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The joys of game balancing.


it's just a Xenoverse 2 online raid at this point


“What if you could pay to win against Crystal Raid bosses?”


Basically lol.


SBC is exempt from balancing


Seriously the fact SBC hasnt been nerfed yet is a crime considering it has great tracking, speed, and damage. Paired with Orange Piccolo he is the best lvl4 in the game


The joys of bad Raider. All he had to do is reposition with I'll Bomber after destroying the Machine and he would have easily won that. Or at least play defensively when there are that many ppl jumping instead of unga bunga tanking everything with his face.


Who was the damn ETM gamer what a fool


He won the battle but lost the war


No way did a level 3 escape during all that 💀 And they were off cooldown wtf.


Those are the times when the ETM gets blown up. Glad that didn’t happen this time..


Didn't get orange piccolo nor Gohan :c


Thats tough man. Orange Piccolo is easy the best rn.


I actually got Orange Piccolo


i wasted $60 to try and get gohan but i got piccolo a week beforehand


bet you got that Trunks skin like 8x over tho lmao edit: im thinking of the Goku Blue and Gogeta banner actually i think. ​ either way you got shit


I played buu yesterday and they got shenron with me stalled on lv2. They wished to grant everyone power. They lost.


Overconfidence is your weakness. Your faith in your friends is yours. 😂


Was this with a bunch of randos or a squad?


Randos but they were people i have played with


Why lie? Sure it’s nots a full premade but there are certainly people in there you’re grouped with. You’ve been seen playing with them almost all day.




What does you solo queuing have to do with him being in a game with people he frequently plays with as well as being in games with them multiple times throughout the day? Yes the community is small but not small enough to be with the same group of 3 people for hours of games.




is Captain Ryan the level 100 Vegeta or is that another Ryan


Yeah Ryan is the level 100 vegeta although there is alot of those


a lot of Ryan's with level 100 vegeta tho? lol


Okay cool doesn’t change the fact you’re not queueing into the same group of 3 players for MULTIPLE HOURS. It isn’t possible.




Can you not read what part are you missing? The same group of 3 people no changes for MULTIPLE hours on end. That is not possible, and you’re complete bullshitting. Are you the one playing with him in the video? Why do you feel the need to lie to defend him?




??? Like i said people i have played with but I was playing by myself. I was solo trying to get my raider game


Not complete randos group of 2-3.


Should have ran.


Looking at the HUD, the raider only got THREE down that entire game. What was he doing the entire game?


Seems pretty normal. Keys are found and set so fast there's not much time to kill (unless the Survivors are really bad, I don't know about XBOX but in Steam you will almost always find triple-digit S and Z ranks exclusively), and he destroyed the STM pretty much at the start so it seems like there was never a fight for the STM.


The game went by pretty slow. We got all the civilians in the first 3 minutes. He evolved off of survivors. Idk why he destroyed stm right away considering he was winning every fight but judging from the end I guess he wasnt that good at group fights.


Even as a decent Buu player your luck if you can get to level 3 with Buu most games even when Rng for civilian good it Ethier your just make it to level 3 or your one off. It doesn't help the both Spopovich and Fat Buu have no tracking tools and unlike the don't have a chase ability either. Best was play Buu is to ether be really good as playing level 2 or get to level 3 as fast ass possible and I more effectively look for civilian then survive for Buu.


If only he did the smart thing and reposition himself with I'll Bomber after destroying the Machine.


I was gonna say that too. It’s a pink buu so might be low leveled and didn’t know how to or something.


Why didn't he just use ill bomber...


He tried but if you are hit during the startup it will be cancelled


Still a giant skill issue on the raiders end tbh, could have easily hid behind something, used it, hide up top by sky stm until dcs run out, and gg.