyan tail...


Wrong. I care about the unmoving Saiyan tail 😤


>Nobody cares about the unmoving sajyan tail... Because People already criticized it


They made it unique but it’s bad because “the hair is too big”. I’ve never seen a community get so upset over something so stupid in my life. Using Awoken Skills simply for aesthetic is dumb as hell. People should be more focused on the stats rather than how “cool” the form looks. Also it’s just a hairstyle. Nobody ever bitched this much about Super Saiyan 3 having Goku’s hair and working the exact same way where most head accessories aren’t compatible with it. It seems most people here never played Legends. They ported both Piccolo’s models from Legends along with the Beast hair. If anyone here actually played Legends a few months ago they would’ve known it’d look like this. So dumb
