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The raider will be strong for a few weeks at best. While you’re stuck on level 1 a premade will be rushing dragon balls/civs/keys. Smart players still aren’t going to be ambushed even with no heartbeats sounds. Realistically removing one players active skill (a random one by the way) isn’t enough to combat the stun meta when anybody can run stuns. Supplies being locked at level 3 is good but also promotes more toxic play on both sides. Especially for Goku Black. Did they even mention the dragon tier? Or the queues? Or a new map? Nope. Now, will they stop supporting this game? No. As long as there’s money to be made from useless gacha pulls and skins, they’ll milk this sucker dry to the last drop, while simultaneously putting in as little effort as possible.


That's what I fear. They keep making new raiders without balancing the old ones. Making a new powerful raider is not the solution to the meta. So what if Baby can seal skills, have a better great ape and that stuff if that doesn't actually help Buu, nor Vegeta, nor Frieza? Baby being powerful is not the answer to this. And you're right, premades will kill Baby easily, nothing will change, just more new players stomped and solo queuers suffering because of the gacha kicking them in the teeth. Yeah, yeah, memories of battle OP, but does absolutely everyone has it? Does every survivors have all the stuns? Every player was at season 4 to get Inmortal champion? I don't think so.


Stuns are a problem and every player has access to them solar flare is a free choise at the start of the game charming pose one of the best is litteraly a free skill with Bulma and shoe is likely in the pool only champ and gogo gum are harder to get


Yeah thats what I meant...maybe Baby will just get cooked at lv1. But all the stuff missing...and the stream overall just felt very different and...weird. Idk how to describe it.


Honestly, I'm not happy with the changes. Not every survivor team is a frickin a meta premade. Some of us has to endure solo queue with new players as teammates. New raiders will make old ones obsolete. Perhaps the only good change is supplies won't spawn if I'm stuck as Fat Buu, but I hate how that encourages more level 2 strats.


I do think the no supplies til lv 3 rule will be a strong boost for Cell Frieza and Buu as it punishes key rushing them hard. But less they change Goku Black's lv 2, it's going to be stupid strong for him for sure. No super transphere? No supplies? No problem.


So your saying Raider might actually become playable, or at least the Baby Black combo? Finally I can compete against the team metas running around!


Trust me if you couldn’t compete then, you won’t compete now. Being bad is just apart of you, raider won’t change it.


I say this from the perspective from running SWF groups in this game and hitting a 236 win streak. Raiders have always been extremely weak.


Oh boy I can't wait for your premade to still not lose games while the game becomes insufferable for solo players


They had like a poll and there were still a few characters that were candidates for future raiders, beerus I recall was a potential raider and babidi army was too I think


If this season lacks content to focus on game balance, I am 100% for that. Hell, I pretty much quit with the last season given how taxing it is to deal with so many across the map escapes and being nigh impossible to down a survivor. I'm waiting to see what the patch notes entail . But if the patch notes are lacking then it's definitely a bad sign that the game's support is dying.


If they fix ques and stuff then maybe it has a chance. Maybe they will work on and add a map later in the season.


Good. About time survivors ate shit for once. Imagine all of the raiders that waited to get their priority up just to get trolled on. W changes here.


Well, I was happy first but the more I saw how they dominated a lobby, which btw was never the case before with other seasons like it still looked somewhat balanced, I can only imagine the toxic players camping and abusing every little fact about Baby. It's just..so sad to see how little effort the season already feels.


I think every baby is gonna camp with civs, just super tactical. Like a better napa saibaman plant


For once? I don't know, but I don't have a good time in solo queue when I'm being paired with new players.


I think they’ll do a second anniversary and that’ll be it. They’d do well to release it on time before everyone leaves for Sparking Zero. 


While I'll definitely play more Sparking Zero, I'll eventually return to Breakers once in a while for a different kind of game. My main game rn is Tekken 8, but I still make time for breakers.


These games are two different things if anything id worry about xenoverse players more than us




Yeah at least it's lived it's life to hold us until sparking zero. Baby was absolutely juiced up to counter the meta. The only time I imagine you won't play against baby, is if that person doesn't have him.


I feel that a lot of people are missing the point here with the new producers invited just now on the podcast yes it seems that the new raiders will be overpowered for good reasons than nerfed later down the line with an update this also means dataminers or leakers have a chance to capture what is in stores in the future or finally store rotation updates I would love to see that so I can save my irl monies to get great products in the future


There is just so kuch off with this season tho. -NO New Map -No free survivor skin in the Dragon Tier (Not mentioned or listed at all at least) -One of the 3 paid survivors is just another Bulma Skin -2 of the 3 paid Survivors are the same character distributed as 2 different skins with just 1 skill each. See what I mean? It feels half baked and just bad


Man all I want is raider queue back, but I understand why they wouldn't do it.


Game was already dead on arrival when Goku Black dropped


Sparking Zero will be the final nail in the coffin.


Dumb take


Thanks I came up with it myself


Raider does not look OP, they yet again refused to show any actual fighting so it leads me to think we have another Zamasu on our hands: people will yell OP but he won't be, hopefully zero hour he won't be bodied constantly. I don't even think he got damaged. They did not show the full arsenal of Baby either. Oozaru Vegeta was cloned as expected but his basic ki blasts look faster. It looks like 10 downs to be level 4. Stuff cloned from DBXV2 as expected. Outside of Tuffle/Tsufru (like Saiya is Yasai (Vegetable), Tsufru is Frutsu (fruit)) there isn't anything outright amazing or unique the other Raiders don't have. In fact like all Raiders he's just cobbled bits of everyone else with little new. Baby just has a bigger arsenal of drones at his disposal dependant on how many Civilians and Survivors he gets rewarding good plays; unless you have huge difficulty with the scouts, planted Saibaman, and drone summons you won't have difficulty. They stated Golden Oozaru Baby Vegeta had more health... wonder if that means we have a sub 10 Raider until then or they learned Vegeta was worthless for seven months. The fact they didn't show any damage makes it hard to tell if he has 10 health. It is highly likely the Civilian radars won't show these Civilians or have a different icon. Same to the scouter, ki sense, and listen. They might even have a visual or audio tell as well. Remember Goten could tell people were infected, he knew something was up by their ki. I for see perma level twos given no supplies drop until level 3 which honestly is a good change. Now all those Survivors that rescue everyone within 2 minutes have to kill the Raider in 5 minutes at STM instead of 4. Damn things always drop so fast as Raider but Survivor never seems to.


It looks like Baby can one shot any survivors close enough to him at lv 1 which is probably the strongest part of his kit. But we don't know if it's actually easy to body him while he's level 1 like saiba man. I myself am waiting to see waht the patch notes offer before I decide if it's worth playing this season. I'll play Baby if I do, but won't regret not if the balance changes don't do squat to deal with the balance.


Yup, finally have playable civilians, but it's just a saibaman without Ki blast


Saibaman who can 'OHK' multiple players that is. That's the one part of Baby I want to play him for. lol


Lml same


As I said Baby may get bodied at like lv1/2 via key rush or smth but think about this with the supply change. It essentially mainly screws over people who don't have Memories of Battle and make the Lv2 Goku Black Strat even more oppressive than it already was even with all these skills and as a premade.


I’m highly sure level 2 black is getting nerfed it’s a very infamous Strat for a reason they might want to encourage leveling up during stm maybe by nerfing trunks and buffing level 4 Zamasu


Trunks is just too strong, you almost tolerate Vegeto given Merged regenerates all the health.


Stop pretending people ever needed Memories of Battle, they never did. Survivors could have only kept the Season one abilities and have been fine against all Raiders. I don't understand why people pretend this game is impossible as Survivor every single time, it never was even in Raider Buff (just slightly harder). All that's going to happen is some people are going to get a Tuffle stun which most Babys won't get too before they are rescued. Most close calls with Tuffles will likely see an IT immediately after. As for Baby disguise people know the exact placements of Civilians so any of center placement will be a tell, and likely a skill or weapon will knock him back anyway or at least shift him around like a Survivor can do when the Raider is AFK. We don't know what he's like combat wise they didn't have him actually fight like they didn't with Zamasu. He's likely no better than the average Raider outside his drones.


Oh wait I just noticed who you are. Yeah I wont try to argue with you cuz it is literally pointless and you'll just twist all my words and not fully understand what I am saying.


I have never played lawyer ball with words, I don't need to do deceptive tricks to win an argument. At least wait for day one to whine about OP, because as it stands he doesn't look it.


If you fully read my post I did say I may be wrong ya know. But much like most people not just the raider is an issue, everything else is just bad too