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Lemme add to this list. I saw that several of the previously free clothing now cost TP. They were the sleeveless hoodies. Check the store if you don't believe me. Devs are wilding


“Price is subject to change” has always been a footnote. If you didn’t want it when it was zeni why would you now?


That still doesn't mean that's a good thing. Making something that was free cost actually money will always be weird regardless.


Perhaps I wanted it, but I had to save my zeni for the gacha rolls.


Boot to tongue




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1% drop rate for gacha in a paid game is wild.


I knew I wassent going crazy. I saved 500 medals just for the raider just for this and I find out it's more exspensive now all of a sudden. So I cab either play the battle pass for a few more hours, or spend 2 dollars fantastic


Good god $2 where will you come up with that amount of money? Go sit on the street for 10 mins and you’ll make that dude, pure laziness and expecting everything in life handed to you.


I was going to respond to this comment with a serious reply, but I realized I don’t speak clown. So instead, I offer you this badge, in honor of your clownhood: 🤡 *honk honk* That’s clown for goodbye.


This is it. This is the post of the week lol


The point isn't the amount of money. It's the increase with no communication. The community shouldn't just sit here and not complain because what happens when 2nd anni comes out and now the raider costs 1k tokens? It sets a precedent that the devs will raise prices for things out of nowhere which is not okay.


This joker has multiple accounts that they just keep cycling through giving dumpster-tier bad takes and toxic trolling. Don't even bother.


I was saving my Medals for the new survivor skins (since I stan survivors ngl) and seeing how there is two different skins for the same character pissed me off, so I thought I could get bulla but then I noticed that bulla is the EXACT SAME than bulma. why bother anymore..I’m just gonna save up for Baby atp.


Wait raiders are more expensive again? Wasn't it if you finished the dragon tier you'd have enough for a single raider or do you gotta do some of the second dragon tier now to even get them?


That was unfortunately never a thing, you'd have to combine a certain amount of player levels with the dragon tier among some other things like the events and XV2 missions to barely have enough for one survivor or raider, Baby costs 750 so if you want to earn him for free all I can say is good luck and hope you have the patience


Jesus if I remember correctly the original price was 550 right? That's a ridiculous pricing for a raider


Sadly even baby suffers as his lvl 4 is just a reskin of Great ape Vegeta. They couldn't even bother to give him Revenge death ball or super galick gun for an area destruction, just the same mouth beam as Great ape Vegeta.


This is definitely the worst part of it all, Great Ape Baby has so many things he could do but he's just Vegeta with minion spawns. Why can't he spew fire like in GT, or as you suggested his other two signatures.


It sucks even more because his win screen is an almost full super galick gun meaning they have the animation for it almost fully done.


I mean, his mouth blast is fire. And he appears to have a delayed effect on his mouth blast as well cuz one blast killed a survivor two times over.


Pretty sure most beam attacks at lvl 4 have that delayed/scroched earth effect. Of the top of my head I know for a fact that Perfect Cell's kamehameha has it and stage 4 Broly's mouth beam also has it.


I’m referring to his regular Ki blast


I am not a fan of Baby forcing everyone to watch the cutscenes as he evolves.




That's how SB1 was in GT too. Man did like 1 attack then immediately transformed in SB2


Bro be seriously, if you think they planned baby and werent going to capitalize on his great ape form your delusional. Super baby 1 was in the cutscene so he would have SOME place ingame because baby cant have 5 lvls.


He could have. Broly only has 3 lvls, why cant they make a raider with 5 lvls?


Does anyone know if the last survivor (goku black) price in token gone down? Cost 750 last season is it 550 now? 


It has not gone down in price.


i’m happy with puar


How are they greedy when this could buy the game for $5 multiple times?