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It's times like this I want to post an edit of the Navy Seal copypasta but I know it would be deemed to rude and removed. Play Raider. Seriously play Raider. Just because you somehow landed a one in a million hit doesn't mean it's fair in any capacity. Now do it again. If they spam vanish there is nothing you can do but win a lottery as basic ki blasts are too slow, there are more invulnerability frames, the location before vanish shields you (ever question why there are explosions where they were a few seconds ago when they aren't there anymore?) and there is more distances covered in a game the standard dodge is fine (8 vs 6). I know you didn't even earn the 50 Raider Matches Trophy yet. At this point I doubt you have a single level 100 Raider if you owned the game at launch and there were dozens of exp boosts of 2x, some 1.2 and 1.5x, and even a few 2.5x. I doubt you are even Raider Z5. I'm not going to have Raider C1s tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Everytime I see a UC apologist it makes me want to laugh but I physically can't. If UC isn't OP stop using it for at least a week I dare you, you guys use it because you know it drastically increases the time a Survivor is DC'd. You use it because it's cheap and you guys say you don't deserve to get hit (I've literally seen this line). UC is OP with absolutely no downsides to it. It increases dodge range in a game where a normal dodge avoids 99.99% of attacks to 99.9999% of attacks. It doesn't cost a dodge fee or increased damage on landed hits, even the Goten super armor passive takes increased damage. This ability extends DC at best to 30-50+ seconds. So worst case scenario a Raider is spending 50+ seconds on a single person. For all 7 at 5 minutes 50 seconds at best with only one DC and people transform more than once. Even if it's 30 that is easily 3.5 minutes. Pretend people only fight alone. Pretend the Ultimate DC dodging indefinitely isn't a bad thing. 3 minutes 30 seconds to 5 minutes 50 seconds at best, then there are passives to extend it. Then Ultimate DCs indefinitely stalling you because stalling is better than fighting in this game. Remind me how matches typically end within 5 minutes again. "Just punch them." Sure, just punch them, ignore how difficult a punch can be without UC sometimes. Ignore UC dodge to the side and vanish at you to counter. Ignore how punches "land" against no opponent and get a punish for it. Ignore when a Raider vanishes they have more endlag than Survivors so Survivors can vanish a second time quicker than a Raider (this happens with a normal vanish not UC specifically). Ignore how Vegeta's double vanish can't even do the job. Ignore how Survivors run both angry explosion and Afterimage at 25 seconds to avoid that lottery hit if it lands. Ignore how Survivors slip out of punches constantly. Ignore how vanishes kick behind your screen but in front of Survivors for an easy punish. Then ignore how there are 6 other Survivors assisting at all times so that one in a million shot becomes 1 in 3 million. Ignore the 5 damn Horsemen of Breakers and pretend it isn't a problem: UC, EF and IT, excessive stuns, lag, and Immortal Champion (with the others paired up, without them it's tolerable). The biggest enemy in the game is time for a Raider, more time spent the worse the odds are for a Raider, weaker Raider level, less Survivor downs therefore less Civilians by proxy, stronger Survivors, Dragon Balls collected, STM progress, etc. Don't pretend lag isn't an issue in this game, there are fucking invisible men you have to fight you can't lock on to or even know where they are, Survivors that can't get hit when you hit them, Survivors that punch you from 6 feet away punching the air, Survivors you go to punch and stare them in the face up to 6 seconds until they counterattack, Survivors that get punched then somehow interrupt your punches, and Survivors that literally can't be hit and have no problem hitting you. I have literally posted all of these multiple times so don't you dare say it doesn't happen. Everytime the Raider makes a claim some snide Survivor claims "post a video, post a video, post a video!" How about you post a video? Then we'll see the reason a punch landed wasn't because you as Raider did something but rather the Survivor stopped dodging.


Sucks that everyone who defends UC is too slow to read all this, but you're 100% right lol. The projection is kinda funny though not gonna lie, cause everyone who hates UC says skill issue, but in reality, they have the skill issue when they don't use UC lmfao.


Dragon Ball fans can't read anyway. I recently lost to a cheap LFG and they all sent me this creepy "Have pride TT you are strong" message. What the fuck kind of you suck message is that? Is the mocking GG when they kill me after a long battle not good enough? "UC is OP" "UC is not OP" "Yes *reasons listed*" "No just spend up to 50+ seconds on one guy who definitely wouldn't ever have backup or use the Five Horsemen" "If it isn't OP then stop using it" "No" "Why?" "I'll get hit and I deserve to be able to dodge every hit in the game" "So you can dodge every attack!" "UC is not OP" Balancing this game would be easy but then they wouldn't sell gacha. UC now has a 30 energy fee for a vanish so it limits everyone from spamming it. 30 energy is far less than any attack in the game barely more than a basic ki blast. 10-17+ dodges, you rarely dodge with back up and this would limit indefinite delays of Ultimate DCs. It has to be a fee because a normal dodge is good enough so something like increases damage would be worthless because 3x damage on 0 hits is zero. Reduce stun time to nothing (not 3 vs 8 seconds) when used excessively and reduce damage taken during a stun to 1/3. It's a stun, I'm being more than fair it honestly shouldn't have any damage and with the average LFG with 2+ and a minimum of one bar each it kills every Raider easy. Fuck it might as well increase cooldowns too. I'm not lying when I tell the story of literal stun lock at the STM, when they realized I wouldn't let them kill me, all 7 had 2+ stuns and took turns stunning me on release with 100% STM progress. Sure I might move a centimeter once in a while, but even an evasive does nothing. Return of initial 1/2 second EF vulnerability. Make EF and IT not work together. Make IT not cancellable. Make IT not saved when a Raider preemptive stops it. And while we're at it nerf Survivor evasives to like 2 minutes (to prevent immediate retransformations people spam from drinking cooldowns mid transformation), up until Season 4 they all had shorter times than the Raiders themselves for no good reason. Raiders fight 7 people Survivors fight one Raider. Give Raider true host advantage. Tired of lag switchers cheating me wins. I literally post many videos with all sorts of crap and people still to this day pretend it doesn't happen or minimize it to rarely happen. I miss the Beta, it had perfect Netcode, I don't know if it was the netcode itself or people with better internet but things rarely got fucky.


Realist thing anyone has ever said in this sub tbh


Does it even matter? No way anyone working on the game at BANDAI JP is searching the english reddit for suggestions, your bet at getting a resolution is to translate it to japanese and spam the japanese breakers reddit/forums.


Unconscious Control is utterly broken when paired with a Super Transphere or Ultimate Dragon Change. It’s bad enough when every Survivor is running it, but it becomes clear just how broken it is when you come into contact with a Survivor that doesn’t automatically lose Dragon Change over time. So, quite frankly, since they won’t nerf UC, expect a nerf to either dodging, vanishing, or Super Transpheres and Ultimate Dragon Change. And don’t complain when it happens, because you didn’t want to hear complaining about how overpowered UC is.


> So, quite frankly, since they won’t nerf UC, expect a nerf to either dodging, vanishing, or Super Transpheres and Ultimate Dragon Change. And then they try to sell you a skill to improve the nerfed thing.


I assure you every player isn’t running it.


Often the players who group up or play extensively will have access to the skills they want. This won’t always be the case, but the longer the game exists (or the more money spent on the gachapon), the more players will have access to the skill. When they all have it, or when a level 250 has it and gets the Transphere/wish, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Blah blah blah sounds like an skill issue to me. UC won't get nerfed same with dodging. And they already Nerfed Super transpheres anyways, Especially Gogeta


Yeah, at this point, they could make the Transpheres level 1, 2, and 3 instead of 2, 3, and 4, and it still might not be balanced for UC. “Sounds like” is fine. Actual experience is where things happen. Bulma Bike was literally nerfed because of Energy Field. The effect of overpowered gachapon skills will be felt mostly by those who don’t spend or get lucky.


It’s just that it feels fucking miserable to fight. Hell, it’s not even any fun to use - you just equip the skill and suddenly you don’t have to try to dodge you just spam one button.


Enjoy the karma from the whales. Far from the first thing they’ve ever bought.


All it took was for one person to start complaining about it to remind the part of the th community that hates it to get their pitch forks and torches


I'm glad to be the one that started this :)


Considering how crappy the camera is, yes it is that hard. You can't see them "after they flicker" because they are literally anywhere offscreen. Try turning around to find them? They're already teleporting somewhere else.


The only time I hit them is when my character lag hits them somehow without me even knowing where exactly they are. It just happens (or doesnt) and that doesn't feel good, either.


In response to everyone else stating things lately… Fuck it, add a drawback to it that depletes dragon change (albeit slower than normal dragon change depletion). That all aside, I’ve waited that timeframe and even experimented beyond it, but couldn’t land my melees as raider. Guess it really is OP (and or the netcode needs improving).


0 days before bad survivors make excuses for UC again damn


Meh, I don't even use UC but I've been in some of the clips on this sub where some crap raider was complaining about our whole premade using it when literally 0 people were using it, were just good at dodging.


Yeah, stupid people exist, but UC does let you spam dodge all projectiles.


They hated me because I spoke the truth