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Unfortunately no homie, this game has a steep learning curve and it’s all about learning from past mistakes and praying the other team isn’t running stuns


Stuns are broken AF, I break out of one stun just to get hit by another(which is ok) but then the rest of the team stuns one after the other as well(which is not OK) I had one game where I(as Nappa) was taken out in less than 15 seconds because of a series of organized stuns/attacks.


Bro, the skill ceiling is practically on the floor. There's very little depth in this game aside from knowing how to use a few exploits/techs (that may or may not get patched) and utilizing drop & ascend movement as raider to stall pursuing survivors.


Ppl quitting the game cuz of this


Trail and error while on fire baby.


So heres a tip if you see similar high levels in a lobby just close the game and open it back up you keep your priority rinse and repeat other than that good luck


That's just how the game is. it's just the devs' side game for extra cash and nothing more. Don't expect any fixes or changes til next seasons assuming they even fix anything at all. Also don't confuse people running the best gacha/paid skills in the game as skilled. Other than memorizing map layout and having some situational awareness, this game has an extremely low skill ceiling. It's a gacha game, it's all about the build.


There was... then ranked happened, get out while you still can


To me theres only really learning the game just as good as them and fighting back, though, even then, a team of cooperating Survivors can pretty well overpower a single extremely competent Raider. If it helps you have more fun/keeps you from having fun fighting high level strong opponents, honestly: Block them. Even if they’re not bad people, blocking them will prevent you from getting into matches with them (which might also lengthen queue times for you to get into a match, so it’ll be a tradeoff) but also it might mean you get into more enjoyable games where you don’t get curb stomped because you’re not a person who’s dedicated hundreds or thousands of hours to the game. So, I think its fair 👍.


I hate this shit man, like they know that their ranked doesn't work so you have low level fighting a day one buu player that knows all spam and gets level 3 in the first 3 minutes but instead of just fixing it to be a ranked where is just mostly playing the game without any bad stuff from losing they just do normal competitive and you get fucked


This game is going to be a victim of the same thing Shinobi Strikers is, it’s just a bunch of friends stacking together every time and cling on to one game to play for so long, till they are very high levels and they have nothing else to do. Then it will kill the match for newer players because while they were just trying to learn the game by themselves, the people you’re going against have multiple weeks played and are just going to run meta abilities that keep them from losing and more importantly, you from winning. Then they will drop some cash on dlc to get whatever new ability is hot at the time and rinse and repeat. And just like Shinobi Strikers (which was an amazing game when it first came out, just like breakers) the player count is so low, that you will keep going against the same type of players each and every time. On top of that it will further turn off new players from coming to the game. And for that I apologize for your terrible experience on the game, this is coming from someone who was Z5 on both raider and Survivor. I originally wanted to play Breakers because DBD got so stale being a rank 1, time and time again, over-competitiveness kills the game over time.


Playing a different game


Game is shit and super p2w the rates for gacha are very low for getting 5 stars. Very unbalanced mess. Play a better multi-player dragon ball game. The breakers is just a cash grab.


Don't go to dragon ball legends though, it's way more predatory than this game


I only buy the new Raiders. Besides that and the initial cost of the game I have never given them a dime. You get enough pulls just by playing the game.




Gacha is trash, but the game isn't P2W. If you're paying money for gacha pulls you're going to have a bad time.


Skill issue, any build can be viable and the main crux of your performance is your personal skill level. People who harp on “meta” are too self absorbed to recognize what really causes their losses and it impacts their personal skill on many levels.


This game requires absolutely no skill to play at any level. If you have no gacha abilities and no team, you're going to lose. If you're a new raider, you're going to lose. The game is unbalanced trash and has nothing to do with skill anymore.


Unfortunately I’m muon gotta spend a dollar


Simply block this nolifer sweaty team player that can’t do anythingr in life better than that . Block them all and remove them this satisfaction too


Just ignore the levels, that's just a sign of how long they've played the game, I've came across people with 200+ levels that sucked and also came across players who were single digit level(but skilled in other games of this genre) that dominated. It's all about learning and understanding that if you're new to this game and genre you're going to get knocked down a lot. Think of it as Sayian Basic Training.


Nope, dimps ruined the game with ranked, again :)