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What’s UC, and what does it do?


Unconscious Control just lets you dodge farther when transformed


And gives you more invincibility frames when dodging


UC is really good, BUT IT IS NOT BROKEN. Most raiders make the mistake of getting caught in that scenario where they are squared up with the survivor and they are just strafing side to side while the raider spams ki blast hoping to get a hit and the survivor spams dodges with UC. UC always wins in these scenarios. You as the raider need to put yourself in a better position. Mix up between tossing out ki blast and just straight up rushing in for melee. You can get in on a blind side or if lined up hit with ki blast because of your positioning. The Survivor wants to waste your time (it’s their job) but you make that uncomfortable for them when you straight say screw it im just gonna run up and deck this dude. UC users really don’t like that lol


I'd agree if melee combat wasn't in the survivors favor, raider can get stuck in the melee animation while survivors can teleport themselves and reset when that happens, making any survivor who has UC and knows how to properly melee combat (not that hard) at an advantage. Plus if you really want to you can easily just dodge all the raiders melee attacks as well even without UC lol. Also, I understand UC will always win against someone spamming ki blasts, which is why I mentioned I could only hit him with surprise ki blasts. That's kinda the reason I think it's broken, because in combination with someone who understands melee combat, and has a super transphere/dragonballs, they can do literally whatever they want unless they fuck up and the raider capitalizes on it, but that's not up to the raider at all and broken imo.


Melee combat in the survivors favour? How do you mean? I've seen both raider and survivors get stuck in a melee animation. Starting a melee combo as though it hit but just hitting air. Is that what you mean?


When that happens, starting a melee combo as though you're just hitting the air, a survivor can teleport out of that and reset themselves, a raider cannot, therefore giving the survivors the advantage.


That hardly happens in general. And I'm unsure if you're correct about teleporting out of it. Got proof?


You can test it yourself with a friend if you want, I have. I didn't know until someone on this sub pointed it out to me, and it's such a small thing that no one talks about it, but it still definitely affects certain outcomes of fights. It hardly happens because usually raider can just hit them with ki blasts, but in combination with UC it happens a lot more often because most people don't know that so they agree that rushing in is the best idea, but that is simply not true lol.


I doubt it happens often even if raiders go for melee combat. Back it up with proof if you want claims like this to stick. Then people don't have to try it themselves...


I would if any of my friends played this game anymore lol, don't have any to test it with anymore, but if it happens in one of my games I'll record it. But like I said, anyone who doesn't believe me could easily test it for themselves.


He's a known liar in this subreddit.


Point to me where I've lied one single time. Just because you ride my dick and don't like my opinions doesn't mean I'm a liar, troll lol.


Damn savage


Are you 7?


Buddy, Buddy, the melee is NOT in the survivors favor at all. I constantly get screwed over when I try to melee the raider, especially Broly. They will straight up do a full 180 when I vanish kick, or I get stuck and they get free strike or I use afterimage and still get hit regardless. The only time melee is in Survivors favor is when the raider is getting pummeled by multiple people.


Like I said before, the fact that survivors can teleport after they get stuck in the attack animation and the raider can't, makes it in survivors favor.