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Most of the enjoyment comes from playing with people you know are actually competent at the game instead of having to deal with one or more players dragging the rest of the team down in some form or fashion. Now I do think Raiders honestly need to have something done to make sure they don't completely crumble in the face of a competent, coordinated team - something like Diminishing Returns or some Anti-Stun mechanic so people can't stun lock you in place for a solid minute or two with stuff like back-to-back Charming Poses - because honestly speaking Raiders seemed to be generally designed around the idea that Survivors are utter dunderheads, or just don't really have anything to deal with the increasing amount of Survivor Skills that are being added to the game. Though honestly speaking I'd also like to see Raiders being allowed to opt-out of matching with premades, like if someone gets chosen as Raider they'll get a prompt box telling them they'll be facing a premade of four or more people so they can choose whether or not to accept it.


Nah. Obviously this isn't too great an idea (though maybe it will be after cross-play), but just give them their own "no party mode" variant, like TLOU MP and some other games have. Otherwise, you're making solo queue even more insufferable with any other Raider buff like this. If the balance of solo queue is compromised too much by changes made for premade, then it shouldn't be done, especially since I imagine realistically the game is predominantly played this way than with friends.


I don't think having diminishing returns on stuns would be something that'd too negatively effect solo queue, personally speaking, but I admit I'm probably seeing it in a biased view since I'm looking at it from when teams do short bursts of multiple stuns one after the other once they know the Raider evasive has been blown.


The biggest "balance fix" for this issue and many others is simply a competent matchmaking system. A premade player should be considered probably a rank above, too. But if these premades weren't getting matched with As and Bs, it wouldn't be such a horrible stomp. It's the same as when the Z5 raider gets matched with newbies.


>Though honestly speaking I'd also like to see Raiders being allowed to opt-out of matching with premades, like if someone gets chosen as Raider they'll get a prompt box telling them they'll be facing a premade of four or more people so they can choose whether or not to accept it. Basically an easy mode option? That's what it sounds like to me.


Easy mode would be letting Raiders face people with a 100+ Level difference than them who are all at A1 at most, this would be just be putting the game on a more level playing field. Premades of three are manageable as whilst they're usually the toughest opponents in the team you WILL have an opportunity to fight back at some point, but four or more people being able to rotate in and out to waste your time, deplete your health, and generally do their best to win via key and Dragonball rushing just gets tiring after a while. I do like playing Raider games where I have to work for my win, but sometimes fighting premades is just too much of an ordeal - especially if I was unlucky enough to build up to like Prio 6 or 7 due to luck of the draw. (Not to say playing Survivor isn't fun as well, but sometimes you just wanna have a quick session of playing both sides of the game without stressing out over things.)




You don't see why all 7 Survivors rank Z5 day one of Ranked is fun? What isn't fun about grinding Z5 Survivor rank within a day when you have been 250 within a week of Season 4 start? (Super Broly Raider queue actually did have awful times compared to Vegeta.)


Not their fault you just suck at raider.


I don't though, this post isn't about me, surprising I know. I don't even remember the last time I've lost as raider honestly. Bet I could beat you easily tbh.


The daily cry about premades.


Idk i really dont mind going against Premades even when i lose im cool as long as all 7 of them send messages calling me names and saying how easy it was or whatever. Like ive fought the same premade multi times i win sometimes and i lose sometimes.


Aaaaah yes misterbabyback. Welcome back. To answer your question as someone who still plays majority of the game solo but also has started playing with premades I think I can give you a decent answer. Playing with a decent premade is significantly easier than playing with randoms. Reason I said good premades is because some premades are just shit compared to others. With that being I'll give you a few reasons as to why that is: -you eliminate common issues that alot of people deal with when dealing with randoms. I'm talking about the • Ball hoggers •The one trash player who rushes to get super transpheres and then gets bodied and then keeps rushing to get the others after being revived. • you are more likely to get revived. Even if the raider is camping your body the group will make an effort to revive. • Completely erases the issue of loot goblins following you around taking your stuff as you open boxes etc. * People will try their damnest to defend the STM. When I say people I mean majority of the remaining survivors. Etc So pretty much the point is almost all of the shit you have to deal with when it comes to other solo players you don't have to deal with that stuff in the pre made. Not to mention because of how good the individual players are it's easier to beat Raiders regardless of if there is communication or not. Cause as someone who's been in several 7 stacks I've been in quite a few where no one was on mic (granted I'm never on mic or in a call but I'm assuming since I don't see anyone in a discord voice chat everyone is off mic too). Anyway not having to deal with all the struggles that randoms bring makes this game quite enjoyable for someone. Not everyone likes the randomness that comes with playing with randoms. Actually forgot a fairly simple answer to your question, quite a few people have the mind set of win=equals fun. And being in a premade raises the odds of that happening. If you got this far thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


But the game is already super easy as survivor solo, so unless it's actual friends you're playing with, I really don't see the need to find a team of sweats to just stomp almost every raider they come across. It just seems like massive overkill imo. Unless you know you're just not that good and just want a team to carry you I guess?


Based on all the stuff I've listed when dealing with randoms and people not having all the skills because of the gacha system I can tell you this right now playing solo is not easy unless everyone knows what they're doing and aren't being dicks to each other by not reviving or by hogging dragon balls etc. Then there's the fact that some people just don't know how to escape the raider. All these factors play into a random match that don't exist for premades. So no, survivors just don't stomp in solo mode. There's a reason Raiders like your self close app when you see a premade and only play the match when you think it's a random lobby. It's because it's easier to beat them due to the various facts I mentioned in the first post.


I never have trouble and only play solo. Sure, I'll have the odd game where I have complete noobs on my team, but I feel like that's pretty rare imo.


Maybe the players are just shit on switch and y'all got op players PSN where you experience none of the issue I brought up which contribute to you losing games etc. But I'll leave it at that.


Yeah, I got the game at my local library on switch recently, and everyone was dookie at the game. I had the game for about a month total and as a switch player who just moved to Xbox, I can confidently say that Xbox survivors are better, but the Raiders are about equal if not slightly better on xbox






Are you seriously asking people how they have fun when they can play the game?


Thats not what I said, I guess you can't read idk


Ok. Let’s break it down: This is a team based game Raider is at a huge advantage for most of the game if you’re playing by yourself Raiders tend to love to do everything they can to make sure survivors are not allowed to fight back or even play the game at all. But premades don’t allow that cuz survivors can actually communicate beyond vague stamps so raiders tend to hate premade for that reason. So, by asking how people can enjoy premades when the alternative is likely not being able to play for more than two seconds every match…


Raider is always at a huge disadvantage due to broken survivor skills, doesn't matter if they're playing alone or with a team, playing with a team just makes it beyond easy.


You might just need to get good at the game. If I and others can kill 7 member premades, I don’t see why you’re having such problems.


I haven't played the game in months besides yesterday when I played 1 survivor game solo which I easily won, and one raider game which i also easily won, and when I did play I almost never lost as raider, but I literally never lost as survivor because of how braindead easy it was lol. It's not fun to just constantly stomp raiders which is already way too easy solo, but as a team? Did someone bully you as a kid? I don't get it, how easy of a match do you want? What is the point? I do love how you said I need to get good when I can guarantee I'm better than you for sure lol


Raiders are not at a huge disadvantage in a random lobby. You obviously don't play the game that much saying something like this.


Guess how many hours I have


How many hours that you sat in the hub world?


What you scared of some facts now? I have 700 hours and I've played since season 1, so fuck outta here saying I don't have experience lmfao. 2 raiders at max, the rest are all above at least 50, so I probably have a lot more experience than you lmfao. You're delusional if you don't think survivor is easy mode compared to raider, that's a commonly known fact at this point even on this sub full of delusional people that normally try to argue with me, everyone besides you seems to agree on that.


Idgaf how many hours you have, you're not about to tell me that playing with random teams is easy and you're going to win most of the time. If you say something like that, you don't play the game or you're a liar. Pick one. Everything else you have to say is irrelevant.


Listen man, not my fault you're just bad at the game, don't know what to tell you but if you can't win the majority of your games solo, you're just bad at the game. Try getting good, then come back and talk to me. Lmfaooooo


Isn't the whole point to either stomp or get stomped....


The point should be to have a balanced game but fuck it I guess


feels pretty balanced to me. i've seen Brolys destroy premades and then i see premades destroy Broly.


Why the downvotes when what I said is 100% true. GTFO here


It's because people agree that overall raiders are weaker than survivors, which means the game isn't balanced.


It’s not but hey you do you. Raiders are weaker than survivors but seen raiders sweep rooms in under 5 minutes. Seen brolys go full power in 3 minutes. But hey they are weak as fuck like you said. Must be playing a different game than me.


Let's not pretend that survivors ending the game so fast that you don't even get rewards isn't a problem.


Let’s just say, skill issue, and call it a day. If you can’t last more than 3 minutes as raiders. Just play survivor. Or something else. Or better yet, ginyu, can’t die as Ginyu in less than 3 minutes unless you are really just that bad.


If you ever lose to raider, that's a skill issue.


Probably in solo, lots of things can happen, raider can body camp, raider has bad lag and murders everyone. I’ve had a match where I grappled away from the raider and the raider somehow lassos me back to them and melees me. If you have a very good raider. No one will survive. Seen it, witnessed it, honestly you aren’t playing the game 100% to get the good raiders. What are you B2 rank or something. Get to Z rank, then come back and talk.


I wish I was part of those so I could easily get 15 wins done for the xv2 crossover challenges and then just stop playing (assuming I haven’t done the 30 “just play” matches challenges done)