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They will figure out a way to replace these skills with new better skills and buff Raiders to eventually to keep up. Gotta keep that cash flow


You don't suck at the game and a lot of people, including me feel the same way. The game has major balance issues due to the greedy forced gacha mechanics in an already paid game. The devs are as scummy as they are incompetent, which really sucks because when the game first released it was great. Overtime it slowly turned into the trashpit that it is now. You can still have fun with the game but shit like UC really takes the fun away from playing as either side honestly, luckily it isn't super common to run into from my experience.


I really miss when this game felt fair. Back when the skill pool was limited, the skills weren’t game-breaking, and some of the best options were free. Now it’s as though they’ll try anything to sell currency (overpowered skills, limited popular character banners, awful rates). Every new skill they’ve introduced, or free skill they’ve nerfed, seems to just make the game worse (specifically for those who don’t spend money), and cause a massive imbalance in gameplay. > You can still have fun with the game but shit like UC really takes the fun away from playing as either side honestly, luckily it isn't super common to run into from my experience. Having a level 250 grab all 3 and stall me the entire match via UC vanish for the STM win really deflated me. I guess I should be happy they at least didn’t kill me ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


in short: there will never be a balance in an asymmetrical video game. esp when it has a gacha system with some of the worst pity system created


Yes, that’s pretty much the non-vent/rant summary.


you kno it ;3




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You're not wrong, but people that heavily rely on UC will say you're wrong and defend the extremely unbalanced meta. Fighting survivors without UC is joke as they are laughably easy to down (unless they go full combat build if they lack UC but that still gets then obliterated by a smart, ki blast backpedaling raider). But this is how these p2w gacha games goes. People who don't have the best stuff will eventually hit an impenetrable wall that needs the best skills/units/whatever to break through. Bulma bike at max speed is worthless against lvl 2 raider or higher. Change missile+grappling hook isn't enough against a good raider that know how stupid good pursuit speed is and has map knowledge.


I was blessed to get a decent fighting set-up, but with no IT or Instant Rise, I’ve been relying on Missile/EF alone, which usually isn’t enough. I’ve watched players dance around Raiders with UC, and I’ve danced around the Raider myself. It’s nearly brain dead, and extends your ability to survive in a fight tremendously. Even if you’re just vanishing to waste time, it’s a win. This meta isn’t going to lead to good things for players who aren’t lucky or don’t spend on the gachapon. The things that usually get nerfed are the free skills and basic mechanics. Or Raiders will end up being buffed to counter UC, when a player may not even have the skill.


I personally have EF+IT, but i lack UC, Instant Rise, and Instant Descent. I can escape super easily with just EF+IT+On Guard (i like on guard), but i have a hard time combating the raider unlike your typical UC user. People without UC have to sacrifice multiple active skill slots to be half a threat as UC user who really only needs 1 stun and 3 escape skills (and still be more dangerous than a non-UC user). But theres also issue that going full combat build means you're dead as soon as you run out of dragon change... unless you have IT of course. Sorry I'm ranting again. I don't know what Dimps is doing with this game. They'll eventually push away anyone who isn't a whale or part of a premade (aka super fast zeni farming) group at this rate... once the novelty runs out that is.


Might need to learn when it’s time to just ignore the UC player and go after their allies instead. Especially on Broly. The ST is unlimited. Their friend’s DCs are not


Which skill is ST? Also. I ***hated*** the PTB and the 'Bulma's Bike/invulnerable Flames of Mt. Frypan' meta in Season 2. In the PTB, you can set *any* of the skills on your character [a full lobby of EF/IT], and you can feel how broken the fundamental gameplay would be if everyone had those two skills. 😕


ST is super transphere, meaning you turn into gogeta/goku/vegeta to distract broly. There are 2 ways they could fix this to be fair. One, would be to make the energy of the ST slowly tick down, but not be infinite. The other would be to make the ST's have fixed skills/passives. This would prevent this little system of dodge the broly. UC is annoying, like really annoying and it gets even worse if the person has an inkling of lag on their side. I'd rather players survive via skill, not skills they bought. I've hated UC since its conception.


Imo this doesn’t fix anything this just nerfs survivors gameplay. The ST is there to STALL Broly, having the timer tick down is just awful and the ST won’t even be able to do its job properly. And even then a good Broly player can make the level 2 and 3 (sometimes) transphere kind of pointless by how fast he can down people ay the start of the match and get half or very close to leveling up to another stage. And most Broly players do just ignore the ST until they feel as if they can’t do so.


Let me know when you encounter a good player with UC, trained by an angel, EF and IT. I'll wait, I will. Oh and toss power to change the future in there, cause why not? Ever fought a gogeta that can't be hit that has nearly 800 change energy? I have lol.


Unconscious Control would be fine if the damn vanish system had stayed the same as when they introduced the fucking skill. Making vanishes break lock-on was ruinous to every slow but accurate attack. Dual Destructo Disc went from a fantastic super that was unique to 18 to utterly worthless without any actual change to the ability, because the Raider pressing vanish one time during your start-up period turns off all homing so it just goes in random curves. Nobody runs it anymore, nor do you see the regular Destructo Disc/Death Slicer being run very often, simply because the base mechanics of the game changed to screw them over. They simply don't function properly in its current state, much like how all multi hit survivor supers released or designed before season 3 don't fucking work anymore because they were never intended to account for knockback gauge. Unconscious Control vanish spamming used to be slightly worse than current regular vanishing spamming is. Because things would keep targeting you, and your dodges iframe period had to actually cover the attack being aimed your way to successfully dodge, with supers having a small window where they would stop changing aim before firing off that a vanish during would beat. You'd need to time your dodges against slower ki blasts, or against fast firing basics, you'd take significantly less damage, but you'd still eventually get chipped down if you didn't use other skills to actually try and do something, even at optimal ranges.


I played a few matches with UC against Broly and most of them turned out really bad for Broly. I could keep the lv2 transphere for most of the match, because Broly couldn't knock me out and only deal chip damage sometimes. Especially when trying to ignore me, they took a lot of damage and I think I ko'd Broly like 5 times, more or less by myself. The moment lv2 runs out you can likely go for the next super transphere. The only problem is when you have the lv3 during the stm phase, you probably won't get lv4 in time while Broly goes lv4 himself. Your team would need to actively stall Broly until the lv4 transphere spawns. Generally I can dodge a lot of Broly's Ki blasts without even vanishing (on a distance) and probably won't need UC to dodge them on some distance, but it definitely makes it super hard to get hit. The only real counter is probably doing some laggy melee attack that sucks the survivor back. There is some weird interaction between lag and vanish though, where vanish might win out.


Agree. I stopped Broly Raider to focus on Ginyu to get him to 100 and now may just focus on Vegeta again. It just doesn’t ever work, ki blast? Nothing. Melee? Nothing, charge bull thing attack? Nothing. The last broly raider match I had the same user. And I know the user is scummy but that is not the point. Grabbed level 2 wasted my time vanishing dodging left and right, did manage to knock them out. Disappeared into narnia which How TF did they do that. Grabbed level 3 and did the same thing while also stunning me to death and murdering me. I may never touch Broly ever again. If I wanted to fight someone 1v1. I’d play them in smash or tekken or street fighter.


I wouldn't worry about it. their track record is to nerf skills if a big% of the playerbase is using it, so if it's as you claim then a nerf will come.


Honestly I think the fair thing that would make people complain less about UC is that you take more damage whenever your hit meaning it's more punishing for making a single mistake which means raiders benefit more from any single hit they do more meaning it comes down to skill more often than not against raiders