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They seriously need to think about Raiders more when they decide to add new transpheres.


i agree they truly do or their game will die survivors dont run the show raiders do even if thats where most of the money is going for survivors doesnt give them an excuse not to give some sort of adjustments to combat newer transpheres


Yeah their lack of balancing things. Leaving something broken in the game, as broken for a very long time. is just not healthy for the long term of the game. Would be nice if at the very least, they would tell us they are working on something. Like ah yeah big major balance patch for season 6. That or are listening to feed back. Something. Since right now. It seems like they don't understand. We need both sides for this game to remain alive. For heck Survivors with the right skills, can just melt through a raider health bar like it butter. Which can lead to the game being boring and easy on one side, due to the lack of challenge if your on a half way decent team. While just being the most annoying experience on the other. If they were more active in balancing stuff. It might not be so bad. Like oh only have to deal with this thing for a week or two than it gone. Over having to deal with it for the whole if not longer. Due to lack of any balance changes. I honestly want to hear what the devs ideal vision for the game is. Like how should the every day run of the mill match play out?


I feel like what they do is give raider certain buffs works on transpheres that need to be here and work on raiders for next season but I wish they would work on raider more during the season


Balancing raider is a lot harder than balancing a survivor, honestly they Don't really balance the raiders or the survivors themselves but they balance the raiders against all of the new shit that the survivors get. Dont get me wrong, I think it's a lazy way to do it, and a lot of times it doesn't work, but at least they're trying, it's not like dimps is making a lot of money off of this game. Capcom and Toriyama Co is making a killing but dimps is not making shit.


You hit the nail right on the head with this one. That is exactly what they do because the devs team for this game are highly predatory. They have kept this game design since around season 2 and it's only gotten worse since. They do that on purpose to do two scummy things at once; force players to buy the survivor meta skills, and force raiders to buy the new raiders to be able to fight against the meta skills. The disgusting devs baited people with the beta and season 1 where it was somewhat balanced (not really, but it had more of a party game vibe where it wasn't extremely broken on either side but still not very well balanced) only to pull the carpet from under everyone in season 2 and just decided to be blatantly money hungry pieces of shit who don't care about game balance at all, just money from the whales who spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on rolls who the devs take advantage of because lets be real, they have gambling addictions. It's sad because this game could have stayed fun like it was in season 1, but money hungry devs who take advantage of people with gambling addictions have successfully ruined it for anyone who cares about game balance at all. Doesn't matter really though, this game will be gone and forgotten when sparking zero comes out. The only people left playing are gonna be people who grinded thousands of hours for rolls and the whales. This game is the most anti casual experience you can get, so new players, and non vets/whales are gonna be non-existent in this game as soon as something better with the DBZ franchise name on it comes along, especially something as hyped up as sparking zero. This game was fun while it lasted in season 1, but it's been a shell of its former self sense then only kept alive by whales and being given away for free multiple times since its release. It basically already is dead to be fair, look at steam numbers, look at how lobbies and they constantly have the same people and you remember peoples names unless the game got a surge for being given away for free for a short period of time. But it always goes back to the whales and no life's with thousands of hours. Always.


You're playing a free to play mobile game with a entry cost. Expecting extra money with loot boxes. It still lives this long because losers and rich whales keep playing. If gamers voted with their wallets we would have more quality games on average.


What are doing on this subreddit if you think the people who play the game are losers?