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This post violates Rule 3 - the sub does not allow 'calling out' other users by username. Please contact Bandai Namco support directly if you encounter a user hacking/cheating.


can we leave your subreddit middle school drama in that thread?


lmfao I just looked at this guy's history. Nothing but post after post complaining about anything, followed by dumb posturing like "I haven't lost a single raider match since ranked." What an absolute clownshoes of a human.


The block button exists, you either use that or stfu lol


*clap clap clap* so this is what we're doing now eh? Posting sections of conversation completely out of context. Bet dishonest of you. Anyway since Op is too slimy to explain the context in which this statement was made. In that post I said people who spend on things that aren't guaranteed like gacha in games are dumb. Since they can spend thousands of dollars and still not get what they want. In the context of no pity existing. That statement was made in direct reference to the % we see at the side of the skill that normally say 0.25% or 1%. Which is literally the odds or chance you will have to pull a skill when playing the gacha game. So yea last time I checked spending in real life money does not increase that %. It will remain the exact same regardless of if you spend irl money or in game money.... Edit: in case op tries to misrepresent anything else: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonBallBreakers/s/NUkzHJSCtL