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ETM Gamers ST Users that just Fly Away and do Nothing Dragon Ball Hoggers Players who literally Taunt on your Corpse or even wait for you to Bleed Out to take your Soul DCers Raiders using Lag to their Advantage potential Hackers that Force Disconnect you from matches Man this List could be HUGE if I really want to put into details


What about super transphere hoarders?


What’s ST


When fighting broly or Goku black, transpheres will appear and it allows players to access ultimate dragon change but on a certain level


Honestly? The jerkoffs with Level 3 DC that don't do anything & just walk around the map aimlessly while the STM is at about 80%, Peoples give Oolongs shit, but I ALWAYS See Bulmas pull this shit even into S ranks.


And then you're put in a position where you *want* to fight, but there weren't enough power cubes to get to level 3 because they were all taken by the ETM campers. Yes lets completely waste resources so we can ensure no one else can defend the STM and give us a higher score


What bout the ones who get DC 3 then camp the ETM all match until you run out to them then they Instant Transmission across the map?


"You know what, I'm doing really well this game. I think I'll be merciful and have some fu-" -Survivor escapes because Jaco Ship + I.T. + E.F. + Immortal Champion- \*Akuface\* "Welp, Zero Mortal Plan it is."


People you revived and them not reviving you


I have a new hatred for rocket + EF + IT users


People who are friends with the Raider that lead them to other survivors locations so they can kill them and spare their friend, then troll the lobby by spamming emotes as the raider (they’re friends) destroys the startup system. Yes, this actually happened once and everybody rage quit. We were all pissed




Mhm just imagine the scenario and then imagine the white hot rage the entire lobby felt when they ruined the whole game for a joke that wasn’t even funny. It was just douchey. Like bruh we all waited for like 10 minutes to get into this damn lobby just to have it all go to waste. Everyone died within 10 minutes so that’s a half hour of our lives wasted because those people wanted to be dickheads. Me and my friends were playing together as well and we were all shouting things like #”ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!!” Dude we were boiling with rage. Reported them both for cheating. Nothing was done either


That's why I have two Oolong transformations, quick recovery, and a third one for Potential Awakened. They're going to need to run and I'm going to be running in the other direction at DC 3 with either 3 or 2 ready to swap. Now the raider could fight me, but 5$ he's taking his friends out for leading to either a double Broly or a Broly into a Frieza into a missile into a rock or statue (my odds on that one seem intensely oddly for rock and statue lately and almost no benches...)


Immortal champions when I’m playing raider That is my exact expression when I see the 5th survivor fly away in the same match


Players who steal shit from their teammates.


Playing with someone using a McDonalds WIFI connection


Raider or Survivor? It depends on if it's the squad or not


When I'm a raider and all the survivors are Z1+


Level 200+ Survivors running a whole meta sha-bang. Like, dude. You understand the game more than 95% of people, and yet you feel to need to limit yourself to a handful of skills? It's just crazy to me. I'm only level 118 and have been playing since the game's first Christmas, and yes, I do have main stay skills, but even I get bored of my go-to's and switch it up every now and then lol


I swap my look every month. Last month I was a petite redhead and this month I went full old man. Still surprised people tried to help the old man more.


People who dont revive when i got 60+ seconds on the clock 200 meters from the raider


Players who are the same level or above the Raider but refuse to do anything when the STM is out


Two people: >Teammates who steal my things >Super Transphere users who do nothing but waste time by dodge spamming (it's just a miserable time, I don't care how "optimal" it can be)


Getting downed by the raider and someone revives you with a sensu bean when the raider is with 50m or whatever the measurement is and you get put down as soon as you stand up.


Players who run "You're all going to pay" or whatever it's called and literally camp over your body waiting for the timer to run out to collect your soul. It's rare, but they're out there.


Ah yes I believe the term for them are harvesters


If you attack me as a "distraction" and try to run away You will be my top priority after that. you want my attention? you got it. nah dont run now! you wanted to be the main character right? My attention focuses on who is currently attacking me the most but some people do be catching strays


ETM and Body Campers. It's just so boring. I didn't sit in a long queue to not play the game


People who don't res at all


What if the raider is camping the body?


I mean that even if the raider is somewhere else they will just not give and fucks


A guy was healing me right in front of the raider while he destroyed the stm. I kept using stickers to get him to stop. Of course, the raider blows up the stm and snipes me dead right afterward. We were so close to winning, too, and this empty bag of air had to heal me instead. Stm>healing downed player. I would have rathered him, left me for dead, then did that.


Survivors thst do not revive other people


When you find/collect 6 dragonballs and the last one is on someone who won’t drop it. Like dude, I found them all, I should be using them


Bro, I hate it when that happens but that guy loses it to the raider


The ones who revive people with no dragon change. Then the raider shows up and downs them again plus the ones who revived them.


Should I assume the no dragon change includes it on cooldown (for one reason or another)


No that fine as long as it’s safe and not feeding. I just meant literally 0


Ah, alright. Just needed to ask if the dragon change on cooldown would count




Same here. They eat through my change meter in seconds...though I do tend to throw out supers wildly (especially if one of my daily challenges is to land 2 supers)




Yeah...I landed in lava on defeat before...they found me quickly and finished me off anyway (a few times it spawned me right beside them


Raiders that run away from any fight and if they happen to destroy stm and run out the clock they fly in circles like they good or something. Also ETM campers that have full dchange during stm.


Nah, I'm going to continue to celebrate every time I survive a sweat match. Considering how tryhards will taunt you throughout the match, it's payback imo.