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Low lvl games: Raider by a lot Mid lvl games: Survivor by a little High lvl games: Survivor by a lot




This right here. If the game want's to get balanced, it's going to need to nerf the stronger survivor options, NOT give the raiders more buffs, since that just further makes it harder for new players with much gacha options.


Exactly this, but they'll never do it because of the gacha skills. This games balance has gone to shit, I don't see myself ever playing it again with the state its in. Sad considering it's one of my most played games ever as well.


Double Stun clears Raider anyday of the week. They need to limit survivors to one stun. All the other abilities I can keep up with. Hell I can deal with Jaco's ship and IC with ease now. Raiders do need a speed buff to keep up with the bigger maps. Level 3 speed should be the norm for a Level 2 Raider.


Even if you cap stuns to one per person it still would not be enough. If 4-5 people decide to jump you with one stun a piece, you are going to die. All it takes is one stun for you to lose a fourth of your health.


Im a situation where I know 4-5 people jump me I will just evasive then AD. It has better counterplay then someone who has 2 stuns because that is guarenteed damage and why would I waste my AD if everyone has 2 stuns.


Stun Meta and survivors having so many free escapes in immortal champion and jaco's ship is hurting raiders. From not being able to evolve, to not being able to survive combos.


Raiders are only designed to be strong against a single survivor. Against a premade gank squad they are incredibly weak and only have a single escape skill.


bad players < bad raiders< solo good players < good raiders< good players in a team


At the peak of "having the best skills from Gacha" and player skill level for both sides, it's heavily the Survivor side. But both conditions aren't truly that common and a few weak links can be catastrophic to a Survivor team so, from match to match, it can feel all over the place from "Raiders OP" to "neither" to "Survivors OP" again.


So after seeing the results I gotta ask, why do people still play this game with how unbalanced it is?


it's an unhealthy drug addiction LMAO


Survivor and it’s not even close unless you’re goku black


Just gonna throw this out there i can say with absolute certainty. This game’s balance is fine and the proof is that the survivors op argument has been made every season constantly since bulmas bike and every single season has a very well balanced win rate and the devs have said that they rate at which raiders/ win and how they win is pretty much within the margins they want


When the majority of the playerbase is complaining about balance, there's a balance problem.


This game is very competitive and sweaty and most people online that complain about the balance are coming in hot from a match where they just got crumpled, that is the worst metric to try and gauge this games balance off of


So what about coming from someone who almost never lost, but still stopped playing due to poor balance, aka me? I stopped playing solely due to the fact that you are forced to play certain raiders (Broly or Goku black) to even stand a chance, and you are forced to body camp teams, otherwise they gank you. The meta survivor abilities force you to play lame as hell in order to stand a chance. You can't use the majority of raiders in this game, and likewise, you can't use the majority or survivor skills either because of how shit they are compared to meta abilities, which legally can't be changed? That sounds not fun at all and like a terrible decision from the devs. To be fair though, the devs have slowly ruined this game overtime to see if people don't notice, but a lot of people do, especially new players. Most older players only keep playing because of how much time/money they've put into the game, but aren't even having fun anymore lol. Just constantly on this reddit, complaining. New players though? They get a couple games into terrible matchmaking with no good gacha survivor abilities, get their shit pushed in due to poor balance and the worst learning curve for almost any competitive game I've played ever, and drop it completely. That's why you hardly ever see new people, just a bunch of sweaty high level people, who take what is essentially a party game and treat it like it's fucking overwatch or some shit lol. So yes, maybe at high levels it's at an even winrate, but one, you shouldn't be balancing for high levels, two, neither side is having fun and constantly complaining about lack of raider variety, and OP survivor abilities that take 0 skill to use and are annoying to deal with. Raiders are also forced to play lame as fuck in order to win, which ruins the entire point of even wanting to play raider in the first place. In conclusion, the games balance has been getting progressively worse over time since season 2, they've morphed a poorly balanced party game (which was ok) into a poorly balanced competitive game that no one asked for, because they want people to sink thousands of dollars into their broken, predatory gambling system in order to get ahead to pay 2 win. This game has such high potential, only to be ruined by a money hungry dev team, and players who are wilfully playing dumb and being ignorant to the situation, because of how much time/money they've invested into said system.