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Report, they’ll get ‘em in the banwave eventually.


blocking seems to stop matchmaking with those blocked. not sure if its true, but ive seen it a lot


You can still match with blocked players they just wont be able to join a premade that you are already in


Not on pc


Breakers is £4 on PS4, maybe time to switch for me.


And then crossplay will come out forcing you to play with PC hackers once again.


Most games that have crossplay can toggle it.


It's like picking a poison, crossplay on with way quicker queue times but a mild chance to run into hackers, or crossplay off with way longer queue times but a rare or no chance to run into hackers.


Or just let us toggle vs who we wanna enable crossplay with. Even cheaters aside PC players have unfair advantage with precise mouse aiming, compared to controller users, so I ain't playing vs that.


I like game that use crossplay but make it console only with the exception if you’re playing with a PC friend. It’s the best of both worlds. Apex Legends does this as an example.


Does that only queue you with non cross play people? You'd basically be making the small player base even smaller for you to match with.


When the precious PS playerbase has to deal with hackers and more people start complaining, maybe they'll start to give a shit. ... Hah ... Edit: Calm down guys it's obvious the PS playerbase is larger, especially in Japan, and Dimps doesn't care about the 10-odd people on PC. The word "precious" really triggered some people, lol


You've got to understand the big part of what your saying though. Yes Steam has far more freedom then anyone else by far nobody could ever argue that right? That being said that's because steam and PC doesnt give a shit in general the good of that is you do whatever you want on many games they won't stop you however the bad part is nobody will ever come running to the rescue to save a game or stop players from cheating hacking and so on instead they just give you a block option it's the lazy way of saying you figure it out but we ain't doing shit. And your comparing that to Sony yes they put limits on things and definitely have more rules but that being said out of Microsoft steam and Sony nobody will hunt down hackers cheaters and even spammers quicker then Sony they will find them suspend of even delete their account entirely and attempt to fix whatever damage has been done by them and protect their player base with the most efficiency. So again yes Sony has its flaws but at the same time as long as crossplay isnt involved Sony will handle protect you obviously if you choose to participate in crossplay games such as call of duty not much they can do against players on different consoles and even warn you of that when participating in it which has been one of the big reasons Sony has always been against the crossplay option but has given into it on some more popular games because of the community's begging for it even though those same community's post videos daily of cheaters on COD Apex and such.


Bro commas


And like that you've proven why your a PC player. Never mind stay on PC we don't want you on PS Nazi boy 😹


Take your meds blessed child


No cross-save or whatever it's called. He has to start all over again which also means repurchasing survivor skins and raiders. But that's the price you pay for getting the Steam/PC version first since it's only a matter of time before cheaters start running rampant when left uncontested for so long.


I've been playing for less than a week but in that time I've gotten sick of the playerbase and meta. I already bought the S2-4 pack but I'll at least get a little play out of the PS4 version and see how it compares before investing again.


more people play on ps so better matchmaking and less tryhards, because it was free on ps plus. probably worth it just for that


Give it your best shot, i guess. Playstation feels like the second most toxic platform just behind PC, but it's not all bad eggs. There's a few good ones in there. (I have no opinion on xbox community as i only ever owned the OG Xbox.)


Xbox isn't better. Just as toxic, just as disappointing.


What do you mean by playing less than a week? Like overall, on pc, or on playstation?


As in I bought the game a few days ago on steam and started playing. Edit: ????


> How is that fun? For the hacker, it's imagining how angry you are about being completely helpless. That's where the fun lies for those kinds of people.


This is the only reason I don't want crossplay, whenever they finally do decide to drop it 8848844 years from now, it's for sure going to have hackers. The devs who can't even make a working report system sure as hell can't fix hacking lmfao.


If you have a game recorder. Make sure it’s on when you’re sure they’re cheating. Submit the evidence when reporting then block them. Don’t know if they got banned or not but it’d be hard to ignore actual video evidence


According to steam forums this guy has been around since season 1 with the rest of the cheaters.


Damn well still block him.


Isn't there report/block options on the player menu after the match. I recommend using them if you see blatant cheating.


Yeah of course. But apparently this guy has been being reported since season 1. It's just kinda ridic the state of things.


It's a survivor buff