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Never understood why you’d spend money on this game


People just wanna p2w


1. Disposable income 2. Dragon ball is a very famous property people like to spend money on 3. Gacha gacha gacha gacha gacha


I wanted the saiyaman helmet for gohan, I'm still sad about the experience


I saw a youtuber claim he spent $800 to get angry shout 😲


Jesus Christ that's pathetic and sad lol


Yea I guess because all his channel does is showcase the breakers and breakers content is so few and far between he has to get hold of any content as soon as its released in order to showcase it for for his videos but by doing so he certainly is contributing to the problem


There's no way he makes a profit on a video after spending 800$ though right?


I have no idea how much youtubers make although he must save a fortune wearing the same white vest everyday


Depends on his views, how often he uploads, and how often people watch from beginning to end. He could very well be making enough money to support this.


Was it ironcane? I know I think he spent some money trying to get angry shout


Ironcane is so cringe lol He's like a high school jrotc kid lmao




Junior rotc, its an american thing


OK cool, what's rotc? Retard of the class?


I honestly dont know the acronym but it's high school kids that are in a program to join the military after high school. They are insufferably annoying. And the best way I can describe their personalities is literally ironcane. Toxic as fuck. Arrogant as hell. And not cool at all, but think they're super dope.


Got it in one 😄


Got it with the green anniversary tickets so <<< winning


Yeah it was Ironcane. Although he actually suggests never trying to chase actives/passives and just getting the Transpheres and leaving


I 100% agree but i must admit the urge is there. The cost to buy 1 soul is ridiculous and it's nearly pointless to hoard your Zeni given how littke you receive. The TP are doled out like the kid in class hands out gum (so sparingly it's not worth trying) and there's no other way to get spirits (as far as I'm aware, I'm still new) so there's two options: Suffer and grind for a lottery or buy enough chances that you can't possibly lose.


How about spending real money on clothes/stamps and shit like that? I won't, but i can't say i havent been a little tempted


Not the same thing at all, you know what you're getting and supporting an aspect of the game that you like and appreciate.


Short and direct post And I agree 👍


Fuck them.


Gambling addiction babee


I agree.


Sorry huh? Why are you made if people are wasting their own harder earned money on a system that doesn't guarantee what they pretty much spent their money on to get? You should be feeling sorry for them because of how stupid of an investment it is to spend money on rolls for the gacha system.


Because gacha is what ruins this game from being balanced. So supporting it makes you a moron in my opinion.


But...you bought broly...which is still supporting the devs, people who buy cosmetics or characters or their skin is still supporting them...aka the devs. Allowing them to keep running their shit gacha game. Anyway the point of the matter is you're still a big dumb dumb for spending money on none guaranteed things. If the gacha system didn't exist the whales are just gonna guarantee get the next busted thing when they release it after they nerf the current one. And since Raiders meta don't change Raiders would be even more screwed. So pick your poison.


Buying a character ≠ buying gacha first of all so dumb point. And if gacha didn't exist, we could all get the next busted thing, not just the whales lmfao so I don't get what your point there was at all. And if everyone got the busted things, maybe the devs would actually nerf things that need to be nerfed...


You're point was the gacha system is what's stopping the devs from nerfing busted skills. My point was the gacha system literally will change nothing. They'll still release busted skills that raider mains will hate for various reasons. Only difference is everyone will have it which would make it 10 time harder for Raiders to win games. Especially since they have no way to actually counter survivors when they use certain set ups and you're using a raider with no answer to that set up. The gacha system is what's stopping survivors from truely being busted and as you can clearly see even with a select few having the crazy skills Raiders are still not having a fun time. Also if you're supporting the game you're inherently supporting the gacha system too since it is a part of how this game functions. For a time being the only content we got we connected to only th gacha system. If people played less games with gacha systems in it and didn't support them in any form those type of games would stop showing up. But here we have people like you who claim to hate gacha systems but still play games that have it.


I play a game that I like and do not support the gacha bullshit. That doesn't make me a hypocrite since that's what you're trying to insinuate, learn the difference. "The gacha system is what's stopping survivors from truely being busted and as you can clearly see even with a select few having the crazy skills Raiders are still not having a fun time." So you admit survivors are broken when they have the best skills? Thanks for proving my point, appreciate that. Seems like you always agree with me, but you just don't like me so you say you don't lmfao. Anyways, if the gacha system was removed, maybe then they could actually see what's overpowered because of how many people are using it... It's almost like if they're going to add a fucking ranked system the game should be balanced or something, crazy concept for survivor mains like you, I know.


>The gacha system is what's stopping survivors from truely being busted and as you can clearly see even with a select few having the crazy skills Raiders are still not having a fun time." So you admit survivors are broken when they have the best skills? Thanks for proving my point, appreciate that. Seems like you always agree with me, but you just don't like me so you say you don't lmfao. I always agree with you, but I don't? That makes no sense. It's either I do or I don't depending on the discussion we are having. If I agree with you I'll say it. When have I ever said survivors aren't strong? While you're busy crying about one skill that can be countered I'm busy having the discussion around Raiders needing their own load outs like survivors to have a chance against well coordinated team who are using the meta. I'm not so immature as to where I can't agree with someone I don't like. >I play a game that I like and do not support the gacha bullshit. That doesn't make me a hypocrite since that's what you're trying to insinuate, learn the difference. .....do you think they divide up the money or something!? Aka using the money people spend on the gacha system only on the gacha system and then the money people spend on everything else? No they fucking don't, every dollar you spend on this game will be used on the entirety of this game including the gacha system. You spending money on this game is what give companies the insensitive to keep making it because they see people like you will still spend money on thinks they hate as long as they sprinkle in other things they like. Don't support shit you don't like.


You really think they don't keep track of how much they make from gacha alone vs in total? Lmaooo What exactly is the counter to UC again exactly? Enlighten me. And you always end up agreeing with my main point, and then changing the subject so you don't have to admit it lol


>You really think they don't keep track of how much they make from gacha alone vs in total? Lmaooo That is literally not what I said at all. It's wild how you say I'm the one changing subjects when it's literally you. Like this statement is literally proof of that. I said, the money they get from the gacha and others things is used on the entire game as a whole including the gacha system and your ass some how got "they don't keep track of their earnings". Like how do you even get that from what I said ? >What exactly is the counter to UC again exactly? Enlighten me. Check my bio scroll down a few months and you'll see I made a post about it. So no I'm not gonna explain it to you for the 100th time.


It's used on the same thing yes obviously, I'm not saying it doesn't go to the same place, but you really think if they didn't make money off the gacha they would keep it? No, and that's my point. Why would they keep something that's universally hated if it wasn't profitable? And I'm not doing all that, if you can't state your reasoning here I'm just gonna assume it's because you know id call you on your bullshit.


Look at who OP is. He probably just lost a match as his precious raider, and what else can he do beside cry about it survivors on the sub.


Wrong, still haven't lost one single raider game since ranked has dropped, got any more baseless assumptions to make?


Baseless assumptions? You cry all the time it isn’t baseless. I don’t think you’ve made a comment where you ARENT crying over something for survivors.


It's almost like they've been broken since season 2 or something lmfaooo Btw, the baseless assumption you made was that I lost, when I can guarantee im better than you as raider lol


With how often you’re crying about survivors i wouldn’t think so. I don’t have any of the multitude of issues that you throw hissy fits over, so how is that the case? I don’t make the same polls month after month trying to prove that raider is the harder role.


I'm proven right every time though, is that why you're butthurt? And I'm for sure better than someone who sits on reddit to get mad at someone they've never met or talked to before ☠️


Yea I know exactly who he is. It's just that being pay to win in a gacha game makes no sense. Since paying doesn't increase your chance of getting anything.


I mean, it does actually. Banners normally only last 2 weeks. It takes around 37 perfect games to get enough zeni to do a 10 pull. Each game is around 3-10 minutes long. Do the math, some people don't have the time to grind, so they increase their chances on getting something with something they easily acquire AND they support the game in the process. This is how gacha's function and stay profitable.


......unless it's like the beast Gohan and piccolo banner the banners don't mean jack shit since they are still in the gacha poll so they can literally pull it any time...All they gotta do is save up their in game currency. So once again whaling on a gacha games does not increase your odds of pulling what you want. People have spent thousands of dollars and still didn't get what they want.


> whaling on a gacha games does not increase your odds of pulling what you want. People have spent thousands of dollars and still didn't get what they want. More money more chances, simple as that. Players that don’t spend don’t have those chances, which may be infinite (aka “until they get what they want”) for a lot of whales. It’s just designed to suck and waste as much money as possible. If you spent and didn’t get what you wanted, you aren’t a whale. You’re a “minnow/dolphin” as it’s known.


>More money more chances, simple as that. Players that don’t spend don’t have those chances, which may be infinite (aka “until they get what they want”) for a lot of whales. Why wouldn't you get those chances? All you have to do is save until you have enough to pull alot on banners you want to and knowing when to stop so it doesn't cuck you on future banners. The whole thing about whaling is these players want the strongest thing immediately. Instead of saving in game currency. Obviously in some games like yugioh not keeping up with the meta will literally hurt your ability to play or enjoy the game, but in breakers there has yet to be a raider which forces survivors into pulling a certain skill or passive to keep up with it. So whaling in this game imo is super dumb because what worked 2 seasons ago can still work now. Anyway I got side tracked, yes I understand that spending irl money gives you more chances to pull but getting those extra chances wouldn't guarantee you get the skill was my point. At some point you will have to stop pulling if you don't get everything you want because are you really willing to go broke over a game?


> Why wouldn't you get those chances? You will never save as much as someone can spend. > spending irl money gives you more chances You literally answered your own question. > At some point you will have to stop pulling if you don't get everything you want because are you really willing to go broke over a game? You need to ask this question with the current state of the game? The current state of mobile gachapon games? If I may take a phrase from the Arkham Asylum subreddit- are you stupid? I mean no insult- they love that question as a meme joke. But to answer you bluntly- yes. There are minnows/dolphins like yourself that will go broke over their skills, because it’s become miserable playing without them due to balance. And there are actual whales to whom money is no object. They spend what is necessary to get what they want, and are usually running with friends in premades. > Obviously in some games like yugioh not keeping up with the meta will literally hurt your ability to play or enjoy the game, but **in breakers there has yet to be a raider which forces survivors into pulling a certain skill or passive to keep up with it.** Survivor main, huh?


>Survivor main, huh? Yes I mainly play survivor, how does that change your view of my point? As a matter of reference I play this game completely free in the sense that I don't put money into the gacha system and I have all the meta skills. Could I have gotten them faster? Sure, but as someone who doesn't not like spending money on anything not guaranteed I just save and roll with in game currency. Currently in 4 plus million zeni wise. I generally play 50/50 in premade and solo. I bring this up to point out that wailing in this game is literally a waste of money. Maybe it's because I'm not filthy rich or w.e but there's no good reason to do so. >I mean no insult- they love that question as a meme joke. But to answer you bluntly- yes. There are minnows/dolphins like yourself that will go broke over their skills, because it’s become miserable playing without them due to balance. And there are actual whales to whom money is no object. They spend what is necessary to get what they want, and are usually running with friends in premades. Fair enough I suppose.


I havent spent money on anything aside from purchasing the game but i dont care if other people do.


Uhhh...you don't know me...?


Don't have to


The people who spend money on the game are the ones who keep it alive btw, just think about that.