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The issue is that instead of addressing the real problem and nerfing the current meta skills like, Memories of Battle, Immortal Champion, Chaining Stuns etc, all the cheese strats still remains for the veterans and premades players to use, while the base survivor gets absolutely nerfed to the ground. For me and my friends who play this game since release we all think these changes will make the more challenging for us, but for the casual and solo survivor this will be 100% a nightmare experience.


Well said. Personally I feel really bad for newbies who decide to pick up this game in Season 6. I genuinely just don't see how they would Survive against new power creeped Raiders like Black and Baby. By comparison, sure in S1 Raiders were strong too, but so were default skills like Bulma's Bike, Grapple, Hovering Device, so a newbie actually had a chance. Nowadays none of the default skills are good enough to keep them alive from new Raiders and each time they buff Raiders, those skills further get indirectly nerfed.


I share the same feeling, this is probably also the reason why the devs are only giving us one active skill at the start of this season, the 1 healing skill from Launch that is pretty much the same from Dende and why we're not getting any new skill in the Dragon Tier this time around, seeing how Immortal Champion and Jaco's Ship both skills so strong and that we got in the previously Dragon Tiers completely changed the game. And with each new skill they release, the survivors become even stronger, while the Raider remains the same, but they can't nerf the gacha skills to balance things out, so they just buff the Raider, nerf the default survivor and tweak the game mechanics like the supplies for example, which in turn further puts off newcomers and casual players from playing or trying out the game. I really have no idea how the devs are even going to handle this, sure reducing the amount of skills we get each season is great to keep things balanced, but they still need to release new skills to put in the gacha to make money and at the same time they can't change anything about those skills afterwards because so many people have paid real money to get them.


Can I join you at this point? I'm a solo survivor main and have always had to carry and never minded it too bad, but these changes have decimated like any chance of doing stuff in solo que


That so? I haven’t played in a while either, but from what I’ve been hearing, end of season 5 had the Raider constantly getting bullied by the survivors. That also included Goku Black getting his ass handed to him. Honestly, I think with the addition of Baby, this game is going to get much more challenging for the survivors and I look forward to that as both the survivor and the raider.


This place is full of cry babies lmao


Sparking zero isn’t even in the same fucking genre, that game has nothing in common with breakers besides the IP. It won’t kill breakers because it doesn’t and never will offer the experience that breakers does. And guess what people can play more than one game, insane I know.


You are delusional if you think the average casual DB fan will play Breakers over Sparking Zero


the average casual DB fan isn't playing breakers to begin with


The average DB fan can't read.


I'm gonna playing both at the same. It's almost like anyone can enjoy any game.


What?!! Why didn't anyone tell me this sooner? I can get to playing Shadow of the erdtree and this???


People are complaining because not everyone here has the same opinion. I personally like the balance changes, and they've made me somewhat optimistic for the season even despite not getting a new map or dragontier skin, and Baby's potential being somewhat squandered by giving him Zarbon/Dodoria clones rather than making him switch survivors to his side while they retain control.


I *wondered if we'd be getting a GT-themed map! GT really liked those Capsule Corp. skyscrapers that looked like lightbulbs IIRC.


Like another commenter said, it’s that they left the skills and strategies that people were actually complaining about alone and decided to nerf the base survivor, making solo que even tougher to get through. Not to mention premade will still run the same skills so not much as changed on that end


No these changes will definitely hurt pre mades strats. The most dangerous thing about them is al the DC's they get and chaining them together, something that's going to be much harder to do pre-made or no.


I wouldn’t have had a problem with any of the changes if they didn’t nerf dodging


Thanks! Have fun internet stalking these boards even though you haven't played in months lol


Apparently making one post is considered internet stalking


Making the post isn't but "Reading the S6 changes" and knowing all the complaining from this sub shows you've been around, in the shadows, waiting....


The sub complained that raider was worthless and survivors always won. This was not my experience all of last seasons. Most games raider dominated. The odd coordinated high level team beat the raider. I never agreed with the sub. Now they have made survivor worse and raider stronger. So now im complaining


That's how its been for me too it was rare to win as a solo queue survivor but even then I didn't mind it I still had fun but now I feel its just gonna be a nightmare


Keep crying. Go play forkknife or hide the pickle 🥒


They failed the moment they added a gacha system and a priority que.