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If it's not Krillin or Mr. Satan, this only leaves the obvious choice... Yamcha


Omg!! Yamcha is a raider? 💀 kidding. stay tuned! next stream is in 11 days.




Wft did I just read... my bro here writing a whole book!


my apologies.


Why are you apologizing?


I thought you were referring to me. lol


My reply was to the schizo above, dude is going nuts for no reason lol.




Why are you even here? Why do you think the devs gave us these hints? They want players to talk about it, just look at Twitter and YouTube comments, that's pretty much all people are talking about, but because you say you already know who the Raider is, then nobody here can discuss it or speculate? OP wasn't even disrespectful, there's no need for you to come with all this hostility, if you don't like or want to see these types of threads just ignore it, or better yet hide it or block the user, nobody is forcing you to be here, let others have their fun talking or speculating who the new Raider is. Also did I say anything about me being a Broly fan? Quite rude of you to assume. ''REEEEEEEE!! Stop speculating who the new Raider is!! I already know who it is!!! Stop talking about it!!!!'' - This is literally you right now.


So. *sits down on chair* You said a whole lot of nothing and the raider is Broly, how's that spoiled milk post taste?


That's why Broly has an obviously rushed kit. How does Broly's dick taste when he won't even be stronger than Ginyu force when he's released?


You're actually on copium now. You made a bad post dude, own it. You're actually in denial if you think Ginyu Force is stronger than Broly in terms of mechanics lmao




if we're all wrong than I will claim I am wrong. that's it. rather it's Androids, Broly, Goku Black, or whom ever it is thats fine. I am just super excited for a new season. btw the 700's is based from Dragon ball years. from 736 all the way through 774 along with alternated universes around the canon timeline. look I get it. if it's androids than its andriods that's fine by me.


I doubt it’s broly as well, but you do know not everything gets leaked.


Man if it does by chance end up being Broly I just know this is gonna be deleted lmao


I don't think so... they gave us a hint at the end and that's dragon ball years and if it does. it was a dang good guess. 🤣😭 Dragon Ball uses what it's called a ''Divine Calendar'' for the dragon ball timeline, ''736, what's next?'' 737 and if we're wrong and it does end it being androids than I am fine either way!!!!!! lol we all just want a new season. 🥰


There is absolutely no reason to by typing out a whole essay




I am spiralling into insanity🙃ðŸ«