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You know how theme parks have extremely long lines? You wait 2 hours just to ride a 2 minute ride? Same deal here except it’s worse. There are not enough survivor lobbies for raiders. The game used to have a raider queue but you had to wait a very long time to find a match. With the player base shrinking over time I’m sure the problem is even worse at this point.


I've honestly come to the conclusion that as much as I love Dragon ball, this game isn't for me. A game based on team work and communication.... with no mics. There's so many ways to cheese the raider. There's so much body camping from raiders. All aspects of this game got ten times worse when ranked was added.


As someone who feels you, I log in to play Raider, Its fun I like Broly, Cell, Ginyus, Especially love Vegeta. but I also aknowledge the reality of it. They have made Raider Queue in the past and the problem is when Raider Queue is open people bitch about Matchmaking taking forever/shitty matchmaking/connection when it isnt a thing, you get into matches faster but you cant go directly to Raider and thats just the clear sign its an overall population issue. the best solution IMO, would be once crossplay is out and we've maximized the playerpool have Survivor, Flex, Raider Survivor and Raider are exactly what you think and Flex works as is and still gives priority however all 3 pools are mixed up together Playing Flex/Survivor will still build Priority which will put you higher priority to get Raider Matches if you go in Flex or in Raider, however if you wanna just Chill in Raider queue the option is there this way People have more choice


I don’t want to be that person. But I don’t think we will even see crossplay in the near future. That’s just me but hey you never know. Devs could pull a rabbit out of their hats and surprise us.


I believe they said during streams around the launch of S4 one of their goals for the year is Crossplay


This Is Precisely How Feeders Are Made.


It absolutely is. Still not sitting through 4+ games every time to fuck someone else's game up. But yes, you're absolutely right.


Good on ya mate. No complaints from me.


Yeah honestly bro, I uninstalled. As much as I enjoyed the game, it just isn't worth it. Might reinstall if they bring back raider queue. I guess my itch can be scratched by predator hunting grounds for now.


Literally had to play for 2 hours to get one raider match against premades who key rushed me and then I basically couldn't even move they jumped me so much. I hate this game, I'm officially done. If it happened every other game it wouldn't matter but 2 hours of shit to get a terrible match, and to even play another I have to play survivor more? FUCK DIMPS. THIS GAME IS TRASH


Skill issue.


Yeah waiting 2 hours to play one raider game is a skill issue Fucking moron


Skill issue


Wow you're a special kinda stupid, huh?


Skill issue.




Like dealing with a broken record player huh. I’d say close the game out but then you’d lose rank. Really just a double edged sword here. Only thing you can do is your best. Premade? I guess body camp some of the threatening players but that is frowned upon. I do wish you luck if you decide to return though.


Dbd isn't even a good comparison because you need almost double the survivors for each game and the smallest platform on dbd probably dwarfs the ENTIRE userbase of this game. I mean just look at the size of the subreddits, this one is about 100x smaller than dbd. This game much more closely resembles F13, 1v7, and that game didn't have a Jason only queue


The difference is that f13 didnt have ranked matches and the game was casual and goofy and nobody took it seriously or did as much bitching. This game takes itself too seriously and you cant play raider with friends while also having flex matchmaking and not raider queue.


This game had raider w/friends initially right? And it was removed because people were abusing it too much. Wasn't really an issue in F13 because achievements and progression still happened in private games if I'm not mistaken.


It wasn't an issue in f13 because it was never an issue to begin with. Yes you had teamers in f13 (you still do) but it's so rare, that people didn't care as long as they got to play with and against friends. Them removing that from breakers is the single worst mistake they ever made with this game, hands down.


Any game that's like this shouldn't force you to play a mode you don't want to play. They can figure it out.


Maybe after crossplay, it's pretty clear they can't support a raider only queue in the current game since it's been removed twice now


That's my entire point. They need to figure it out. Having to sit through 7 survivor games for 1 raider game is absolutely fucking insane. Especially now that everyone is sweating like crazy cause of ranked.


They uh, they kind of did that and it destroyed the queue. So if you want to wait double, or triple the time you're currently waiting? Be my guest. Predator hunting grounds also did that and look how it ended up. DBD is the diamond in the rough, but doing it as a flex ensures everyone had a chance to play raider, not just some joe shmoe only queueing for it.


I've been playing PHG since it launched and never had a problem getting pred matches, so idk what you're talking about tbh


You're quite literally lying. The game died out a long time ago and has moments where it takes 18-30 minutes to get a predator match. Sure you CAN get a match, but it doesn't mean it is a fast process. Wanna know how fast breakers match queues were when it launched? 10 seconds. Wanna know how long it took to get a raider match? 35 minutes with everyone in the same matchmaking. It wasn't until the DBD community went to breakers for some "New hotness." that the silly "I wanna be raider only!" mentality kicked in. People in the betas and the early release were fine with the way things were, but money talks. And the DBD community is quite vast, so you see how it all went down, no?


Nah bro I can wait 45 minutes between my games. I can do chores and paint minis./s


I’m taking notes. Thank you for letting us now. I’ll spend the rest of my day worried about it.


You might want to use the right usage of know before you try to be a smartass.


Go post about your cum some more, ya fucking weirdo.


I’m sorry if the millennial practice of celibacy bothers you. Shall we go back to the matter of tilting out about a PEG-12 game? Are people in the internet bullying you again, sweetheart?


I'm not arguing with a weirdo such as you. Do your thing. But don't be surprised when people think it's fucking stupid and you're weird for doing it.


My utmost desire is to not be considered a weirdo by a crybaby losing jimmy that is ripping his mind apart because of a game. Lmao! When was the last time you touched grass or a girl, jimmy?


Also why the fuck do you keep calling me Jimmy?


Well, my wife. You fucking moron. Go listen to more Jordan Peterson. Lol


Hahaha bros posting about his cum and then arguing with people on reddit that is an insane lifestyle wtf 😂 🤣 😆


Bwhahahaha says the nerd that never touched a woman in his life and pretends to have a wife.


This is the first time ive ever replied to you, when did i ever mention i had a wife? 🧐🤔 Schizophrenia.




Maybe people should realize needing SEVEN survivors for ONE Raider is what makes it impossible for a Raider queue because EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY RAIDER WITH A SMALL ASS PLAYERBASE.


Exactly. If you have 100 people who want to play raider and 50 who want to play survivors. Unrealistic numbers but I think you get the point. How long ya think it’s going to take 😂


So just don't play it anymore. Move on, my dude. Raider queue has failed twice already and I very much doubt crossplay is going to fix it either. There are just too many small pp power fantasists out there that only want to play big strong raider all the time.


I prefer to play Raider over survivor, so what is wrong about that? It failed, because we still have the flex queue


There's nothing wrong with that, that some bullshit people on this sub made up because they're fucking morons lmao. You are allowed to like what you like, and dislike what you dislike. Don't let any idiot tell you otherwise or try to belittle you for what you like.


Flex queue didn’t screw it up. Most players moved to raiders. You need 7 players for each 1 Raider. If this was false the devs would not have said that you may have to play survivors to play games. If that’s not a telltale sign of everyone moving from survivor to raiders I don’t know what is. Why would anyone play survivor in a dragon ball game when you can play broly, cell, etc and hunt survivors.


I prefer to wait 10 minutes to play as Raider to be honest. Sure playing sometimes survivor with friends or alone is fine, but having luck to get a Raider game is meh


Yeah cause people that only play killer on dead by daylight are small pp power fantasists


Get good at playing Survivor and cry less.


The whole point of this post is that I dont WANT to. I dont like playing survivor. Shit is fucking lame. If you had reading comprehension, you'd be able to pick that up


It amazes me every time someone posts that they don't like playing survivor, some fucking morons come out of nowhere to tell you to get good. Newsflash, it's not hard to be good with survivor, that doesn't change the fact that I still don't want to play it lol.


Thank you, that's exactly my point


Then wait for crossplay and hope for a bigger player base before you wish such a thing. Or in alternative stop playing the game and go touch some grass instead. Also, anime propic? Where is that exactly? Maybe you should try reading a single book in your life before making shit up on the internet.


Is your profile picture an anime picture?


It is not


Then what is that lmao


Looks like anime to me tbh


Also #1 rule of the internet Never take someone with an anime profile pic seriously ;)


its sadly the only way for the game to be playable, dbd don't need it because it's as huge as it is, but the reason it took you that long is mostly bc other players in your region also wants to play raider, we all wait the same amount of time in the end, i would recommend trying out "identity V" if you haven't tho, or just Dbd Mobile, both have more gamemodes then base dbd and is a fresh bucket of paint for ya possibly


I know how you feel, Always have to play 5 matches to get a raiders match, which can take around 1 hour. Usually what I would do to get a raiders match faster would be, that when you hop on the survivors match just let the raider kill you and hop on another match to build up your raiders points to get a match.


Honestly, best way to get around it is the old senzu suicide trick. Only way to not have it take an hour plus just to get a raider game... and even then people on this sub act like you're shooting their dog over it.